The young master of the so-called owner of the auction house sneered, "I offended my most honored friend, ha, do you think it will be all right in a few days?"

And the young master beside Ye Tian's seat, who was surrounded by several Jindan early-stage cultivators, also took off his mask, revealing his white teeth, "I didn't expect that."

Ye Tian was really angry in his heart. This person was the young master who had a grudge with him because he met a witch at the stall a few days ago. Ye Tian basically never confronted him head-on. And he also used his friends to suppress him, and this young master of the owner of the auction house, is this, is it a brain damage, for this kind of "friend" to disregard the signboard of his own auction house and forcefully occupy the guest's seat, what a meeting! It's okay to be a strange flower, but it's really, really true to meet a pair of strange flowers. Ye Tian thought for a long time, but couldn't think of a word, even if it's rare to describe it, it's considered appropriate.

He smiled coldly, and said in his heart that if people are so innocent and bullied, if he still has to swallow his anger, how will he face his demons in the future? He stood here, regardless of the current auction, and used his magic power to spread his voice. "All fellow daoists commented on me. I got the ticket for this seat, but it was forcibly occupied by someone. The other party even took it for granted. Moreover, the person who forcibly occupied the seat has a lot of background and reputation. To put it bluntly, the world He is one of the most incapable of doing this kind of thing in the world, do you want to know who he is?"

With the help of mana, Ye Tian's voice spread to almost every corner and even the box.

On the stage of the auction, an old man was eloquently explaining the origin and ability of a magic weapon in front of him.But he also heard what Ye Tian said, and he immediately looked at Ye Tian. When he saw the cultivator on Ye Tian's seat, his face immediately became extremely ugly, thinking that this young master really caused trouble this time.

The four peak Jindan cultivators who were auctioned off as guards in the background, the other three looked like they were watching the show, but the last person snorted coldly at Ye Tian, ​​which was completely impossible for others to hear. Ye Tian could hear it, and Ye Tian felt a wave of turmoil in his soul.But Chunyang Immortal Mansion sits as stable as Mount Tai.

This trick is a special practice of Jindan cultivators.It is specially used for the juniors who don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, but I didn't expect the juniors who are only in the late stage of foundation establishment to be completely fine.It's the Jindan stage.Ordinary spiritual attacks are basically effective against the opponent.The technique of attacking with consciousness appeared, and he happened to learn a trick called Luoshen Needle.He sneered and hit Ye Tian with a sneer, and Ye Tian felt a buzzing in his head, and his consciousness suddenly became disordered. Ye Tian's sword intent was very powerful, and it stabilized his will, but he was specially dealing with Jindan cultivators in the face of Jindan stage. Where can I resist the magic technique, there is darkness in front of my eyes, at this moment Xiao Jiu roared in the Chunyang Immortal Mansion, the jade pendant that had been worn on her chest flashed black, and a black barrier fell Appearing in Ye Tian's consciousness, blocking the attacking consciousness, the consciousness turned into a thin needle and continuously attacked the black barrier, and finally the barrier and the needle of consciousness broke at the same time, and Ye Tian spat out a mouthful of blood.

And everyone looked at Ye Tian at this time. Seeing Ye Tian's situation, they naturally knew that this was someone's conspiracy. How could someone attack the auction guests in this so-called safest auction? Suddenly someone said angrily, " The customers of the auction house made people plot against them, and no one cares, how could this kind of thing happen in the auction of the big Chinese American Express, and how can people believe all the promises of the auction."[

This is indeed the most concerned issue of all the guests, especially ordinary cultivators who have no influence. If this happened to that cultivator, what would happen if it happened to him?

There was a great chaos in the auction venue, Ye Tian vomited again, he looked towards the northeast corner of the auction, the attack was sent from that place, the opponent's cultivation base is definitely much higher than Ye Tian's, and the cultivation base must be at least above the middle stage of Jindan .

Ye Tian said loudly, "The old bastard who hurt me, I will remember this grudge, everyone, the person who took the guest's seat is the young master of the auction house."

The audience was in an uproar immediately, "Damn, no way, the owner of the auction house actually took the customer's seat, this is outrageous, you make your own rules, and you don't abide by them, you fucking think you are a big sect, this is an auction , Amex does business or not.”

A Jindan early-stage cultivator said coldly, "If you have a personal grudge, you can't do this at the auction, let alone the owner of the auction. It's ridiculous to do such a thing."

But soon there was a cultivator from the auction house to support the auction house, "This cultivator, the vomiting of blood just now was too fake, ha, he made such a gesture on purpose, could it be that he wants to blackmail some money."

Ye Tian said angrily, "Blackmail, do I dare to blackmail such a big auction house as a small cultivator like you? The other party bullies me. Now I am the key to advancement. Of course I can't back down. Am I going to be backlashed by my demons?"

Just when everyone thought there was going to be a good show, a powerful Jindan cultivator wearing a mask appeared behind Ye Tian so abruptly that Ye Tian didn't react at all, and the other party didn't mean to hurt Ye Tian. sky.

As for the young master of the auction house, although he seemed to understand this reason, he felt like he was caught by this person when he got into trouble, and then disappeared. He should have received some kind of space treasure, although Ye Tian was used to In order to use the Chunyang Immortal Mansion, he also knows that space treasures are not something that ordinary Jindan cultivators can possess. not simple.

He smiled at Ye Tian, ​​"Little friend, if you don't pursue this matter any longer, the auction house owes you a favor. This is the trouble caused by the old man and his son. And this friend," he turned to the young master , "I don't know how this guest and my dog ​​met and what kind of friend they are."

The young master stood up immediately, "Greetings, Uncle,"

Before he could finish speaking, the man snorted coldly, "You are a guest of the auction house, but you disturbed the order of the auction. From then on, the auction house no longer welcomes you, please leave immediately."

The two Jindan subordinates of this son immediately said angrily, "My son is the son of the second elder of the Tiancong sect, how dare your auction house,"

Before this person finished speaking, he felt a piercing pain, but his whole body couldn't move, and he couldn't speak, it was simply torture.

The Jindan cultivator brought by the other son wanted to talk, but when he saw his companion, he closed his mouth and bit his tongue. [

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