Chunyang Immortal Mansion

Chapter 207 Arrival

Ye Tian flew all the way, and he didn't care what was behind him anyway, it was dangerous anyway, the direction of his flight was Liuyun Continent, where the true immortals gather, whoever he is, dare to be on that kind of trading-based cultivation planet act wildly.

But as Ye Tian fled farther and farther, Ye Tian suddenly remembered one thing, that is, the other party probably knew that he had taken that monster, and that monster was full of treasures, what should I do?

Everyone discussed for a while, and the main battlers were the six arrogant dragons and their elder and big dragons, but Xiaolong had no objection at first, but he was afraid of his wife, and Xiao Jiu, a girl, was a tough main fighter. Surprised, Lin Yuer abstained, which made Ye Tian very depressed, but when he thought about it, he knew what the other party was thinking, which meant that she would desperately support you whether you fought or not.

However, Wang Yan gave Ye Tian an idea, "If you lose a robot, you can test the opponent's strength and escape with a battleship."

Chi Xie was furious, "Whoever dares to let my precious battleship be used as cannon fodder, I will be in a hurry with him."

Wang Yan smiled and said, "I'm in charge of this thing now." He pointed to the shriveled giant monster, "How about a little more?"

Chi Xie thought about it, and seemed to be calculating the gains and losses. Since this guy was reincarnated, he seemed to have become stupid in some aspects and became a professional scientific researcher. However, Ye Tian thought, but the calculation should not be so bad, so there is no need to think about the gains and losses. Long?

Unexpectedly, after holding back for a long time, Chi Xie asked, "How much more can I give?"



A bunch of people are speechless.

Everyone watched Wang Yan and Chi Xie bargaining there in disbelief, Ye Tian thought, "It's time, these guys already have their own interests, even I will be counted by them, the problem is that I Why is it that I don’t have the right to distribute the things I get. Okay. They are all mine, huh? Why does this sentence sound so awkward, uh, don’t think about it.” Watching the two of them arguing.Finally it was finalized.Only a small part of Ye Tian's consciousness came out of Chunyang Immortal Mansion.

There are now four warships in Chunyang Immortal Mansion.Four super-energy cannons were fired, and another advantage of this super-energy light cannon that Ye Tian had never thought of before now showed his value, that is, the range is far enough.It is much farther than the distance of the real immortal technique.

Ye Tian thought of this question, and said in his heart, "Then what kind of battleship should be sacrificed, just keep a distance and bombard it." But soon he knew why, because the bombardment of these four cannons, if it is really good against the early stage of Zhenxian Threats, dealing with the five old-fashioned true immortals and the formation of concentrated power, there is no threat at all, but a little ripple flashed on the opponent's barrier.

But this also made Ye Tian really discover them, "Five, shit, they are all true immortals, and one is the peak of true immortals, so they have to escape."

What else is there to say, one of Chixie's warships flew out, and the super-energy light cannons fired together, indeed sniping the opponent's speed, making the opponent's speed slow for a moment to the point where it seemed to stop, plus speeding up again In the process of speed, the distance opened in the blink of an eye is thousands of miles. In the whole process, Ye Tian flickered more than ten times and already opened more than 3000 miles.

Ye Tian thought it would be pointless to waste the spaceship, but Chi Xie said, "My lord, my super light cannon also has an effective range."

Ye Tian stopped talking, and ran away with his head down. After thousands of flashes, he could no longer see those traces, and he also lost any perception. It must be that the spaceship dragged the other party down, but it should have been destroyed by the other party now or caught.

Ye Tian began to fly crazily towards Liuyun Continent.

Those five people smashed the spaceship, and the leader of the real immortal studied it, "This thing is really a strange magic weapon, I have never seen it before."

"It's better to chase quickly, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up."

"It's not that I'm afraid, it's that I won't be able to catch up at all." The leader of the real fairy said with a sigh.

"Then what do we do?"

A black worm appeared in the hand of the real fairy leader, and he smiled at them, "His descendants have already chased after him, ha."

"Well, this thing is still the most useful."


"Put this thing away now, and go to old man Wu to analyze it and see what secrets there are."

"Indeed, maybe we can make a small fortune."

"You are really poor and crazy, thinking about getting rich every day."


Ye Tian flickered and walked, and he was ready for a long-term flight. Flickering flight is not so tiring and consumes less energy. I have to say that this technique is really powerful. Ye Tian really admires his previous life very much. He thought of it with a smile. Do you want to kowtow to yourself and bow down to your great past life.

During the long journey, there are so many real immortals and so many high-level monsters in the starry sky of Xiaoqian World. There are very few troubles along the way. There are fewer and fewer things that can be seen by everyone, and there is an increasingly urgent need for a more advanced trading market to find the items they need.

120 years, this is the time it takes for Ye Tian to fly. It is said that this is already a very short distance. This is only a small thousand world. When it comes to the great thousand world, it will be even more vast and boundless.

The comprehension planet with a purple halo in front is the Liuyun Continent. This is the flickering light of the entire planet's defensive array. Ye Tian looked at it for a long time and found that the planet was completely covered by the barrier of the formation. It took a long time to find the entrance.

So he asked Wang Yan, "Oh, it's your turn to play, where is the entrance?"

Wang Yan was earnestly carving a detailed formation on the cut monster skin, when he was suddenly disturbed by Ye Tian's voice, his hand trembled. Fortunately, he was highly skilled, and with the help of Yuanli, he completely carved this stroke.

But maybe Ye Tian promised to buy him various materials and arrays, which made him feel better recently, and he was not angry, and smiled at Ye Tian, ​​"My lord, wait for me."

Wang Yan looked at the huge purple formation through the Chunyang Immortal Mansion, and he couldn't move when he saw it for the first time. Ye Tian was depressed and asked, "Where is the entrance?"

"My lord, please be calm and don't be impatient, wait for me to take a closer look."


After a while, Ye Tian asked, "How?"

"My lord, please be calm and don't be impatient."


After a while, Ye Tian held back his anger and asked, "How?"

"My lord please."

"Big head, please." Ye Tian directly used his divine sense to make a huge fist and knocked this guy out.

Wang Yan turned a few somersaults in the cosmic starry sky, then stopped with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and said depressedly, "The master has the ability of immortal roots, why not use it, the subordinate just saw the key point."

"Damn, as long as you don't say one word, it's enough. You said that the Lord be safe and don't be impatient, which is more than telling me where it is."

This kid Wang Yan screwed it up, but without saying anything, Ye Tian grabbed him by the neck and threw him into Chunyang Immortal Mansion, "Damn it, it's becoming more and more boring to be the master of this old man, Qinglong, you say, you Do you dare to be like this guy in the future?"

Qinglong trotted over quickly, "The subordinates dare not."

"Fortunately, there are a few obedient subordinates, otherwise I will really be pissed off."

Chi Xie smiled at this time, "My lord, don't get angry, don't you still have our heartfelt subordinates? Yes, hehe."

Ye Tian knew that Chi Xie was becoming less and less a thing, and this was adding insult to injury. Although it was actually a joke, this kid was never a thing, at least after Jian Hu's incident, Ye Tian thought so.

The kid Jian Hu listened to Chi Xie, and immediately echoed, "Chief Chi Xie is right."


Is this going to be a bunch of live treasures?

Lin Yu'er transmitted voice to Ye Tian's divine consciousness, "Have you noticed that Wang Yan has a problem with his head?"

Ye Tian was taken aback and asked, "What's the problem?"

"His personality seems to be more and more like a child." Lin Yuer nodded and winked at Ye Tian.

Ye Tian thought about it carefully, "He played hide-and-seek with monsters, this..." The more Ye Tian thought about it, the more something was wrong.

Ye Tian found the wisest immortal to discuss, and the immortal thought for a while and asked, "Could it be because of the sequelae that occurred after the fusion of his two lives? He said he had all the memories of his previous life, but later he said he forgot a lot. , and later said that he forgot most of them, and now this happens again, this kid is a bit bad."

Ye Tian thought so too, the memories of the two worlds merged together, and he even said something about parallel worlds, which was something he didn't understand at all anyway, and he looked at the old urchin-like Wang who was being held by his neck and was angry. Yan, sighed, threw him to the ground, "Well, I have to observe this guy carefully in the future."

Wang Yan turned around and began to concentrate on describing the formation again. The corners of Ye Tian's mouth trembled a bit, thinking that this guy would not mess around, and it would be ruined if he wasted this expensive material. He looked at everyone and found that it seemed Everyone was thinking about this question, but suddenly they heard Wang Yan say, "I am an Immortal Master of Formation, how could you understand the meaning of this title."

"Uh, can he hear us?" During the eye contact, everyone seemed to agree.

"Damn, idiots can guess what you're thinking, get the hell out of here, or you'll lose all your defensive robes."


"Forget it, what do you care about with him who has a problem with his brain?"

"oh oh."


Everyone dispersed, Ye Tian asked the most reliable Qinglong to take care of him, and then asked Chi Xie not to play tricks on him.

Chi Xiexin said, teasing him, this guy has a lot of work, and I still want to avoid him, "Jian Hu, come with me."

"Yes, sir."

When Ye Tian heard this sentence, he was so angry, but after thinking about it, he had to recover it for Jian Hu sooner or later, let the immortal see it, basically there is no problem, let him sacrifice for everyone now, and create a cosmic super team Let's talk later.

Ye Tian didn't count on Wang Yan who lost his temper anymore, he opened the ability of immortal root, and in countless colorful worlds, he found the white light door.

So he flew in that direction, and only then did he know that this cultivation planet is only allowed to enter by the immortal level, because this door can only be seen by the magic eye of the true immortal level. (To be continued..)

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