Pokemon et al.

Chapter 82 Dangerous!Celebi! ! !


At this moment, Liu Qing clearly felt that the boy behind him was showing signs of activity, and it seemed that he had been jolted awake after running all the way.Liu Qing immediately put it on the ground, encouraged him aloud, the boy's eyelids moved, and he opened his eyes suddenly, but he pushed Liu Qing hard enough to sit on the ground.

"I will never hand over Celebi to you!" The boy seemed not fully awake, and he staggered a little when he stood up. Souu. org

"Hey, wake up, wake up quickly!" Liu Qing naturally wouldn't be angry with the young man who looked younger than him, stood up on his own, held the excited young man's shoulders, and shouted loudly while shaking.

After Liuqing's shaking and shouting, the boy seemed to calm down, looked at Liuqing, and then looked around.

"What the hell happened?" The boy suddenly became at a loss and said blankly. [

"That's exactly what we want to ask you." Liu Qing replied, and of course Liu Qing also guessed that it might be Celebi's credit.

"What's going on?" Meijiu and her grandmother also climbed down the wooden ladder from the tree house at this time, Meijiu asked, and Meijiu's grandmother Yongjiu suddenly showed a very surprised expression, and ran towards the juvenile.

"You are... that's right, you were from that time... that's great." Said Perfect Jiu's grandmother forever pressed directly on the boy's shoulder, and then hugged him, but the boy was at a loss.

"Grandma, do you know him?" Meijiu asked.

"Didn't I tell you before? A boy disappeared in this forest 40 years ago." Meijiu's grandmother let go of the boy and replied.

"Could it be... this child?" Meijiu looked surprised.

"Yes, you can't be wrong." Grandma Meijiu said forever, and looked at the boy again.

"Ah, you are, the aunt who gave me bread at that time?" The young man seemed to remember it, and the old man nodded happily upon hearing this.

A group of people came to the tree house on the big tree, and Meijiu's grandmother handed a package to the boy, "Did you drop this?"

"This is mine." After taking the package and opening it, an old booklet appeared, the boy looked at it and nodded.

"You must have traveled through time and space and came here 40 years ago." Grandma Meijiu said solemnly.

"By the way, Celebi, where is Celebi?" The boy suddenly remembered something and asked excitedly.

"Celebi?" Liu Qing was a little puzzled, but he only found this young man at that time.

"There is an elf with me, right!?" The boy was anxious.

"Sorry, I only found you at that time." Liu Qing shook his head and said.

"You... Could it be that you saw Celebi?" The helpless expression looked very surprised!

"Yes." The boy replied with certainty.

"The one called the god of the forest... is Celebi." Yong Yong said with emotion.

Meijiu helped to add from the side: "The patron saint of the forest, Celebi, can give the forest vitality, and has the ability to travel through time and space." [

"It is said that Celebi lives near the Lake of Life in the depths of the forest, but no one has actually seen it travel through time and space." Yong Yong continued, at this time the boy suddenly stood up.

"Celebi is injured, I have to rescue him now." The boy said, ready to run outside.

"It turns out that when Dr. Oki was an elf trainer, he was as passionate and a little impatient as Xiaozhi." Seeing such a scene, Liu Qing immediately stood up after thinking about it.

"I'll go with you too. I have a happy egg on me, which can heal Celebi." Liu Qing said, "My name is Liu Qing, and I'm an elf trainer."

"Thank you, my name is Xuecheng." The boy also introduced himself.Dr. Oki's full name is Oki Yusei.

Keep walking forward, on the surface it seems that she is only walking in the direction of the road, but in fact Liu Qing has been walking according to her heart, and Liu Qing believes that since her heart let her come here, she will definitely find where Celebi is.

Liu Qing walks in front, and those behind will habitually follow those in front, which can be regarded as a biological habit.Soon the two of them passed through the dense forest and came to several fallen giant trees. This time, two trees were stacked together. In the gap between the two trees, many elves gathered there. Even though Liu Qing didn't have the ability to perceive, he knew that there must be something important to the elf.

The original intention of the elves gathering there was to care about Celebi, but they also exposed it unknowingly, and perhaps it was an indirect "good intention" to do bad things.

"Let's go there." Liu Qing said, after observing, Xuecheng obviously agreed with Liu Qing's opinion, and nodded.Run forward together, grab the hanging vines and climb up.There were also many little elves gathered on it, and seeing the two people who appeared at this time, they involuntarily dispersed.

There was a tree hole between the two trees. Liu Qing and Xue Cheng stepped forward to take a look. Sure enough, there was a Celebi lying in it. It seemed that it had no energy and was seriously exhausted.

"Celebi, you are here, it's okay, come out." Seeing that Celebi was in the cave, Xuecheng stretched out his hand to bring it out and treat it, but unexpectedly, Celebi suddenly " "Bi" yelled, and felt a strong shock wave in an instant!While flying back and forth, he managed to grab a cane with great difficulty, held on to it, and turned sideways, finally without being blown off by the impact.

Not to mention the battle between Chaomeng and Fantasia that Liuqing has forgotten, this is the first time he saw the legendary elf in the true sense, and Liuqing has to admit that this legendary elf Sure enough, they are not simple characters. They are comparable to the extraordinary elves, and they can launch such an attack just by being seriously injured. If Celebi is physically strong, the power caused can definitely be described as horror.

"Celebi, we are not bad people..." The shock wave came and went quickly. After climbing up again, Liu Qing wanted to see if he could persuade Celebi to come out, but he didn't know that the appearance of human beings was in Celebi. They are all the same. Before Liu Qing finished speaking, Celebi used her own strength again, and a few vines grew out of the tree hole protruding from it, and kept whipping to block Liu Qing. close.

Liu Qing also knew that Celebi was very wary at this time, so he didn't say anything more, but he was not reconciled to leaving at this point, so he could only bear the attack of the rattan, and at this time Xuecheng also quickly moved from the other side. climbed up.

"Celebi was injured by a hunter's attack, so it should be very afraid of us humans now." Xuecheng seemed to be afraid that Liu Qing would misunderstand Celebi, so he quickly explained the reason.

"But going on like this is not a solution! After all, Celebi is not physically strong enough, and using strength like this will make it even weaker!" Liu Qing nodded to express his understanding, and said to Xuecheng, Xuecheng and Liu Qing looked at each other After a glance, it seemed that he had made a decision at the same time, regardless of the whipping of the rattan, he leaned forward again.

"Celebi, don't be afraid, we won't hurt you." Liu Qing tried her best to sound soft.

"It's okay if you don't understand me, we just want to help you and be friends with you." Xuecheng said together, as if feeling the kindness of the two, Celebi's attack obviously weakened, I don't know it was Xuecheng's Even if her language level is higher than her own, Celebi can still remember Xuecheng.

"Let's be friends." Xuecheng said, and moved forward a little, Celebi's attack basically stopped, Xuecheng stretched out his hand, ready to touch Celebi, Celebi Staring blankly at Xuecheng's every move, when Xuecheng's hand was about to touch her, Celebi immediately closed her eyes, and the vines also instantly stiffened. It seemed that Celebi was still very scared, but in Patience is like trying to trust Xuecheng.

Xuecheng's hand touched Celebi's face, and Celebi slowly opened his eyes. It seemed that he was surprised that this boy was so gentle to him. He stared blankly at Xuecheng, and then Looking at Liu Qing on the side, it seems that his guard has been dispelled.

After stroking and seeing that Celebi didn't resist, Xuecheng took another step forward and hugged Celebi out. Seeing that Celebi came out, the elves seemed not to be afraid of these two humans anymore. Gathered once.Celebi lay in Xuecheng's arms, looking at Xuecheng with doubtful and incredible eyes.

"There's nothing wrong now." Xuecheng said again, and Celebi seemed to have really relaxed and closed his eyes. It seemed that the attack just now had made him even weaker. [

The seriousness of Celebi's situation was beyond Liuqing and Xuecheng's imagination. The two jumped off the tree in a hurry. Liuqing released the happy egg and began to treat Celebi, while Xuecheng was busy looking for something that could treat the injury. and the fruit of restoring strength.

However, even with the treatment and fruit of the happy egg, there is no way to restore Celebi's vitality, but it looks a little better. Liuqing and Xuecheng finally decided to send Celebi back to Meijiu and her grandmother first, so that Xue The rabbi should take a good rest. As for sending him to the elf center, that's nonsense.

Not to mention that to go to the elf center, you must go to Asahi Onion City, and the elf center is mixed with fish and dragons. It is not very safe to bring a legendary elf like Celebi, let alone now that Celebi has left In danger, according to Xuecheng, all Celebi needs now is a quiet rest, and there is no need to go to the elf center.Meijiu and her grandmother are the guards at the entrance of the forest. Although they have only known each other for a short time, Liuqing is willing to believe that they are good people, so naturally she will not tell about Celebi.

But when the two returned, suddenly a large spider-like machine appeared in the middle of the road, and a person with a mask was sitting on the console on top.

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