Daming wolf ride

Chapter 131 You are not dead, how can I get ahead

Updated: 2012-11-29

There are people in the grass!

Zu Dashou, who has been on the battlefield for nearly 30 years, has a keen observation of danger. When he noticed that there seemed to be something wrong on both sides of the official road, he reined in the reins without hesitation. The force was so strong that the horse immediately screamed and neighed. Hooves raised to the sky.


Zu Dashou shouted angrily, and slowly touched the long knife at his waist with one hand, and inadvertently lifted the rein with the other hand, and the mount immediately retreated slowly. [

The sudden change made all the Liaodong soldiers nervous, and they all rushed up one after another, holding their knives in their hands, protecting Zu Dashou.

Wang Zhaoji carefully looked left and right, but he didn't find any ambush. In his sight, the grass on both sides was as high as a person. Except for the sound of wind and grass, everything seemed to be calm, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Father?" Zu Zeyuan didn't see the ambush either, and looked at Zu Dashou strangely, thinking that Zu Dashou had just surrendered, and he was suspicious that something would happen.

But Zu Dashou ignored him, but shouted to the bushes in a deep voice: "I am Zu Dashou, the commander-in-chief of the forward. Bing’s people or Song Taibao’s people?”

There was no response in the ears, everything was so quiet.

Zu Dashou was a little strange. If it was Jinzhou soldiers and horses who were ambushing in the grass, he should have come out to greet him immediately after hearing his identity. How could there be no response at all?

Isn't it the soldiers and horses of Jinzhou?Who are they?

Zu Dashou, who felt something was wrong, pondered for a while, his side was in the light, the other side was in the dark, and he refused to reveal his identity, it would be too dangerous to stay here any longer.

Thinking anxiously, he lowered his voice and said to Zu Zeyuan and Wang Zhaoji: "The other party refuses to reveal their identity, and there is a danger of malicious intentions. We can't stay for long, we have to rush over."

"Yes, handsome (father)!"

Wang Zu and Wang Zu saw Zu Dashou's words with such certainty, they couldn't help being startled, they couldn't help but believe, they hurriedly responded, looked around nervously, then quickly pulled the rein of the horse, and the horse rushed forward.

Wang Zhaoji led the six cavalry in front, and Zu Zeyuan took the rest of the Liaodong soldiers to guard around Zu Dashou. Although there was a gleam of moonlight in the dark night, it was really a bit difficult for these 30 people to see which one was Zu Dashou at a glance. difficulty.

Everyone had just ran for a dozen steps when the enemy hidden in the grass finally moved.

Without any order, he heard the whistling sound of "嗖,嗖,嗖" arrow branches piercing the air from both sides, and no less than a hundred sharp arrows shot towards Zu Dashou and his party.

The Liaodong cavalry were caught off guard, and arrows were shot from both sides. In the dark night, they couldn't see, and they couldn't guard against them. Suddenly, dozens of cavalry were hit by arrows and fell on the spot.Wang Zhaoji was also shot by an arrow in his left arm, but fortunately he did not fall off the horse.

Mrs. Hong, you are so poisonous!

Zu Dashou was even more frightened and furious. The other party killed him without saying a word, and he lay in ambush here early, and he was going back to Jinzhou's fraudulent city, except Mrs. Hong and a few Baylors. As far as I know, it is impossible for the people sent by Jinzhou to intercept and kill me here. Who else can I want to kill besides Mrs. Hong!

It must be that Hong Tai suspected me, so he sent someone to intercept me and cut the grass and roots!

Zu Dashou gritted his teeth in hatred, regretting that he should not have listened to He Kegang's advice, and sent Hong Tai, a slave chief who refused to promise! [

However, fortunately there were those cavalrymen blocking the arrows, in this round of arrows, Zu Dashou did not hit the arrows.

Panicked, he didn't know how many people there were in the other party, he was afraid that the other party's second round of arrows would come, and Zu Dashou's pat on the horse would give him another burst of urging.

Only Wang Zhaoji, Zu Zeyuan and the four cavalrymen who missed the arrow were left beside them, and the seven of them beat their horses desperately, not even daring to turn their heads.

The archers in the grass saw that some of the cavalry had escaped, so they didn't go after them. They only heard someone whispering something in the darkness. They immediately emerged from the grass, and went up to repair the swords of the fallen Liaodong soldiers one by one. , and then dragged their bodies down the official road, and did not know where to bury them.

The galloping horse galloped for another two or three miles, and the tall outline of Jinzhou City in the distance could be vaguely seen under the reflection of the moonlight. Zu Dashou couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, so he dared to look back and found that not only the ambush soldiers did not come after them, but Ashan And Darhan's Eight Banners soldiers did not follow either.

After galloping so far in one breath, the horses ran so badly that their mouths were wiped out. If they continued to run regardless of horsepower, they might not be able to run for a mile, and the seven of them could only abandon their horses and walk back to Jinzhou.

Zu Zeyuan and Wang Zhaoji saw that there were no pursuers following them, so they said they wanted to rest before leaving so that their horses could recover some horsepower, but Zu Dashou shook his head and said: "Jinzhou is coming soon, everyone hold on, we will be safe once we enter the city Now stop and rest, if the pursuers catch up, they will not be able to escape."

When everyone heard the words, they all nodded.

Wang Zhaoji tore off a piece of cloth from his body to cover the wound on his left arm, and asked with lingering fear: "Commander, were those ambush soldiers just now the slaves?"

Hearing Wang Zhaoji's question, Zu Zeyuan and the four cavalry also looked at Zu Dashou suspiciously. They all felt strange, since Jiannu was willing to let Zu Shuai back, why did he lay an ambush halfway to kill him?

But Zu Dashou's expression changed instantly, he stared at them viciously and ordered: "No one is allowed to mention today's matter again. After entering the city, only say that we broke out. If anyone dares to leak the truth, don't blame me for being handsome." !"

"Yes, handsome!"

Zu Zeyuan saw that fierce gaze, and couldn't help but feel scared. Everyone dared not mention it again after being shocked.

Zu Dashou didn't say much, clamped his legs, whipped the horse, and shouted: "Let's go!"

Wang Zhaoji and Zu Zeyuan hurriedly rode their horses to keep up, ran for dozens of steps, but stopped at the same time.

Under the dim moonlight, dozens of riders suddenly appeared on a low slope in front of them.

Being so far away, everyone couldn't tell if those dozens of riders were from the Ming army of Jinzhou, but they seemed to be waiting there long ago, and everyone couldn't help but feel uneasy.

Zu Dashou's heart sank, he rode his horse and took a few steps forward, then raised his voice and asked, "Who are you?"

Just like the ambush in the grass before, those dozens of riders also didn't answer him. Zu Dashou didn't know it. come over.

"It's Jiannu, run!"

Zu Dashou yelled hastily, turned his horse's head and was about to run into the wilderness on the left, there were dozens of enemies, and only seven of his own, and they were all exhausted, there was no way to resist these Jian slaves who were waiting for work.The only way out now is to hope that the grass in the wilderness can save my life!

Unexpectedly, those cavalry seemed to know that they were going to run into the wilderness, so they split into two, one rushed along the official road, and the other galloped directly into the wilderness, they obviously wanted to catch Zu Dashou head-on. [

The reappearance of ambushes scared Wang Zhaoji and Zu Zeyuan out of their wits. Seeing Zu Dashou running into the wilderness, they followed without thinking.

After running all the way to the present, the horse was already exhausted, just now it was startled by the ambushes and ran wildly regardless of its horsepower.

With a scream, the four Liaodong cavalrymen who fell behind were chased up by their horses, and fell off their horses with a knife.The screams from Linfa resounded through the wilderness, startling the birds to jump and fly.

The sound of hooves behind him was approaching, and Zu Zeyuan shouted in horror: "Father, save the child!"

Zu Dashou, who was only running for his life, would not pay attention to a adopted son's cry for help, not to mention that he was also a mud bodhisattva crossing the river - he couldn't protect himself, he only moved, without even looking back, he hugged his horse tightly and galloped in haste.

The former Zu Zeyuan was also a mighty general, but the hellish Dalinghe had worn away all his vigor, and the humiliation of surrender had taken away his last ounce of courage. He didn't have the courage until his back was cut with a saber. Go horse race with the enemy.

Out of instinct, Wang Zhaoji fought with the pursuers in order to survive. However, he was outnumbered, his fists were no match for his four legs, and his left arm was wounded by an arrow. Out of shape, he fell off the horse and was stepped on his right leg by an enemy rider. There was a "creak" sound immediately, and his right leg was broken.Before he could cry out miserably, a long spear stabbed heavily at his chest.

Zu Dashou was still galloping, but he didn't know that his mount was running slower and slower.

In the ear, there is only the sound of the wind blowing, and in front of the eyes, there is an unknown wilderness.

Dozens of cavalry surrounded him, Zu Dashou had no choice but to let out a long sigh, reined in his horse, turned around, and looked angrily at the slowly approaching enemy cavalry.

"Why did Mrs. Hong kill me?! Why did he turn his back on what he said! This commander and he swore to the Tianmeng that I sincerely surrendered to Dajin, so why did he still kill me! Why!"

A series of questions that were almost roaring, but no one answered him.

The enemy cavalry only slowly approached him, looking at him in a loud voice.

Zu Dashou suddenly laughed, "Let's do it." After saying these three words, his body froze, with an indescribable relief on his face.He gave up resisting.

The moment the smile stagnated, a long gun had pierced into his body from behind.

He fell heavily to the ground, with a "plop", blood poured into the soil along the wound.

Looking at a man wearing a bronze mask slowly walking towards him with a more painful expression, maybe he wanted to know who was going to kill him, Zu Dashou struggled a bit, trying to stand up, but he couldn't stand up anymore He could only support himself with one hand, pointing at the other party and asked weakly: "You...who are you...why did you kill me?..." Every time he said a word, a mouthful of blood flowed from his mouth.

The Bronze Horseman squatted in front of Zu Dashou slowly, with indescribably vicious eyes, "Do you really want to know who I am? Well, I will help you. You can see clearly for yourself, so that you will not die in peace." After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand to The mask was taken off, revealing a face with only half of it.

"You! It's you! Why, why!" Zu Dashou opened his mouth wide, looking at the half of his face in disbelief, his pupils were full of the shadow of the other party.

"Because you don't die, I will always be born."

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