Chunyang Immortal Mansion

Chapter 46 Divine Consciousness

() One of the two elders asked, "Tianfengzi, who is this pure Yang body?"

"I was rude just now, two uncles."

"It's okay."

"Realist Sande said through voice transmission that an outer disciple has advanced from the fourth level of Qi training to the ninth level of Qi training in less than two years, and has made considerable achievements in swordsmanship. body."

"Oh? Swordsmanship? Difficult." said a thin white-haired elder.

"En." The headmaster responded.

"You can pay attention and give me some convenience." Another elder said.

"The disciple knows."

The three continued their conversation.

It was the day of the final, and Ye Tian walked out of the cave in a refreshed manner. Along the way, some outer disciples saluted Ye Tian from time to time, "Senior Brother Ye Tian." Ye Tian came to the final venue one by one in return.

He found that he was the last one to arrive, and the other 31 finalists all looked at him, which made Ye Tian a little embarrassed, but the two vicious eyes made Ye Tian frowned slightly, "Huh? murderous look?"

He glanced at the owners of these two gazes respectively, "It turned out to be them, the cultivator surnamed Li, and Yang Ming, hmph." Ye Tian snorted coldly, and then he was a little confused, "Why is this Yang Ming here? Do you have any adventures at the ninth level of Qi training?"

Ye Tian arrived, and it was not yet the time for the finals, but the host Jindan Zhenren saw that everyone had arrived, so there was no need to wait, so he said, "Since everyone has arrived, let's start, the grouping thing, you give Explain to these disciples."

"It's Uncle Master." A late foundation builder continued, "Now let's talk about the two sides of the battle, Yang Ming vs. Zhou Xuan, No. 1 ring, Li Yichang vs. Jin Tian, ​​No. [-] ring,,,,,, Ye Tian vs. Wang Zifeng, Ring No. [-],,,,,"

When Ye Tian walked towards the No. [-] ring, Shangguanfeng, Li Qiuxue, and Yuan Shang also came here. The first thing Shangguanfeng noticed when he arrived here was Ye Tian, ​​"Oh? Why is there no murderous look on Ye Tian?"

Yuan Shang took a look, "I can't see any difference."

Li Qiuxue snorted coldly, "Began to play dumb again."

Yuan Shang replied with a smile, "Where do I have it?"

Ye Tian walked onto the ring with ease, he and the disciples on the opposite side cupped each other, Ye Tian said, "Junior Brother Ye Tian."

The man replied, "On the lower Wangzi Peak."

"In this case, let's start." The deacon in charge at the edge of the ring said.

Both Ye Tian and the man said, "Please."

A black long sword appeared out of thin air in Ye Tian's hand.

A mid-grade sword also appeared in Wang Zifeng's hand.

Yuan Shang said with a smile, "It will be a good show this time."

"Huh? Why?" Shangguanfeng asked.

Li Qiuxue also didn't understand what Yuan Shang meant. The people she saw fighting Ye Tian seemed very ordinary.

"Wait and see, it will start soon, it should be very interesting, really excited."

Li Qiuxue looked down on Yuan Shang even more. She disliked a playful cultivator like Yuan Shang the most, but it was this guy she didn't like, who seemed to never be left behind in terms of cultivation, which made her very sad. depressed.She really doesn't know how this guy cultivates, he likes to play so much, but he can still practice the tormenting things like kung fu and swordsmanship to the peak.

Ye Tianxin said, then let me see how powerful these inner elites are.

Wang Zifeng didn't back down either, he rushed up directly, and Ye Tian also went up to meet him, "Dang," a confrontation, Ye Tian felt that the opponent's cultivation base was not low, and the power after the combination of true energy and sword energy was quite ingenious. In terms of strength, he has a slight upper hand, but the opponent can still contend against him with ingenious use of strength, but the next step is far beyond Ye Tian's expectations, because the opponent is followed by a round of fast attack, and soon, Ye Tian's body The creation of sword energy could barely keep up with the resistance, and the frequency of the opponent's attacks was terribly fast, "Chi, chi," two consecutive sounds, Ye Tian's left arm, which had the weakest defense, was scratched in two consecutive wounds by the sword energy, Although the wound was not big, it was bleeding non-stop, and the opponent's fast attack still didn't stop, Ye Tian didn't have time to use his true energy to stop the bleeding.

Ye Tian was attacked back again and again, and suddenly a sword energy was mixed in the opponent's stormy attack, and shot towards Ye Tian's lower abdomen, Ye Tian cursed in his heart, "Yin dangerous." His whole body quickly spun twice in the air It was only then that he would dodge it, but as soon as Ye Tian landed on the ground, the opponent's fast attack came again.

"Huh?" Ye Tian was furious at the moment, thinking that if he continued like this, he would definitely lose. It would be a shame to hide his strength at this time, and Ye Tian's consciousness suddenly dispersed.

"Haha, what's the matter, have you guys seen such a fast attack?" Yuan Shang smiled at the two of them.

Both Shangguanfeng and Li Qiuxue were a little shocked, "Why is this person's attack speed so fast?"

"This guy was born in the martial arts world, and he only practiced fast swords, but he has no talent. The extreme moves that can be practiced during the Qi training period have not been able to master, so he specially created such a set of fast swords based on his advantages, specifically to overturn the yin ditch of masters. , Powerful." Yuan Shang finally told the two of them the answer, but at this moment, Shangguan Feng said, "I didn't expect that Ye Tian would have another trick, powerful, powerful."

Yuan Shang didn't see anything yet, and immediately asked, "What?"

Shangguanfeng and Li Qiuxue said at the same time, "Spiritual consciousness."

This time it was Yuan Shang who was surprised, "No, Fengfeng is the only one among us who has cultivated his divine consciousness. How could he not only cultivate quickly, but also practice swordsmanship and practice in such a short period of time? Divine consciousness, how is this possible, I have investigated his background."

Li Qiuxue sighed and said, "This Ye Tian is really amazing."

Shangguan Feng said angrily, "Who is your name Fengfeng?"

On the ring, Ye Tian's divine sense enveloped the entire arena, Wang Zifeng immediately felt an indescribable pressure, "The opponent actually possesses divine sense," but the speed in his hand became even faster.

On the other hand, with the help of his divine sense, Ye Tian could see clearly no matter how fast the opponent moved, and make the most reasonable resistance. This saved a lot of time and expense, and he even caught up with the opponent's speed.

The more Wang Zifeng fought, the more frightened he became, and the more powerless he became. He finally found that under his spiritual knowledge, the martial arts moves he was most proud of had become useless at all, and even fake moves were quickly spotted by the opponent.

With the help of his divine sense, Ye Tian's speed was comparable to the opponent's at the beginning. After constantly optimizing his offensive movements, his speed started to be faster than the opponent's front line. The sword energy can also be generated normally, and the advantage in strength began to take effect. Ye Tian's advantage is getting bigger and bigger, the figures of the two are tossing and turning in the arena, playing the most beautiful fight, which has already attracted more and more disciples watching the battle to stop.


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