() Liu Qi's mansion was brightly lit and bustling.It turns out that Zhang Fei, Liao Hua and others have already arrived in Xiangyang, and Liu Qi is at the mansion to clean up the two of them.

All the generals in Xiangyang were recruited by Liu Qi. The generals listened to Liu Qi's nagging every day, and they wanted to meet for a long time.I don't know if I don't know, I was shocked when I saw Zhang Fei's record, and everyone praised Zhang Fei's record. He fought Lu Bu for [-] rounds, killed Yuan Shu's general Ji Ling, and Wei Yan conceded defeat for [-] rounds.Especially the last one, Jingzhou generals have never been out of the Central Plains to fight, and have never seen Lu Bu Jiling's power with his own eyes.However, Wei Yan's force is obvious to all, ranking fourth behind Huang Zhong and Zhang Xiuwen.

Zhang Fei and others had just arrived, so they were embarrassed to compete with them immediately.However, wine quality is character, and drinking capacity is stomach capacity.At the banquet, Liu Qi didn't keep an eye on them, so he let them make trouble.

Veterans Huang Zhong and Wang Wei were steady, and just drank a few drinks with Zhang Fei out of courtesy.The rest of Pang Tong, Hu Che'er, Wu Ju and others had no scruples, and they went to Zhang Fei to drink three cups, and even Liao Hua who came with him also suffered.I was poured several times by them.

"Come on, General Zhang saw that you are a bold person. I, Hu Che'er, have admired three kinds of people in my life. The first is martial arts, the second is a strong drinker, and the third is a bold person. General Zhang alone has three kinds of people." , come, let me toast you three glasses, drink it full!" Hu Che'er said staggeringly with his thick tongue.

"Come on, let's do it." Zhang Fei is not a mother-in-law, and he knows that they are here to drink, but he has no intention of getting angry and evading.Firstly, he was never afraid of others when he came to drink, and secondly, Zhang Fei has loved drinking all his life.

When you come and go, several generals drink away.Hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, um, of course, a little exaggerated.But the wine table is where men talk to each other. They respect you and drink with you.

So after midnight, they went back to each mansion.Zhang Fei.Liao Hua was also sent to the mansion that Liu Qi had already prepared.

The next day, Liu Qi announced the order of the governor of the capital: Zhang Fei was ordered to lead [-] recruits, and Liao Hua was made the deputy general.At the same time, Zhang Fei was granted the title of general to fight against bandits, and Liao Hua was named general of Zhonglang.

When Liu Qi returned from conquering Jiaozhou, except for what was lost and left behind, he only brought back [-] soldiers and horses, including [-] sailors and [-] cavalry.The newly recruited soldiers are far inferior to the Jingzhou elite.After returning to Xiangyang, Liu Qi ordered Huang Zhong, Wang Wei, Huang Zu, Pang Tong, Wu Ju, Liu Pan, Hu Che'er and others to intensify their military training.When Zhang Fei and Liao Hua came, they could also relieve them.Zhang Xiu is responsible for training the cavalry, and the special disease brought from Jiaozhou will also be the secret weapon against Sun Ce in the future.Not for now.

Just as Liu Qi was complacent about Zhang Fei's conditional vote, a fierce general led eight hundred athletes to vote.Liu Qi hugged Xia Houjuan and sat in the small pavilion, feeding me and feeding you, having a great time.Just as Liu Qi was up and down, furious, and considering whether to have a field fight, a maid came over and said salutely, "Master Jiang Wan, please see me outside."

Zheng Xing was interrupted, and suddenly lost his anger, Liu Qi said unhappily: "Understood, you go down first." Xia Houjuan obediently arranged Liu Qi's clothes.Liu Qi touched her smooth and white face, and comforted her: "You play first, and I'll go find you at night."

Xia Houjuan blushed and said yes in a low voice, like a mosquito whispering.If Liu Qi hadn't been so good at hearing, he would almost not be able to hear.

Liu Qi calmed down and went out.After a while, he saw Jiang Wan sitting in the hall. Before Liu Qi could speak, Jiang Wan hurriedly said, "Great joy, great joy, my lord."

"Oh, what's the matter? To make Gong Yan, who usually has Mount Tai collapse in front of his eyes, without changing his face, be so excited." Liu Qi was still calm, looking at the roof, eating a snack, and said leisurely, it seems There is still some resentment towards Jiang Wan for disturbing his good deeds.

Jiang Wan didn't know and didn't care about that, he just smiled and said: "My lord, the fierce general you were looking for came to vote yesterday, and when he reached the barracks, more than ten generals were defeated in a row, even Hu Che'er, Liao Hua and others were under his command. Didn't survive ten strokes."

Liu Qi suddenly jumped up from his seat, clasped Jiang Wan's hands tightly, and said excitedly, "Could it be Gan Ning Gan Xingba."

At this moment, Jiang Wan calmed down, stroked his beard, and said in a leisurely manner: "It is the ancestral home of Nanyang County, Linjiang of Ba County, Gan Ning is also!"

Liu Qi was no longer leisurely, and hastily said to his servants: "Get your horse ready, I'm going to the barracks outside the city immediately."

Seeing that Liu Qi was in a hurry, the servants of "Nuo" hurriedly prepared to go.Liu Qi couldn't sit still anymore, turned around in the hall, and muttered: This is the number one general of the Eastern Wu. He is tied with Xu Chu of Cao Wei and Zhang Fei of the Shu Han, and is also called the top three generals of the Three Kingdoms, and this is really true. Those who can be subdued are not like Zhang Fei who still discounts them.

According to historical records, Gan Ning's style name is Xingba, and he was born in Berkshire.He was originally a general of Huang Zu's tribe, and he shot and killed Ling Cao, a general of Sun Quan's tribe, during the battle with Sun Quan, so he was hated by Ling Cao's son Ling Tong.Later, because he was dissatisfied with Huang Zu, with the help of his friend Su Fei, he left Huang Zu and defected to Sun Quan, and offered a plan to capture Jiangxia County to capture and kill Huang Zu.

In the first month of the 18th year of Jian'an, Cao Cao led 40 horses to attack Ruxukou and drink horses to the Yangtze River.Sun Quan led 3000 troops to attack, and Gan Ning led 100 people as the front governor.General Ling Tong asked for three thousand soldiers to break through the formation, but Gan Ning only wanted one hundred.Sun Quan secretly ordered Gan Ning to attack Cao Ying at night to discourage him, and gave him rice wine for this purpose.Gan Ning selected more than [-] elites to eat together.After eating, Gan Ning poured wine out of a silver bowl, drank two bowls himself, and then poured out the wine for his subordinate commander.The governor knelt down on the ground, refusing to accept the wine.Gan Ning drew his saber, placed it on his knee, and shouted sharply: "You see the Supreme Being, who is better than Gan Ning? Gan Ning is not hesitant to die, why is Qing only hesitant to die?"Seeing Gan Ning's stern expression, the governor immediately stood up to salute, took the wine glass respectfully and drank it.Then, pour wine to the soldiers, each with a silver bowl.At the second watch, Gan Ning led him, wrapped in armor and with a title, to sneak under Cao Cao's camp, pulled off the antlers, rushed into Cao's camp, and killed dozens of levels.Sun Quan was overjoyed and rewarded him with a thousand bolts of Gan Ning silk, a hundred war knives, and an additional two thousand troops.Seeing that it was difficult to win, Cao Cao stayed there for more than a month, then retreated to the north.

This battle was even evaluated by Sun Quan as Meng De having Zhang Liao and Gan Xingba alone, enough to be an enemy.Who is Zhang Liao, the head of the five good generals, who shocked Xiaoyaojin, and thousands of cavalry defeated Sun Quan's [-] army.It can be seen that Gan Ning's ability!

During the Battle of Yiling, Gan Ning was seriously ill, but he still insisted on going to the front line. He encountered the troops of Wuxifan King Sha Moke, and was shot in the forehead by the barbarian general Sha Moke of the Shu Kingdom. After that, he fled to a big tree. Sit down and die.

Such a general, Liu Qi won, how could he not be happy.Hastily rode to the camp to have a look at the style.A circle of people surrounded the martial arts arena in the big camp. There were two people fighting inside, and the soldiers outside would say hello from time to time. Liu Qi didn't inform them of his arrival, and squeezed in to watch together.

(seek ticket collection)

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