Ye Tian excavated very fast, the sword energy was rampant, and the stone chips were flying, constantly going deeper and deeper.

Only one-tenth of the distance of a thousand feet has been traveled, and the spirit vein mother stone is hidden deep enough, Chi Xie said with a smile, "Of course, otherwise people would have discovered it long ago."

Ye Tian said, "Didn't you say that you can detect it within a thousand meters? It's such a deep distance, how did you find it?"

Chi Xie laughed and said, "A common aura can be detected by a villain a thousand meters away, but for a treasure hehe, even a villain can smell it even if it is a hundred thousand meters away."

Ye Tian knew that this guy was not bragging, so he looked forward to it even more. He dug down crazily. After digging five or six thousand feet, there was nothing under Ye Tian's feet. He knew that he had reached the underground cave. Flying down, the open space here is already about [-] feet away from the ground, that is to say, it is close to [-] meters. There are dots of fluorescent light shining in the dark space, and the fire aura on Ye Tian's body manifests. In a flash, the pitch-black space was illuminated by flames, fully illuminating a distance of tens of meters.

Ye Tian saw the dots of fluorescent light on the surrounding walls that seemed to be exposed Lingshi mines. He flew to the side of a fluorescent stone, dug out a large stone with a sword, and entered it into the Immortal Mansion. Ye Tian looked at all the divine senses, and Lin Yuer said in surprise, "Could this be the Lingshi mine that was just mined."

Jian Long smiled and said, "This villain is good at it." He pried open the large piece of ore with his sword energy, and then took out a completed spirit stone in the center, "The piece with evenly distributed spirit energy, It is the kind of spirit stone we usually use, and I knocked out those, which can be used as spirit energy fuel for some flying boats, or used to feed spirit beasts."

Ye Tianshen recognized the Immortal Mansion, knowing that the quality of the spirit stones here is only ordinary, he asked Chi Xie, "Where can I find high-grade spirit stones?"

Chi Xie returned, "There must be a large number of high-grade spirit stones near the mother stone of the spirit vein, and there may be some top-grade spirit stones." [

Ye Tian turned around in this dark and empty place, and continued to dig down under Chi Xie's urging, "This is here." Chi Xie's excited voice made Ye Tian excited too.

He slashed down with the sword, and there was a crisp sound. When he pulled out the sword, the crystal light illuminated Ye Tian's eyes. Is this a whole piece of Lingshi?The following is crystal clear.

But Chi Xie couldn't be happier, "Well, this spirit vein mother stone was placed here artificially, and it should have been there for thousands of years."

Ye Tian didn't understand what was going on, and asked, "Who would put such a precious thing here?"

Chi Xie said, "This whole piece of spirit stone is smooth all around, and the incision is smooth. The spirit vein mother stone in the center is only the size of the belly of a finger. It should be artificially trying to use this to gather the spirit energy of heaven and earth to form the veins. It's really amazing. Judging by the veins of the spirit stones and the situation of the newborn spirit stones nearby, it has only been tens of thousands of years. This place must have been a very rich spiritual cave, but it has formed a small vein in tens of thousands of years, which is really a masterpiece."

Ye Tian dug up all the surrounding rocks with a sword along the whole huge spirit stone, revealing its original appearance. There are several fresh spirit mine veins connected around it, leading to multiple directions. It is the place where this artificially made small spiritual vein produces spiritual stones.

The overall quality of this huge spirit stone, which is more than ten meters square, has become a top-grade spirit stone, and the central part is almost close to the best quality.

And the charming charm exuded by the small, crystal-clear spirit vein mother stone in the center made Ye Tian's soul fall into it. Ye Tian cleared his head, cut off the whole spirit stone from its surroundings, and then Throwing it into the Immortal Mansion, fortunately, the spiritual vein has already formed and can develop on its own in the future, otherwise, the mountain will inevitably change dramatically.

Ye Tian was about to leave after collecting the Mother Stone of the Spirit Vein, but he didn't expect that the mountain would shake for a while, when he heard a man's voice, "I knew you would come to steal the Mother Stone of the Spirit Vein, so? Ha. "

Ye Tian was restrained all over his body, and he fell into the ground without reacting. In the empty space, there was only a voice but no one. Chi Xie was so frightened that he ran back to the Immortal Mansion when he heard the voice.

"You are finally here, you and I work together to travel through time and space, trying to win the fate from him, but unfortunately still failed, the heart of the fairy world was detonated by the person he raped, I will use the Chunyang Immortal Mansion to help you escape Out of the crystal wall, the only trace of Yuan Ling is still waiting for your redemption, you must not stop, you know, hold on."

Hearing this person's vague words solved Ye Tian's long-standing question, who is the real master of Chunyang Immortal Mansion, "Are you the real master of Chunyang Immortal Mansion?" Ye Tianxia Consciously caught something that appeared out of thin air.

"This is?" A dark green ring.

The voice sounded again, "Chunyang Immortal Mansion is your treasure, and you gave it to me. Later, I got Hades, and I wanted to refine it into it, but this Immortal Mansion refused. At the moment of life crisis, we also concentrated our wisdom and used the special power of Chunyang Immortal Mansion and my kind of ability to send you out of the crystal wall. Unfortunately, I exhausted my abilities and died in the end. I have the habit of collecting Yuan Ling, and this thing will guide you to rescue me when you become a fairy."

Ye Tian asked in a daze, "Who are you?"

"The ghost will tell you, ha, your next performance, I believe it will be very exciting, alas, as a friend, you are the only person I can't control my fate, you know my habits, but since You rescued her and sent her to my side, and I vowed not to play with the fate of the common people, but unfortunately, I changed my position, and the person who made me appeared, and he cannot allow a world like this to appear."

Ye Tian seems to have found the root of all this, "The person behind the scenes who made this world able to play with the gods in applause is the instigator of all these disasters. It's terrible. He deeply felt a With such a sense of power, how would he deal with such a person?"

"You don't have to worry, we have plotted against him, but it will take some time for him to show up again, ha."

Ye Tian still wanted to ask something, but everything in front of him changed again, and he returned to that dark underground world.

Ye Tian's consciousness entered the Immortal Mansion and dragged Chi Xie out, "Who is that person?"

"The Lord of the Nether Palace is the one who was imprisoned in this carving. Back then, he did all kinds of evil things in the world, playing with mortal cultivators in the misery of life. Later, he met some terrible people and persuaded him to enter the fairy world. The Nether Ghost Mansion It's just the mansion he lived in during his transformation period." Chi Xie stated the actions of the mansion master, but his voice was only full of fear, but he didn't dare to reveal a trace of resentment. (To be continued.)

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