Chunyang Immortal Mansion

Chapter 35 One step to success is sometimes equal to one step

() Ye Tian waited anxiously for a long time, and suddenly he got in touch with the Immortal Mansion again. As soon as his divine consciousness entered the Immortal Mansion, a sharp pain suddenly hit, and Ye Tian felt that his whole head seemed to be covered by tens of thousands of tiny hands. The needle was pricking, "Ah," he yelled, as if fainted.

In a daze, he saw that at the moment he traveled through, a life passed away and a life was reborn, as if it was the alternation of darkness and light.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly he opened his eyes, the severe pain in his head has disappeared, and all the experiences of struggling to survive as an orphan in the world of the earth are flashing in his mind like a flash. flashed in the middle, and what appeared next was: in this world, after Ye Tian's meridians were abolished, every picture of Ye Tian enduring the humiliation that ordinary people could not bear, and what shocked him was that all this was just for the one person in his heart. Impossible hope.

Flash memories flowed, and the deepest memories began to emerge in my mind, the despair of the original owner of this body when he died, the annihilation at the time of death, Ye Tian fell to the ground when he fell off the cliff in the earth world and fell to the ground instantly. pain and darkness.

On one side is the power of life, on the other side is the shadow of death, the momentary perception of life and death is like a brand, engraved in his soul, suddenly a will instilled from the fairy mansion, and Ye Tian's life Combining with the perception of extinction, Shengsheng created two wills, and combined the two wills, Ye Tian felt that birth and extinction were like a cycle at this moment, reciprocating in his will.

"This is, sword intent." Ye Tian knew what happened, and Chunyang Immortal Mansion created a sword intent for him based on his special experience.

"My God." Ye Tian was so surprised that he was terrified. He immediately took out the top-grade sword, and input the fallen leaf thorn into it. Suddenly a ray of light was released, the brilliance was dazzling, Ye Tian felt the sword energy rolling like flowing water inside the sword body, felt the huge power on it, the cold and terrifying breath began to infect his will, Ye Tian held the sword hilt His hands were shaking constantly, and he was about to turn all the grievances in his heart into strength to slash and kill everything that blocked him, "Ah,,," his long roar echoed continuously in the formation of the house. At this time, the Chunyang Immortal Mansion turned around in the Niwan Palace, and a stream of air flowed out of it, into Ye Tian's meridians, and into Ye Tian's dantian.

Ye Tian's mind immediately cleared up. He withdrew his sword energy, squatted on the ground, panting heavily, the sweat on his head rolled down drop by drop as if he had just been drenched in rain, his eyes didn't know when It had become red, and it took a while before it slowly returned to normal.

Ye Tian hurriedly sat cross-legged, he was infected by the murderous aura in the sword aura just now, his Dao Xin was almost overwhelmed by the sword intent, and completely became a slave of the sword. It is a very dangerous thing like it is now, but once this dangerous catastrophe is over, the sword will will no longer make waves, but will become the strongest backing in the will.

Ye Tian actually cultivated a sword intent that might not be able to be cultivated in the foundation building stage with the cultivation base of the eighth level of Qi training. Although he is still at the most elementary stage, there is no doubt that the ultimate swordsmanship with the blessing of sword intent will be very terrifying Yes, how terrible it will be, but it needs to be tested.

Not only that, Ye Tian felt throbbing in his dantian, and he immediately looked inside, "This is, it's about to advance again."

The true qi in the Immortal Mansion continuously flowed into the dantian, and more and more zhenqi gathered in the dantian, and the whole dantian swelled up. Ye Tian hurriedly followed the exercises in the Five Elements Aojue to continuously compress the true qi. During this process, He almost ate up the few remaining bottles of Peiyuan Pill.

There was a bang in Ye Tian's head, his consciousness suddenly doubled, and the true qi in his dantian shrunk to half of its original size, so thick that it was almost liquid. Ye Tian could feel the energy contained in it. His true qi is at least twice as much as that of qi training, and the quality of his true qi is stronger than that of an ordinary ninth-level peak practitioner. He absolutely believes that the quality of true qi of a cultivator with earth-level spiritual roots is also But that's all.

This series of experiences and surprises made Ye Tian's spirit extremely excited. He stood up and sat down for a while, walking around the room constantly. He was excited and happy, but he was still not satisfied. After a long while, When he was able to sit cross-legged, he closed his eyes. He was overcoming his inner demons. He was growing too fast, and his inner demons were quietly approaching him, trying to capture his soul. The sword intent was like It is the most powerful force of resistance, blocking all possible foreign enemies from the core will.

Relying on the power of his sword intent, Ye Tian easily passed the short confrontation with the heart demon.

The success of this chain of circles can also be called victory, as if one step is right, every step is right.

Ye Tian closed his eyes and concentrated, just like this, neither practicing nor thinking, just resting, the sword intent is like the purest will, in his thoughts, in his will, purifying the more and more chaotic thoughts.

In this way, for ten days, Ye Tian didn't eat or drink, his face was calm.

On this day, Ye Tian suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a flash of light in his eyes, and there seemed to be a flash of lightning in the room. Although it was not like the old man who tested his spiritual roots he had seen before, he had a similar shape.

Ye Tian felt very hungry, he ate a bigu pill, and then recalled what he had experienced when he came here.

Suddenly remembered Xiao Jiu, Ye Tian entered the divine sense into the Immortal Mansion, and found that Xiao Jiu was happily holding the Spirit Beast Pill in Ken, he directly called Xiao Jiu out of the Immortal Mansion, and Xiao Jiuyi left the Immortal Mansion , Seeing Ye Tian, ​​he jumped on Ye Tian's arm, his head arched around Ye Tian's body, I don't know why Ye Tian was very happy when he saw Xiao Jiu.

"Huh," Ye Tiancai found out that Xiao Jiu had actually advanced. Not only had he advanced to the late stage of the first order, it seemed that he was about to advance to the peak of the first order.

Ye Tian patted Xiao Jiu's head habitually, "Hey, Xiao Jiu has to advance quickly, and you will become a main combat force when you reach the secret realm."

Xiao Jiu nodded vigorously, and then showed a smile on his face. A little gray fox in broad daylight made such an expression. According to the scenes of horror movies, it is indeed a little scary, but Ye Tian is already used to it. , he also smiled at Xiao Jiu.

Ye Tian didn't take Xiao Jiu back to the Immortal Mansion, and began to use his spiritual sense to inquire about the remaining property in the Immortal Mansion, but Xiao Jiu began to bite Ye Tian's clothes with his teeth and kept shaking his arms.

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