()Chapter 3 school field soldiers

However, after Liu Qi's banquet, he was very happy to get help from many great sages.But time waits for me. According to historical records, in March of the third year of Jian'an, Cao Cao once again marched south and besieged Rang County, Zhang Xiu's base.Zhang Xiu held on to the city, and Cao Cao could not leave for a long time.In May, his father Liu Biao will send troops to rescue Zhang Xiu.It's only January now, if I can defeat Zhang Xian within three months, and I can send my troops north to fight against Cao Cao, even if I can't win, I can still see the demeanor of the first hero of the Three Kingdoms, and appreciate the power of everyone in the army.

Baiju passed away, and the third day had arrived, Liu Qi went to the school field outside the city to gather troops and prepare for the big battle.It is said that the barracks is temporarily in charge of veteran Wang Wei. There are [-] veterans in the battalion and about [-] new recruits.However, there are only [-] elite soldiers, and the southern soldiers are relatively weak in physique, and their bravery is not as good as that of the northern soldiers.The camp is divided into three camps: left, middle and right.The finished fonts were stationed outside Jingzhou City.

After Liu Biao ruled Jingzhou, it was already quite rich. In addition, Liu Biao, as the shepherd of Jingzhou, was able to attract and govern well, so that some thieves and powerful gangsters could also use him.On the other hand, there were thousands of scholars who came from Guanxi, Yanzhou, and Yuzhou to seek refuge in Jingzhou. Liu Biao was able to comfort and support them, and the scholars were supported and protected.Therefore, there are many counselors and virtuous ministers in Jingzhou, but few fierce generals.At this time, the only thing Jingzhou can offer is a literary appointment, and it is not reused.

Today, Liu Qi's school ground worship general is also the first step to take over the military power. Since my father is capable and will not use it, then I, Liu Qi, will not be polite.Liu Qi looked around and saw a sea of ​​people, boundless.As the saying goes, when there are ten thousand soldiers, there are no boundaries.This is the Chinese Army Academy, just one of the three armies of the left, center and right. There are only more than 1 people, but it is not a lot.

It was finally my turn to take power, and Liu Qi was both excited and a little nervous.He walked briskly to the general platform at the school grounds, cleared his throat, and shouted loudly: "Today, I, Liu Qi, was in charge of the military and was appointed by my father as the commander-in-chief of the three armies. All the soldiers share the blessings and share the difficulties. With me, Liu Qi, eating every mouthful, everyone will never go hungry. Everyone will be rewarded for fighting the enemy bravely. I, Liu Qi, swear to the sky, I will never break my promise."

"Okay,,,,," the soldiers below shouted loudly as they struck the ground with their halberd handles.

Whether the soldiers are sharp or brave depends entirely on the general.As the saying goes, a raging soldier, a raging nest.In the past few days, Liu Qi thought about it, and if he wanted to firmly grasp the army, he had to appoint his own people or promote others, so that he would be able to support them.It's his own confidant, and then slowly buy people's hearts.The ancients were actually much better than today’s people, and their minds were much simpler. If you trust him, he will give up his life to repay you. If you don’t value him, he will not be loyal to you. No complaints.

In the next few days, Liu Qi has been training the army. The army has a total of less than 5 people. Excluding non-combatants, there are only 7000 people.Among them, 7000 are elite soldiers, who are only physically strong, far from being able to skillfully use weapons and cooperate with formations to kill the enemy, that is to say, they have been battle-hardened; 20 ordinary soldiers, That is to say, the average person is between 40 and [-] years old, with average physique, most of them are recruits, and a few veterans; [-] old and weak are purely make up.The rest of the sick and disabled and others who really couldn't stand it were given some travel expenses and resettlement allowances, and they were sent home.

There are three Zhonglang generals, veterans Huang Zhong, Wang Wei, and Xu Shu. The army, covering the left wing of the Chinese army; the great sage of Jingzhou, Xu Shu, whose father Liu Biao had repeatedly invited him to be an official, took charge of the army for the first time.

There are several school lieutenants, and each leader does not wait for men and horses.Liu Pan, Liu Qi's cousin, is quite courageous, and is a close friend with Huang Zhong. He serves as the guard of the commander-in-chief and sets up a guard battalion, named Feilongwei, with 3000 people. The elite among the elite, and the Liu family, with a clean family background and a loyal and loyal priority.Wei Yan, a 20-year-old young general, is familiar with military books and is skilled in bow and horse.Lead the light cavalry battalion, named Fenglei Cavalry, which means, as fast as the wind, rushing like thunder, and destroy the enemy with the force of thunder.Choose scouts and elite soldiers with excellent riding skills. Elite two thousand.Huo Jun, the school lieutenant of the heavy infantry battalion, most of the soldiers are burly men with a height of eight feet and a strong back, and they can stand up to ten with one.Two thousand elites.General Wenpin, as a pioneer.Build a bridge across the water, and open a road when you see the mountain.Lead ordinary soldiers five thousand.After Li Yan joined forces, he led an army of [-] soldiers, [-] ordinary soldiers, and [-] engineers, all of whom were dedicated to attacking the city.

In this way, Liu Qi set up a Chinese army of 2 men, [-] elite as the main force, all wearing light armor, [-] holding long halberds, [-] archers, [-] crossbowmen, and the rest mostly swords and shields.The main general will fight against Zhonglang Huang Zhong, the deputy generals Huo Jun, Cai Ying, Kuai Li and so on.Ten thousand old and weak followed behind, waving their flags and shouting, using their momentum to confuse the enemy.There were [-] ordinary soldiers in the left army, led by the prestigious veteran Wang Wei, half of the soldiers were armed with long halberds and half with swords and shields.Xu Shu, the right army, also has the same configuration.

The main weapon of the heavy infantry is the heavy lance, which looks like a spear and is heavier than a spear. It wears heavy armor covering the whole body, and the shield it holds is round, which was called a regiment card in ancient times.And Wei Yan's light cavalry, more lightly armored, armed with spears, sabers, and everyone is a longbow.

The generals in the army were finally trained by Liu Qi. Fortunately, the gentry in Jingzhou did not have many troops. In Jingzhou, there were another [-] policemen, [-] infantry, and [-] sailors, led by Cai Mao and Zhang Yun, to guard against Cao Cao in the north.

In the commander's camp, Liu Qi is in the main seat, and on the left is Kuai Yue, the military division general. Liu Qi begged for the title of military division general from his father Liu Biao.The following are Zhonglang Han Song, Chief Secretary Jiang Wan, Zhuge Liang who joined the army, Pang Tong who offered sacrifices to wine, Shi Guangyuan, Meng Gongwei, and Cui Zhouping are all great sages. When Liu Qi handed over the list, Liu Biao was shocked and praised Liu Qi full of praise. It is not easy for so many great sages to help each other.On the right side are all generals, on the right are Huang Zhong, General of the Rebellious Zhonglang, Wang Wei, the General of the Zhonglang of the Kou, Xu Shu, the General of the Zhonglang of the Thieves, Wenpin the Colonel, Liu Pan, Li Yan, Wei Yan, Huo Jun, Cai Ying, Kuai Li, etc. .

Liu Qi said loudly: "Since our army has been reorganized, we have sufficient food and grass, excellent equipment, and high morale. We should march quickly to prevent the bandit army from becoming bigger."Xu Shu got up and said, "The general is right. However, the generals have just completed the reorganization of the army. The generals don't know each other, the dispatching is slow, and the army formation is disorganized. What can I do?" Liu Qi laughed loudly: "It's just a small thief in the south, why bother to practice hard?" They should be wiped out quickly, and then train the army to defend against Cao Cao and Sun Ce, in case of emergencies."

General Kuai Yue said with a smile: "Young Master, this time is for training soldiers, so that they can get familiar with the battle formation, experience the battlefield, and then weed out the old and the weak, and choose the elite. Don't worry about it!"

Liu Qi got up and drew his sword and said, "Tomorrow, the third shift will cook, and the fourth shift will lead the generals to prepare for the attack."

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