Pokemon et al.

Chapter 549 Phoenix King's Feather!


spn When Liu Qing returned, she saw that both Millie and Sirona had disappeared. After asking the servants, they found out that the two women had already gone shopping, and Bo Fengyu also rushed to the company. After entering the breeding garden, he greeted his little elf along the way, and then came to the place where the stormy salamander was staying.Visit download txt novel

"Storm salamander, aren't you used to the habit of living here?" Of course, what Liu Qing asked was not his own storm salamander at this time, but the one he got from Hunter J. As for the reason why he didn't ask himself the storm salamander Don't know where it went.

When hunter j's stormy salamander was just sent back, it thought it was abandoned by its owner, and it was in a slump all day. Fortunately, Liuqing's stormy newt persuasively persuaded him to accompany it every day, so that it gradually He regained his normal spirit, but he was still very unfamiliar with Liu Qing, and looked at Liu Qing with vigilant eyes, looking around, as if he was looking for something.

"Roar~" There was a roar, the eyes of the storm salamander suddenly lit up, and there was a response. Liu Qing looked up and saw the storm salamander flying over from a distance with a fruit in its mouth. Come, the storm salamander landed lightly on the ground, put the fruit on the ground, and put its head in Liu Qing's arms.

"I already have girlfriends, and you're still acting like a baby with me!" Liu Qing patted the forehead of the newt, laughing. [

After Liu Qing finished speaking, the violent salamander roared twice, seeming very proud, while the other one seemed very shy, and buried its head between its claws.

"Interesting, Storm Salamander, take good care of him, I'll go see other partners!" Liu Qing patted Storm Salamander on the forehead again, turned and walked towards other places.

In the pool, Gyarados and Menus are swimming; the hippopotamus king is looking up at the sky with his hands behind his back as if thinking about something; the giant pincer mantis is eating fruit in the woods; Accompaniment; Lucario leaning on the mountain wall to doze off; the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus is digging hard at the rocky mountain; Latios appears quietly; The elves played casually until finally, Liu Qing came to a deep valley.

There was a barking sound, and the wind speed dog floated over like the wind, Liu Qing joyfully put a hand on the wind speed dog's back, turned over with force under his feet, and sat firmly on the wind speed dog's back, The wind speed dog led the gallop in the bottom of the valley, and after a long time, the wind speed dog stopped after playing enough.

"Okay, Wind Speed ​​Dog, go and call your hostess' flame-winged moth!" After Liu Qing finished speaking to Feng Speed ​​Dog, he threw the jng spirit ball on his body, and the seven little jng elves Let it out, "The flame winged moth and the chandelier ghost stay here, everyone else can go and play!"

As Liu Qing finished speaking, a few little elves screamed cheerfully and dispersed, and when the wind speed dog returned after a while, a flame winged moth flew over with three pairs of petal-like wings flapping its back , the flowing flame-winged moths danced to meet them, dancing with each other.

Seeing this, Liu Qing smiled slightly, remembering the scene of Suicune and other three holy beasts that he saw in a different dimension, took out a golden feather about an inch long and short from his backpack, and greeted the four little elves Leaned over, let them form a circle, and put the feathers among them: "Everyone, it may be painful, but it will be of incomparable benefits to you, and it will allow you to transform, so , if anyone is unwilling, they can exit here!"

After Liu Qing finished speaking, none of the four little elves chose to leave, but stared at the feather with fiery eyes. It is estimated that if Liu Qing was not here, there would even be a robbery incident, which was far beyond Liu Qing's expectations. expected.

"But this is also very good!" Liu Qing secretly said, and sincerely said to the feather, "Feng Wang, you once gave me this feather, and now I want it to help Feng Suo and them, please Complete!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Qing looked at the feather in a daze, but saw that it hadn't changed in the slightest, and couldn't help feeling a little helpless, thinking that Feng Wang didn't agree, but just when he was about to go up to take back the feather, a rainbow appeared. Hanging across the valley, the feather gently floated up, spread out in mid-air, and turned into a ball of golden light that enveloped the four little elves. The light jumped up like a flame... …

"Success!" Liu Qing was inexplicably happy, and saw the four little elves in the golden flame, although their eyes were closed, but there was no expression of pain. Knowing that Feng Wang must have helped, she couldn't help but look at the flame Grateful, "Thank you, Phoenix King!" The flame flickered, as if responding to Liu Qing's gratitude.

"Nana, come with me!" A week later in the morning, Liuqing and Sirona got up and came to the zoo after breakfast.

"What the hell is it, so mysterious?" On the day she returned home, after shopping, Sirona heard Liu Qing say that she would surprise her in a few days, but she couldn't find out if she tried her best. What kind of surprise was it? Instead, he was taken to play in Kanto, and he didn't return until last night. At this time, he couldn't help but follow Liu Qing to the depths of the breeding garden curiously.

"Is this... where the little elf of the fire element stays?" After walking for a while, Sirona asked as she felt the gradually rising temperature.

"Hmm!" Liu Qing was very emotional at the moment, but his strong psychological quality ensured that he was not insane. He pointed to the distance and said, "Nana, look over there, do you feel anything?"

"It's so strange, there is a rainbow-like light, and there is air distortion caused by high temperature burning!" Sirona followed Liu Qing's hand to look over, and suddenly her eyes widened slightly, showing surprise look.

"Hey, that's the surprise I was talking about. It looks like it's going to succeed. Let's go there!" Liu Qing smiled, and took Sirona's hand and ran over quickly.

"What's going on?" When she stopped, Sirona's eyes were even more surprised, and she saw four groups of golden flames emitting colorful rays of light not far away, giving people a sense of holiness and inviolability, while In the flames, there are four little elves, a wind speed dog, a chandelier ghost, and two flame winged moths, all of them are motionless with their eyes closed, and their bodies are almost transparent, as if they are covered by the gold from inside to outside. The se flame is generally ignited, but one can feel the power of the golden flame being continuously absorbed by the four little elves during the burning.

Seeing the surprise in Sirona's eyes, Liu Qing couldn't help flashing a smile and satisfaction: "That flame is Phoenix King's Nirvana Flame!"[

"Nirvana flame? How could you get this kind of fire?" The alliance only owns the sacred fire of the flame bird, and only Fengwang Temple under the jurisdiction of the new Lingling Pagoda owns the Phoenix King Fire. It is this kind of nirvana fire that Feng Wang created the three holy beasts Sui Jun, Yandi and Lei Gong. Now looking at the four elves bathed in the nirvana fire, they can guess the result even with their toes. Sirona is at the moment Surprised and happy.

"Hey!" Liu Qing looked at Sirona's expression and couldn't help but feel a little proud, while Sirona glanced coquettishly at Liu Qing's proud expression, and pinched the soft flesh around her waist angrily, neither fast nor slow Spin up.

"It hurts, it hurts, why don't I tell you?" When it doesn't hurt, Liu Qing pretends to be full of pain. Sure enough, although Sirona knew the truth when she saw it, she still chose to let it go. Liu Qing also directly explained Said, "I was once lucky enough to meet the Phoenix King, and was given a feather about an inch long. Although it was not as good as the Phoenix King's feather that was enshrined at home, it was enough to trigger this bit of nirvana. It won't be long before the four little elves will be able to absorb the power of the flames, and then their strength will definitely rise to another level!"

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