Liu Qi, the eldest son of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 40 Liu Qi's Intention

() Seeing the faces of his top counselors who didn't know what to understand, Liu Qi felt a burst of excitement in his heart!What a joy!But with an inscrutable look on his face, he shook his head and said, "The secret must not be revealed." Seeing that he was about to provoke public outrage, Liu Qi hurriedly explained.

"Jiangdong and Sun Ce shouldn't be in a hurry. Although our army is far superior to Jiangdong. But with Sun Ce's bravery and Zhou Yu's wisdom, self-defense is more than enough. If God favors me, Liu Qi wins by luck, it is just a tragic victory. There is no way to defend yourself Capital. At that time, Cao Cao and Liu Bei from Xuzhou came to attack me in Jingzhou and Yangzhou. If we can’t look at each other from head to tail, we will definitely be defeated. Isn’t it just cheap Cao Cao?”

Liu Qi picked up an apple casually, gnawed a few mouthfuls, whetted everyone's appetites, and said slowly: "Corporal Sun Celi is a virtuous man, he pays attention to soldiers, and he looks like a hero. But he has a fatal weakness. He is too credulous in his own strength." He didn't bring many guards with him when he went hunting and hunting, but only a few entourages, which brought hidden dangers to his safety. On the other hand, Sun Ce was tyrannical and easy to kill. In terms of dealing with the Jiangdong gentry, he did not focus on appeasement, but Force is the main priority, which will inevitably make the Jiangdong gentry and Sun Ce disagree with each other."

"Oh,,,," Pang Tong 'suddenly realized', and continued: "As long as Sun Ce kills the nobles, it will be the day of death."

"That's right. And it won't take a year or two. When Sun Ce dies, Jiangdong will be shaken up and down, and people's hearts will be fluctuating. Besides, Sun Ce's children are still young and can't convince the crowd. My army can go down the river, and Jiangdong will be at your fingertips." Liu Qi believed in himself, his handsome face became a bit more heroic and less feminine.

"Papa papa,,," everyone in the carriage clapped their hands and applauded.In an inconspicuous place beside the car, there was a middle-aged scribe with white face and beard, his face was as cold as ten thousand years of ice, and he rarely showed a hint of approval: "Master's vision is so bright, it's really Jingzhou's luck!"

But Liu Qi's guy 'pretentiously' was modest, cupped his fists and bowed to a group of people: "Everyone loves you."

Everyone laughed.

Liu Qi thought in his heart, if I didn't know the history from the top, I would know the past from the bottom.With my talents, why should I be inferior to others? No, how can I analyze these things.Even Sun Ce's death was only analyzed by Guo Jia.

According to historical records: In August of the fourth year of Jian'an, Cao Cao planned a new round of combat operations: Cao Cao personally led the army to march into Liyang, Yuan Shao's strategic stronghold north of the Yellow River, and sent Zang Ba and other troops from Xuzhou to attack Qingzhou. , and broke through Qi, Beihai, and Dong'an in Qingzhou.In September of the fourth year of Jian'an, Cao Cao discovered that Yuan Shao's main force had returned to the army, so he stayed in the ban to guard the Yellow River Ferry, and divided his troops to guard Guandu, and returned to Xudu by himself.In December of the fourth year of Jian'an, Cao Cao once again led his troops to station at Guandu, preparing to resist Yuan Shao's massive attack.

And Sun Ce also incurred the disaster of killing himself because he killed Xu Gong, the prefect of Wujun, a nobleman in Jiangdong.In April of the fifth year of Jian'an, Sun Ce went hunting again as usual.What he was riding was a fine horse, all white, as fast as lightning, chasing deer, and the people who followed him would never be able to catch up.Just as he was running fast like the wind, suddenly three people jumped out from the grass, bowed their bows and set arrows, and shot at him.In a hurry, Sun Ce had no time to dodge, and an arrow hit his cheek.At this time, the following cavalry had arrived and shot the three men to death with random arrows.

It turned out that Sun Ce had killed Xu Gong, the prefect of Wujun.According to "Jiang Biao Zhuan", Xu Gong submitted a letter to Emperor Han, saying that Sun Ce was brave and should be recalled to the capital to control its use to avoid future troubles.The watch was obtained by Sun Ce's spies. Sun Ce blamed Xu Gong and ordered Xu Gong to be killed.After Xu Gong's death, his disciples hid among the people, looking for opportunities to avenge him, and finally succeeded this time.

None of the princes has many heads.But Sun Ce relied on his bravery, without guards, and was finally succeeded by the villain.

Knowing this, Liu Qi made up his mind to go to Jiaozhou.Regarding the changed history, Liu Qi also thought about it, and what is changing now is only strength.As for his personality, Sun Ce is still easy to kill, he still does not have guards, no Xu Gong, and there are others such as Zhang Gong and Li Gong.Sooner or later Sun Ce will pay the price for his character.

Just under a year away.

At this time, Liu Qi still considered how to go to Jiaozhou first.

There are three forces in Jiaozhou.The master book beside him, Jiang Wan, read the collected information in a regular manner and added his own opinion: "One of the prefects of Cangwu, Wu Ju, was originally a general of the old master Liu Hussars. He is from Changsha. He lived in Cangwu City first. , commanding [-] soldiers. The second is Lai Gong, the governor of Jiaozhou, who is now living in Yulin County because Jiaozhi was occupied by Shi Xie. He leads [-] troops. Both of them are from Jingzhou, and they must know our Jingzhou army. "

Jiang Wan spit on his finger, turned the pages of the book, and continued to read: "The third is the original family in Jiaozhou—the gentry. The patriarch of his family, Shi Xie, leads Jiaozhi County. Shi Xie's three younger brothers, Shi Yi, Shi You, and Shi Wu, served as prefects of Hepu, Jiuzhen, and Nanhai respectively. The gentry of the seven counties of Jiaozhou accounted for five counties, with a force of up to [-]. Shi Xie was appointed by the imperial court. It’s not easy to attack in name, and Cao Cao is the backer, so it’s not easy to persuade him to surrender.”

Liu Qi pondered for a while, his handsome face was a little irritable, and he frowned and said: "It seems that my influence in Jingzhou in Jiaozhou is not very influential, this battle is not easy to fight."

"Forget it, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. If Shi Xie refuses to accept it, he will be beaten." Liu Qi clenched his fists and said with great momentum, his face was full of confidence.I have [-] powerful soldiers, what can I do! "

Xiangyang is more than a thousand miles away from Jiaozhou, and Jingzhou's elite marching around is fast, and Li Yan's vanguard will have to wait a month before reaching Guiyang.

When Liu Qi's army just arrived in Changsha, he also looked at Han Song, the prefect of Changsha.Stayed for a few days to do some personnel scheduling.Liu Du was moved to be the prefect of Changsha, and Han Song was temporarily served as a military adviser with the army.

It seems that Han Song was dismissed and demoted, but only received a vacant post.In fact, this is not the case. Liu Qi began to prepare for the capture of Jiaozhou.Han Song is famous and has contacts with many scholars.The governor of Jiaozhou, Lai Gong, was mediocre. He was more than enough to be the prefect of a county, but he might not be able to do what he wanted to be the governor of a state.

As for Wu Ju, he is a warrior with ambition but no ability.To conquer Jiaozhou, Han Song's governance could not be more appropriate.Han Song is a gentleman, even if he was dismissed, he didn't feel any resentment in his heart.Liu Qi secretly revealed his plan, and Han Song was very excited when he learned about it, and swore allegiance to the death to live up to Liu Qi's kindness and entrusted responsibility.Of course it's too early to tell.

Two months later, Liu Qi's army had arrived in Guiyang, and [-] troops were stationed outside the city.The first batch of materials has also arrived in Guiyang, and Meng Gongwei, the prefect of Guiyang, is in charge of dispatching and managing.Zhao Lei is still supervising the transportation of the next batch of grain and grass.

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