Pokemon et al.

Chapter 9 Get the 3D Dragon and Challenge the Rainbow Gym


After a day of rest at home with spn, Liu Qing finally decided to go on the road again, but seeing the Huayu brand car parked in front of her and Millie dressed as a lady in the car, Liu Qing asked curiously: "Mom, Where are you going?"

"Of course I'm going to Rainbow City!" Millie said, blinking her eyes, "Mom used to make the perfume there by herself, and the perfume has been used up recently, and you happen to be going too, of course we'll go together, by the way, Mom I also want to see your gym battle."

"Uh, okay." Liu Qingyu nodded, opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat, and headed for Rainbow City.

More than two hours later, Millie and Liuqing arrived in Rainbow City. The whole city was filled with a nice smell of perfume, and it was also a very developed city, where department stores and electronic playgrounds were located. in a city.

"Hey~" Suddenly, the car stopped at the entrance of a perfume shop, and through the glass, a beautiful salesperson could be seen giving perfume to customers. [

"It smells so good, it feels refreshing." After Millie entered the door, Liu Qing couldn't help sniffing her nose and said.

"Hey, does this young man know perfume?" Following the sweet voice, a black-haired girl came out of the room. When she saw Millie, she immediately greeted her, "So it's Mrs. Bofeng, welcome. Come, this boy is..."

"Hehe, Alicia, it's my son Bo Fengliuqing." Millie said with a smile, "It seems that he likes your perfume very much. He praised you as soon as he entered the door."

"Hehe, that's really my honor." Alicia smiled, "I happen to have several men's perfumes here, do you want to try them?"

"No, no need, owner Elijah, I'm here for the Gym Challenge..." Seeing the waiter walking over with men's perfume, Liu Qing quickly explained her reason for coming.

"Hey, how do you know that I am the owner of the Rainbow Gym? But today is not possible. I am developing a new type of perfume, and it has reached a critical moment." Alicia looked at Liu Qing disappointed, giggling Smiled, "But it can be done today. If you want to challenge, you can do it tomorrow. Tomorrow I will wait for you to challenge in the gymnasium."

"Great, I'll go to the Rainbow Gym tomorrow morning." Liu Qing said hastily.

"Ailijia, what new perfume are you developing, can you let me have a look first?" Upon hearing Alijia's words, Millie became energetic and asked quickly.

"Of course, Mrs. Bofeng is also an expert in making perfume?" Alijia smiled coquettishly and led Millie into the room, not even caring about the flow.

"Sure enough, a perfume woman!" Liu Qing sighed inwardly, thinking of the electronic playground in this city, and remembering that in her previous life, she could exchange games for elves at the end, and she wondered if there would be such a reward here.

When Liu Qing came to the service desk of the electronic playground, he saw a large banner pasted on the wall behind the service desk, on which was written the highest reward of the electronic playground, a mysterious elf.

"I just don't know what kind of elf it could be." Liu Qing was puzzled, but she changed the game currency and found a machine to make it.

When playing games before, Liu Qing had already found a pattern, and now this pattern is obviously applicable. After trying out the first few games, a legend was immediately created, which will be circulated for a long time in the future: one day a blonde The blue-eyed boy won the highest prize in the game field with ten game coins.

When I came out of the game field, I thought about the astonished expression of the waiter and the mournful smile of the overweight manager when I went to exchange.

"Come out, let me see what kind of elf you are?" Coming to the grass in Rainbow City Park, Liu Qing threw out the unauthenticated elf ball exchanged from the game field.

"Hey, I didn't expect it to be the little elf Sanlong!" Looking at the little elf who just appeared in front of him and was about to run away, Liu Qing couldn't help showing a smile after throwing the flying mantis to block its way.

This world is different from the animation world. In the animation, the elves that appear in each area that Xiao Zhi visits are only discovered for the first time or are the most common in the area represented, and after so many years, each area has more or less other areas. The little elves live, but it is more difficult to find, so each illustrated book is also a full version, of course, except for the undiscovered elves. , Evolutionary type other than Lei.However, relatively speaking, people in each region generally know more about elves in this area, and few people know about elves in other regions. However, Sanlong is an artificial elf in the Kanto region that has just appeared for less than a year. If it was an ordinary elf, just let it go, and there is no need to do this now.

"Flying Mantis, Wagou!" Hearing Liu Qing's order, Flying Mantis quickly flew to Sanlong's side, the sickle turned white, and slammed on Sanlong's body fiercely, sending him flying away Immediately, the three dragons showed a painful expression, but they did not lose their fighting power. Instead, they held back the pain, formed a triangular yellow energy body in front of them and fired it at the flying mantis .

"The unyielding character is interesting." Liu Qing watched the Flying Mantis make a beautiful turn to avoid the triangle attack and said, "One more time, Wa cut!" [

"Woo!" The flying mantis flew to Sanlong's side again, and then slammed on Sanlong's body fiercely, and Sanlong also let out a scream.

"Go, Poké Ball." Liu Qing took out his Poké Ball and threw it out at the right time, and hit Sanlong accurately. After flashing a few times, it stabilized, and then disappeared on the grass.

"I guess it was teleported back to the breeding house at home!" Liu Qing was not surprised when she saw the disappearing poke ball, and returned to the perfume shop.

On the second day, in the Rainbow Gym, Liuqing and Alijia took their respective positions in the competition, and listened to the referee talking about the rules of the competition, adopting a 3vs3 competition method.

"Although your mother is a customer of my perfume shop, I will not show mercy." Alicia said seriously, and released the first elf, "Go, giant vine!"

"It turned out to be the evolution of the vine monster." Liu Qing took out a poke ball and threw it into the air, "Flying Mantis, it's you!"

"Liuqing, come on!" Seeing the start of the challenge, Millie, who was sitting in the auditorium, encouraged loudly.

"Giant vine, attack first, vine whip!" Following Alijia's order, the giant vine immediately stretched out two vines glowing with purple light to attack the flying mantis!

"Stay away, Yan Fan!" Liu Qing calmly ordered.

"Ho!" With a low shout of the flying mantis, it dodged the sweeping vines with a flap of its wings, and white light bands appeared from its whole body, and it appeared in front of the giant vines instantly, hitting it with one blow, killing it Knocked out.

"Cross cut!" Seeing the giant vine falling to the ground in pain, Liu Qing chased after the victory.

"Giant vine, protect!" Ai Lijia hurriedly yelled after hearing Liu Qing's order, and saw the flying mantis rushing towards the giant vine with its arms glowing white light after turning back in the air.

"Boom!" Although the giant vine was hit by Yan Hui, the effect was outstanding, but it quickly used protection, successfully blocked the fatal blow of the flying mantis, and stalemate.

"It's dangerous!" Alicia breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the two elves who were still in a stalemate, and shouted again, "Giant vines, primitive power!"

"Boom!" Following Alicia's order, the green protection around the giant vines suddenly disappeared, and then the white light emitted from the whole body quickly gathered in front of the chest and fired at the flying mantis in front of it. Going out, although the cross scissors resisted it, Yu Wei still blasted the flying mantis out, the effect was outstanding, the quadruple blow made the flying mantis suddenly show the color of pain.

"Giant vine, grab it and knock it down!" Alijia seized the opportunity and gave the order again, and then saw two vines rolling towards the flying mantis.

"Flying Mantis, cheer up, use the sword dance!" Liu Qing also knew that the close-range primitive power had caused too much damage to the Flying Mantis, but this was also an opportunity. With the addition of sword dance attack power, just one more blow can completely eliminate the giant vines.

"Ho!" Hearing Liu Qing's encouragement, Flying Mantis put his arms together, performed a sword dance, spun quickly, and drove away the two rattan whips.

"Wonderful!" Seeing the flying mantis performing a sword dance, Ailijia thought of an idea, and quickly shouted, "Giant vine, paralyzing powder!"

As soon as the words fell, I saw the giant vine trembling all over, and several yellow powders flew out, and then gathered towards the suction force of the whirlwind formed by the sword dance, and soon formed a yellow whirlwind.

"Hehe, Liuqing, you can't do anything now, right?" Alijia smiled as she watched her plan succeed.

"Hehe, the owner of Alicia is really good at planning. At this time, as long as the flying mantis sword dance stops, he will be affected by the paralyzing powder immediately, and then what he wants to wait for is the thunder strike of the giant vine." Liu Qing said lightly. Said, "However, the owner of the pavilion made a mistake. My Flying Mantis doesn't have to stop the sword dance to use skills."[

"Flying mantis, cross scissors!" Then Alicia ordered loudly amidst a stunned expression.

"What, combined skills?" Following Liu Qing's order, the yellow sword dance formed a yellow drill and instantly came to the giant vine. Under Ailijia's surprised eyes, The giant vine was knocked out, and immediately lost its fighting power after hitting the ground.

"Ho~" Flying Mantis, who returned to Liu Qing's side, was also affected by the paralyzing powder at this moment, and yellow electric sparks appeared all over his body, half kneeling on the ground, panting violently.

"The giant vine has lost its fighting power!" The referee's voice suddenly sounded.

"Wonderful! Well done, son. Well done, Flying Mantis!" Millie clapped her hands together.

"It's really amazing." Some girl apprentices in the auditorium also chirped and praised.

"Thank you for your hard work, the giant vine." Alicia harvested the giant vine gently, looked at Liu Qing on the opposite side, and said, "You really surprised me."

"Where, the owner of Alijia also caught me by surprise!" Liu Qing smiled and took back the Flying Mantis.

"Liar, I think you have a plan in mind." Ai Lijia rolled her eyes in a charming manner, and took out the second elf ball, "Come out, Dashihua!"

"Come out, Wind Speed ​​Dog!" At the same time, Liu Qing also released the newly evolved Wind Speed ​​Dog, and immediately saw two little elves appearing on the playing field. Fire element, I knew I was at a disadvantage, so without hesitation, I directly used the big move: "Big Food Flower, Flying Leaf Storm!"

"Woo~" With the cry of the big food flower, several leaves with shining green light appeared around the big food flower, forming a storm and blowing towards the wind speed dog.

"Fengsu dog, big character fire!" Following Liu Qing's order, a crimson pillar of fire was launched from Fengsu dog's mouth, forming a big "big" character in front of Feiye Baofeng.

"Go up, flame car!" As soon as the big characters were formed, Liu Qing's order came from here, and the wind speed dog didn't hesitate, and as the flames spewed out of its mouth to wrap its whole body, it jumped into the middle of the big characters, and soon The firepower of the big character fire was absorbed into it, and it turned into a huge flame group with a height of about four or five meters. With terrifying firepower, it engulfed the flying leaf storm and hit the big food flower...

"Dashihua loses her combat power!" After the flames completely disappeared, she saw that her whole body was burned, and the steaming Dashihua fell to the ground, losing her combat effectiveness.

"Um, I'm sorry, Ms. Alicia, I'm too harsh." Looking at Da Shihua's miserable appearance, and seeing the contemptuous gazes of all the women in the field, Liu Qing swallowed secretly, and quickly apologized .

"Hmph, forget it, that's what the Gym Challenge is supposed to be like. I can't believe that you are a trainer who just started traveling, and you can use two combined skills. Your strength alone has already reached the elite level. This is my last one below, be careful, come out, Overlord Flower!" Alicia said with an expression on her back of the Dashihua, and then threw the last elf ball.

"Wind speed dog, quick battle and quick decision, earthquake!" Liu Qing knew from TV in her previous life the terrifying power of the stinky smell of Alijia, the overlord flower before it evolved, so she hurriedly ordered.

"Roar." Following Liu Qing's order, the wind speed dog roared, and then fell heavily after leaving the ground with its forelegs. Immediately, terrifying cracks spread, and the whole field shook, and Bawanghua couldn't stand still. , let out a scream.

Suddenly, there was a "poof" coming from the corolla of the Overlord flower, and then I saw a yellow-green gas emanating out...

"Ouch~~~Aw~~~" How should I put it, it seems like stinky socks that haven't been washed for thousands of years, plus the mixed smell of stinky tofu, rotten items and garlic spread throughout the venue, clearing the air. Immediately, he bent down as if he wanted to spit out the overnight meal, and the wind speed dog was even more unbearable, who called the dog's nose, and passed out directly, and fell to the ground twitching.As for Alicia, Millie, the referee and the young student, they put on their gas masks as if they had known in advance, and burst out laughing like silver bells when they saw the pale face.

"Hehe, Liuqing, what's the matter, this tastes good, hehe, who told you to bully me, Dashihua, hehe~" Ai Lijia seemed to be very relieved, giggling non-stop.

"Ouch~ come back~" After finally waiting for the stench to dissipate, Liu Qing came to his senses, took out the elf ball and put away the aggrieved Feng Speed ​​Dog.

"Liuqing, what should you do next, you must know that there is still a lot of stench from Bawanghua!" Alijia giggled.

"Damn, vomit~~, come out, Ghost Stone!" Luckily, Liu Qing has a ghost stone that doesn't need to breathe, otherwise the next battle will be difficult.

"Well, Ghost Stone is not afraid of stench, hey, what a pity." Alicia looked at Ghost Stone floating in the air, sighed, and then became serious, "Overlord Flower, Petal Dance!"

"Pfft~" There was another sound, but this time it was a few pink petals that came out and attacked Ghost Stone.

"Spiritual interference!" Following Liu Qing's order, all the petals were glowing with color, and then turned to Bawanghua.

"Dissolution liquid!" Alicia said calmly, and then she saw a large amount of purple liquid sprayed out from the corolla at the top by the stinky flower. The corrosive sound of chi' directly melted away the returning petal dance.

"What a powerful dissolving liquid! Ghost Stone, hypnotism!" Liu Qing exclaimed, and immediately shouted, Ghost Stone was unambiguous, his hands were separated, and he appeared in front of Bawanghua in an instant, and launched A red light ball.

"Oops, Bawanghua, wake up quickly!" Bawanghua fell asleep, and Alijia suddenly became anxious and shouted.

"It's over, Ghost Stone, mental disturbance!" It's a pity that Bawanghua didn't wake up, and what was waiting was Liu Qing's order.A ray of colored light flashed on Bawanghua's body, and Bawanghua's body shook suddenly, and then lost her fighting power.

"Bawanghua can't fight, the winner is the challenger." The referee announced the result.

"I completely lost to you. It was a wonderful match." Alicia said and took a badge and handed it to Liu Qingdao. "The rainbow badge, the proof of defeating the Rainbow Gym, is yours."

After receiving the sun-like badge, Liuqing showed a happy smile: "Thank you, owner Alijia."

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