Chunyang Immortal Mansion

Chapter 205 2 Battlefields

Ye Tian excitedly dug out the stones, the monster couldn't take it anymore, it was too painful, his scarlet eyes had turned red, he wanted to vent, at this moment, several human cultivators approached, and the monster happened to find him , He opened his mouth and let out a roar, the sound waves were so strong that several cultivators who were more than ten kilometers away stopped immediately, and they used their energy to resist the strong air flow, but found that the stench could not be stopped even by the immortal energy. The leader's eyes were bright, "It's Bi Qiong, that's great, this ancient beast, the level has never been high, but it is the monster with the most treasures that the real immortals dream of. The skin of this body is the most precious. If we get it, the few of us will no longer have to worry about the property needed to cultivate to the peak of the Golden Immortal, haha, get rich."

The eyes of the remaining few people released greedy gazes, and one person laughed and said, "Huh? He seems to be having a stomachache."

Hearing this statement, the rest of the people immediately laughed in unison.

The leader also smiled and said, "It seems that he really has some problems, but it is a great opportunity for us."

The leader took out the formation plate and threw it into the void. The formation plate instantly became larger, covering several kilometers in size. Several people occupied different positions in the formation space. It can be seen that there is a tacit understanding in cooperation many times. They are all true immortals, and the leader is the pinnacle of true immortals. How much power will be exerted by concentrating the power of several powerful true immortals with a formation?

Ye Tian walked all the way, his subordinates didn't call out this time, one of the right guards has already died, this monster is not easy to mess with, if there is anything powerful to save his life, it would be too bad to die.Nothing matters.

He came to a place with a huge meat ball. The meat ball was crystal clear, and it was overflowing with aura. Ye Tian opened the fairy root and found that there was a fairy spirit on it. This thing should be the organ of a monster. With the aura of fairy spirits, we can't take advantage of the bugs, how can we take them so big, so Ye Tian called everyone out temporarily, so as not to have too many nights and dreams.Hurry up and carry it into Chunyang Immortal Mansion.It's too dangerous here.

Ye Tian took out the Zijin Excalibur, flew to the place where this organ was connected to the body, and chopped off directly, and then everyone immediately carried the huge meat ball into the Chunyang Immortal Mansion.

The monster's pain this time was so intense that it almost couldn't survive.

The headed fairy's eyes lit up.Started the attack.He spread his hands.A golden sword appeared behind him, and the rest of them each had five elements, and gathered on the golden sword through a formation.This sword is not a sword weapon, but the natal magic weapon of the headed true immortal. The golden brilliance and multi-person eyes on it are extremely brilliant. When the power of these people gathered on it, there was a buzzing sound of the sword , like a sword, the sound is sharp and piercing, full of murderous aura, and the sword spirit is looming in the sword, this is a fairy weapon, the sword spirit has been fully formed, and it may even be able to cast magic. Suddenly flying out of the formation, the formation disappeared immediately, and all the true immortals seemed to have regained their freedom at the same time, each offering their own special skills.

In the universe, the golden natal fairy artifact shone with dazzling brilliance. As it ran fast, it showed the appearance of its main body. It was a golden roc, spreading its wings, screaming loudly, and bumped into it. Wherever they pass, the starry sky is exploding, and space cracks are about to form. So many real immortal formations attack together, and the leader of them is even the top of the real immortal. This move is infinitely close to the power of the golden immortal.

The monster had no fear at all, one organ was missing, but he didn't show any signs of dying, but he had absorbed too much essence and spiritual energy, and his body was extremely weak.

He tried his best to keep himself awake in the severe pain, and then spit out a mouthful of black liquid. At the same time, countless tentacles grabbed at the golden shed. The golden shed cut off the tentacles one by one with their wings, and flew quickly. Countless tentacles hugged him, but they couldn't stop him at all, but the power on them was rapidly diminishing, and they were submerged by that mouthful of liquid like a lake wave.

Ye Tian asked everyone, "What is that thing?"

"I don't know, it should be internal organs, but monsters are different from ordinary monsters, so I can't guess what it is, but there is a lot of fairy energy, and the meat is fresh and tender, suitable for food."

Hearing this sentence, I haven't satisfied my desire for tongue and tongue for a long time. Ye Tian immediately typeset, roasted, stewed, steamed for me, and tried various methods. Anyway, so much meat is like a hill, enough All kinds of eating methods tossed.

"Haha, I, Hansen, are the best at this. Do you want to try my craft?"

This guy has been out of company since the death of the God of Death, and his friend is completely out of touch. Seeing that this guy is finally back to normal, Ye Tian feels relieved.

"Okay, you can figure it out." After saying this, he began to search for the monster's organs again.

However, the monster didn't give Ye Tian another chance. While the monster was fighting the enemy, he finally became cruel, split his body, and split a huge individual in his body. This thing has a certain thinking. He and the monster will No longer one, but with the same interests, he will obey the monster's orders after waking up, but after completing this order, they will go their separate ways.

This thing is like a continuous mountain range, wandering inside the monster's huge body, chasing towards Ye Tian.

Ye Tian was still completely unstoppable, he was digging for stones, suddenly a sense of crisis came, Qinglong in Chunyang Immortal Mansion found it and told Ye Tian, ​​"There is a huge thing moving behind."

Ye Tian's scarlet soul demon spirit flew out directly, and it was Huowufengxiang, and the Huofeng shot at the little monster, but it hit him like a spark.

Ye Tiantian's sword came out brilliantly, and it was extremely dazzling in the chaos of the sword.

"Ah," the little monster has eyes, and the Sword of Heaven really deserves to be the powerful Immortal Emperor's Form. This brilliant power makes the enemy's eyes sting.

The sword light shot out, but when it hit the monster, it only caused the opponent's body to vibrate slightly.

Ye Tian was dumbfounded, but Chixie's light cannon fired, three cannons, both little monsters and monsters were equally afraid of this.

The little monster also has a lot of tentacles, all of them are blocked, and there is a mouthful of saliva. The black saliva has a huge area, and all three light cannons have passed through the saliva. Coupled with the obstruction of the tentacles, when it hits the little monster, it is equivalent to Just tickle him.

As soon as he swam, he quickly pulled in the distance from Ye Tian, ​​and he had the same ability as the monster in his mother's body. Ye Tian was caught by the tentacles before he could react, but the strength of a tentacle was far from that of a big monster. As soon as Ye Tian struggled, there were signs of loosening, but immediately dozens of tentacles grabbed Ye Tian.

Ye Tian saw that the other party was about to spit at him, but he just saw how powerful the saliva was. If he was submerged in it, he would never be able to hold it for a second. This is the case when he can use the magic weapon of his life to protect his body. But now he is completely restrained, no talisman or swordsmanship can be used, this monster is really the nemesis of cultivators, it seems to be immune to magic arts, and has the ability to reduce damage to swordsmanship.

Ye Tian was in a hurry, and everyone was also in a hurry. Fortunately, they were all in the Chunyang Immortal Mansion, and their spells could also be used to defend against the enemy through the Chunyang Immortal Mansion, so all kinds of spells and monstrous water waves came out. Ye Tian threw out the more than 1 bugs that were guarding the house in Yangxian Mansion. It's really lucky that he was able to do this action, otherwise he would really be doomed.

Ye Tian called the worm emperor Luo Tian at the same time, "Luo Tian, ​​come and ask your men to come over and deal with this monster."

"Yes, my lord." The insect emperor Luo Tian replied very simply.

The black liquid couldn't pose a threat at all when it was blocked by tens of thousands of insects and countless magic weapons.

The worms were not too far away, but at the moment they were ordered by the worm emperor to swarm over immediately, Ye Tian asked everyone to attack quickly.

All the spells were attacked, and the monster was not afraid at all, but the attack of the three super-powered light cannons plus the tens of thousands of ordinary light cannons made him very scared, and he didn't care about him for a while.

Immortal-level insects seized the opportunity, and immediately a hundred or so flew onto the little monster. This is amazing. The size of this little monster is equivalent to a mountain range stretching for hundreds of kilometers. These hundred or so are true fairy-level Yes, how could he stand the horror of hundreds of immortal-level insects absorbing his life essence, aura, and fairy aura at the same time. At that time, his whole body was convulsed. Little monster, lest he kill too many worms, but the real fairy level worms are not so easy to kill, and the level progress of the worm emperor Luotian even began to increase rapidly.

The little monster had no power to resist, and 10,000+ earth fairy-level bugs also flew over and absorbed them together. The body of the little monster was shrinking rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Ye Tian and the others saw the horror be terrified.

This side solves the situation of the little monsters, while outside, Ye Tian's side deals with the little monsters, the monsters get a chance to breathe, and immediately refreshed, with tentacles and saliva like a lake attacking wildly, the six real immortals had to use They used formations to resist, but they couldn't hold it for long. They were really confused as to why they were able to fight with all their strength after seeing the monsters languishing at first.

The huge monster can move thousands of miles at a time, crushing and chasing the formation of the six people who are constantly retreating. The six people rely on the formation to attack and defend. The speed is extremely fast, and they can handle it. Every time they are hit, they can be dangerous and Dodge it dangerously, but if it continues like this, this huge monster will hit the formation once, and the formation will collapse immediately, not to mention the strength, they can't bear it even with this quality.

At this moment inside the monster, the bugs had completely sucked the little monster's body dry. Ye Tian happily took the monster's body into the Chunyang Immortal Mansion. The best material for making defensive magic weapons or clothes, engraved with the ancient god array, will be able to defend against powerful attacks without injury. (To be continued..)

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