() Liu Qi, a vassal with three states and hundreds of thousands of armored men.Sun Fu's previous disdain turned into deep fear.To be able to train such elite soldiers, there are such fierce generals as Zhang Yide under his command.It really lives up to its reputation.

The contrast changed too much, and Sun Fu couldn't accept it for a while, so he was only afraid of Liu Qi.Zhou Yu was not like that. Although he had some doubts on the road, it was just doubts.It was about to burn Liu Qi's grain storage area, and hundreds of thousands of stones of grain and grass would be destroyed.Liu Qi's defeat is imminent, and Zhou Yu is still afraid that Liu Qi will fail.

Half an hour later, there was a great chaos in Liu Pan's camp, and the flames suddenly shot up into the sky.Zhou Yu was overjoyed when he saw it, and said, "It must be Cai Zhongcaihe who set fire to the camp. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it."

Sun Fu was the most impatient, and said: "Since this is the case, the governor hastened to order that the general is willing to be the vanguard and be the first to charge and kill the enemy camp."

Zhou Yu shook his head, showing a hint of cunning, and said, "No, wait a minute." After speaking, he and Lu Su looked at each other and smiled, making everyone around them puzzled.

The young general Pan Zhang was a fierce general, he had no plans, he said anxiously: "If we don't go, Liu Pan will kill Cai Zhong and others' soldiers and horses."

"That's right, I just let them fight, and it's best for both of them to lose." Zhou Yu comforted, and Zhou Yu still took great care in cultivating the young generals under his command.

"You think, the Cai family is just an insider we recruited temporarily, and has no meaning as an ally. When we kill Liu Qi, we will face Cai Mao's army. At this time, we will take the opportunity to consume their troops. It is best to let Cai Zhong Cai He also died, and Cai Mao lost his left and right arms, so An dare to fight against me, Jiangdong."

After Zhou Yu's analysis, the generals suddenly realized.At this time, the talents of the generals were seen. Lu Su knew Zhou Yu's little calculation from the beginning to the end.Sun Ben and Sun Fu have fought battles for a long time, and the most common thing is to cross rivers and demolish bridges, and they often do it.Lu Meng knew it when Zhou Yu mentioned it a little bit, and then Ling Tong and Ding Feng.In the end, Pan Zhang and Ma Zhong realized something.

Zhou Yu and Cai Mao were in a panic and had no good intentions.Even for the allies, it is also a stabbing knife.What Cai Mao thought was that when things were done, he would immediately march down to Jiangdong and destroy Zhou Yu and Sun Quan.To be more realistic, Zhou Yu is now calculating Cai's strength.Is it possible to succeed when two points seem to be in harmony with each other?

Putting these aside, although Cai Zhong and Cai He suddenly launched an attack, Liu Pan was unexpected, and was a little flustered for a while.But after all, the defenders are Jingzhou elites. Under Liu Pan's personal call with his own soldiers, after learning that the Cai brothers rebelled, they desperately killed them.Cai Zhong, Cai He, if you can't make it, you can't make it.How can they resist the Jingzhou elite who are like wolves and tigers? In Liu Pan's charge, the soldiers of the Cai family couldn't support it.

When Cai Zhong and Cai He saw this, the Jiangdong Army hadn't dispatched troops yet, no matter how stupid they were, they knew they were being betrayed.Cai Zhong yelled: "Zhou Yu, you betrayed your allies, and you will die!" I don't know if Zhou Yu heard it or not.Even if he could hear it, Zhou Yu would make fun of him as childish.

All the young Cai's children around were beheaded by Liu Pan, Cai Zhong's eyes were tearing apart, these are really relatives.But no matter how good your loved ones are, they can't compare to yourself.After calling Cai He, the two fled north with dozens of soldiers.

Just as Liu Pan wanted to pursue him, thousands of enemy troops came from outside the camp, all under the banner of Jiangdong Zhouyu.Looking at the few hundred defenders around him, Liu Pan knew that he couldn't hold it anymore, so he fled to the west gate of the camp.

It was Ma Zhong who was guarding the west gate, leading two thousand Jiangdong troops to block the west gate.Liu Pan shouted: "Since you must die, why don't you fight to the death!" After speaking, he took the lead and rushed to the enemy line himself.

When he met Ma Zhong, he was beheaded by Liu Pan in less than ten rounds.Although there are many soldiers in Jiangdong, after all, the main general is dead, so the defense is not so strict.Seen by Liu Pan, he led the remaining dozens of cavalry and fled to Jingzhou Camp.The Jiangdong soldiers knew that poor bandits should not be chased, and that it would be hard for them to return, so they stopped chasing them.

Although he lost the young general Ma Zhong, he just looked at the white grain villages on the mountain.Zhou Yu's eyes were full of fire, and he really won a big victory.real!I, Zhou Yu, will defeat the mighty Liu Qi.Bo Fu, have you seen it in the Spirit of Heaven?I avenged you.Liu Qi's son wanted to destroy me in Jiangdong, but I was defeated, and his grain storage was also successfully attacked by me.

Zhou Yu was in a daze, as if Sun Ce's hearty laughter rang in his ears again.In those years, we fought side by side together.In those years, we talked at night by candlelight, slept on the same couch, talked about our ideals together at night, and said that we would join hands to create a great cause for the rest of our lives.But it never occurred to me that you, Bo Fu, would leave before me.

But don't worry, Bofu, I will fulfill your last wish for you.I will avenge your revenge for you, this is just the beginning.I will take down the whole world to pay homage to your undead.

"Gong Jin, Gong Jin, what are you thinking?" Lu Su looked at Zhou Yu in a daze, and pushed him.

"Ah, Zijing." Zhou Yu hurriedly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said with a smile, "I thought of Bofu, and I lost control of my emotions for a while, which made Zijing laugh."

Lu Su waved his hand, expressing his indifference, and said, "Lu Meng asked me to ask you what to do with the grain and grass, have they all been burned, and some are still left."

"Burn all the corn and other things that are not easy to take away, and bring all the dried meat, dry food and other food that is ready to wait. Prepare food for 30 days, and burn all the rest. Time will not wait for me, I am afraid it is the remnant of the defenders I have already reported to Liu Qi. Our army must take [-] days of food and grass, and capture a city as a shelter." Zhou Yu ordered.The battle situation is very urgent.

Lu Su nodded in agreement, and said, "Yes, I thought so too. Liu Qi's food storage area was burned, and his back route was cut off. He will definitely fight to the death. But the food and grass in his army is only ten days, at most ten days." Five days. There is no food in the army, and the Jingzhou army will inevitably collapse. At that time, we will take advantage of the victory and pursue it. It will be at least ten days. Thirty days will be enough food and grass."

Jingzhou is really rich. One hundred thousand shi of grain and grass are hoarded on the whole mountain, which is an eye-opener for Jiangdong soldiers.There are densely packed granaries, countless wine and meat, and countless luggage.This time the Jiangdong Army had a great harvest.It's just a pity that so much food and grass can't be transported away, but can only be burned on the spot. It's a pity.

Most of the soldiers were former farmers and knew that food was hard to come by.But the military order is like a mountain, no matter how unfortunate it is, we have to obey it.One month's food and grass is already the limit of the Jiangdong army, and no matter how much it brings, it will slow down the marching speed.One after another, the granaries were ignited, and by the way, the entire Dushan Mountain was also set ablaze.The flames soared into the sky, and the flames were hundreds of meters high. Even if the Jiangdong army retreated several miles away, they could still feel the astonishing heat of the raging fire.

Zhou Yu took one last look, and didn't miss it. She didn't have the palpitations when she came, and she was very relaxed.With a clip on the belly of the horse, he said: "The whole army is going to Guangde."

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