() Ye Tian entered the house where the spiritual root was tested, and the old man was still resting his eyes with his eyes closed. Ye Tian's real strength is now close to the foundation building, so he has already made a certain judgment on the strength of the foundation building period. Looking at the old man now, I feel that the opponent's method is strong and deep, and it should be that kind of old-fashioned foundation-building senior.

"Senior, this junior asked for something, Master Alchemy introduced this junior." Ye Tian said cautiously.

The old man still kept his eyes closed, and Ye Tian didn't dare to disturb him, until after a while, he opened his eyes, and a wisp of white air rose from his head.

"Then Liu Danju is really a shopkeeper, all good things belong to him, and all the troubles are left to the old man." The old man looked at Ye Tian and said slowly.

Ye Tian smiled awkwardly, "Boy, I just want to ask for something. If you are willing to part with me, I can pay a higher price than the market price."

"Oh? Then tell me, what do you need?" the old man asked.


"This? The old man does have one, and there are more than one. It's just that it has been a few years, and the effect is somewhat discounted. A piece of three thousand spirit stones is cheaper than the market price. I sold it to you." The old man said without rush.

Ye Tianxin thought that the arrival of the spirit stone was not a problem, but he had to confirm the effect of this talisman, "Master, is the effect of this talisman really just a little discount?"

The old man said, "The difference is not too much. Let me tell the truth, the effect of the talisman sold to the disciple in front of me is not much different from the new one."

Ye Tian knew that speaking this mantra was almost like taking an oath. Although it had little effect on the cultivators, if he violated it, it would also help the demons in the advanced stage, so he said with a smile, "Where can't you trust the uncle? There are no spirit stones for the time being, so you can give me an estimate."

Ye Tian took out a Nine Leaf Pill and handed it to the old man.

"Ha, Jiuye Pill, is it worth it? Those who need it are priceless treasures, and those who don't need them are worthless. How about I give you an estimate of [-] spirit stones?" The old man said with a rare smile on his face.

Only then did Ye Tian realize that despite the majestic and majestic appearance of this old man, who looks like a conspirator, he still has this weakness, which is being greedy for petty gains, so he immediately smiled, "Well, it can be sold for a hundred thousand Possibly, uncle, you cut it in half, this, that."

"Hmph," the old man snorted coldly, and he took out three talismans and put them in front of him, "These three count as ten thousand for you, and I'll give you another fifty thousand spirit stones to complete the deal, and forget it if not."

Ye Tian cursed in his heart, if this old man knew a family disciple who was in urgent need of this pill, he would definitely be able to sell the [-] spirit stones, and now he used these to get rid of himself, but after thinking about it, it would be dangerous if the Jiuye Pill was sold outside It’s too big, now I’m surrounded by enemies, it’s better to be cautious, it’s nothing to suffer a little bit, the nine-leaf clover in the Immortal Mansion will mature again in a few months, is it possible that there is still a little bit of spirit stone missing? , Thinking of this, he said, "Deal."

A smile appeared on the old man's face, he took out a storage bag and handed it to Ye Tian, ​​which contained [-] spirit stones.

Ye Tian put away the storage bag, then picked up the talisman in front of him, fiddled with it for a while, and asked, "I also want to ask Master, how to use this thing?"

The old man said, "It's enough to stimulate the true energy, use it carefully, the one you are holding in your hand, it says Fireball Technique, after using it, you can send out a Fireball Technique that can only be practiced in the early stage of foundation establishment, but the attack power is equivalent to practicing The sword qi of a peak qi cultivator strikes with all his strength, no matter how powerful it is, this talisman will not be able to do it."

Ye Tian thought that this talisman could store the spells of the foundation building period, as long as the power suppressed the strongest attack in the Qi training period.Then he asked again, "How does it compare to the sword technique of Fallen Leaf Thorn?"

"Each has its own advantages, and its power is similar." Ye Tianyi thought it was worth it.

Picking up another one, the old man looked at it, "There is only one speed word on it. After it is activated, stick it on the body, and the speed can be increased by [-]%."

Ye Tian thought of the disciple at the peak of Qi training, it turned out that he used this kind of talisman.

"How long will this last?"

The old man returned, "about a quarter of an hour."

Ye Tian picked up the last one again, and the old man said without even looking at it, "This is the earth armor technique. I think this is the most useful kind of talisman. It can resist the combination of true qi and sword qi of the peak qi practitioners." A full-strength attack from the Fallen Leaf Thorn is unstoppable, you have to remember it." The old man explained it very patiently.

Ye Tian took the talisman, thanked the old man, and left the house where the spirit root was tested.

The old man opened the sound transmission talisman after Ye Tian left, "Zhao Danju, why did you introduce him to my place?"

"Are you acting good when you get cheap?" Alchemist's voice came back immediately.

"Ha, do you think I really care about these tens of thousands of spirit stones? Let him think that the old man is greedy for petty gains, and he can be less suspicious. That day, the Illusory True Mansion needs to pay homage to a foundation builder who has five elements in order to open it. He Sooner or later, he will die at the hands of the few of us, and now we want to make him have a wrong feeling, and then there will be less suspicion."

"I don't know what you're thinking, old ghost." This time, the voice of the alchemist came out of the sound transmission talisman, not the sound transmission of divine consciousness.

"You can use waste. Before you kill him, you actually want him to go to the secret realm to fight for you. It's really shameless."

"Haha, not only that, if it weren't for him, how could I still have a chance to turn around? Now that I have been transferred back to the inner sect, the teacher's alchemy skills have also been passed on, but this son has brought me a lot of surprises. Now I'm really reluctant to use him to pay homage."

"Hmph, continue to be your good man, but remember, if he dies in the secret realm, you will be the only one who will ask me." The old man's final tone was full of dissatisfaction.

Ye Tian took out the sound transmission talisman Han Xue gave him, and said through sound transmission, "Han Xue, I'm Ye Tian, ​​where are you in the inner sect?"

After about ten breaths, Han Xue's ethereal voice came out, "I'm on the west mountain of the inner gate, what's the matter? If the outer disciples can't enter the inner gate, I can find you."

Ye Tian said, "I have a few Nine Leaf Pills, and I'll give you and Xiaofeng one each."

"Oh, I've heard it a long time ago. You seem to be hunted down by some big shots. Presumably with your determination and wisdom, you shouldn't have suffered much."

"Those people are looking for boredom, so naturally they have been taught a lesson."

"Ha, I can afford your Nine Leaf Pill, but I really need this pill, and I have nowhere to buy it. Otherwise, no matter how good it is, I, Han Xue, will have to get it myself."

Ye Tianxin said that she was quite a pretty girl, but she was still so straightforward, but she thought to herself, is it not good to be straightforward.

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the inner gate."


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