Pokemon et al.

Chapter 595 vs King of Fighting Shiba! 3

"Extremely poisonous!" At this time, due to the recycling effect of the vines, both of Shawarang's feet were firmly fixed on the ground, and he was blocked from moving. How could Liu Qing let go of such a good opportunity and immediately launched attacked.

Following Liu Qing's order, Roseredo's movements were also fast, and the coquettish purple light quickly passed from the flowers at the front of both arms through the vines, and quickly spread towards Shawarang.

"What a powerful vine, it can even block Shawarang's mega-ton kick, but..." Shawarang's mega-ton kick has defeated many opponents in previous competitions. Now that he was taken down so easily, even Shiba was a little surprised, but what he got in exchange was more blood boiling and excitement of fighting, not to mention that his Shawarang not only has legs that can be stretched, looking at it With the power of the rapidly spreading poisonous explosion, Xiba immediately waved his fist and gave a command, "Shawarang, combine your fists together!"

Hearing this, Shawarang moved almost in sync with Xiba, and saw his right fist clenched, stretched out rapidly, and on the way to hit Roseredo, it quickly gathered white light, becoming It was extremely dazzling. With the hit of the poison, the purple light spread through Shawarang's feet to the whole body, but the power of Qi Hequan also hit the unsuspecting Rosereiduo at the same time, and because of the vines, The power of this punch was completely applied to it, and with a scream, the vines could no longer restrain Shawarang, and they were pulled out from the ground and thrown backwards along with Roseredo. He fell to the ground with a 'bang', splashing a lot of smoke and dust, and the field fell silent, except for Shawarang's hard breathing due to being in a highly toxic state.

"Hands can actually be stretched?!" Xiao Chun was so surprised that she could hardly speak. [

"Rosredo can't fight, Shavalan wins!" As the smoke cleared, the referee announced immediately after judging Roseredo's state.

"It's an unexpected combination of qi and fist, Roseredo fell down!" The voice of the commentator also rang out at the moment when the referee's voice fell, and the cheers of the audience went straight to the sky.

"Rosredo, your efforts will not be in vain, come back and rest!" Looking at Shawarang who was in a highly poisonous state, the corners of Liu Qing's mouth slightly raised, and after taking back Roseredo, a second elf appeared in his hand The ball was thrown out, "Coconut egg tree, I'll leave it to you!" As the elf ball opened, a loud voice came out, and a coconut egg tree about 2 meters away appeared in the field, with three heads with different expressions .

"Shawarang, Megaton kick!" Xiba made a kicking motion and gave the order first.

Although Shawarang fell into a highly poisonous state, his speed did not decrease at all. Following the order, he exerted force instantly, his right foot glowed blue, and Kuaibi kicked directly towards the coconut egg tree.

"Coconut egg tree, mental disturbance!" Seeing this, Liu Qing immediately fought back.

The coconut egg tree may not move as fast as Shawarang, but because of the three heads, the body can take precautions around the body, and the reaction speed is not slow. As soon as the clear sound falls, all six eyes utter The colorful light stared at Shawarang, but I have to say that Shawarang's speed is also super fast. If the two sides are not too far apart and the speed of Roserador's vines is extremely fast in the confrontation, it would be impossible to fight against Roseredo. He couldn't stop the million-ton kick, but at this time Shawarang was very close to the coconut tree. When the coconut tree launched its unique move, the power of the million-ton kick directly broke through the relatively weak initial stage. Mental interference attacked the coconut tree and kicked the coconut tree backwards. However, the coconut tree was not weak. Although the body flew back, the power of mental interference completely controlled Shawarang.

"How can this little power restrain you, Shawarang, kick it with explosive flames!" Xiba is proficient in the "Profound Meaning of Strength". These situations are naturally controlled by superpowers, and Xiba is also the second king among the four heavenly kings in the city area, and his strength is still higher than Kazuki of the superpower department and Aju of the poison department. Ordinary rankings, but actual rankings obtained through battles.

Although Liuqing's own strength surpasses Shiba's, the coconut egg tree used is still at the level of a king, and it is not even as powerful as the coconut egg tree of Kazuki, who specializes in super powers, when using super power tricks. Therefore, following Shiba's order, Shawaran's body began to struggle, and the colored light on the surface of his body flickered violently.

"Coconut Egg Tree, throw Shawarang out!" Although Liu Qing is very confident in his Coconut Egg Tree, it depends on different opponents. Coconut Egg Tree was also powerless, so he gave the order decisively.

Following the order, the six eyes of the Coconut Tree shone with colorful light, and Shawarang's body was also impacted at the same time, and he was thrown into the air. However, Shawarang's fighting skills are also extremely exquisite. His left foot At a point on the ground, the body spun around to dissipate the strength, and while the right foot stretched out, raging flames burst out, and it kicked sideways at the coconut egg tree.

"Coconut Egg Tree, clear up the sun!" At this time, Liu Qing also truly realized the horror of Xiba's fighting skills, which was not comparable to that of the first scene against Coporan, or if it wasn't for the surprise of the roselet vines in the first scene As a result, Kepolan's fighting skills could not be brought into full play, and the one who was defeated might be Liu Qing, but Liu Qing was not a coward, but became stronger when he met the strong, and his heart was burning with an extremely excited desire to fight , but his head became clearer and his expression became calmer.

Hearing the words, Coconut Egg Tree immediately reacted quickly. The head on the right side paid attention to the explosive kick coming from the side, and ran quickly to pay attention to dodging while gathering strength. A bright ball of light gathered above the head, facing the sky It was launched, and it exploded directly forming a ripple. Immediately, the whole sky was full of sunlight. Shawarang, who was facing the sun, was pierced by the strong light, and subconsciously closed his eyes, but the pain in his legs The movement didn't stop at all, and it quickly approached the coconut egg tree.

The characteristic of the coconut egg tree is chlorophyll. It was already afternoon at this time, and the sun was enhanced by the clearing, and the speed suddenly increased. The reason, the flames on Shawarang's feet soared, and directly brushed the coconut egg tree's waist, causing the latter to show a painful look.

"Shawarang, kick with flying knees!" Xiba seized the opportunity, unwilling to give Coconut Egg Tree a chance to react, and quickly issued an order while doing a knee-up posture.

Following the order, I saw Shawarang stepping on the ground with his flaming right foot, his hands stretched out like lightning, directly clasping the coconut tree, his left leg bent, and following the spring of his hands and right leg Shrinking in a similar way, pulling the body and approaching rapidly, the left leg and knee pushed towards the coconut egg tree. The set of movements was like flowing water, as fast as lightning, without wasting any strength or time.

"Grab the opponent with both hands to ensure the hit rate of the flying knee kick!?" Ordinary savarons can only extend their legs, but this savarang in Xiba is trained somehow, and even its arms can't stretch. It can be extended in the same way, and the flexibility is not as good as that of the legs. Even if the speed of the coconut egg tree has been increased by more than twice, it still cannot escape the grasp of Savalang's flexible and extended hands. Being controlled by his body shape, he can only watch Watching the flying knee kick come.

"If you can't hide, then attack, coconut egg tree, sun and flames!" Liu Qing is also a decisive person. Since Xiba chose to fight recklessly, let's see who is the best, and quickly issued an order.

At this time, the sun was shining brightly, and the time for the coconut egg tree to absorb and store power was extremely short. At the same time as Shawarang's attack came, a dazzling ray was fired from the head facing Shawarang directly to the knee that was coming up. The beam of light caused a wave of air ripples and collided with the flying knee kick, making a loud bang, and the intense energy storm generated by the violent explosion scattered in the middle of the bodies of the two elves, but because Shawarang's hands were not loosened, and the impact of the explosion was completely endured by the two elves. [

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