Wang Yan just sneered, "You can just wait and see," and then he sent Ye Tian with his spiritual sense, "Both of these parties are useless, the Lord might as well kill them, we will take all the benefits here."

But Ye Tian said, "My sword intent is pure and my mind is clear. Killing at this moment is not beneficial to practice."

Lin Yu'er had been paying attention to Ye Tian's performance in the Chunyang Immortal Mansion, and she felt relieved after hearing this sentence. She was a little afraid that Ye Tian's murderous intent would become stronger as his cultivation grew, and he would become a generation of devils.

Ye Tian saw that the strength of the two parties was limited, and they were all under control. Besides, as he said, the sword intent was being eliminated, and his mind was very clear. Why killing for a little profit broke his mind, although these people were not Kindness, but that's none of his business.

However, Ye Tian is not worried that he will become indecisive. He knows that even if the sword intent is pure, his killing spirit will only be stronger. Destiny is open, the killing and punishment are decisive.

Wang Yan said again, "Let's make things clear. With everyone's strength, it may not be possible to break this formation for a year, but I only need ten days. So, the credit for breaking the formation is that my Patriarch joined this side." Yes, is there any dissatisfaction?"

No one from these two parties refuted it. Sometimes the appearance of a cultivator is extremely important, but sometimes it can be completely ignored. Ye Tian looked at the performance of the two parties and thought to himself, fortunately, these people are in this matter. It's extremely skinny.

"Very good," Wang Yan continued, "Then, after entering here, my master will get [-]% of the treasures. Do you have any objections?"

The leaders of the two parties looked at each other with kind smiles on their faces, and then said in unison, "Of course there is no objection."

However, Ye Tian had more understanding in his heart, and Lin Yu'er in the Chunyang Immortal Mansion sighed, "Is it really impossible to avoid killing, and the only way to stay out of the world? If you don't fight, how can you advance? Not only It's just a matter of resources, and some comprehensions necessary for advancement can only be comprehended during the killing, so..." Lin Yuer suddenly discovered things that she hadn't considered before and felt natural.She fell into deep thought.

Wang Yan saw that both parties had agreed on the surface.In his heart, he was satisfied that the goal he needed had been achieved. These people were already four people, [-]% of what he wanted. What he wanted was for Ye Tian to get all the treasures.Don't give any waste to these two parties.Since the other party has been tricked.Already murderous, I think the Lord will not be relentless when the time comes, "Ha."

So Wang Yan began to arrange formations with Jian Hu.The reason why he can categorically assert that the formation can be broken in ten days is because the formation in front of him is exactly the same as the previous formation. Although there is one less ghost now, after breaking the formation last time, He already knew that with a slight improvement, let alone three ghosts, one Chixie would be enough.

The basic items of the previous formation can still be used this time, so the formation was completed in three days, and the next step is to add some improvements in attack power. It was completed on the eighth day. The mage has improved a lot by following this master-level figure, so after the formation was completed, he sincerely worshiped and thanked Wang Yan.

Wang Yan returned the salute one by one, his eyes flickered, he had a plan in his heart, a huge plan, part of it came from the changed future, even though those futures would never happen again, it would still give him vigilance and foresight.

Everything is ready, Chixie and Tianxie entered the formation, broke through the formation just like last time, succeeded with just one blow, a magnificent ray of light shot straight into the sky, and the formation barrier turned into crystals all over the sky, "We enter .” Wang Yan took the lead and said.

Ye Tian took Wang Yan and others into the Chunyang Immortal Mansion, and then entered. This is to learn from the previous experience and lessons, so as not to encounter unpredictable risks, and everyone will be scattered and defeated.

Not to be outdone, the people from the two sides flocked in. The first floor is a dark palace, like a royal palace in the mortal world. Everyone walked through it, and after a while, they saw the entrance of the second floor, and then one by one. Flying into the second floor, Ye Tian glanced around here, but there was nothing of value, he called out Chi Xie, and asked him to help him find nothing, "Huh," he snorted coldly, and brought Chi Xie into the immortal. After entering the mansion, Ye Tian flew up to the third floor. Once he entered here, the cold aura that hit his face made Ye Tian take a few steps back. He was also worried about encountering those strange things like those red pupils again. Last time he was lucky, This time it may not be so, but he has always acted according to the intuition in his brain, as if there is a voice in the dark asking him to do it, and now it is the same, he seems to have some kind of understanding in his heart, he must enter The third floor, now that he has arrived here, what greets him is the coldness that even a Jindan cultivator like him can't bear.

Dozens of people from the two sides also came to the top one after another. Ye Tian heard the sound of panic and cracking behind him. Here, his consciousness was no longer effective. He looked back and saw it. Several cultivators who were not at the golden core stage had turned into ice crystals all over their bodies, and one person fell down after achieving ice crystals, and his body covered with ice crystals was smashed to pieces on the ground.

A sneering voice suddenly came from the darkness ahead, "I haven't seen food for a long time, I didn't expect dozens of them to be delivered at the same time, haha, haha, I'm so happy."

Wang Yan said in Chunyang Immortal Mansion, "My lord, this place is the same as the one last time. It is also the place where the chief criminal of the Nether Mansion is imprisoned."

Ye Tian asked, "You too?"

Wang Yan smiled, "Of course."

"Huh? What kind of prisoner are you?"

Wang Yan said, "He caught me at the other end of time, he trapped me, until two different times of me meet, the rules of this world will obliterate the me he caught, I believe that with that person The method of manipulating fate was done on purpose by him."

"for what?"

"I don't know, maybe it's to save past mistakes?"


"It hasn't happened yet, but I have experienced it in my memory, but I can't say anything, not to mention since we met, those memories entered my mind, all history will be completely changed, do you know the angle?"


"The angle may be very small, just like the initial difference, but as the distance increases, even if it is a small angle, the distance between the two sides will become larger and larger, just like the changes in this world."

"The fact I know is that the world has never changed. You came from the future. Maybe it's just a cycle?"

"Lord, please believe me, my memory clearly remembers what happened, and it is impossible to repeat it anymore, because it has changed, just like now, I don't know what is being imprisoned here. Such an existence, but what we should have encountered was a disgusting thing, that thing does not know if we will have a chance to meet again.” (To be continued..)

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