The cultivator who offered a price of [-] seemed relieved, shrugged his shoulders, "I already regret it a bit, but luckily you made an offer, thank you, brother."

Ye Tian had a smile on his face, and thought shamefully, "Luck is on my side again. Could it be that everything I need is cheap."

Ye Tianyi got an item that was very important to him, and he was looking forward to this private transaction more and more. Unfortunately, there was nothing particularly interesting in the next day's transaction, and the price was not high. cost-effective.

After the show ended, when he returned to the hotel, Ye Tian first took out the weird statue he got. It was a ghost that looked like a handsome scholar. The reason why he called it a ghost was because he had a single horn on his head. When he saw the opponent's eyes, Ye Tian felt that there seemed to be agility in these eyes, "Could it be a living thing?" Ye Tian input mana, but there was no response, "Should I input ghost energy?" blocked out.

He stopped doing random research, and took out the map of the Nether Ghost Mansion, activated the three-dimensional image on it, looked at the groove in the middle, and compared it with this statue, it was completely consistent in shape. Ye Tian slowly moved the statue Putting it in, the statue actually made a clicking sound as soon as it was put into the groove.

Ye Tian trembled in fright, although he was already a cultivator, he had experience from the earth after all, and he had a natural fear of ghosts.

After putting the statue in, the three-dimensional figure suddenly became a little unstable, and then it fell apart. The black statue fell into the map the next moment, a map the size of a palm.It suddenly spun, and ghost energy emanated from it, wrapping it, and even Ye Tian's consciousness couldn't penetrate it.

The sound of howling ghosts and wolves continued, and finally there was a long roar of pain, which looked like a human being but not a human, and a beast that was not a beast. Then the map fell out of the black air with a bang, and the black air slowly receded. A ghost with a normal appearance but a single horn on its head appeared in front of Ye Tian.

The appearance and dress of this ghost are exactly the same as those on the statue.Ye Tian's two top-quality swords have already jumped out of the Immortal Mansion.The sword energy is running, ready to fight at any time, and the powerful sword intent is almost ready to come out. [

The ghost's face was still in pain, but seeing Ye Tian fight like this.Immediately said painfully. "Master, don't attack. Don't attack."

At the same time, Ye Tian felt that the original refining map was connected to the ghost by a contract, and replaced the position of the map. He obviously felt that he seemed to be able to control the ghost in front of him.Then he put away the sword, and watched quietly to see what else would happen.

The ghost's painful expression lasted for about an hour before slowly returning to its normal demeanor. A smile appeared on his face, and then he bowed down to Ye Tian, ​​"Thank you master for saving me, otherwise Chi Xie didn't know that he would have to wait for you." When and where I was tortured by the eagle of purgatory, I will be your most sincere servant from now on."

Ye Tian circled the ghost twice, and the ghost called Chi Xie didn't dare to move, only a pair of eyes moved with Ye Tian's movement.

Ye Tian looked at the humble Chi Xie and asked, "Are you a ghost?"

He immediately replied, "The villain is the most noble clan among ghosts, the Xietian clan."

"Oh? What ability do you have?"

"Uh, the villain is rich in knowledge and knows many secrets about the world."

Ye Tian thought for a while, "Well, it is indeed the same advantage, is there any more? What kind of magic is there? What can I do?"

The ghost said sadly, "The villain was deprived of his true spirit and became a puppet. He has long since lost his ability to do anything. Now the villain can only control one thing, and that thing is the key to the most important place in the Nether Ghost Mansion. It is said that what is stored in it is the world. One of the world's greatest secrets."

"One of the biggest secrets? Where does this world refer to?"

"Ghost Prison."

Ye Tian snorted coldly, "This Netherworld is only a big place, how dare you call it the world."

The ghost seemed to understand something and immediately said, "Master, what you see today is different from the Nether Ghost Prison. The real Nether Ghost Prison is a world where ghosts are born. The original Nether Ghost Mansion It is within the Nether Ghost Realm, but I don’t know what happened. The ghost mansion changed, the ban was turbulent, and the space constraints were broken. Half of the Nether Ghost Mansion broke into the border between the Wuzhou Realm and the Nine Nether Ghost Realm, and this Nether Ghost Mansion was formed. ghost domain.

Ye Tian asked thoughtfully, "Is this Nether Ghost Realm actually a part of the Nether Ghost Mansion?" [

"Haha, not all of them. The Nether Ghost Realm includes part of the Nine Nether Ghost Realm and the Wuzhou Realm. It used to be, and it is still the same now, but the area is larger now."

Hearing this, Ye Tian suddenly said angrily, "You are sealed inside the statue. The expansion of the Netherworld's territory is a recent thing. How could it be possible to know that you are clearly lying to me."

The ghost yelled, "Master, spare your life, master, I am not lying to you. Although I am sealed inside this statue, I am connected with the spirit of the Nether Ghost Mansion, and I can see the changes in the entire Nether Ghost Mansion."

"The mansion spirit of the Nether Ghost Mansion?"

Ghost said, "Yes, but it was obliterated by the white light of that terrifying long sword you put away, and now the Nether Ghost Mansion has been controlled by people, and soon, the restriction will be loosened, and the real mansion will be born. "

Ye Tian asked, "Can I enter now if I go early?"

The ghost replied, "I'm just the key to the last place. Now the restrictions in the ghost mansion are turbulent, and they will collapse at any time. Don't say that I can't help you open those restrictions to enter. Even this restriction is too dangerous. You'd better Waiting for this mansion to be born."

"Well, from now on, you will also call me Lord, and keep your name Chi Xie."

Chi Xie immediately shouted loudly, "Thank you Lord for giving the name."

"Go back to the main body, let me see what it looks like."

Chixie turned into black smoke and then slowly solidified, and finally turned into the original statue. Ye Tian collected it in the Immortal Mansion, picked up the map on the ground, and found that the map had lost its spirituality and became an ordinary statue. Monster skin.

He entered the Immortal Mansion with his divine sense, and found that Chi Xie had transformed back into a ghost body without waiting for his orders. He seemed to be afraid of the dragon egg and hid in a medicine circle far away. Ye Tian did not restrict his activity area and decided to observe Let's take a look at this guy, because the relationship with this Chixie is not as solid as the other subordinates. The relationship with this Chixie seems to have only one thing, which is to control the life and death of the other party, not to control the mind, and not to make the other party have an absolute feeling. loyalty.

Chi Xie originally wanted to avoid the range of the dragon aura and accidentally entered the medicine circle, but was attracted by a special aura, so he walked towards the place where the aura came out, and his heart was already full of revenge at this moment. Plus excited.

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