After Tianxie said this, he walked out of Chunyang Immortal Mansion. He took out an object, and then the object emitted a blue light, inhaling all the breath left by the creature, and then Tianxie solemnly put the object away "My lord, this creature is the ancestor of the Yin spirit, also known as the God of Nightmare, a monster in the Nether Sea. As long as it feels this breath, it will honestly not make trouble. Finally, it has the breath of the ancestor of the Yin spirit. The disaster of the ghost prison can be regarded as lifted."

Ye Tian frowned and asked, "The ancestor of Yinling?" He had never heard of such a thing, but Yinling had, but it generally exists in the mortal world and is weak.

"He is similar to your so-called ghost, but he is the ancestor of that kind of thing. Not only is he powerful, but he can also strengthen himself by eating cultivators and split his subordinates."

"You mean he eats the cultivator and splits into Yinling's subordinates?" Ye Tian asked impatiently with a strong anxiety.

"Exactly." Tian Xie replied simply.

Ye Tian felt that something big was going to happen. He let this thing out by himself. It was no different from the so-called opening Pandora's box on earth, but it was clearly set up by the Lord of the Nether Palace. What kind of power does the Lord of the Nether Palace have? Planning, Ye Tian always felt that even though he was strong enough to defeat the Lord of the Nether Palace back then, the height and field of vision he stood at were definitely not as high as the Palace Master of the Netherworld. What kind of situation was he arranging, or was he just playing cards according to his preferences? Playing with fate?

Chi Xie comforted, "My lord, since the Lord of the Nether Palace guided us here, he must have planned it long ago. Why do you need to worry, why not come and appreciate this spaceship."

After hearing Chi Xie's words, Ye Tian relaxed his inexplicably nervous nerves, "Ha, indeed, this spaceship is really cool, and it's much more interesting than the so-called fairy treasure."

Chi Xie laughed and said, "It feels like those fairy treasures are similar to this spaceship."

"Yeah." Ye Tian followed Chi Xie around inside the spaceship a few times, and he was familiar with the structure of the spaceship.Actually something magical.The basic layout is pretty much the same.

Ye Tian asked Chi Xie, "Can this spaceship resist the Nascent Soul master?"

Chi Xie thought for a while and said, "It's hard for a master of Yuanshen to hurt even a single bit, but the attack power is too weak. The power of a large laser cannon is only similar to the power of a single blow from a top Jindan master."

Ye Tian was overjoyed in his heart. "It's enough. As long as there are spaceships here, we are invincible."

Chi Xie said, "Master, with everyone's strength, we are already invincible."

"Can this spaceship be included in the Chunyang Immortal Mansion?"

"Of course, I can do it freely. Please wait a moment, my lord."

Having said that, Chi Xie fit into the blue light ball again, and then Ye Tian felt a force enveloping him. He didn't feel any hostility, so he let this force pull him out of the slowly opening door , and then the whole spaceship showed its true appearance amid rumbling groans, the huge door disappeared, replaced by a blue spaceship in the shape of a flying saucer, and then the spaceship rammed towards Ye Tian , Ye Tian's Chunyang Immortal Mansion felt the breath of Chi Xie, and also opened the door, and the flying saucer flew in directly, but when the flying saucer entered the Chunyang Immortal Mansion, Chi Xie yelled, "Not good! , the spaceship can’t get out.”

Ye Tian's consciousness entered the Chunyang Immortal Mansion. He tried to move the spaceship, but found that he was powerless to move such a large object. Maybe only after entering the Void would he have enough spiritual consciousness to move it to the Chunyang Immortal Mansion. outside, but how did it get in?Ye Tian and Chi Xie didn't figure it out, Chi Xie just communicated with Chunyang Immortal Mansion and entered, but if he wanted to go out, Chunyang Immortal Mansion didn't have the ability, only Ye Tian could do it by himself, but Ye Tian's consciousness is not strong enough to carry such a heavy and large item.

Ye Tian regretted it, Chi Xie also regretted it.

It's a pity that there is no one who sells regret medicine, Ye Tian asked Chi Xie again, "Do you still have memories of the eighteenth floor?"

Chi Xie said, "I don't have other memories."

Wang Yan and Jian Hu were summoned out of the Chunyang Immortal Mansion again, and began to search nearby, but they ran into obstacles everywhere, and found that the formation here was simply not something that he, a master, could recognize, let alone crack.

Wang Yan said, "Master, it seems we should leave."

Ye Tian was in a good mood, and said directly, "Well, let's leave."

Let everyone go back to Chunyang Immortal Mansion, Ye Tian came to that vortex, the same body of the three dragons, entered the reverse passage, when it appeared, Heisi, the Nether Ghost Mansion, was outside, the two sides guarding here As soon as the forces saw that someone was not their own, they would step forward to kill them, and Tianxie flew out directly from Chunyang Immortal Mansion, "Bold."

Everyone on the ghost side saw Tianxie, and immediately knelt down to greet him, "See Lord Tianxie."

An old ghost flew over from behind many ghosts. He looked at Tianxie's confident expression, and his face showed joy, "Is there any gain?"

Tianxie said, "Old Feng, please escort me to the entrance of the ghost prison."

The eyes of the ghostly old man in front of him immediately became agitated. The other party saw the signs, and the other party seemed to have obtained something extraordinary, so someone went to report to the leaders of the Feng family and other forces in the Nine Nether Ghost Realm. .

The old man glanced at the forces of the Nine Nether Ghost Realm with disdain, and then at Ye Tian, ​​with doubts and guesses on his face, but he didn't say much, and led them to the passage of the Nether Ghost Prison Mouth.

Tian Xie and Ye Tian explained, "When I get there, I will give this thing to Feng Lao, and I will feel relieved after watching him enter the passage. From then on, I am willing to serve the Lord for the rest of my life."

Ye Tian was noncommittal and just followed suit.

When everyone arrived at the entrance to the Nether Ghost Prison, Chi Xie watched from a distance in the Chunyang Immortal Mansion. The world behind this passage was the world created for him by the Lord of the Nether Mansion, and the ghosts there were all his descendants. , he was a little impulsive and wanted to take a look at it, but he knew that going there didn't mean much to him.

At the entrance, Tian Xie handed the object to Feng Lao, whispered a few words in Feng Lao's ear, Feng Lao showed ecstasy on his face, and then bowed to Tian Xie to the ground, "The Nether Ghost Prison will always remember Tian Xie's high Righteousness." Then he looked at Ye Tian, ​​"No matter what kind of person you are, if you dare to treat the benefactor of my ghost clan with disrespect, even if you are far and wide, you will not be spared."

Ye Tian snorted coldly, "Speaking of which, I am also a benefactor of your clan."

The flesh on the old man's face twitched a bit, he glanced at Tian Xie, and found that Tian Xie had acquiesced, so he cupped his hands at Tian Xie again, "Take care," the words were extremely heavy.

Tian Xie also said, "Take care." (To be continued...)

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