() By the way, Liu Qi announced that he was the military governor of Jingzhou, and all the government affairs of Jingzhou were temporarily handled by himself.The rewards and appointments for this battle will be announced tomorrow at Liu Qi's Mansion of the Rebellious General.

When Liu Qi returned to the mansion, he inquired all the way and learned that his wife Cai Yu was enjoying the flowers in the garden.He asked the servants not to be alarmed, and walked quietly into the garden by himself. When Cai Yu's personal maid saw Liu Qi coming and was about to shout, Liu Qi waved her hand to signal to keep quiet.He quietly walked behind his wife Cai Yu and covered his eyes: "Guess who I am?"

Cai Yu's body shook violently, and his body softened immediately when he heard the sound.Leaning on Liu Qi, weeping softly, "My husband is finally back. I'm so worried these days." Liu Qi hugged her soft waist, put her head on her fragrant shoulders, and shook gently, "I'm not coming back in a good way. what?"

"I wait for your battle report every day, but I dare not listen to it when it comes. I heard people say that Cao Cao is very cruel. Like King Zhou, he eats human flesh raw. I was so scared that I cried every night under the covers."

After hearing this, Liu Qi was a little moved, and even a little funny. He turned his wife around, looked at the big red eyes, and pouted.With a heartbeat, I kissed her.After a while, Liu Qi hugged his petite wife and said with a smile: "I have no confidence in your husband, I beat Cao Cao to the bum, if you do this again, be careful to punish you at night."

Cai Yu twisted her body tightly held by Liu Qi, raised her head, and said in a coquettish voice with displeasure, "That's not true, people were kind enough to worry about you, but you, you are necrotic."

"Hahaha, don't you just like your husband playing tricks on you? Let me show you what tricks are." Liu Qi laughed loudly, picked up Lori's wife in his arms, and strode towards the bedroom.

"Oh, it's still daytime, let me down quickly." The charming wife was ashamed, and beat Liu Qi's shoulder "hardly", with such force that even ants would be afraid when they saw it.

"Put the door in, and it will be dark." Liu Qi was unmoved at all.

"Ting'er, Xing'er and the others are all watching."

"Whoever dares to watch will be punished together!" The voice gradually faded away.

Less than a month after Liu Qi got married, he led the army to fight against Cao Cao.And during the preparation time before the war, the time spent at home with his wife was even less.After returning from victory this time, we can rest for a while.Well, recuperate and work hard.

In one month, Liu Qi became familiar with all the government affairs in Jingzhou, handled simple things, and handed over all the hard work to Liu Qi's mansion, Chang Shi, to handle them.After that battle, the rewards and promotions were all distributed and executed.

Xu Shu made great contributions to this battle, and even Cao Cao didn't know the formation of his army (can you be familiar with the battle formation commonly used in the Song Dynasty proposed by Liu Qi).He was named the prefect of Wancheng, the governor of Nanyang, the partial general, and the prime minister of all military and political affairs in Nanyang, and has the right to appoint, remove, demote, reward and punish all officials in Nanyang County without Liu Qi's permission.And a reward of one thousand taels, two hundred pieces of cloth.Before Liu Qi left, he patted Xu Shu on the shoulder and said, "Wancheng is the gateway to Jingzhou. I hope you will do your best not to let Cao Cao's troops step into Wancheng."

Huo Jun was the order of Xiangcheng and defeated the general of Zhonglang.Xu Shu and Huo Jun led [-] elite soldiers and recruited [-] troops to garrison the fields to train the sergeants to guard against Cao Cao in the north.

Huang Zhong was the governor of the infantry, a partial general, and led [-] infantry, and Wei Yan was the deputy governor.Zhang Xiu was the governor of the horse army, the general of the gangsters, who commanded [-] cavalry, Huang Xu was the deputy governor, and Hu Che'er was the school lieutenant, who also led the cavalry.Zhang Xiu was deprived of military power at the beginning, and his family and Jia Xu's family were sent to Xiangyang together. He was quite timid and fearful, for fear that Liu Qi would use it up and kill him.After being enlightened by Liu Qi, Jia Xu, and the generals, and being entrusted with important tasks by Liu Qi, he also became bold and confident. Some soldiers felt that they would die for their confidantes, and they worked hard on their cavalry.Other generals and schools all have awards, no problem.

In addition, the water army was sorted out. Cai Mao was the governor of the water army and the deputy governor of Jingzhou soldiers and horses. Zhang Yunhuangzu was the deputy governor of the water army. He led [-] sailors and thousands of warships.

The cavalry made great contributions in this battle, and it was only in the hands of Huang Xu, a second-rate cavalry commander, that they exerted such power.If the first-class cavalry commander Zhang Xiu was in command, Cao Cao would definitely be even more embarrassed in this battle.If you let the top cavalry commander,,,,,, it is too early to say.After this battle, Cao Cao learned his lesson and must also train a strong cavalry.The same is true.

It takes a lot of money to make the cavalry powerful.Liu Qi was responsive to the cavalry's supplies and kept buying good horses from Xiliang.From memory, design better saddles, sabers, improved horseshoes.The end is spending money like water.It is absolutely possible to recruit [-] soldiers and horses to create the latest and best weapons and armor.The money spent only constitutes [-] cavalry, and most of them are formed.Cavalry is indeed a bottomless pit.Although it costs a lot, Zhang Xiu guarantees that an elite cavalry will be trained within three months.The combat power is comparable to that of the Flying Bear Army during Dong Zhuo's period.

Government affairs.Liu Qi only taught them elementary and junior high school content in mathematics and statistics, which shocked the officials and scribes, and he learned it for a long time before he learned it and was able to teach others.Liu Qi thought to himself, if I take out high school and college high math, not only will you be scared to death, but I will also be exhausted.

Jingzhou was severely flooded, so Liu Qi asked people to recruit refugees to build water conservancy projects.The water thieves on the river were serious, so Huang Zu and Zhang Yun were asked to lead an army, and they collected them after asking for them. They not only got rid of the water thieves, but also gained labor.

At the end of the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period, agriculture was not well developed, and some places still had the tradition of burning and slashing.Liu Qi sent people to spread farming skills, seed selection, fertilization, weeding, etc., promulgated decrees prohibiting unauthorized slaughter of farm cattle, and taught them how to raise livestock and birds.It is said that these measures have been implemented for hundreds of years, until the war broke out again, and then gradually declined.The words are a bit far away, but at this time there is no result yet, and people are practicing with faith and suspicion.

The papermaking technology that Liu Qi sent people to study has been greatly improved (Liu Qi doesn’t know it, whoever has nothing to do to understand papermaking technology, to open and hang time, that’s not a golden finger!!!), the new paper is smooth and hard , can be written with a brush, which is much more advanced than Caihou paper, and more importantly, the cost is not high, and the poor can afford it after they have enough food and clothing.After Liu Qi got the paper, he was very excited.Defeating the gentry and taking charge of politics depends on papermaking! ! !Of course, this is not the work of several years, but the efforts of several generations.

With papermaking, printing, and movable type printing are no problem.Government-run schools and gentry schools used paper one after another.The gentry Dong Yun, Liu Ba, Ma Liang, etc., and the commoner Deng Ai, etc., were also among them.

The most important point is what Liu Qi has always insisted on—recruitment of talents is proceeding steadily, not only in Jingzhou, but also the surrounding counties and counties have received Liu Qi's recruitment orders—regardless of background, regardless of virtue, as long as talent.Talents poured into Jingzhou one after another, or recommended by great sages, or recommended by friends, or self-recommended, Liu Qi let people use their talents.Shi Tao is the governor of Liu Qi's residence and is in charge of this matter.During the war, Jiang Wan was the commander-in-chief of the army, and Jia Xu was the military commander offering wine.

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