The mana in Ye Tian's dantian was continuously condensed and solidified bit by bit. As he swallowed the golden pill, he rushed into the dantian like a fire dragon. The sky was overcast with thunder and lightning.

Many subordinates looked at the terrifying vision in the sky, and felt a sense of fear that spread to their hearts. None of them had experienced the catastrophe. Although the catastrophe was not aimed at them at the moment, the obvious The threatening malice was expressed very clearly, Lin Yuer frowned and thought, "This Heavenly Tribulation has its own will?"

The sword cultivator ghost came outside the formation barrier at this moment, "Huh? It's such a big battle, it turned out to be a medium-sized offensive and defensive formation comparable to a small sect." The ghost saw Ye Tian through the formation. The masters above the late Jindan stage frowned, "Huh, let's watch a good show of advancement." The ghost retreated slowly, until it was out of the attacking distance of the formation, then jumped up a mountain, towards From this side.

At this moment, Ye Tian is facing a situation that is impossible for ordinary cultivators to face. The most dangerous level of advanced golden elixir is to integrate the soul into the golden elixir. Let the whole soul be integrated into the golden core in the dantian, the soul in the center of Ye Tian's sea of ​​knowledge, the Chunyang Immortal Mansion emits white light, and the pure Yang energy in the light is mighty, this holy energy from the fairy world makes Ye Tian Ye Tian's soul began to grow wildly, and there was a bang in Ye Tian's mind as if a door had been opened, followed by a kind of excitement reaching the peak of happiness, Ye Tian's soul greedily absorbed the pure yang energy.At the same time, it was growing rapidly. When the volume of the soul doubled to the original soul size, the Chunyang Immortal Mansion suddenly stopped supplying the pure Yang Qi, and a purple light suddenly appeared on it, and Ye Tian immediately changed from the extreme enjoyment just now. It became excruciating pain, although it was very short, but the two extremes were too extreme, if it wasn't for Ye Tian's powerful sword intent, it is estimated that the will would be destroyed at that moment, even so.Ye Tian's sword intent was about to collapse.

Ye Tian was split in half by the purple light of Chunyang Immortal Mansion.This half of the feeling was like an incarnation feeling outside the body. Ye Tian knew that Chunyang Immortal Mansion was helping him form the alchemy, so he didn't think too much about it, and continued to concentrate the liquid mana in the dantian.

An hour passed.Two hours passed.The sword intent that reached the edge of collapse became more stable with the mood.It also stabilized and slowly recovered.

Outside the big formation at this moment, the increasingly obvious vision in the sky has already attracted many cultivators.Because of the deterrence of the offensive and defensive formations, these people were all transformed into spectators.

It has been three hours, and Ye Tian's liquid mana has already surpassed that of ordinary fake alchemy practitioners, so the solidification process is fast and stable. In just three hours, the whole body solidifies, and finally at this moment it completely turns into a mana. A round pill exuding brilliant light, at the moment when the pill was completed, the half of the soul in Ye Tian's knowledge of the sea immediately rushed out of the Niwan Palace, plunged into the dantian, entered the round pill, and the pill violently released a golden smooth , the color of the elixir transformed into gold in an instant, and a series of perceptions suddenly appeared in Ye Tian's mind. They were the perception of the restriction of heaven and earth, and the perception of the avenue of aura circulation in heaven and earth, and special runes began to flash continuously on the golden elixir , appeared out of thin air, slowly forming a city-linked body, and finally the golden pill was formed.

In the sky, the robbery clouds that had gathered for too long had turned purple at this moment. [

The golden core ghost saw the purple clouds gathering, and his eyes flashed with horror, "Is this person the same as me, and also belongs to the clan that is not tolerated by this world, there are nine thunder calamities in the golden core period? The purple calamity cloud, obviously It is the ninth-color tribulation thunder."

At the same time, Ye Tian also sensed the difference in this catastrophe. The pressure was greater than what Mr. Fang Zhen had encountered before.

"Boom," there was a thunder, and a thick white thunder light fell with unyielding will, "Huh?" Ye Tian's sword intent, which had just been stabilized, felt the will brought by the thunder and lightning, and immediately resonated.

Ye Tian split his palms, "Jian Hu, don't let outsiders see how I advanced."

Jian Hu first agreed, and opened the formation to block the sight of all practitioners.

The ghost was watching excitedly, and wanted to find out why this person advanced into the Nine Heavens, but his sight was blocked, and his anger rose. He flew up, approached Dazheng, took out the long sword on his back, and stood in mid-air, The ghostly aura is strong, "Ghost Yin Jue, one sword breaks the ground." The black sword aura flew out from the sword cultivator's palms and shot into the sword weapon. shot towards the formation barrier.

The sword energy was sharp and powerful, and the entire barrier of the formation seemed to vibrate. Jian Hu was furious, "Hmph, I disturbed the Lord at a critical moment, and I can't spare you." The attack formation was activated immediately, and the formation It was smooth and gleaming, a rhinoceros body, the head of a wind tiger, and a winged magic beast instantly formed, and rushed towards the ghost sword cultivator in an instant.

The sword cultivator was horrified, "Ah, kill." Another sword skill was shot out, and the magic weapon on his body turned into a green demon roaring and roaring, but was submerged in the brilliant light of the beast of the magic spell, and the sword skill of the skill spell was destroyed. He fled in a hurry, and when he was about to escape from the attack range of the formation, a cultivator who had been on the sidelines shot at him with a smile.

"Humans, hahahahaha," the ghost laughed angrily, a black aura object appeared in its hand, and collided with the remaining power of the formation technique, the beast of the technique roared wildly, and the ghost spit out a mouthful in mid-air Blood, the broken formation technique turned into several light spots passed through his body, and the ghost's head was covered with cold sweat, dissolving the cultivator's technique with his hands.

The cultivator clearly saw how powerful the ghost was, and saw that the other was not dead, but he didn't intend to leave at all, because he saw that the ghost was vomiting blood, and he already knew that the other was seriously injured.

Seeing that the expression on the face of such a ghost not only showed no fear, but a playful smile, the cultivator felt a sense of crisis that frightened him to the extreme for no reason.

Many cultivators saw someone fighting here, and a few of them immediately became interested and eager to try, waiting for a situation where both sides would suffer.

Seeing that the ghost had deterred the other party, it backed away slowly with a sneer, then fell to the ground and hid in the dense forest.

He spat out another mouthful of black blood, "Hmph, I won't let you off for daring to hurt me. And the human beings in that formation, like me, also suffered nine thunder tribulations. Could it be that he is as heaven and earth as I am?" Not allowed? You need to get a better understanding of it.”

The strange white lightning came down from mid-air, Ye Tian's sword intent immediately radiated out, attracted by the unyielding will in the thunder calamity in the sky, the thunder calamity fell faster, between Ye Tian's palms, the sword energy of cutting karma converged, and he raised his palm In an instant, it shot into the mid-air, and the next moment, the demonic energy in the body surged, and the two dragons broke the spell and the two pythons rushed out, roaring to the sky. Full of extreme anger, even Ye Tian heard such a voice for the first time. [

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