() About a quarter of an hour, six cultivators came here in a hurry, and started negotiating with the disciple. A red-faced man at the ninth level of Qi training asked, "Where did the cultivator who killed Yu Erhuo go?"

The qi training disciple said, "I went to the back mountain, I should have gone to hunt monsters."

"Huh? Your messenger said he got that middle-grade sword?"

"Yes, he still has nine-leaf clover on him."

The big man grabbed the qi training disciple by the neck, "Why didn't you say it earlier, if I said it earlier, I wouldn't need you to stay here, I will come and watch it myself."

"This, this, I just found out," the qi training disciple casually said.

The big man snorted coldly and said, "Brothers, that kid still has nine-leaf clover." Suddenly he felt his voice sound louder, and looked at the two deacon disciples who were guarding the gate. Fortunately, the two didn't know what they were studying. We didn't pay attention to this at all when we got together, and he whispered, "It's because he has the ability to kill Yu Erhuo. We can't deal with three of us at the ninth level of Qi training, and three of us at the eighth level of Qi training? Besides, Sange Li's cultivation Because he has already reached the peak of the ninth level, and his swordsmanship triple wave is also as pure as fire, I think the third brother alone is enough."

The cultivator known as Li Sange was already a little anxious when he heard the nine-leaf clover. Seeing the red-faced man chatting endlessly, he said directly, "What do you want Lin Tufei to say, hurry up and chase after me."

A few people hurried into the dense forest, and the disciple at the peak of the ninth level of Qi training suddenly stopped and looked in the direction of Ye Tian, ​​"Huh? Doesn't it feel like this?"

"Third brother, tell us to hurry up, why are you slow?"

"En." The man agreed, and chased into the depths of the dense forest.

As soon as Ye Tiangang saw that the other party had sensed him, he immediately released his consciousness. This was only possible in the foundation building period, and the person's perception of Ye Tian who was hiding on the tree disappeared immediately.

Ye Tianxin said that these people are looking for me like this, how do they look for me?He followed them quietly.

Ye Tian found that these people were all led by the cultivator who had doubted where he was hiding. Under his leadership, he found several groups of hunting cultivators. The disciples were either too frightened to move around, or they had already run away. Generally speaking, the disciples of the ninth level of Qi training do not haunt the place where the level of monsters is low. These low-level hunting disciples are naturally afraid, fearing that they are the kind of masters who specialize in robbery .

Ye Tian knew what the opponent's hole card was, and the leading Qi practitioner had a strong sense, "Well, if I didn't have divine sense to help me, I must have been discovered long ago."

Ye Tian followed the six-person team all the way. These people seemed rough and unrestrained, but they were extremely patient and careful.

They searched for Ye Tian near Qilian Peak all day, but no one complained.

In the evening, the disciple at the peak of the ninth level of qi training stopped, "I always feel that something is wrong, but I can't figure out what is wrong."

Lin Tu asked, "What does the third brother think is wrong?"

"When we first entered the forest, I found that there seemed to be a cultivator on a tree, but I couldn't feel it in a flash. At that time, I was afraid that the person we wanted to track would go far away, so I didn't go to check. Could it be that it was not an illusion, but there was a real person Hiding in a tree, or that person is that kid, and then," he turned around abruptly, Ye Tian was hiding in a big tree and peeping at the moment.

The man's eyes swept away, and Ye Tian quickly retracted his head behind the tree trunk.

"If he was really hunting monsters, we must have found him long ago. It is very likely that he didn't hunt monsters at all."

"Then what do we do?"

"Go back, get enough information later, and then come out."

Several people agreed one after another, and then rushed towards the direction of the outer mountain gate.

Ye Tian sneered twice behind the big tree, then jumped off the big tree, and ran towards the place where the three-legged blood leopard often haunts.

As soon as Ye Tian left, the disciple at the peak of the ninth level of Qi training suddenly stopped, and then looked behind him.

"Third brother, who is this?" Lin Tu asked.

The man said, "It's nothing, that kid is very strange."


The man sighed and said, "Go."

Ye Tian arrived at the valley that stretches thousands of miles to the east of Qilian Peak, and rushed directly into it. Although night is coming, he can now think that he has already reached the level of the ninth level of Qi training. In the territory of this level of monsters, it is already a food chain. The existence of the top level, so he has no fear.

Ye Tian ran faster and faster, and when he reached the fastest speed, the true qi in the fairy mansion flowed out again and gathered in the meridians in the dantian, and the speed increased a bit, and before he knew it, midnight had come.

"Huh?" Ye Tianmeng stopped, and he looked forward, a monster with golden fur that could still be seen clearly at night was staring at him with green eyes, isn't this the golden liger?

I wanted to find a three-legged blood leopard, but I didn't expect to meet a golden-haired liger. Evening is the time for these monsters to hunt. One person and one beast, with the same hunting purpose, met again at the same time.

Ye Tian reacted faster than the lion and tiger. The black long sword appeared in his hand. At the same time, in the dantian, in the dharma gate, the falling leaf piercing sword energy was formed, and turned into a stream of sword energy, rushing out of the meridians and entering the body of the sword. In the middle, the sound of sword chanting sounded, and Ye Tian directly slashed at the monster.

A white light suddenly appeared at night, like a flash of lightning, and the liger felt a terrible crisis. "Roar," after a short roar, a golden light glowed on its body, and then a golden light spit out from its mouth .

"Fuck, a guy at the peak of the first order."

It's a pity that although the level of the monster is high, how can its unformed instinctive magic be able to compete with the powerful sword energy emitted by the sword weapon. The golden light was broken in an instant, and the sword energy directly penetrated into the body of the golden-haired liger From the mouth, pierced from the back of the head, the white light disappeared in an instant, and the blood brought out turned dark red in the night with the disappearance of the white light.

The corpse of the monster fell to the ground with a bang, "It's over?" Ye Tian walked over, "This sword energy is too powerful? The deadly killing move of sword cultivators like Fallen Leaf Stabbing is really terrifying, and it will be better for sword cultivators in the future." Pay attention."

Ye Tian collected the body of the monster, and he threw out the body of the young master in the cave, dug a hole, and buried it.

Ye Tian continued to wander in the valley, but he didn't find any other monsters, but he killed a few mid-level ones, each of which was worth more than a hundred spirit stones.

Just when Ye Tian was about to continue to go deep into the valley, a sudden gust of Yin wind hit, and Ye Tian suddenly caught a strange figure in his consciousness. The speed of the opponent was extremely fast, and Ye Tian only had time to combine sword energy and true energy. The sword slashed at the opponent, and there was an object in Yin Ying's hand, which intersected with Ye Tian's long sword. Yin Ying screamed fiercely, "Pure Yang Qi, ah," Yin Ying said after screaming, " An ancient saying once said that those with pure yang must be killed."

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