Chunyang Immortal Mansion

Chapter 21 Captured

() Almost at the same time, as soon as Ye Tian's fallen leaf piercing sword aura was formed, it immediately shot towards the peak Qi practitioner, and the opponent's triple wave had also been sent out at this time, the two sword lights met again, and the sound of chi chi chi chi chi Ye Tian was also a little surprised, he has advanced to the eighth level of Qi training, even if he is not using a middle-grade sword, logically speaking, he should be better than the opponent .

When he looked inside his dantian, it turned out that the quality of his true energy hadn't changed, but he had already cultivated the quality of true energy at the peak of the ninth level, so he probably couldn't improve it any further.

However, Ye Tian felt that there was still a big change in the amount of zhenqi, which increased by about one-third.

All of this is slow to say, but in fact, it only takes two or three breaths to make a sword move, look inside, and think. Ye Tian looked at the other party again, and the man ran away shamelessly, "I,,,, "Ye Tian quickly collected Lin Tu's body and sword weapon, and then started to chase towards him at his maximum speed. He must not let this person go, otherwise there will be endless troubles. Having Yang Ming in the first place is enough to cause headaches. If he does this again An old-fashioned Qi training master, Qiu Jia, will have a lot of fights in Tianjianmen in the future.

The opponent's speed was so fast that he was almost catching up with him, Ye Tian watched helplessly as the man slowly disappeared into the depths of the dense forest, he gasped and said to himself, "What's going on? How did he do that?"

Now that there is no pressure of life and death, his head has a lot of inspiration, and suddenly he thought of something, "Amulet? No, that thing costs thousands of spirit stones, but it can only be used once, huh? But what? It saved him. A life is indeed worth it in terms of value, do I have to buy a few in the future just in case?"

Ye Tian threw Lin Tu's body out, searched it several times, and found that there was only one storage bag and a low-grade sword weapon. He was still a little disappointed, so he went to check Lin Tu's storage bag again, and the result made Ye Tian even more confused. The sky is disappointed, there are only dozens of spirit stones, and there are no magic weapons, "Brother, how poor is it to be able to do this." Pills? "I, I don't have a bottle. Brother Lin Tu, who are you?" When Ye Tian found a green stone in the corner of the storage bag, everything seemed to be explained clearly, "Warming and nourishing meridians It seems that Lin Tu bought this kind of stone with all his belongings. This kind of stone should be produced in the Jiuyin land in the west of Jiugong Mountain, which is the territory of Guizong. If this is the case, he Do you have a deal with someone from the Ghost Sect? Huh? If you go to the Ghost Sect market, it makes sense, but if you don’t make a deal far away from the mountain gate? There should be something wrong with Lin Tu, if that’s the case, what about the disciple who is at the peak of Qi training?"

Ye Tian took the Lvyoushi into his hand, and immediately felt a cool air flow into the meridians, circulating back and forth in the meridians, "It's really a good thing, if you put this thing close to your body all the year round, the toughness of the meridians will be unknowingly Mid-level enhancement." Ye Tian first put away the green stone, looked at the vast forest, and then took out the Five Elements Aojue to look at it for a while, "The eighth level of Qi training wants to improve the cultivation base, and the progress is very slow only by cultivation. Relying on life and death is the real method of cultivation at this level, in this case, it is better to hunt and kill more monsters, so as to cultivate and earn some spirit stones."

Ye Tian walked towards the depths of Qilian Peak, passed through the Sancun Forest, and passed through Yunmu Ridge. The valley in front of him was the Misty Valley. There must be monsters in the Misty Valley. The enthusiasm is very high, but the monsters here are generally in the late stage of the first order, and because of the thick fog, it is difficult to find, so it is not a favorite hunting place for cultivators. I believe there are still a lot of monsters.

It was also his first time to come to Misty Valley. When he walked through it, the thin mist gave him a refreshing feeling. After walking for a long time, Ye Tian heard the sound of rushing water, and he jumped onto a huge rock in a few jumps. , looking down, a meandering stream came into his eyes, "Huh? That's it?"

He saw the creek meandering down from the mountain to the foot of the mountain, where there was a vague figure of a woman in white, with her back turned towards Ye Tian, ​​barefoot, stepping in the stream, bending over from time to time, not knowing what to do. What.

"Women can be so relaxed in this place haunted by monsters and beasts. They should not be mortal women, but most of them are elites in the inner sect. I'd better make a detour." Just when Ye Tian wanted to leave, a clear voice The voice seemed to resound in the mind, "If you come, you are a guest, why don't you come down and talk."

After hearing this sentence, Ye Tian's mind was in a trance for a while, and the fairy mansion in his mind eliminated the psychedelic art in this voice. Ye Tian knew that the people who could use this kind of art were at least those who were above Foundation Establishment With his cultivation base, he became more determined to retreat.

"Since you can break my magic voice, you are a guest, and leaving is my enemy." The woman's voice came again, Ye Tian thought for a while, and decided to respond without moving. His face was covered with cold sweat, and the other party Xiu It is definitely not as simple as in the early stage of foundation establishment. If the other party wants to kill him, it can be said to be as easy as pie.

"It's my fault for disturbing senior Qingxiu. I apologize to senior here." Ye Tian said as sincerely as possible.

"Ha," the woman lightly lifted her slender feet, stepped on a flying sword, and flew towards Ye Tian like a fairy flying into the sky.

"He's still a handsome little brother, hehe, huh? He's so yang, he's so rare?" After the woman glanced at Ye Tian for a few times, her voice and attitude immediately changed drastically.

Ye Tian unconsciously remembered the anecdote that the alchemist once said, and he carefully sized up the woman in front of him, "The white cultivator's robe has been decorated at the hem, it looks more like a skirt, and the waist is tied with powder." Se silk sash, long hair scattered to the waist, slender waist, full chest, erect neck, white and delicate, looking up, but the face is covered with a layer of pink smoke, I can't see clearly, I don't know Why did Ye Tian feel that the other party's appearance must be amazingly beautiful.

"Huh? I'm a bit cowardly, little boy," the woman laughed again, "A disciple of your sect, you never thought you'd be so obsessed with sex, staring at him endlessly?"

Ye Tian hurriedly averted his gaze, which made the other party smile even more.

As the soul of an otaku made in that world, he doesn't know what others are like, but he has a slutty heart. The hard training for more than a year has made Ye Tian stronger, but it also made Ye Tian more lonely. There is a fire that is about to break out at any time, and this woman is like the fuse, but Ye Tian knows the horror of the crisis, he tried his best to suppress the thoughts in his heart, and said with a non-smiling smile on his face, "Senior, you are joking!" , the next low-level disciple, just want to leave hunting monsters as soon as possible and earn some cultivation spirit stones, so I won’t bother you.”

At this moment, a sound of arrows sounded in the distance. After the woman saw it, she pondered for a while, and then grabbed Ye Tian directly, and flew towards the place where the sound arrows came from.

Ye Tian was caught by the other party, and immediately felt that the true energy in his whole body seemed to be sealed, and a deep sense of powerlessness reached his soul. At this moment, the fairy mansion in Niwan Palace suddenly turned around.

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