Daming wolf ride

Chapter 110 Rebirth from the Ashes

Updated: 2012-11-19

I could already feel the temperature rising sharply on my forehead, and it became difficult to breathe. The fire was burning with thick smoke, and life and death were only a thought away.

Whether to live or die, the wolf cavalry knows how to choose.It is a place where death is inevitable, and if there is a glimmer of hope for survival, they will fight for it and work hard without hesitation.

Killing one's good partner, good buddy, just to be able to survive, although it is affection, it is not a choice.

People are selfish. At the critical moment of life and death, even Shi Dayong, a later generation, would choose to kill a horse for his own survival, let alone these ancient people. [

"Man, I'm sorry!"

The hesitation was short-lived, and soon, a Songshan veteran gritted his teeth, hugged the horse's neck and said something in tears, then slowly wiped the horse's neck with his right hand holding a blade, and a stream of blood immediately flowed from the horse's neck. gushing out.

The war horse jumped and pouted like crazy, pulling the veteran almost unsteadily.After a few rounds of jumping, the war horse collapsed to the ground with a long hiss, twitching its body, looking at its master with painful eyes in confusion, and did not understand why the master killed it to the end of his life!

The master's eyes were full of tears, and the pain occupied every inch of his nerves.

One horse, two horses, three horses...

One after another, war horses were slaughtered by their own masters. The air was filled with the stench of horse blood; the ground was filled with corpses of war horses; the sky was filled with the cries of horses.

Compared with those Songshan veterans, Changping soldiers did not have deep feelings for war horses, so when those veterans were still hesitating, their survival instinct made them wave their butcher knives at the war horses without hesitation.

Following the general's appearance, the wolf cavalry all got into the horse's belly, covering their mouths and noses and waiting for the fire to come.

The temperature was getting higher and higher, and the "cracking" sound of the withered grass being ignited could be heard clearly in the ears, and the ground also began to heat up. The bloody ground was instantly dried up, leaving behind bloody black soil.

Whether it is yellowing bitter grass or green grass, it will eventually turn into ashes in the face of the wild fire.

The wind was blowing, and the wolf cavalry under the horse's belly waited in agony.Not only do they have to endure the thick smoke coming from between their fingers, but they also have to endure the unbearable high temperature.

Everyone, including Shi Dayong, gritted their teeth and struggled to hold on, not daring to move their bodies. No matter how stinky the sewage in the horse's belly was, they would shrink in again.

Without a trace of deviation, the fire burned straight towards the wolf cavalry army, devouring everything in an instant. The scorching flames burned through the horse's corpse, and the iron armor became scorching hot, and the leather rope that was attached to it was also burned instantly. Group, emitting a burnt smell.

Without stopping, the raging fire continued to rush forward.

After the fire, faint black smoke was emitting from all the horses, and yellowish light smoke was also floating on the surrounding ground, like cooking smoke, emitting strands of smoke.

The manes on the war horses had all been burned off, leaving bare corpses with burnt skins.

The corpses of hundreds of Jinjun fell around, their appearance was destroyed by the fire, and everything that could be burned on their bodies was burned, turning black and black.

In the air, there is a disgusting smell, horse meat, human meat, it is impossible to tell the difference.

From all over the field, the sound of the Ming army's shouting and killing could be heard, but here, it was quiet, without any sign of life, only the scattered small fires were still making the sound of burning dead branches. [


After the fire raged, thousands of Changping soldiers searched along the river bank, and they kept calling "General! General!..."

The fire not only drove back the Jin army, but also changed everything. Looking around, except for ashes and corpses, everything was the same everywhere, and it was impossible to tell which was which. The soldiers could only search slowly based on their previous memories.

There were corpses everywhere in the river and on the banks, human, horse, burnt and unburnt, here and there.

"General, you can't die, you can't die..."

Jiang Wanli's voice trembled. The tragedy he saw made his heart chill to the bottom of the ice. No one will survive this fire, no one will!But he couldn't really believe that the general would die in the fire he set himself.

If the general is really dead, isn't he the murderer who killed the general? !

Pain, self-blame, and regret intertwined in Jiang Wanli's heart, making him tremble uncontrollably.Although he and Shi Dayong realized that it is only a few months now, but one bloody battle after another has made Jiang Wanli accept this new boss. It is really hard for him to accept Shi Dayong's death

Huang An barely maintained his composure. Before he saw the corpses of Shi Dayong and the Wolf Cavalry Army, he couldn't believe that the general was really dead!

"Search everywhere, search everywhere, and we must find the general and the wolf cavalry brothers!" Huang An kept repeating the order.

"The general is there!"

Finally, a soldier found the horse corpses lying in front of him, and also saw the half-burned "Shi" banner lying on the ground.

Following the soldier's voice, Huang An and Jiang Wanli looked over at the same time. What they saw gave them an electric shock—hundreds of horse corpses and human corpses intertwined.


The shrill shouts resounded in the sky, and Jiang Wanli ran over nervously. He ran too fast and was knocked down by a spear. After getting up, he ignored the pain in his knees and stumbled towards the horse corpses. .

"No, no...the general will not die..."

One corpse after another was turned over, but the corpses burned by the fire were all the same, making it impossible to tell who was who.

After rummaging through dozens of corpses, Jiang Wanli sat on the ground exhausted, with no signs of life around him. It seemed that General Shi really died in the fire!

After closing his eyes and resisting the urge to cry loudly, Huang An gave an order to the soldiers who were still searching: "Take all the corpses back, we have to deal with the affairs of the general and Brother Langqi. "

"Yes, my lord."

After listening to the order of the garrison, the soldiers who were closest to him went to lift the corpse under their feet with tears in their eyes. They didn't want to, but they tugged lightly, but they fell back together.It turned out that the corpse might have been burned for too long, the hands and legs had been roasted, and the bloody flesh fell off the bones when pulled.

Looking at the human flesh they were still holding in their hands, those soldiers hurriedly threw it aside, their faces turned red with fright, and one of the younger ones was vomiting violently. [

Seeing this, Huang An sighed slightly. After all, these Changping soldiers had never been on the battlefield, and they had never seen the scene of blood flying and intestines piercing. Naturally, they would be frightened when they saw this roasted human flesh.

"Everyone, be careful. There may be generals and wolf rider brothers in these corpses. Try not to damage the corpses."

After Huang An finished speaking, he signaled the soldiers to continue carrying the corpse. Seeing Jiang Wanli sitting there blankly, he hesitated for a moment, and walked over to help him up, discussing whether to counterattack with the army or withdraw the army.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived beside Jiang Wanli, the horse corpse one foot to the left suddenly moved!

Huang An was taken aback, instinctively put his hand on the handle of the knife, and looked at the horse corpse in surprise.A few seconds later, the horse's belly moved twice, and then a bloody hand stretched out from under the horse's belly, and then violently pulled upwards, throwing the horse's corpse aside.Immediately afterwards, a big man covered in blood came out of it, with a piece of blood sausage wrapped around his neck.Perhaps it was too suffocating in the horse's belly, and the big man immediately took a big mouthful of air after he got out, regardless of the disgusting smell in the air and the faint smell of smoke.

After taking a few breaths, the big man turned around slowly, glanced at the soldiers who had seen him straight, and said vigorously: "Our brother is in the horse's stomach, everyone hurry up and put them away." pull out."

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