() Ye Tian used the colorless true energy to form a trace of sword energy through the method. This trace of sword energy was transferred out of his dantian and entered the meridians to test whether the meridians can bear it. In the meridians, the sword energy is like silk, constantly touching On the wall of the meridians, Ye Tian looked inside and felt it in meditation. When the sword qi circulated in the meridians for a week and returned to the dantian, a smile finally appeared on Ye Tian's face. His meridians could fully withstand the five-level sword energy. sword spirit.

The next step is to use sword energy to copy the talisman. This process may fail, but the pain is not as unbearable as the construction at the beginning, but it is still pain.Ye Tian found out that it's no wonder that the practitioners who practice swords have a bad temper. If it's not because of their faults or because they are crazy, they are all tortured.

For the sword energy of the fifth level of Qi training, if you want to exert its maximum power, you need to copy seven or seven 49 copies. Ye Tian started the painful and boring copying work. He found that this is even more boring, painful and tormenting than the code words when he was on the earth. What a miracle.

A month later, the disheveled Ye Tian finally finished this annoying job. He took off his clothes and soaked in the spring water in the cave. He lay there for a long time, sighing while lying down, practicing swordsmanship and swordsmanship. Comparing the feeling of practicing exercises, it is completely a hell and a heaven.

After Ye Tian's exhausted mood relaxed a bit, he put on his clothes, cleaned up his personal hygiene issues, and then took out the Sword Qi Jue, and began to practice the real swordsmanship on the fifth floor. The method of sword qi needs to be learned, and there is one more real sword move with a name to learn, "Falling Leaf Thorn."

The method of using sword qi seems easy, but in fact, it takes continuous practice to master it perfectly. Ye Tian is not in a hurry to practice sword moves. His biggest advantage is patience. This practice lasted for three full months. , Ye Tian was cultivating in the cave, but he didn't know that there was a person who was so anxious that he couldn't bear it. If this person was not the son, who was it, he actually came to Yang Ming's cave on this day. Yang Ming's cultivation has stabilized now He was about to advance to the seventh level of Qi training soon, and the originally decadent complexion on his face also turned red, which was in stark contrast to the man's irritability and eagerness.

The two chatted for a long time, then Mr. Yu finally said, "Keep an eye on Ye Tian, ​​if he doesn't come out again, what will he call that?"

"Little three."

"Yes, use him to force him out."

But Yang Ming said, "Not good, although this kid is only at the early stage of the sixth level of Qi training, the woman with whom he has the best relationship is now in the limelight, and she has worshiped under the ancestor of Jindan Patriarch, this."

Mr. Yu snorted coldly, "My master is also the Patriarch of Jindan, so I'm afraid she will come. When I get the nine-leaf clover, the teacher will protect me."

Yang Ming immediately said, "Then there is nothing to worry about in the future, but Mr. Yu, can I act in a hidden manner, so that I can become your dark chess in the future."

Mr. Yu squinted his eyes and glanced at Yang Ming, "It's up to you." He flicked his sleeves and left Yang Ming's cave directly.

Yang Ming looked at Mr. Yu's back, but sneered slightly on his face.

Inside the cave, Ye Tian sat cross-legged, the sword energy of the fifth level of the sword energy circulated in his body like true energy, flowing back and forth from the meridians, like a fish in water, Ye Tian drove the sword energy, and a stream of air flowed through the meridians. As far as the fingers, a faint white mist formed on the fingers, "Huh? The five layers of sword energy can't condense the murderous sword energy, and still need the help of the formation in the sword weapon to exert its power."

As soon as he stretched out his hand, a dark sword appeared in his hand, and the sword energy was transmitted to the sword through his fingers. The strange thing about this sword was that the input of sword energy did not make a sound of sword chant, but it was full of murderous aura.

Ye Tian jumped up, swung the sword in his hand downwards, and a burst of sword energy rushed out, hitting the stone table not far in front, and with a chuffing sound, a hole the size of a fist was left on the stone table, "Good sword!" .” Ye Tian knew that even a fifth-level sword energy would not be so sharp, this sword is definitely the best among low-grade swords.

The part of the stone table pierced by the shot is two feet thick. The stone table in his cave is different from the stone tables in other disciples' caves. It is made of a whole piece of pure white stone, which is extremely hard. It is the same as the previous cave. The owner specially asked someone to make it, but I don't know what it is for.

"Huh," just thinking of this, Ye Tian found that there seemed to be something inside the table. He looked in from the place where the sword energy passed through, and there was actually a hole in the table, which was just pierced by the sword energy." What is this? A gray egg."

Ye Tian used this sword to carefully throw away the stone table, the hollow in the center of the table was empty, except for this gray egg, there was nothing else.

Ye Tian picked up the gray egg that was the size of a human head, and immediately felt a slight chill in his hand, "Ice-cold air, what kind of monster egg is this? How did it appear here?"

Ye Tian didn't know what this thing was, and he didn't dare to put it in the Immortal Mansion, he was afraid that the chill from the gray egg would affect the growth of the spirit grass and elixir in the Chunyang Immortal Mansion, so he put it into the storage bag first.

Ye Tian recalled it for a while. He remembered that the previous owner of the cave seemed to have died outside during the expedition, and he seemed to have had a good time in the outer gate, "By the way, I remembered, his name is Yang Shugu, practice The cultivation base of the ninth level of Qi was lost in the extremely cold valley in the Jiugong Mountains, eh? The chill emanating from this egg? Could it be that this gray egg was found in the extremely cold valley before he died?"

Thinking of this person's loss, Ye Tian couldn't help but think of his own bad premonition, the danger was approaching, so he had better practice swordsmanship first, the more money he had to save his life, the more hope he had.So I started to meditate, and stopped thinking about that gray egg.

Now that the use of sword qi is proficient, it is time to practice the falling leaf stab. The book says that only practitioners at the peak of the ninth level of qi training are qualified to practice this sword technique. Ye Tian thinks it should be determined by the tolerance of the meridians. Because the foundation of this sword technique is the sword qi of the fifth level of sword qi, and if one has mastered the fifth level of sword qi, one is qualified to practice this move, and it should have nothing to do with the mellowness of the true qi.

From the books he had read before, Ye Tian reckoned that the toughness of his meridians should be no worse than that of the peak of the ninth level of Qi training. He read the training method of the falling leaf thorn a few times, memorized it by heart, and then followed the method , Generating sword qi in different order from the seven, seven, forty-nine talismans in the method, entering the dantian, and condensing in the dantian, the method seems simple, but the sword qi is interspersed in the talismans, and the whole process of condensing into the dantian is shared. It took about 30 seconds, the actual combat would not give him such a long time, so he had to practice, keep practicing, keep shortening the time, until the time was the same as the time used by the true energy, and he really succeeded in this sword technique.

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