Chunyang Immortal Mansion

Chapter 1 Crossing

() Tianjianmen, the back mountain of the outer gate, a qi training disciple has fallen to the ground, but is still being beaten by a fellow disciple, there are many people around cheering and cheering, the beaten disciple is slowly It slowly became stiff, and suddenly an extremely small spot of light galloped from the sky, flying into the forehead of the beaten disciple without anyone seeing it.

In a daze, Zhao Tong opened his eyes, "Why are there so many people? Didn't I fall under the cliff?"

A foot stepped on his thigh, causing Zhao Tong to yell in pain, and an arrogant face appeared in Zhao Tong's field of vision, "Trash, it's your fate, I will teach you next time, remember it for me , now you are no longer what you used to be, don't pretend to be noble in front of the uncle, you have to scream nicely when you see me, and take good care of me."

How could Zhao Tong have been wronged like this before, the other party spit and stared at him and sprayed him all over the face, Zhao Tong kicked hard with the other leg, he felt a hot current flow from the top of his head to the whole body, and flowed into the leg, the strength on the leg doubled immediately Increase.

The other party didn't expect that the boy who was on the verge of death could fight back. He was kicked straight, almost fell, and half of his leg was numb.

Zhao Tong jumped up as soon as he stood upright. He felt the interaction between two streams of air in his dantian and his head, and he felt extremely comfortable. Many memories began to appear in his mind. After the information, he came to a shocking conclusion, "He crossed over."

Suddenly a fist hit him hard in the stomach. The true energy carried by the fist was icy cold, and Zhao Tong was so painful that he bent down. The opponent raised his leg and was about to kick Zhao Tong in the head. A crisp female voice came, "Outer disciples are strictly forbidden to fight, Yang Ming, what are you doing?"

The man glanced at the woman who was talking, the flesh on his face twitched twice, and he said, "Let's go." A few attendants followed immediately, and one boy vomited Zhao Tong when he passed by. There was a mouthful of phlegm on his body, and although his stomach still hurt, Zhao Tong, who was obsessed with cleanliness, was so disgusted that he almost spat it out.

The woman glanced at Zhao Tong who had fallen to the ground, shook her head, and left silently.

Zhao Tong panted heavily, and after the zhenqi in his body was constantly reconciled, the cold air that had invaded his body was finally expelled from his body.

He looked down the mountain, and the figure of the vigorous woman had disappeared into the dense forest.

Zhao Tong began to sort out the chaotic memories in his mind, "It turned out to be like this, my family's jade pendant turned out to be a treasure, and it took me from the earth to this world. I was beaten to death, and I just crossed over. I believe that kid named Yang Ming was also wondering why he was still able to fight back without being killed. I remember the guy who spit. I am strong enough to clean you up." Thinking of this, he angrily threw away the coat with the phlegm on it.

Zhao Tong began to search all the memories about Ye Fan. Ye Fan, the spiritual root of the five elements, the fourth level of Qi training, the outer disciple of Tianjianmen, although the spiritual root is average, but he is a pure Yang body, he can practice swordsmanship in the early stage of Qi training, There are few opponents in the same rank, and that Yang Ming has been defeated by Ye Fan many times.Later, Ye Fan was injured while hunting a monster, and his meridians were damaged, his cultivation stagnated, and he could no longer use swordsmanship.

Ever since Ye Fan was injured, his original friends began to leave him one after another, and the woman who saved him just now was one of them.And those disciples who once lost to him have bullied Ye Fan a lot in the past two years. Ye Fan defeated them uprightly back then, but now they rely on their high cultivation level and find trouble to bully others. Countless memories of being humiliated are in Zhao Tong Tong flipped his mind, and he clenched his fists, "Since I have encountered this world, I will use the name of this body from now on. From then on, I will be Ye Fan, and Ye Fan will be me. Those who have bullied me, I take this revenge."

In addition to the memories of the two lifetimes, there is some information that attracted his attention, "Chunyang Immortal Mansion, also known as Jiezhu, absorbs the pure Yang energy of the world, breeds all things, and creates the world."

"I,,, can I be more awesome? Chunyang Immortal Mansion is my jade pendant?" Just thinking of this, Ye Fan appeared in another place the next moment. It is the size of a house, and there is a stone tablet in the middle that looks like a boundary marker.

Another piece of information came from Ye Fan's mind, "Touch the monument with one hand?"

Ye Fan walked over almost subconsciously, touching the boundary marker with one hand.

He felt that this Pure Yang Immortal Mansion seemed to be completely integrated into his body, a stream of air flowed out from the Immortal Mansion, flowed into his brain through the Niwan Palace, and then flowed into his body, and then he lost consciousness.

When Ye Fan woke up and found that it was already dark, he was lucky that he was not attacked by wild animals in the back mountain of this wilderness.Why do you pass out?Ye Fan looked inside his body and found that the meridians that he thought would never recover had healed. This was a surprise, "Could it be that this Immortal Mansion cured my meridians when I was in a coma? It must be like this."

Ye Fan hurried back to his cave, he was afraid that another coma would happen again.

After arriving in the cave, Ye Fan immediately let go of all the restrictions, then sat cross-legged, and began to think about other information about the fairy mansion.

During the Qi training period, the Immortal Mansion has the function of shortening the time for planting spirit grass by ten times. After leveling up, the functions of the Immortal Mansion will gradually be unblocked? This is not a game,,," complained a few words, and Ye Fan began to think about how to make good use of the Immortal Mansion.

Outer sect disciples will distribute some elixir seeds. Immortal sect encourages disciples to plant spiritual grass outside the cave abode. It turns out that Mr. Ye, who has a pure yang body and outstanding swordsmanship, of course disdains to do the work of these gardeners, so everyone Still keep it.

Ye Fan first put the seeds into the Immortal Mansion, and the way to store and retrieve items is similar to using the storage bag, the difference is that there is no need to input true energy.

Then Ye Fan meditated according to the method of entering the Immortal Mansion in the information, and he entered the Immortal Mansion again. This time he entered the Immortal Mansion and found that the mansion monument was gone, and it was not his body but the soul body that entered here. He was still the first For the first time, he could feel his own soul body, and found that it was a human-shaped energy body. He squatted down and touched the ground, and the touch was no different from the body.

He asked the Immortal Mansion to automatically plant these seeds. In the limited area of ​​the Immortal Mansion, exactly one hundred seeds were planted. One can be exchanged for five small Peiyuan pills, and one hundred spirit grasses are five hundred small Peiyuan pills. Just thinking about it makes me feel excited enough, but it's a pity that I have to wait for another year.

Now that Immortal Mansion's abilities have been developed, Ye Fan began to focus on his own cultivation. The skill he practiced was Ruijin Jue, which has already reached the fourth level of Qi training. He also learned a book of swordsmanship, Jian Qi Jue, which has a total of six levels. , before being injured, he had already cultivated to the fourth level, and the realm of exuding sword energy, as expected, the body of pure yang is most suitable for practicing swordsmanship, because in general, only the ninth level of Qi training can cultivate to the realm of exuding sword energy, isn't this The question of whether it is possible is a question of whether it is possible. Ordinary people's meridians do not have the toughness of the ninth level of Qi training, so they cannot withstand the impact of such a sharp sword qi. You must know that sword qi is produced in the dantian, and it must be transported through the meridians when it is used As far as the sword weapon is concerned, the body of pure yang has a natural meridian toughness that is stronger than that of ordinary people, not only that, but also has the ability to increase sword energy.

Although Ye Fan's meridian is healed now, he is afraid of hidden dangers. He dare not use sword energy lightly, for fear of damaging the meridian again, so he decided to go to the uncle who tested the spiritual root to hand in the spirit stone for inspection.

Ye Fan counted the spirit stones in the storage bag, and the low-grade spirit stones were only 12 yuan, but the inspection required ten spirit stones. He gritted his teeth, thinking that it was worth it for practicing with peace of mind.But at this time, the test hall should be closed, and we can only wait until tomorrow.

That night, Ye Fan was completely struggling with the chaotic memories of the two lives. It was not until the next morning that he sorted out all the memories, and finally they were no longer interspersed with each other or confused with each other.

After waiting all night, the test hall should open at this time. Ye Fan walked out of the cave, worried about meeting those grandsons who bullied him, so he came to the place where the spiritual root was tested in hiding. He remembered all the grievances along the way. , "Bastards, you are waiting," when he reached the door, he walked in directly.

An old man was sitting cross-legged behind a table, and when he saw a disciple walking in, he opened his eyes, "Test the spirit root, 10 spirit stones."

Ye Fan said, "The boy wants my uncle to help me check my meridians to see if I can practice swordsmanship now."

The old man said, "All 10 spirit stones are included."

Ye Fan took out 10 spirit stones and put them on the table, "Stretch out your right hand," said the old man.

The old man grabbed Ye Fan's right hand, and Ye Fan felt a stream of air flow into the body through the meridians of the wrist, and entered each meridian. , the meridians are unblocked, and the tenacity is already superior at the same level, so you can practice swordsmanship." Hearing this, Ye Fan showed a smile on his face.

The old man glanced at Ye Fan and said, "Put your hands on the table."

Ye Fan put his hand on it, and the landscape picture on the table immediately lit up with five colors of light, the old man looked at it for a while, and said, "It's amazing, how come I don't have any impression of your disciple's miraculous five-element spiritual root? "

Ye Fan asked, "Master, is there anything wrong?"

"Your spiritual roots of the five elements are all middle-grade, and they are uniform to a completely consistent state. It is really rare and rare."

Ye Fan knew that only one of the five elements of his original spiritual roots was of the middle grade, and the other spiritual roots were of the lower grade. He didn't expect that all of them have become middle grade now. It must be the reason of the Immortal Mansion.

The old man asked again, "What kind of exercises do you practice?"

"Sharp gold decision."

"Well, with your spiritual root, there is a better choice, that is..."

Ye Fan hurriedly asked, "What is it?"

"On the second floor of the Sutra Pavilion, there is a book called Five Elements Aojue. People with even five elements can practice it, but it is much more difficult to practice than ordinary exercises. This exercise is a combination of five elements. I think you have a unique spiritual root. You have a suggestion, you need to consider it yourself." After finishing speaking, the old man closed his eyes again.

"Five Elements Aojue?" Ye Fan thanked the uncle, and walked outside while thinking.

As soon as Ye Fan left, the old man opened his eyes, his eyes were different from the indifference just now, and now he was full of excitement, "He turned out to be a person with even five elements. I thought I was no longer destined for that secret mansion, but I didn't expect it to be a gift from God." People, Ye Fan, ha, you have to keep an eye on the juniors in this Qi training period."

Not long after Ye Fan walked to the street, he saw a familiar figure walking towards the outer mountain. Isn't it Liu Feng?

Ye Fan has no worries about his meridians now, don't look at just the fourth level of Qi training, Liu Feng has already trained Qi at the fifth level, combining swordsmanship and true qi, he can completely clean up this kid across steps.

With an evil smile on the corner of Ye Fan's mouth, he was going to follow him to a place where no one was around, and get back the place where he was bullied in the past two years.

The two of them left the mountain gate one after the other, entered the back mountain, and then walked into the dense forest. Ye Fan laughed a few times, "Stop the waste, grandpa, I'm here to pay the debt."

Originally there was still a smile on his face, Liu Feng who didn't know what beautiful things he was thinking of was taken aback for a moment, stopped in his tracks, and when he turned around and saw that it was Ye Fan, a smile appeared on his face again, "Who did I think it was? It's you trash, what's the matter, your skin is itchy just after being cleaned up for a day."

Ye Fan couldn't wait a long time ago. He took out the elementary sword weapon from the storage bag and rushed straight up. The sword energy and true energy were combined and input into the sword weapon specialized in swordsmanship. A sword chant sounded. But it frightened the other party, so Ye Fan can use swordsmanship again?Seeing the sword weapon getting closer, Liu Feng hurriedly took out the crosspiece of the magic weapon, and then desperately injected his true energy.

With a sound of "Dang", Liu Feng missed one of the magical weapons in his hand and was knocked out of his hand. His eyes were panic-stricken, and he turned around and wanted to run away.

How could Ye Fan let the opponent escape, holding the sword body with both hands, the true energy in his body was surging, a trace of sword energy was formed through the method and rushed into the meridian, and input into the sword weapon, a sword energy came out from the sword body, "Puff," A sound pierced Liu Feng's left leg.

Liu Feng groaned in pain and fell to the ground, and said in disbelief, "You, you, you can release the sword energy?"

Ye Fan was not in a hurry to clean up the meat on the board, he walked slowly and said, "Expressing the sword energy has been done for a long time, but at that time I wanted to keep some back hands, now I don't think it is necessary, Grandpa."

The expression on Liu Feng's face became more and more tangled, fearful and helpless, Ye Fan pointed the tip of his sword at the other party, "Do you want me to let you go, Grandpa?"

"I want to, I want to, of course I want to." Liu Feng quickly said with a smile.

"First draw a hundred mouths."

I thought that the other party would have to be a man, but I didn't expect the other party to simply twitch his mouth, slapped loudly, and said while hitting, "I don't know Lingshan, I'm not human, I deserve to die."

Ye Fan had some fun watching it at first, but after a while, he found it boring.

Ye Fan wanted to spit on the other person's face, but when he thought about how precious his saliva was, he couldn't get the phlegm dirty, so he spit on this guy's clothes, and he immediately felt better, "Stop."

Liu Feng looked at the other party in surprise, thinking that this is to spare me?

Since Ye Fan traveled to this world, he has held back a lot of anger. How could he let go of this most disgusting guy so easily.

His face turned gloomy and angry, he rushed up, punched and kicked, and beat Liu Feng for a while, crying for his father and mother, this kid knew Ye Fan was powerful, so he didn't even dare to resist at this moment.After fighting for a while, Ye Fan finally relieved the depression of those memories in his heart, and Ye Fan said, "Hand over the storage bag or something, I remember you once extorted more than 30 spirit stones from me, now multiply it by ten Pay me back."

"Ah," Liu Feng almost fainted. This is all he has in total. Wouldn't it make him a pauper?

Ye Fan snatched the other party's storage bag and searched it. Although there was nothing good, it was worth more than a hundred spirit stones in total. Including the magic weapon, the total value was barely 300 yuan.

Put all the things into your storage bag, "I remember that after you searched away my finances, you said that you would save my life and earn spirit stones for you. Now I won't give you back all the words , I left you with a storage bag and two spirit stones, my lord is kind enough."

"Benevolence, absolute benevolence." Liu Feng quickly picked up the storage bag that Ye Fan threw on the ground and said with a smile.


Liu Feng got up from the ground, and ran towards the sect with a limp. Ye Fan looked at the holes in the clothes on the other side's buttocks as he ran, with a satisfied smile on his face. Liu Fengshi quietly tore it off.

Liu Feng hurriedly ran back to the outer mountain gate and ran all the way to the cave.

While running, he found that passers-by were looking at him in the wrong way, because he was injured. Every day, injured cultivators returned from the door, making a fuss!No, why are these people laughing?They're still not human, huh?Why do you feel the butt is a little chilly?

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