Pokemon et al.

Chapter 582 Xiaochun vs Millie!

"Brother Liuqing, you are back!" When Liuqing finished his work, it was already dark, but as soon as he got home, Xiaochun's voice came over, still giving people a very frizzy feeling.

"Yo, it's Xiaochun!" Looking at Xiaochun who has grown a lot taller, Liuqing rubbed his hair and walked into the room. Seeing that Bo Fengyu and Mi Li were there, she hurriedly said, " Mom and Dad, I'm back!"

"Okay, that's it. It seems that everything is ready!" Bo Fengyu looked at Liu Qing, his eyes lit up, and Millie smiled gratifiedly.

"Yes, the next step is to adjust the status!" Liu Qing nodded.

"Brother Liuqing, I also got eight badges!" Xiaochun straightened her hair, followed Liuqing into the room, and took out her badge box as if offering a treasure. [

"Blue badge, it seems that you have grown a lot!" Looking at the drop-shaped badge in the badge box, Liu Qing praised, getting this badge is also an affirmation of Xiaochun's own strength .

"Really, really?" Satisfied with a compliment, Xiaochun really showed his true colors, full of fighting spirit, and said, "Brother Liuqing, let's fight!"

"Xiao Chun!" Millie called Xiao Chun before Liu Qing could speak, "Your elder brother must focus all his energy on the upcoming Four Heavenly Kings Championship Challenge!"

"Why is this so!" Xiaochun couldn't hide his disappointment, and looked at Liuqing.

"If Liu Yuan is here, he can fight with you, but he is still in Hezhong, so I'm sorry, Xiao Chun!" Liu Qing didn't want to fight next time, and apologized to Xiao Chun.

"Ah!" Xiaochun was 'desperate'.

"Xiaochun, if you want to fight, let your aunt come!" Bo Fengyu couldn't help being amused when he saw that Xiaochun seemed to have lost all his bones.

"Aunt?!" Xiaochun looked at Millie suspiciously. He had never heard of a battle between aunts.

"Don't underestimate your aunt, she is very strong!" Bo Fengyu reminded with a smile.

"Then what are you waiting for, Auntie, let's fight!" Xiaochun swept away his previous slump and was full of fighting spirit.

"It's too late now, if you want to fight, do it tomorrow morning!" Millie pointed to the already dark sky outside, but said in her heart, "Hmph, you actually underestimated me, it's really my old lady who doesn't show her power and thinks I can only manage the house Are you right?!"

"It seems that Xiaochun is going to be miserable!" Liu Qingliang smiled secretly.

The night passed in a blink of an eye, and the next morning, Xiaochun got up early, and came to the training ground in the family's breeding garden, accompanied by Millie, who was about to participate in the battle, and Liu Qing, who was watching the battle.

"Xiaochun, the battle rules are 3vs3, and my first player is it, Tiejiabei!" Millie put on a strong outfit today, with a dashing demeanor, giving people a completely different feeling from usual. Throwing it, an iron shell shell with a thick carapace appeared in the field, the shell opened, revealing a face with a cold smile.

"Iron armor shell, water and ice elves, then, I will use it! Go, flame horse!" Xiao Chun also threw the elf ball as he said, and with a loud and clear long hiss, flame horse appeared In the arena, the hard and shiny hoofs kicked the face, and the flames rolled up, showing full momentum.

"Xiaochun, I'm starting now!" Millie said this in a gentle tone, but after she finished speaking, her expression became as cold as ice, and her voice became cold, "Iron armor, iron wall! "

"Dealing with slow elves depends on speed, flaming horse, flashing fire!" Xiaochun gave the order very confidently, and the flaming horse also rushed out in an instant, dragging a white light. It had already hit the Tiejiabei, knocking it backwards.

Seeing that the trick worked, Xiaochun snapped his fingers: "Serial kicks!"

The flaming horse neighed and twisted its body, then pointed its hind hooves at the armored shell, and kicked it out like two sharp knives. At this time, the shell of the armored shell was closed, shining with a metallic luster, and kicked it in a row,' With two muffled bangs, Tiejiabei slid backwards again. [

"Attack, attack, gunfire charge!" Xiao Chun's face was already showing joy, and he issued an order excitedly.

The flaming horse kicked all four hooves, smoke and dust rose from the ground, faintly emitting a red light, the heat wave was overwhelming, and the smoke and dust dispersed in a blink of an eye, a flaming horse whose whole body was covered in red flames He ran out and quickly approached the armored shell.

"Iron wall!" Millie still ordered calmly, and the metal luster appeared on the whole body of the iron armor shell again.

"Boom~" Another muffled sound came, and the flaming horse hit the armored shell, and the armored shell was knocked back again, but this time it can be clearly seen that the distance of sliding back is shorter than the previous two times a lot.

"Quick, quick, quick, continue to use the gunfire charge!" This time the gunfire charge, the flaming horse gathered strength even faster, and its whole body was directly wrapped in flames, and it slammed into the armored shell.

"Iron wall!" Millie still ordered calmly.

"Boom~" Another muffled sound came, but Xiao Chun was dumbfounded, seeing that the armored shell remained motionless, and the flames all over the flame horse dissipated, screaming and turning back.

"Iron Armor Shell, blast the rock!" In the sound of Millie's order, Iron Armor Shell opened the shell, and sent out a series of attacks from the spikes on the top of the forehead, hitting the flame horse one after another until five times. After the end, the flame horse fell directly to the ground, trying to struggle to stand up, but slipped and couldn't stand up.

"The chain skill feature [property], it seems that the flame horse will not be able to stand up now!" Liu Qing commented lightly with a smile on his face.

"Raging Flame Horse, use Chaozhiyang to recover quickly!" Xiaochun nervously issued an order, and Raging Flame Horse looked up at the rising sun, and his body began to emit a soft light.

"Oh, even Chaozhiyang can do it, but the timing is wrong!" Liuqing said regretfully, "Tiejiabei's speed is indeed not fast, but there is a trick that can speed up the speed and strength!"

"Iron armor shell, break out of the shell!" Liu Qing was familiar with Millie's iron shell shell, and Millie was naturally more familiar with it.

In the order, the armored shell's body directly broke away from the shell and jumped into the air. The black body exuded a glass-like red light, which shattered like glass. At this moment, the iron armored shell's speed suddenly It soared, dragging an afterimage in the air and approaching the flame horse.

"Flame horse, hurry up!" Xiao Chun was anxious, and quickly shouted loudly.

"Shell blade!" However, before it was too late, under Millie's order, the armored shell body spun up, forming a blade made of water, which directly hit the forehead of the flame horse, and the flame horse suddenly screamed and fell down. Lost combat power on the ground.

"Ah, flame horse!" Xiaochun suddenly exclaimed, then took back the flame horse, and took out the second elf ball, "After breaking out of the shell, the defense power of the armored shell will be reduced, it's up to you, card Than the beast!"

"It has evolved into a Kirby!" Liu Qing was about to see what Xiaochun would do when he suddenly received a notice saying that a special guest was waiting for him in the living room. There was no other way, so Liu Qing had to leave quietly. After leaving the nursery, I came to the living room.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

ps: A small battle, as an appetizer before the final battle!

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