Updated: 2012-11-27

"Get rid of him?!"

Zu Zerun cried out, shook his head, and said again and again: "No, absolutely no, if He Kegang is killed, our Liao army will be in chaos, and things will be even more difficult!"

Shi Tingdong asked back: "If you don't kill, how can you be gang? This reduction of gold will be delayed within a time limit, but can the soldiers and civilians in this city survive? If you can delay, can my King Khan wait? How long can this isolated city last? When the time comes, the soldiers and civilians in the city will all be destroyed, and even surrender will be too late!"

After finishing speaking, he slammed his fist on the table and said fiercely: "If you break it early, you will suffer it! Brother, listen to my brother's advice. If uncle comes down early, King Khan will affirm him." Take it seriously, if you go to the end of the mountain and go down again, you will save your life, and I am afraid that your future will be ruined! For a He Kegang, it is worthwhile to implicate the brothers and the whole family to fill the city with soldiers and civilians!" [

"This this…"

Zu Zerun thought over and over in his heart, but he didn't dare to agree. Shi Tingdong was eager to make contributions. Seeing that Zu Zerun was hesitant, he became anxious. Come down to threaten Zu Zerun.

Under the coercion and coaxing of the other party, Zu Zerun finally nodded and agreed: "Okay, brother, don't worry, I'll go and persuade my father to make up his mind early."

He didn't say enough, he didn't expressly say that He Kegang must be killed, but with these words, Shi Tingdong also felt relieved, and secretly thought that it would not be easy to kill He Kegang with Zu Dashou's method.As long as his ancestors are sincerely willing to surrender, it will be considered a success.

At the moment he didn't dare to stay any longer, Shi Tingdong took advantage of the night to sneak back to Jinying to return to his command, Zu Zerun took the letters from the generals and showed them to Zu Dashou, so as to strengthen Zu Dashou's intention to surrender.


Zu Zerun went back and told Zu Dashou what Shi Tingdong said one by one, and heard that Jin Guo guaranteed the lives of the soldiers and civilians in the city and would reuse him. After a few letters, I was convinced that there would be no fakes. After Zhang Chun's army was really wiped out, this completely dispelled his worries.

Regarding the matter of killing He Kegang and surrendering, Zu Dashou was not as afraid as his son, but thought it was a trivial matter.But there was another thing in his heart that made him unable to make up his mind, and that was his mother and wife in Ningyuan City.

Mrs. Zu's wife, Xiao Zu Dashou, was 15 years old. She had three sons for Zu Dashou. She was not only beautiful, but also virtuous.Every time Zu Dashou encountered difficulties, it was this beauty who came forward to plan, and every time he turned danger into good luck.She was born in a scholarly family, and she despised the Jurchen from the bottom of her heart, seeing it as a barbaric country, and would rather die than surrender money.

Zu Dashou's old mother would not agree to her son surrendering the gold, if Zu Dashou really surrendered, both mother and wife would be killed.They will never tolerate their sons (husbands) betraying the court, and they will never be the mother (wife) of a rebellious general.

If you don't surrender, you will starve to death. The soldiers and civilians in the city will eat up one by one, and they will all be buried in the end.

If it falls, the mother and wife will seek death.

To drop or not to drop?

Zu Dashou had a headache and couldn't make up his mind for a moment.Seeing this, Zu Zerun followed Shi Tingdong's way of coaxing him just now, and also came to coax Zu Dashou, saying that if he did not surrender, Dajin would no longer be surrendered, and when the army attacked the city, none of the soldiers and civilians in the city would be able to survive.

After this agitation, Zu Dashou panicked and broke out in a sweat, so regardless of the night, he ordered his two younger brothers, two other sons, four adopted sons, and more than a dozen confidantes to discuss secretly.

After all the cronies arrived, Zu Dashou didn't say whether he was going to surrender, but asked them: "I just got the news that the reinforcements were wiped out, and Master Zhang Chun and more than 30 generals under his command were all captured by the Jin army." , we have completely cut off foreign aid now, so, what to do in the future, you all talk about it."

Zu Dacheng knew that elder brother wanted to surrender, but he couldn't say it first, so he was the first to express his opinion: "Brother, Da Ming's life is exhausted. According to Shi Tingdong, Mrs. Hong is indeed a wise king, and he is very benevolent and righteous to you. But our The emperor is really terrible, he cut Yuan Dutang alive! Companion to the king is like a tiger, Chongzhen is not a tiger, he is clearly a man-eating ghost, if you work hard for him, you may be cut by him someday! Come on, we won't work for Chongzhen any more, surrender!"

Both Zu Zechuan and Zu Zehong were still young, so they wanted to really die in Dalinghe City. The two brothers wanted to live, just like the elder brother Zu Zerun, so the three brothers agreed with the second uncle: "It's better not to do it for you." If you are a fool, you might as well change the course, father, stop thinking about it, let's lower the gold!"

Liu Tianlu, Zhang Cunren, Han Daxun, Zhang Dingliao, Pei Guozhen, Chen Bangxuan, Li Yun and other trusted generals of Zu Dashou agreed to surrender except Zhang Cunren who remained silent.There is no way, the city is eating people, and the reinforcements have been wiped out. If they don't surrender, can't they just wait for those hungry soldiers to eat themselves. [

Military Counselor Zheng Changchun was originally a literati, and literati are afraid of death, seeing people cannibalizing people in the city every day, he has long wanted to escape from this city of hell, so he also tried his best to persuade Zu Dashou to surrender.

Adopted son Zu Kefa, adopted son Zu Keyuan and others also agreed to surrender.

Brothers, nephews and generals Jia Ai agreed to surrender, and Zu Dashou no longer hesitated, so he said to them in a deep voice: "Since you all agree to surrender, then I won't say anything more, let's surrender Dajin."

"It should have been like this a long time ago." Zu Zerun said happily.

Everyone was also overjoyed, all smiling, but Zhang Cunren closed his eyes in pain and sighed.Seeing him like this, Zu Dashou felt at ease, if Zhang Cunren didn't object, he agreed.

Zu Dashou raised his hand to signal the crowd to be quiet, and said, "However, He Kegang is unlikely to agree to our surrender. He is very firm. I have spoken to him once, but he refused at that time. If we surrender the gold, this person will definitely block it." , so we have to deal with him."

Counselor Zheng Changchun smiled slightly at the side, and said: "Shuai Zu, it's actually easy to deal with He Kegang, but the difficult part is how to deal with the gang of generals who follow him. These people have soldiers under their command, if they are not removed, they will stir up a mutiny. Not easy to deal with."

Zu Dacheng said indifferently: "It's easy to handle. Let's call them to the meeting in the name of the commander, and secretly ambush the swordsmen. When they come, we will snap them all."

Zu Dashou nodded and said: "This is also a last resort. For the lives of the soldiers and civilians in the city, it is inevitable to sacrifice a few people."

At that moment, a group of people discussed secretly in Zu Dashou's room how to kill General He Kegang's conspiracy. After everything was settled, Zu Dashou's adopted son Zu Kefa stood up and said to Zu Dashou: "Father, my son thinks that you must be cautious about surrendering the gold." There is a precedent for the Tatars to go back on their promises. Therefore, all the details and conditions must be finalized before the surrender, and my son is willing to go to the Golden Camp to negotiate with him."

"That's fine, I'll leave it to you to take full responsibility for this matter."

Zu Dashou readily agreed, but he was also a little worried that Jiannu would deceive him, and if he could ask them to make a covenant in black and white, it would be considered a certainty.

"The child is leaving the city now."

Zu Kefa was impatient and didn't wait for dawn, so he went to Jinying again at night.The people in the room sat until the sky turned pale, and according to the prior discussion, Han Daxun led people to order He Kegang and other generals, asking them all to come to the military for a discussion.

Zu Zerun and Zu Dacheng led the ancestral soldiers with knives and axes in their hands, and hid in the vicinity. When all the people arrived, they rushed out and killed them all.

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