Liu Qi, the eldest son of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 85 The Most Popular Showdown in History——Zhou Yu vs Zhu

() The same talent, the same youth, the same handsomeness, today we will compete.

Zhou Yu vs Zhuge Liang

The first battle: generals!

In official history, it is rare for generals to confront each other by force, and more often they lead troops to command battles.But it appears frequently in the novels, the two armies confront each other, and the generals will fight against each other, which is called fighting generals.Fighting generals, people in ancient times liked it very much, not just us modern people.Fighting generals prominently and intensively show the heroic spirit of generals, and are even more popular.

So Zhou Yu proposed fighting generals, and Liu Qi agreed without hesitation, regardless of Zhuge Liang's more secure play.To fight is to fight beautifully, to win is to win Zhou Yu's heart.

As soon as the drum was played, Zhou Yu flew out a horse in front of the formation. He was a young general of fifteen or sixteen years old.Wearing a white gold crown, wearing a snow-white battle robe, white leather and white armor, he rode his horse and held out his spear to fight.The appearance is dignified and majestic.Everyone else said hello secretly.The young general trotted around in front of the formation and shouted loudly: "I am Ling Tong of Wu County! Who dares to fight with me." Zhou Yu's general Sun Ben and Sun Fu should not go into battle easily.The young general Zhu Ran was captured and Ma Zhong was killed.Ling Tong was also in a hurry, seeing that no one was going to fight, he went out to challenge alone.

Ling Tongshang is only 14 years old. Even though he looks strong and older than his actual age, he is still a young player.The generals of Jingzhou did not go to battle because of their identity.Gong Du saw that everyone was not going to fight, and he didn't care about the shame of being born in the Yellow Turban, so he took the lead first.With a loud shout, he said: "The enemy general is going crazy, and I'm here!"

After speaking, he galloped his horse straight to Ling Tong, wanting to take advantage of his unpreparedness and kill him with one blow.The general of Jingzhou suddenly lost his face, and said to himself: Shameless.Gong Du didn't think so. Since the Yellow Turban Uprising, he had killed countless enemy generals who were stronger than him by virtue of his first move advantage.As a Yellow Turban thief general, it's good to be alive, so what's the etiquette and shamelessness.

Seeing Ling Tong up close, he said that 16-year-olds are big, but they are only thirteen-four-year-old dolls.Gong Du could be his father.Gong Du laughed out loud, as if the first achievement was right in front of his eyes.However, his hands were merciless, and he slashed at Ling Tong with a big knife, very viciously.

What a good Ling Tong, he didn't panic when he saw this, he took it as soon as he raised his gun.The two fought for ten rounds, you stabbed me and shot me.Although Ling Tong is young, he is as brave as his father and can fight against second-rate generals.Gong Du is a third-rate military general, how can he beat Ling Tong.Thirty rounds later, Gong Du was timid and his saber skills gradually became confused, knowing that he was no match for Ling Tong, he pulled his horse and left, his life was the most important thing.Ling Tongtong clamped the horse's belly, and the fast horse chased Gong Du. In less than three steps, he stabbed with a spear in Gong Du's back.Gong Du immediately fell off his horse and died.

Jiang Dongdou will win for a while first.The Jiangdong soldiers were extremely excited, raising their weapons and cheering.Jiangdong war drums were beating even louder.Immediately, Jiangdong's morale was greatly boosted.

Seeing that Zhuge Liang hadn't fought yet, he folded his general and gave Liu Qi a blank look.Liu Qi's handsome face was a little embarrassed, and he didn't dare to look at Zhuge Liang.Jingzhou lost for a while, the next battle must be won, Zhuge Liang looked around, and his eyes fell on the general Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei was very excited when he knew he was going to play.Gong didn't overestimate his own strength. Seeing that he was young, he wanted to take advantage of his unpreparedness, but he was killed instead.In fact, it is self-inflicted.Must win this time.Zhang Fei is as brave as Huang Zhong, the number one general in Jingzhou, and he is bound to win a big victory.

Zhang Fei couldn't wait, as soon as Zhuge Liang finished speaking, he immediately drove forward on a black puma with a Zhangba snake spear in his hand.When he came to the front of the formation, Zhang Fei shouted: "Zhang Yide from Yan is here, don't call some dolls to fight, let some famous generals fight with me."

Ding Feng, Ling Tong, Pan Zhang, Lu Meng and other young generals were furious when they saw that Zhang Fei looked down on them, and they challenged Zhou Yu to fight.Zhou Yu smiled slightly, and his handsome face added a bit of charm, and said: "The enemy general is rampant, are you going to act recklessly? Gongji wins first, and then let our general Sun Ben fight in the next battle."

Seeing Zhou Yu pointing at him, Sun Ben clasped his fists in salute without hesitation and said, "Decree!" He raised his sword upside down, clamped his legs around the horse's belly, and came slowly.

Seeing that the incoming general was a general in his 40s or [-]s, Zhang Fei was overjoyed and said, "It seems that Jiangdong's generals are not all babies."He provocatively said that in the battle before the battle, he can't be defeated verbally. Trash talk in the NBA has been used in China since ancient times.

"Baby can also kill you and other unnamed generals." Sun Ben said without giving in.

Zhang Fei was furious, and shouted: "Look who kills who." With a loud shout, he rode a black puma and galloped towards him.Sun Benkou said that Zhang Fei was vulnerable, but actually he took it very seriously.Zhang Fei knew that he was a fierce general when he saw his extraordinary momentum and his appearance was different from ordinary people.What's more, his younger brother Sun Fu was defeated by this person.

Zhang Ba Snake Spear pierced, like a black dragon coming out of a hole, with a tricky and vicious angle.Sun Ben hurriedly picked it up, and a strong force was transmitted from the snake spear to the sword, and the tiger's mouth hurt slightly, probably a little cracked.Secretly said: "This black-faced Zhang Fei has so much strength, my brother Sun Fu deserves to lose." Sun Ben paid more attention to it.

Zhang Fei was so unreasonable, he took advantage of the first move, and his moves became faster and faster.Either stabbing, picking, sweeping, or chopping, Sun Ben secretly groaned in front of such powerful spear techniques.On the surface, the battle with Zhang Fei was evenly contested.In fact, his arms were numb and he was reluctant to fight.After fifty rounds, Zhang Fei yelled and used his unique move-sweeping thousands of troops.The spear whizzed towards him, bringing with it a gust of wind. Sun Ben's arm had long since lost feeling.After being swept off the horse by Zhang Fei, he vomited blood.

Sun Fu's eyes were cracked, and he shouted: "How dare you hurt my elder brother!" He didn't stop him from left and right, and let Sun Fu gallop over on horseback, regardless of the fact that he couldn't beat Zhang Fei.Zhang Fei smiled contemptuously, and said: "The defeated general dares to come to fight. He really does not know how to live or die. Today I will kill both of you brothers and ask for credit from my governor." After he stabbed with the spear, Sun Ben let out a cry of pain , the corpses were separated.

"Ahhh, I'm going to kill you." Sun Fu saw his brother die tragically in front of him, he didn't care about anything, he only wanted revenge.Sun Ben and Sun Fu's father died early, and his elder brother Sun Ben was in charge of the family early when he was very young. He was his elder brother in name, but in fact he was no different from his father.

The person closest to him died tragically in front of him, and no one could remain indifferent and maintain reason.Sun Fu had a belief in his heart: kill the black-faced man in front of him and avenge his brother.With the spear in his hand, he stabbed desperately like rain.Faced with such a desperate style of play, Zhang Fei was in a hurry for a while.It can be seen that Sun Fu came to fight with the will to die.

Zhang Fei defended for the time being, and waited for the enemy to lose strength before delivering a fatal blow.Sure enough, after a hundred rounds, Sun Fu's marksmanship gradually became disorganized, beads of sweat rolled down his face, and wet his breastplate.Relying on Sun Fu's desperate style of play, he was able to fight Zhang Fei for a hundred rounds, which is a miracle.Zhang Fei saw the gap, and stabbed with a spear. Sun Fu didn't have the strength to lift it up for a moment, and saw his body being pierced by the spear.

Sun Fu thought to himself: Brother, I'm here to find you.The pupils of his eyes dilated, his head tilted, and he fell under the horse.

(Whether there is a reward or not!)

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