Chunyang Immortal Mansion

Chapter 44 Contest

() Ye Tian stood in the middle of the arena. Just as he was about to speak, he saw a cultivator at the peak of Qi training jump onto the arena. The other party took out a middle-grade sword and said, "Your clothes should be foreign A disciple of this sect has actually cultivated to the ninth level of qi training in a short period of time, I admire you so much, come here to ask for advice."

Ye Tian saw that this disciple from the inner sect was speaking high-soundingly, but he was using a mid-grade sword in his hand to compete with a rookie who hadn't cultivated sword qi for a long time according to the time. He was nothing more than a villain.

Ye Tian smiled, he didn't use high-grade swords, nor did he use middle-grade swords, he just took out black swords.

Seeing Ye Tian's low-grade sword weapon, the corner of the practitioner's mouth twitched, "I'm here..."

"Oh? You don't need to report your name, just attack." Ye Tian said directly.

The anger of this peak qi cultivator erupted all of a sudden, when did these outer disciples become so arrogant.

The disciples of the outer sect below the ring felt refreshed when they saw a practitioner from the outer sect making fun of a disciple who was at the peak of Qi training in the inner sect, but no one dared to make a fuss, and the attention here immediately soared.

More and more disciples gathered around to watch, Shangguanfeng said to Li Qiuxue, "There is a good show to watch, the kid on the ring is Ye Tian, ​​the person I told you about."

"Huh? You dare to be arrogant even if you train on the ninth level of Qi." Li Qiuxue sneered.

At this time on the stage, the cultivator at the peak of refining found the atmosphere in the audience, and his anger became even stronger in his heart. "Kill," he actually used the extreme move of the Qi training period directly, and it turned out to be the same fallen leaf as Ye Tian prick.

Ye Tian saw that the other party was using this extreme move as soon as he came up, and he sneered even more on his face, "Come." Ye Tian didn't use sword intent either, the fallen leaf piercing sword energy condensed and rushed out of the meridians and entered the sword weapon, but there was silence in the sword weapon Silently, many disciples in the audience saw that Ye Tian's side didn't even have the sound of sword chant, and immediately felt that Ye Tian might suffer a big loss. Xiaobi can't kill people, but he is allowed to use killing moves. This move If it is really about to die, there will naturally be Jindan power to temporarily rescue, but the injury is definitely inevitable.

Ye Tian's leaf thorns and the opponent's leaf thorns were sent out at the same time.

Everyone in the audience exclaimed, "Damn, what is that sword weapon? It's low-grade. It's strange enough that there is no sound of sword chant."

"How did this person practice? He still has to advance to the next level in such a short period of time, and he still needs to practice swordsmanship. I... am I still human?"

"That's right, even this trick has been practiced, and he has advanced to the ninth level of Qi training in such a short period of time, my God, he is really a genius."

The two sword lights collided, chi chi chi chi chirped several times, the man's sword light was almost completely annihilated, but the sword light on Ye Tian's side remained one-third of the original, passed through, and in a blink of an eye Already in front of that person, when that person saw Ye Tian sending out fallen leaf thorns, he knew that the other person was really a genius. He was a disciple at the peak of Qi training. Using common sense to speculate, he immediately made a defense, but he did not expect the opponent's swordsmanship to be so powerful.

Shangguanfeng said, "This Ye Tian is really a genius. He is so powerful that he released his tricks lightly. Not only that, but he is even better than the other party. I believe that if he is willing, the speed of sending out will be faster."

After watching this for a while, Li Qiuxue stopped Hei Yetian, and analyzed, "This is just an appetizer. He has kept a lot of backup players. I think the real strength is as strong as you and me."

Shangguanfeng looked at this beautifully dressed woman, "Ha, your vision has always been the most accurate, but what I don't understand is that he really has such strength, he has only cultivated the ninth level of Qi, and his spiritual root is not Heavenly spirit root."

Li Qiuxue said, "Pure Yang body is definitely not ordinary."

Shangguanfeng's eyes narrowed into a line and looked towards the ring again.

The cultivator at the peak of Qi training, input his true energy and sword energy into the medium-grade magic weapon, and slashed down at the remaining fallen leaves piercing the sword light, "Boom," the sound was the same this time, the peak of Qi training The cultivator was pushed back six or seven steps to the edge of the ring by this huge force.

And Ye Tian's low-grade sword weapon emitted an ordinary sword energy, and the peak Qi practitioner lacked strength, knowing that he was not the opponent's opponent, he was a bit self-aware, and jumped off the ring directly.

When Shangguanfeng and Li Qiuxue were calculating Ye Tian's strength, someone beside him said, "You two are so interested in seeing the newcomers?"

"Oh? It's you." Shangguan Feng said immediately when he saw the person.

After seeing this person, Li Qiuxue turned around and left, "Take a look, you two, I'm going back to prepare for the secret realm."

"Hey, you'll leave as soon as I come. What do you mean?" This man was dressed in white, with a reddish complexion, and he had a good appearance, but he didn't have any special features, just a pair of shining eyes. It seemed that he should be successful in swordsmanship.

"Yuan Shang, did you just see this person make a move?" Shangguan Feng asked.

"Ha, of course I saw it, is it normal?"


Ye Tian said to the other people in the same group, "Is there anyone who will compete in the next round?"

Among the rest of these people was a peak qi cultivator who was eager to try, but after seeing the performance of the first person, he lost his mind for a long time.

Seeing that no one came up, Ye Tian sat cross-legged, waiting for the deacon to announce the result.

There are two places in each group, and the arena over there immediately became the choice of the rest of the people. The cultivator who was knocked down by Ye Tian actually went to another arena. Don't care, it's really flexible.

The last two winners of Ye Tian's group were Ye Tian and the peak Qi practitioner who was defeated by him.

Ye Tian walked off the ring and was about to go back to the cave to prepare for the battle, but he was stopped by someone, "I didn't expect your cultivation to improve so fast."

Ye Tian looked up, whoever it was, if it wasn't Han Xue, "Ha, how are you doing?"

"I failed to advance, but there is still hope for the goal of being within the top [-]."

Ye Tian smiled and said, "You have already practiced Qi at the peak of the eighth level, plus the utensils given to you by your master, it is not easy? In fact, after entering the secret realm, it is not only necessary to rely on this kind of fighting strength, I think the brain and formations This kind of thing is also very important, how have you learned about refining weapons and formations?"

"It's okay, it's not long, and it's still far away."


Ye Tian and Han Xue chatted for a while, and then returned to the cave respectively. When Ye Tian left, he glanced at the easternmost corner of the Martial Arts Field, and there were two people looking at the same place. Seeing that Ye Tian had noticed them, Shangguanfeng shuddered, "This person's perception is so sensitive."

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