()Governor Huang Zhong's North Gate matter, personally boosted morale, and Deputy General Liu Pan personally boarded the Linchong Lv bus. The moment this large chariot appeared, it hit the low morale of the soldiers in the city even more.Huang Zhong encouraged the soldiers to move forward. He personally led the archers to suppress the soldiers in the city.The surrounding morale was boosted.

As soon as Lu's bus came out, the soldiers in the city were in a panic. Liu Pan took the opportunity to approach the city wall. When he was close to the city wall, the [-] heavy infantry who had been on standby followed Liu Pan and shouted: "Brothers, follow me!", The soldiers on the city were attacked fiercely, and the guards on the city panicked and were caught off guard and killed most of them. The rest knelt down and surrendered when they saw this.The guard Wang Gui saw that he was no longer able to defend, and had already fled. Liu Pan took advantage of the situation to pursue and kill him, and opened the north gate.

Liu Qi, Kuai Yue and others who were watching the battle standing on the nest car cheered loudly, but within an hour, they had already captured the North Gate, so Changsha would definitely be captured within a day.As soon as the news of the fall of the North Gate came, the other sects surrendered one after another. Wen Pin led hundreds of guards to capture the Taishou Mansion. Knowing that the Taishou Zhang Xian had been dead for a long time, the guard Wang Gui guarded his son Zhang Ze and escaped from the South Gate.

Just as Wang Gui and all the members of the Liu clan were in a panic and fled in a hurry, suddenly a group of people rushed out of the woods beside the road, and the leader was Wei Yan. I'll come later." In less than a moment, Wei Yan chopped off his horse, Wei Yan waved his hand, and the soldiers and horses rushed up behind him, chopping the members of the Liu clan to the ground one after another, and took their heads.

In the prefect's mansion, Liu Qi was in the main seat, and he patted the seat: "Today's complete victory depends entirely on the hard work of the soldiers, wise men's advice, and today's great victory. I have prepared a banquet to celebrate your great achievements."

At night, the prefect’s mansion was brightly lit, just like daytime, and the sound of drinking and guessing can be heard across three streets. The scene was very lively. Liu Qi picked up the wine and said, "Everyone, let’s drink this cup together. Congratulations to our army’s complete victory .”

"Full drink." Everyone said in unison

After drinking for three rounds, everyone let go, and each found his opponent to drink and chat.Liu Qi also approached Zhuge Liang, and Pang Tong drank it. Maybe Zhuge couldn't drink enough. After three cups, his face turned red. Liu Qi hugged Zhuge Liang and put Pang Tong on his back, a little drunk: "Kong Ming, Shi Yuan, the only people here are you two years old." Little, you said that you will continue to study after you go back, I believe it. But when you finish your studies, you must become an official with me. If any of you dare not come, I will, I will find your home and tie you up Get up and walk the streets for three days." Xu Shu and Cuizhou Pingping, who had already agreed to assist Liu Qi, booed and said, "Okay, when the time comes, I'll go together and see how he responds to the young master."

Kong Ming smiled wryly: "Don't make a fuss, but you should know that I have not completed my studies. I haven't studied the Qimen gossip array, and I will only be ignorant by then. How do you let me meet people?"

Liu Qi smiled and said: "Okay, when I use you, you have to decline and see how I deal with you."

Drink all night.

After attacking Zhang Xian just now, the soldiers were in need of recovery. Liu Qi agreed to the advice of General Kuai Yue and rested for three days. Liu Qi sent someone to reward the army with wine and meat, and the whole army cheered.Other cities in Changsha County also fell in anticipation. So far, Liu Qi has conquered the three rebellious counties.

After conquering the three counties and being able to appoint officials, Liu Qi can finally manage his own territory. In this battle, Liu Qi suffered 3000 casualties, 2 prisoners and surrenders, and killed 5000 enemies.Excluding the old, weak and stubborn and the remaining Zhang's forces, there are 1 people left.

His father, Liu Biao, was preparing the army for war, and Cao Cao had no time to take care of this, so he asked Liu Qi to appoint officials at his own convenience, and Liu Qi was overjoyed.After discussing with the generals of the military division, all the officials and generals were summoned to announce the rewards and appointments: Han Song was appointed as the prefect of Changsha; Cui Zhouping was appointed as the prefect of Lingling; Meng Gongwei was appointed as the prefect of Guiyang; Recommend some of your own scholars and friends, and recruit talented people separately, and use them according to their talents; The military commander sacrificed wine; Wei Yan, Huo Jun, were Zhonglang generals; Wang Wei, Xu Shu, Huang Zhong, and Wen Pin (who performed outstandingly in this battle) were all benevolent generals.

In order to quickly return to aid his father Liu Biao, Liu Qi left Li Yan to garrison Lingling and supervise the military affairs of the three counties. The sick and disabled children formed the farmer, and selected the strong ones to form the farmer, as a back-up, in case of emergency.And Liu Du, a relative of Liu's clan, and Daxian Xianglang helped Li Yan manage it.

The old and the weak brought by Liu Qi have already sent people to distribute gold, silver, food, sent them home, and rewarded each person with several acres of fertile land. Those who do not want to go home will be handed over to Li Yan.

The three counties have just gone through the chaos of war. Although it is not a waste of time, they still need to cultivate their health and rest.Let the prefects of the counties pay less tax and less corvee, recruit refugees, build water conservancy, and other measures to benefit the people.At the same time, government schools were opened to encourage the gentry to enrich the people to learn, and people improved papermaking techniques to replace heavy letters earlier.Recruiting talented people, regardless of their background and character, all those who have a skill should use their talents according to their ability. This matter is the most important thing. Liu Qi repeatedly told them to do this matter well.

So far, Liu Qi was left with only [-] men, and there were countless armors and armaments, so Liu Qi annexed the remaining [-] surrendered troops, and let Han Xuan from Lingling and his younger brother Han Hao lead them, and surrendered Bao Long, Chen Ying and Xing Daorong are all captains.

So far, Liu Qi can digest the three counties, 3000 troops, divided into several divisions, Wei Yan commanded the wind and thunder cavalry, and the battle damage was supplemented to 3000 people, with 2000 horses; 3000 heavy infantry, armed with heavy halberds, led by Huo Jun; The [-] guards did not move, and Liu Pan and Huang Xu were still in command, and the remaining troops were taught to the generals Huang Zhong, Xu Shu, Wang Wei, and Wenpin respectively.

Half a month later, after the dispatching was completed, Liu Qi personally led an army of more than 3 elites, together with the general Kuai Yueshi, the chief secretary Shi Tao, and the military commander Jiang Wan (Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong went back to Xiangyang first).Generals Huang Zhong, Xu Shu, Wang Wei, Wen Pin, Zhonglang generals Wei Yan, Huo Jun, Han Xuan, Liu Pan, and Huang Xu.Captain Kuaili, Cai Ying, Bao Long, Chen Ying, Xing Daorong and others went to Wancheng together.Support father Liu Biao.

Liu Qi thought to himself: Zhang Xian is just a clown, the real big boss of the Three Kingdoms has come out, this battle is just to see Cao Cao's demeanor, as for the fight to the death is still behind, cheer secretly, Cao Cao is no more than a mortal, I will be able to win!

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