() Huang Zhong forced Sun Ce to go up the mountain, and Liu Qi discussed with Jia Xu.Jia Xu observed the surrounding terrain, pointed with his finger and said, "Where Sun Ce is stationed in Shanxi, there is a majestic high mountain with dangerous roads on all sides. This mountain is enough to look down on the reality of Sun Ce's mountain. The governor can send someone to get this mountain , Sun Ce's army is only in the palm of your hand."

Liu Qi also looked at that the hill was slightly flat, and there were few people on the hill. Ling Huang Zhong, Zhuge Jin, Su Fei, and Hu Che'er had 3 horses to make food in the middle of the night and attack the mountain in the second.Huang Zhong led the army to beat gold and drums until they reached the top of the mountain.Sun Ce's general Chen Wu had only a few hundred men on the mountain, and he couldn't guard it. Seeing Huang Zhong's troops all over the mountain, he was frightened.Huang Zhong's army rushed forward, and Chen Wu had no choice but to abandon the mountain and flee.Huang Zhong won the top of the mountain and faced Sun Cejun.

Liu Qi also ordered Wei Yan to lead an army of [-] cavalry around the back to guard the dangerous mountain pass, strictly guarding against reinforcements from Kuaiji County, and also preventing Sun Ce from breaking through.After General Zhang Xiu led five thousand cavalry around, he led his army to ambush on the only way Sun Ce fled to Chaisang.Block Sun Ce's retreat.General Wang Wei and Deputy General Huang Xu led [-] infantry troops to ambush on the only way to Sun Ceshui's camp to prevent Huang Gai and Han from supporting him.Liu Qi's request: Just kill the enemy, don't behead Sun Ce, in case the fish dies and the net breaks.If Sun Cejun desperately breaks through the defense, he will let him go and chase him down.In a word, protect yourself before killing the enemy.

Liu Qi ordered Huang Zhong to guard on the mountainside, while he and his advisers were on the top of the mountain.Liu Qi instructed Huang Zhongdao: "Wait for Sun Ce's army to come, and the enemy army arrives. I will raise the yellow flag as a sign, and Han Sheng will hold his troops and do not move; wait for half a day for Sun Ce's army to be tired and unprepared. I will raise the red flag, and Han Sheng will go down the mountain to attack: If you wait for work with ease, you must win.Han Sheng should take the lead.After finishing speaking, Liu Qi thought to himself that he had beheaded Xia Houyuan in Dingjun Mountain back then, but he wondered if he could behead Sun Ce today.Huang Zhong was overjoyed and acted according to plan.

But he said that Chen Wu led the army back, and when he saw Sun Ce, he said that Liu Qi and Huang Zhong had seized the opposite mountain.Sun Ce was furious: "Liu Qi has occupied the opposite mountain, so I won't allow me not to fight." Zhang Hong remonstrated, "This is Jia Xu's plan. The general can only wait for reinforcements to arrive, not to fight, but to stick to it." Sun Ce said: " Occupy the mountain facing me, see my reality, how can I not fight?" Zhang Hong bitterly remonstrated and was persuaded by the soldiers to persuade Sun Cecai to stop encircling the mountain.

When Liu Qi saw that Sun Ce was not coming to attack the mountain, he thought the script was wrong.Then he discussed with the counselors, and Sun Ce didn't come to attack the mountain.Jia Xu said: "Sun Ce is irritable, my lord can send someone to send a letter to Sun Ce's army, the words are quite contemptuous and insulting, just order an arrogant person to send it, it's just that this person's life,,," Hearing this , Liu Qi suddenly thought of a trick.I found a small school that I didn’t like for a long time, asked his name and answered Cai Bi (originally from the Cai family), taught him a gift, and asked him to send it to Sun Ce’s army. Big reward.The small school was overjoyed, and hurriedly ran to the front of Sun Ce's army.

The little school Cai Bi trotted all the way down the mountain and shouted: "Don't shoot the arrows yet. I am General Zhengnan, the governor of Jingzhou soldiers and horses, and the envoy of Yangzhou Mu. I was ordered by my lord to come and give gifts to General Sun." Cai Bi went to Sun Ce's camp, and Cai Bi giggled along the way, thinking that the two families should stop fighting and make peace, but he didn't know how Sun Ce would answer the ceremony and how much gold he would reward himself.

When they arrived at Sun Ce's camp, the envoy Cai Bi was left outside the camp, and the gift box was taken by the servants and sent to Sun Ce's case.When Sun Ce heard that Liu Qi had a gift to give, he was taken aback, not knowing what he meant, so he summoned the generals and counselor Zhang Hong.Sun Ce thought for a while, but couldn't figure it out. When he saw the gift, he stopped thinking about it and looked at it first. Sun Ce opened the box and took out a robe. When he unfolded it, it turned out to be a woman's robe, which was quite gorgeous.There was a letter on it, Zhang Hong read aside: Liu Qi has heard about General Sun's name for a long time.I saw it today, but it is not worthy of the name. Our army has occupied the opposite side of your army. Our army invites you to fight, but your general is afraid of our army's might and dare not fight our army. How is it different from a woman?Why don't you go home to do laundry, cook, eat and have children, hahahahaha!

After Sun Ce heard this, he was furious, and the soldiers on both sides called for battle one after another, thinking that they were the vanguard.The counselor Zhang Hong refused to listen, so Sun Ce asked, "Where is the person who delivered Liu Qi's letter?" The left and right replied, "It's still outside the tent." Sun Ce said, "Bring him up, and kill him to sacrifice the flag." Cai Bi was outside. The waiters were quite impatient, and were about to tell them, I am the Cai family of Jingzhou, how dare you neglect it!Hearing Sun Ce's guards coming and shouting, Cai Bi happily followed into the camp. When he was about to ask for the reward, he suddenly saw that the lieutenant of the camp had a strange expression on his face and looked at him like a dead dog. "Cut to make", just blurted out the word "two" in Cai's pen, when Sun Ce raised the knife and dropped it, the head had already fallen to the ground.

Sun Ce holds a long knife, the blade is blood red, implying that a fierce battle is coming.With a wave of his long sword, Sun Ce announced the military order: Jiang Qin and Chen Wu will lead five thousand troops in the vanguard.Sun Ce led the Chinese army and followed behind.

Sun Ce's army set out and surrounded the opposite mountain by divisions, causing people to attack fiercely. Arrows, stones, and giant trees were all fired on the mountain, and Sun Ce's army suffered heavy casualties.Liu Qi laughed when he saw it, and thought: The ancients were pure-minded, and they would definitely not be able to bear a little stimulation.In contemporary society, not only men wear women's clothing, but also many women become women.

Sun Ce had no choice but to surround Dashan and ordered the soldiers to abuse Liu Qi, from Liu Qi's father to mother to wife, basically scolding all sides, Liu Qi is an authentic Han family clan, absolutely true.Sun Ce didn't dare to insult his ancestors, so he could only scold Liu Qi's parents and wife.

Liu Qile was watching the battle in leisure, Jia Xu raised the yellow flag on the mountain; Sun Ce insulted him in every possible way, but Huang Zhong just didn't fight.After noon, Fasun Ce saw that Sun Ce's army was exhausted and their morale had fallen. Many people got off their horses and sat down to rest. He unfurled the red flag and blew the drums and horns.Sun Ce's vanguard general Jiang Qin was caught off guard and was driven into the formation by Huang Zhong, who yelled loudly like a roar of thunder.Before Jiang Qin could meet him, Huang Zhongbao's saber fell, cutting his head and shoulders into two pieces.

Huang Zhong beheaded Jiang Qin, and Sun Ce's vanguard soldiers were routed, each fleeing for his life.Huang Zhong took advantage of the momentum to seize the mountain, and the vanguard deputy general Chen Wu led the army to meet him.Less than Sanhe was knocked over by Huang Zhong, fell to the ground and died.Sun Ce led an army to fight, Huang Zhong and Zhuge Jin attacked twice, and after a while, Sun Ce abandoned the mountain and was defeated.

Huang Zhong and Zhuge Jin led the troops to chase after them, and Sun Ce's army suffered numerous casualties.Huang Zhong set fire to Sun Ce's camp, and Sun Ce hurriedly fled to Chaisang County. When Huang Gaihan saw the fire on the mountain, he knew that Sun Ce had been defeated, and hurriedly led his water army to meet him.On the way, he met Wang Wei and Huang Xu's ambush and was rushed for a while. Wang Wei and Huang Xu got Liu Qi's military order, no longer pressing the enemy, but just chasing after him.Han Dang and Huang Gai were worried about Sun Ce's safety and did not dare to fight, so they ordered 2000 men to cut off their rear.The two men led 5000 soldiers and were rushed and killed for a while. There were countless dead and many fled.After another 2000 people were left behind, only 8000 to [-] people supported Sun Ce.

Thousands of men and horses walked to the main road and encountered Sun Ce's defeated army. The two soldiers joined forces.Counting the number of people, when Sun Ce came, he led and surrendered a total of 6 horses from the land and water armies. Now 4 have been lost, leaving only [-] horses.

Seeing that morale was low, Sun Ce pulled out the arrow and broke it in two. He swore: "Seeing this arrow is like seeing this revenge. If I, Sun Ce, do not avenge this revenge, I will be like this arrow."So people sent people to watch the army and keep them carefully.When the sergeant saw it, he shouted together, vowing to avenge him.Morale boosted.Sun Ce ordered wine and meat to be distributed to the soldiers of each battalion, and the army was full.

Huang Zhong and Zhuge Jin followed closely behind Sun Ce's army, and met Wang Wei and Huang Xu's ambush, and they joined forces.The two armies counted the spoils and prisoners, and ordered Huang Xu to lead two thousand troops to guard them.Huang Zhong personally led his army in pursuit.Although the morale of Sun Ce's [-] troops rose slightly, the rations were burned by Huang Zhong, and it was too late to take them away.The army only had rations for three days. If they couldn't reach Chaisang City within three days, Sun Ce's army would collapse without fighting.Sun Ce knew this very well, so he hurriedly ordered the army to march without caring about conserving his strength.Huang Zhong knew this, so he made people dress lightly, personally leading [-] elites with only ten days' rations, traveling day and night, non-stop.

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