Pokemon et al.

Chapter 628 vs Dragon Champion Crossing! 18

"Liuqing, you're really good. It's been a long time since I've been forced to this point!" Du said to Liuqing with a fighting spirit after taking back the red-faced dragon.

"To be honest, since I became a trainer, I was forced to be so miserable!" Liu Qing was also full of fighting spirit.

"Then, next will be my strongest partner! Let's go, Kuailong!" Du said as he took out the last poke ball and threw it out. As the poke ball opened, a Kuailong appeared on the field In the middle, a dozen or so stone slabs suddenly appeared on the field, and suddenly closed in the middle, there was a bang, and the smoke and dust scattered, but they were quickly 'torn' apart by an orange-yellow arm, revealing the calm and composed Kuailong.Although it is also a fast dragon, it is quite different from Du's first fast dragon in every respect. This one is more powerful.

"It is also my strongest partner! Next is the final battle for the championship, Stormy Newt, I leave it to you!" Liu Qing also took out the last poke ball and threw it out, following The poke ball opened, and the storm salamander flapped its scarlet wings and appeared in midair, staring at the fast dragon that appeared on the ground.

Looking at the storm salamander looking down on it, Kuailong's eyes flashed a trace of dissatisfaction, and he flapped his wings and flew to the same height as the storm salamander. Although the two elves didn't make a sound, there was a gleam between their eyes. The dull and oppressive atmosphere spread, and even affected the entire venue, making all the audience quiet down involuntarily, becoming silent. [

"This will be a pinnacle battle representing the champion!" At this time, not only Liuqing Hedu, who is the trainer of the storm salamander and the fast dragon, but even Sirona in the auditorium, watching from far away in the Fangyuan area The former champion Dawu, the current champion Mikri and other champion trainers have all noticed the strength of these two elves.

"Come on, Storm Salamander, Dragon's Claw!" Seeing that the confrontation between Storm Salamander and Kuailong reached its apex, Liu Qing launched the attack first.

Following the order, the storm salamander flapped its wings, broke through the air, and turned into a blue light and shadow, approaching Kuailong in an instant, with a white light shining from its right paw, and slapped down on Kuailong.

"Kuailong, use the freezing punch!" Facing the first attack of the storm salamander, Du seemed relatively calm and calm, and quickly counterattacked.

Seeing that the salamander's right paw was about to hit, Kuailong's upper body retreated slightly to avoid the attack, and in response to Du's order, his right paw shone with ice blue light, heading straight for the salamander's jaw from bottom to top.

"Kuailong is so fast! But my storm salamander is not slow!" Liu Qing thought to himself, and quickly ordered, "Storm salamander, Thunder Fang!"

The violent salamander missed the dragon's claw, and was immediately counterattacked by the fast dragon. Although it could be avoided, the violent salamander did not panic, and calmly waited for Liu Qing's order. At this time, when he heard Liu Qing's voice, The lightning-like movement of the storm salamander opened its mouth and directly bit the right fist of the fast dragon. The electric current of the thunder tooth and the cold air of the frozen fist collided fiercely, and it exploded in an instant, and the two elves were shocked by the explosion. Influences also had to be separated from each other.

"Kuailong, use the storm!" Taking advantage of the timing of the explosion, Du immediately launched an attack and quickly issued an order.

Although the two elves Kuailong and Violent Salamander were both affected by the explosion, their powerful defenses prevented them from receiving much damage at all. At most, they were repelled by the impact force generated by the explosion. Command, Kuailong also responded instantly, flapping its two wings vigorously, forming a violently rotating storm in front of him, whizzing and sucking in the storm salamander that was about to attack.

"Kuailong, use the destructive death light!" Du's command was concise and powerful. Whenever there was an opportunity, he immediately and accurately grasped it. He wanted to let Liu Qing fall into his fighting rhythm, and quickly launched a series of attacks, and Kuailong followed suit. Opening his mouth quickly gathered golden energy.

"Storm Salamander, Dragon Star Group!" Liu Qing naturally knew that if caught in a storm, he would be given a chance to attack, so how could he not take precautions, so he also issued an order almost at the same time.

Affected by the storm, the body of the storm salamander rotated uncontrollably, but following Liu Qing's order, the storm salamander quickly gathered strength, and an orange-yellow light ball quickly rose from the abdomen and launched from the mouth It came out, spun rapidly and protruded from the storm, rose to high altitude, exploded into countless brilliant lights like fireworks, dragged the orange light, and also spun and roared down, attacking Kuailong.

Kuailong's reaction was extremely fast. When he saw the dragon star group coming like a meteor shower, he realized that there was nothing he could do. He gathered a lot of power in his mouth and dissipated it. He spotted the dragon star group falling from the top of his head, and his body moved like lightning , while brushing against the group of dragon stars one after another, it also approached the storm salamander.

"Quick Dragon, use Freezing Fist!" Seeing more and more Dragon Stars being dodged away, Du also counted the timing and launched an attack.

"Storm Salamander, Dragon's Charge!" Although it was a pity that Kuailong dodged the attack of Dragon Star Group, Liu Qing was not anxious. After all, the main purpose was to prevent Kuailong from using the destroying death light. When the goal was achieved, the power of the storm couldn't restrain the storm salamander, so Liu Qing seized the opportunity to launch an attack.

The dragon stars fell one by one, and Kuailong completely avoided them in the blink of an eye, and the whole field was also aroused by the attack of the dragon stars. The smoke and dust were aroused by the attack of the dragon stars. Just as Kuailong passed through the smoke, his right claw gradually When the icy blue light was emitted, the sharp horns on the forehead of the storm salamander and the scarlet eyebrows first emitted dark blue light, which spread all over the body in an instant, spirally rotating, and at the moment when Kuailong's frozen fist struck, the dragon's The charge was like a dark blue meteor, hitting its abdomen first, sending out circles of energy ripples and making a muffled sound.

After being hit hard by this, Kuailong couldn't help showing a painful expression. Before it could make a counterattack, the violent salamander had already exerted its strength suddenly, rushed away from Kuailong's body and flew out, and Kuailong followed suit. It was thrown into the air, but it stopped after only stepping back a short distance.

"Cheer up, Kuailong, use the storm!" Du's eyes lit up, and he really felt the strength of the storm salamander that can fight against his ace Kuailong head-on, but it's too much to think about defeating Kuailong with this attack easy.

Following Du's order, Kuailong, who had just stabilized his figure, moved along the trend, and when his wings flapped suddenly, a violently rotating storm formed in front of him, whistling with a strong rotating force, he rushed straight to the scattered surrounding body. With the power of the dragon's charge, the violent salamander turned and went away. [

"What a strong defense!" Seeing Kuailong recovering and counterattacking so quickly, Liu Qing couldn't help but secretly sigh with emotion, but if the storm launched at such a distance, the storm salamander cannot be called Liu Qing's if it can't escape The ace is up, "Storm Salamander, Dragon's Claw!"

Sensing the storm that was sweeping behind him, the storm salamander glanced slightly. The flapping of the wings created a strong airflow. It turned and flew in an arc. It dodged the attack and faced Kuailong directly. The claws gradually glowed white.

"Quick Dragon, use the destructive death light!" Looking at the storm salamander who easily avoided the storm attack, Du's expression did not change at all, and he issued an order calmly.

Following the order, Kuailong faced the approaching storm salamander, opened his mouth to gather golden power, and suddenly released a dazzling beam of light, which spirally stirred up strong air waves, as if even the space was blocked After breaking through, he went straight to the storm salamander.

The speed and agility of the storm salamander are extremely good. Seeing the oncoming destructive death ray, the body immediately counterattacked, quickly dodged high and high to avoid the direct attack of the destructive death ray, and wanted to fly in a circle. Attack the fast dragon with its claws.

But it is clear that this fast dragon has been prepared for a long time. With its head turned slightly, the beam of light that originally passed under the storm salamander moved suddenly, and directly hit the lower abdomen of the storm salamander, whose body was about to be lowered to the side and was caught off guard. , and continued to move up, so that the attacking position moved to the front chest. The powerful energy acted on the violent salamander, not only stopping its advance, but also a violent explosion sounded 'boom', and the powerful impact force swept across. Then the body of the storm salamander was overturned uncontrollably.

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