Chunyang Immortal Mansion

Chapter 42 Sword Intent Growth

() Tianjianmen, the cave of Taiyin Patriarch, at this moment Yang Ming knelt down on the ground, his face covered in cold sweat.

Taiyin Daoist said, "You practice the way of ghosts. From my standpoint, I should have expelled you from the teacher's school, but."

"Master, please forgive me. This disciple was captured by a demon for a while, and practiced this evil way of cultivating ghosts."

"It's because of the fate that you and I are both Taiyin veins, I will forgive you, but there is one thing I entrust to you."

"Master, please tell me, the disciple will be repaid if he dies ten thousand times."

"My trip to the secret realm, I need to get something for me."

Taiyin Patriarch stretched out one hand, and rays of light formed in his hand, slowly interweaving into an image.

"This, it turned out to be this thing. The disciple will definitely find it and give it to the master."

"Remember, if you can't find this thing, I will never forgive you."

Yang Ming looked terrified and lowered his head, but his eyes were full of raging anger.

"This item is given to you. It can save your life if necessary. In addition, this item is also given to you. Remember that it can only be used once, so you must use it with caution."

After Yang Ming saw these two things, he was so shocked that he couldn't believe it.

At this time, Ye Tian had killed countless monsters in the north of Qilian Mountain, and the clothes he hadn't changed had turned completely red.

The corpses of monsters in the Immortal Mansion were also piled up into hills. In just twenty or thirty days, Ye Tian's temperament has undergone a huge change. He is restrained and calm, with a faint murderous aura, not ostentatious, but intimidating.

When Ye Tian lowered his head and was meditating, a monster appeared nearby. Ye Tian sensed the murderous aura of the monster, and he became more and more sensitive to the murderous aura. This is also the reason why the killing intent of monsters is much stronger than that of cultivators.

Cultivators are the best hunting targets for monsters just like monsters are for Cultivators.

Both Ye Tian and the monster rushed towards each other.

And Ye Tian had two swords in his hands, one is a middle-grade sword and the other is a top-grade sword. This is also the result of Ye Tian's practice of swordsmanship these days. As he used it, he found that the two natures were opposite. The sword intent, through different sword weapons, is fused into different sword qi, and then compatible, can produce a more powerful sword qi.

One life and one death, the sword intent of life is combined with the sword energy of the top-grade sword weapon, and the sword intent of death is attached to the sword energy of the middle-grade sword weapon. These two ordinary sword energy are combined with the sword intent in the twin swords , two sword cries, one is clear and crisp, the other is stern, the sword energy is emitted at the same time, driven by the two sword intents, they merge in mid-air, one black and one white are smooth and compatible, and turn into a dazzling light .

The monster roared wildly, and its two paws were shining with a khaki-colored light, and they grabbed Jianguang directly.

How can the power of this sword be resisted by monsters in the late stage of the first order, "Wow," the sword energy pierced through its claws, and cut off its huge head directly. The bloodshot flying all over the sky ended, and the blood in the neck was sprayed out.

Ye Tian turned around silently, this time he did not restrain the corpse of the monster beast, he had already obtained the conclusion he wanted, and there was no need to experiment any more.

He went straight back to the mountain gate, and Ye Tian didn't change his clothes. The blood in his body and the hideous and terrifying murderous aura made the two deacon disciples who were guarding the gate afraid to speak up.

The disciples they met on the road all hid from Ye Tian. This time, no one even dared to point and point.

Back in the cave, Ye Tian took off his dirty clothes in silence, and lay down in the hot spring. He silently thought about what he had gained and what he had lost in the past few days. After thinking for a long time, he suddenly let out a long roar, and then smiled freely , "Why bother with mediocrity, the sword intent is my will, not my will is the sword intent, ha."

Just after saying this, the sword intent hidden deep in the will was actually activated, and two wills, one black and one white, appeared in the consciousness, and they circulated endlessly. Until a long time, Ye Tian felt that his own His entire will seems to be sublimated, and this sword intent has grown a lot. The human-level sword intent has almost reached its peak, and he is a little surprised how this sword intent has advanced so quickly.

Ye Tian calculated that Xiao Bi's time would be tomorrow. After taking a bath, he walked out of the hot spring, put on clean clothes, sat cross-legged in meditation, and held the low-grade black sword with both hands.In the dantian, the sword energy generated by Famen enters the sword weapon through the meridians and then slips back into the dantian, going round and round, and the Lvyou Jing mother continuously increases the release of jing energy to nourish the meridians.

After waiting for an hour, Ye Tian stopped his movements, and then began to circulate his true energy for 24 weeks. After doing all this, he began to close his eyes and rest his mind, waiting for Xiao Bi's arrival.

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Tian suddenly opened his eyes, and a blood-red light flashed in the cave. Who would have thought that a small Qi trainer would have such proficiency in swordsmanship.

Ye Tian stood up directly, walked out of the cave, and then walked straight to the martial arts arena.

At this time, there was already a sea of ​​people near the martial arts field, Ye Tian didn't contact Han Xue, and Han Xue didn't contact Ye Tian either.

The rules of the Heavenly Sword Sect Xiaobi are that on the first day of registration, as long as they are qi training disciples, they are qualified. The disciples who sign up for the inner sect will be directly arranged for the semi-finals without the need for the preliminary round, while the disciples of the outer sect need to go through the preliminary round. One-on-one battles, thirty arenas are going on at the same time.

Ye Tian signed up and got No. 13, he sighed, it would be bad if he was in the western world.

After about three hours, dozens of Law Enforcement Hall disciples who maintained order began to enter the arena and began to designate the ring. There was only one Jindan Daoist and six Foundation Establishment Master Uncles presiding over the preliminary round.

This time the host of Xiao Bi is Tian Cong Zhenren, the head of the outer sect. This man has long beard three times, wears a blue cassock, has a face as white as jade, and eyes like lightning.

When the Jindan real person arrived, he released a serious but not scary coercion, and then said, "This small competition is also a routine, but because there is a trip to the secret realm, it can be regarded as a selection." , but there is no need to be nervous, there are many places, and the top [-] of Xiaobi are eligible to go. If someone in the top [-] is unwilling to go to the secret realm, the opportunity can be postponed according to the ranking. Then Nephew Zhao, you can tell me the rules. "

The nephew Zhao, who is a cultivator in the late stage of foundation establishment, honestly agreed in front of Jindan Daoist, "Yes, uncle."

This late foundation builder began to explain the rules, and Ye Tian wrote them down one by one. After he finished explaining, some inner disciples who practiced Qi took the list and began to allocate the ring, who were the two sides in the battle.

"NO.13 Ye Tian, ​​Qi training floor nine, NO.14 Liu Tong, Qi training floor eight, ring number 21."

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately exuded a murderous aura, and everyone around gave way one after another, and even gave him an open space with a radius of Zhang Xu.Ye Tian walked towards the No. 21 ring step by step. Wherever Ye Tian went, no matter what his cultivation level was, he gave way one after another.


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