The three-headed dragon looked up to the sky and chanted. When many cultivators around saw the dragon, someone was shocked and shouted, "Dragon, dragon, real dragon."

"Hey, the magic dragon, no matter how strong it is, it's still a magic spell. Hmph, catch this little thief and let him hand over this spell." Some people couldn't hold back their greed.

"Kill it," this time dozens of people attacked Ye Tian at the same time, Ye Tian said to the people in Chunyang Immortal Mansion and the three people around him, "You help me defend, it depends on my ability."

The inner alchemy of the six monster dragons flew out of the Chunyang Immortal Mansion, and there were other people's spells, and suddenly a special zone formed around Ye Tian. The attacks of dozens of spells and magic weapons, some of them were from the foundation building period Some of the actions of the cultivators were those of the early Jindan cultivators. The power of a single demon pill of Jiaolong was enough to match the power of the magic weapons of several Jindan peak cultivators combined, and these attacks were completely defeated in a few hits.

Ye Tian took a Yi Dan at this moment, and under the flash of sword light in his eyes, dozens of prototypes of sword energy in the dantian rushed out of the method, and entered the two swords through Ye Tian's meridians. In the weapon, under the guidance of Ye Tian's mind, these sword qi were blessed by the sword intent, and then flew out of the sword weapon, intertwined in mid-air, and then gathered into a huge sword of chaos, and then Ye Tian looked at the number one A ghost cultivator who said to kill him, "First, you."

The speed of the sword qi is to surpass all techniques and techniques of magic weapons. The sword light flashed, and the magic weapon of the ghost cultivator was a big sword. It was already shining brightly, and there was even the sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves.The red-haired ghost flew out of it all the time, and was killed by the sword just as he was about to scream, and then the sword energy collided with the big sword. This ghost cultivator is only at the middle stage of Jindan, and his magic weapon is also the lowest. Waiting for the magic weapon, how can it stop the attack that Ye Tian just realized, which is equivalent to the best human-level swordsmanship under the blessing of earth-level sword intent, and besides, this level of swordsmanship is produced under the blessing of true energy in the middle and late stages of Jindan , Hearing a roar, the big sword was hit by the powerful force of the sword qi and flew up, and the remaining sword qi rushed into the cultivator's body without stopping.Then the remaining sword qi was more than powerful, and the dozens of foundation-building practitioners in the back were all taken aback.Then all the cultivators that the sword energy passed through screamed, their bodies split into pieces.

Ye Tian pointed to another person who clamored to kill him, "Next, you."

Dozens of sword qi were generated in Ye Tian's dantian.These sword qi rushed into the two earth-level swords.The sword light flickered in Ye Tian's eyes.He began to use different methods to build sword skills, and after thinking for a while, he took a Yi Dan.Then a smile appeared on his face, and dozens of sword qi rushed out and intertwined in mid-air, and then formed a strange fish full of spikes. The strange fish opened its mouth wide and devoured it towards the cultivator.

That cultivator is already at the late stage of Jindan, and there are brothers from the same sect beside him, how can he be afraid, the three of them each sacrificed their magic weapons, and the three blue, blue, and purple magic weapons in the sky echoed each other, and each turned into a monster. The body of the beast rushed towards the strange fish transformed by Ye Tian's sword technique. After three roars, Ye Tian's two ground-level swords joined together, and then a sword technique of falling leaf thorns flew out. At the same time, the sword light flashed, and the cultivator used a spell, and the blue wall-like brilliance blocked his body, and this sneak attack of the fallen leaf thorn also failed.

Ye Tian was not discouraged, but when the other cultivators saw Ye Tian's failure, their confidence immediately increased, "Kill him, he is nothing special."

At this moment, hundreds of cultivators have finally condensed into a powerful force.

The three dragons rolled around Ye Tian to guard against other people's sneak attacks at any time, and the dragon balls of the flood dragon even appeared and disappeared to protect Ye Tian. Shocked everyone's eardrums, and he split his palms, "Three Dragons Roar," the little dragon immediately exhaled dragon breath, and the three dragons rushed out, this time for the purpose of attacking.

The three dragons roared and danced, thinking that the cultivator rushed over. At the same time, Ye Tian's human-level ultimate swordsmanship, the Sanxuan Sword Xuanyin Wuji, finally appeared again, and the three sword qi were generated out of thin air to follow behind the magic dragon. , the three cultivators resisted at the same time, and the others wanted to kill Ye Tian, ​​but they didn't think about helping others. It's best to die, and there are fewer people who share the treasure.

The three of them met the enemy immediately, but where was the opponent of the magic dragon, almost all the means were consumed by the magic dragon, and the sword energy that came first did not give them a chance to fight back, so they passed through the three of them respectively. Those who know Ye Tian's target are these three people, so there is no one behind them. It's a pity that the three sword qi come and go according to Ye Tian's command, and the three sword qi fly to the side , passed through the bodies of dozens of cultivators at the same time, and after a scream, there was a rain of blood all over the sky.

Ye Tian suddenly became murderous, and the magic dragon beside him to protect him had been defeated by numerous attacks, and the six dragons and many of his subordinates had also begun to show signs of decay. , but it can't stand the crowd.

Ye Tian looked at the nearest Jindan peak cultivator. As soon as the sword intent appeared in his eyes, as soon as the sword light was reflected in the pupils of the man, he yelled badly and wanted to run away, but there was a burst of drama in his mind. Pain, and then suddenly a mouthful of blood was spit out, and the swordsmanship of Ye Tian's twin swords had already been shot out, "Killing Karma," the sword energy shot at the opponent in six ways, and then it was "Knowing the crime," and then it was cutting the crime, and then it was Qiankun Yi Throwing, and then there are dozens of big fish combined with ordinary sword energy. This Jindan peak cultivator used all his remedies to resist, and the next one, "Yinyang Dao," this terrifying ground-level swordsmanship, Don't say that the means are exhausted, even if the means are all there, it is not a dead end, the cultivator said angrily before dying, "Are you making fun of me?"

The sword of Ye Tian's divine consciousness was reflected in his pupils again, and the next moment, the cultivator at the peak of the golden core was rushed by the sword energy, and the sword energy controlled by Ye Tian just smashed his golden core, so With so many enemies, Ye Tian didn't even think about getting any golden elixir, he could only kill him. After the death of this golden elixir peak cultivator, someone finally showed timidity. Ye Tian sneered even more, and split his palms, " Two dragons cross the sea," with the blessing of dragon energy, the two dragons rushed into a group of low-level cultivators who wanted to escape.

Ye Tian looked at another cultivator at the peak of Jindan, and that cultivator immediately closed his eyes when he saw the sword light in Ye Tian's pupils, but Ye Tian had no intention of killing him at all. The ten sword qi intertwined and turned into a sharp sword and shot at another Jindan peak cultivator. (to be continued..)

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