Chunyang Immortal Mansion

Chapter 86 Cooperation?

Chi Xie is crazy, he has practiced three moves before he was alive, and the strongest move is finally useful this time, the surroundings of the world immediately darkened, the world that was originally gray, but the vicinity of Chi Xie turned into pure darkness , The darkness shrank rapidly like a real thing, until it turned into a black ball, and was thrown out by Chi Xie. This black ball was still in Chi Xie's hand one moment, and it hit the bug the next moment.

The insect's scream was piercing and spread far away. Many ghosts, cultivators, and ghosts who had been teleported to this place from afar heard the scream and cautiously searched in this direction.

Ye Tian seized the opportunity, and an ordinary sword energy, smooth and round, directly shot into the eye socket of the defenseless bug.

With a lewd laugh, Chi Xie turned into a cloud of black mist and charged into the corpse of the worm. Ye Tian heard a disgusting sound that seemed to be sucking in, and saw the worm's body of more than three meters long shrinking continuously. In the end, there was only a layer of skin left, and the moment Chi Xie came out of it, Ye Tian saw that Chi Xie's cultivation had reached the middle stage of the Golden Core Late Stage.

Ye Tian didn't talk nonsense, and said, "Go ahead."

Chi Xie let out a hey, and said while walking, "If the Lord can meet a few more, my cultivation will reach the peak of the golden core, and then I will not only be an immortal body, but also the most powerful golden core ghost." The art of spirit, confronting the enemy head-on, even a cultivator at the peak of Jindan who has a magic weapon is not my opponent, and with the help of puppets, he will definitely become a pawn for the Lord to overcome obstacles."

Ye Tian smiled and said, "Well. A pawn? I will only arrange who will take the lead according to the least cost and the best harvest."

Chi Xie is full of ambition now, his mind is full of desire to fight, he just smiles, his eyes are full of black flames, and he looks around sharply, believing that as long as he finds a living thing, he will rush over to test himself crazily technique.

Ye Tian sighed in his heart, this guy is full of violence, and he is not afraid of death.What a headache.If necessary, he should be included in the Immortal Mansion, so as not to cause unnecessary disputes.

When Ye Tian left, many cultivators had already come here, and the meeting of different forces would inevitably lead to another battle.

Not long after walking out, Ye Tian heard the sound of fighting from behind.A helpless smile appeared on his face.He already knew what happened.He didn't look back anymore, and went to the core area of ​​the entire third floor, the Temple of Ten Thousand Demons, with Chi Xie.

The Temple of Demons is not just a palace-like building.It's a piece of pavilions, full of secrets, and a radius of thousands of miles is considered a conservative estimate.

When he came here, Ye Tian found that there were no restraining formations, and the sound of magic attacks and magic weapons could be heard in the distance inside these buildings from time to time, "It seems that someone has already entered."

Ye Tian and Chi Xie first entered a gray building, and as soon as they entered the first floor, several insubstantial things of unknown spirits rushed over. Ye Tian faced them with more than a dozen ordinary sword qi, "Ah, uh," after a few deep voices, these monsters were wiped out. Although Chi Xie had no interest in these monsters, he had the urge to fight. Unfortunately, Ye Tian's sword energy was too fast.

Ye Tian searched on the first floor, except for some ordinary ghost repair materials, there is nothing useful, several floors plus the underground are all the same.

Disappointed, Ye Tian left the building and began to search one by one. The speed was extremely fast, and Ye Tian quickly searched hundreds of buildings, and there was a rare building with restrictions that blocked Ye Tian and Chi. Xie, "Forbidden? Looks like not all places have been looted by escaped minions."

But Ye Tian didn't know anything about breaking formations. He asked Jian Hu to come out and study for a while, but he still had no clue. It seems that the level is really not enough.

At this moment, six golden elixir ghost cultivators came here, and the leading golden elixir ghost cultivator turned out to be the formation master who cracked the formation underground there. Unfortunately, what he did was the bones of Chixie's previous life , but was ruined by Ye Tian and his party. Not only did Chi Xie get the skeleton, but also killed many of the formation master's subordinates. Not only that, but also led them under the siege of many ghosts.

Ye Tian's eyes were sharp, and he said in surprise, "It's really a narrow road to enemies."

Seeing Chi Xie, the golden core formation master immediately said angrily, "It turned out to be you." Although he couldn't tell whether Ye Tian and the enemy he met that day were the same person, he definitely knew Chi Xie.

Ye Tian knew that this battle was inevitable, so he immediately released six flood dragons. The six flood dragons circled and roared in the air, which was extremely terrifying. If it wasn't for Ye Tian's spiritual consciousness to let him obey the order through sound transmission, Chi Xie would have charged up long ago. .

The Golden Core Formation master was sweating coldly, thinking quickly about how to deal with it, and then he immediately said, "Everything is easy to say, everything is easy to say, don't get angry with fellow Taoists in front."

Ye Tian knew that he was at fault, but the killing and punishment rules of the fairy world made him say cheekily, "Hmph, what do you mean?"

The formation master's face turned red and then turned pale, obviously unable to calm down his anger, but he said in his mouth, "Fellow Daoist, you got the treasure I got from breaking the formation last time, and I don't care about it anymore. Now we are also acquaintances, cough, although there is a bit of a festival , the holidays are over, and I finally know some basic abilities better than those strangers who don't know each other. Friends Daoist, you have powerful means of Taoism, and the combat power of your spirit beasts is terrible, and you have many powerful subordinates. And I have reached the level of a grandmaster in terms of formations, we both cooperate to obtain treasures together, how about sharing the treasures equally?"

Ye Tian put away the sword without even thinking about it, and said, "Yes." The reason why he answered so simply was that he didn't know how to break the formation in front of him, and he couldn't do it without cooperating with others.

The formation master showed a smile on his face, "In this case, how about I break the formation, fellow Taoist, help me drive away all the other cultivators who came here?"

Ye Tian said, "Yes."

Ye Tian knows that there are no free benefits in the world, if someone breaks the formation, then Ye Tian will kill the enemy.

Before the formation master occupied the formation, he didn't think about breaking the formation, and said in his heart, "It's better to delay the time and use these foreign enemies to consume this person's strength."

Not long after, dozens of ghost spirits rushed here from afar, led by three Jindan ghost spirits who had already incarnated in human form, and the rest were Foundation Establishment ghost spirits.

The three of them glanced at Ye Tian, ​​their eyes lit up. As the leader, Jindan Ghost Spirit discussed with the other two, then retreated silently and chose another direction, and those two had been following Ye Tian. Tian's guy unexpectedly also entered this floor, and just after receiving the news from this group of Jindan ghost spirits, he chased towards Ye Tian.

The formation master looked disappointedly at the many ghosts that disappeared, and then at the sword repairer who looked like a sharp sword, "It actually scares away the ghosts like this, is it possible to cooperate?" Are we going to continue like this?" (To be continued...)

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