Daming wolf ride

Chapter 149 The Battle of Jinzhou

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Updated: 2012-12-08

The battle became more and more fierce. Under the supervision of Azig's personal soldiers, the red armor Baiyala, both the Jin army and the Han army worked hard. Every second, several lives were lost in the city and the city.

Lei wood and stones were thrown down from the city continuously, and more and more corpses were piled up under the city wall.

Both sides were red-eyed, and even the Han soldiers were also red-eyed at this moment, and climbed up the ladder desperately. [

"The Enemy of Thousands of People" was thrown from the city continuously, sparks and smoke were everywhere, coupled with the sound of gunfire and firecrackers, the city seemed to be celebrating the New Year.

Those who attacked the city gate were all armored soldiers. The Jin army also called these heavy armored soldiers "iron bosses". The city gate, and the others slammed directly into the city wall. After hitting it back and forth several times, a large dent appeared on the city wall.

There are more and more holes in the city wall, and the Ming army on the city attacked them with boiling oil and "enemies of ten thousand people" just like before, but they couldn't beat these "iron men" wearing several layers of heavy armor. The method is that they are not afraid of boiling oil and burning. Except for a dozen iron bosses who were burned, the other iron bosses didn't even hide.

On the contrary, the grass on the ground was scalded yellow, the rocket hit it, and it burned immediately, but the fire was limited, so it couldn't threaten those iron-headed soldiers.

In addition to the hundreds of iron heads who kept hitting the city gate and the city wall, the rest of the iron heads took out the shovel hidden on the shield car and dug fiercely at the root of the city wall, intending to hollow out the city wall, and then buried gunpowder to destroy the city wall. Collapsing.

More than 200 iron heads attacked the dead corner of the city wall. The Ming army on the city couldn't see them except sticking their heads out to look around. The army shoots.After being shot to death more than a dozen in a row, the Ming army no longer dared to poke their heads out to check the golden soldiers in blind spots.

"It won't work like this, the city will be hollowed out by them sooner or later!"

Shi Dayong turned around in a hurry, and saw a few long stone steps not far away. He made up his mind, yelled, and led a dozen soldiers to carry the long stone steps.

The long stepping stone is not only long, but also heavier, one piece weighs seven or eight hundred catties, and it is difficult for a dozen or so big men to lift it.More than a dozen young and strong came to help, and everyone worked together to slowly lift the long stepping stone to the edge of the city wall, shouted, lifted it over their heads vigorously, and then threw it at the golden soldiers below.

The boulder fell from the sky with a "plop", and before the iron man could react, he was smashed right on the ground.

Under the feldspar, I don't know how many people have been smashed, but the four sides are full of flesh and blood, with a piece of head, hands and feet exposed, blood and white sweat gushing out from under the stone, it's disgusting.

Once the trick worked, Shi Dayong hurriedly asked the soldiers to move another piece, this time a little to the south, and there were dozens of iron heads digging at the root of the wall.

An iron man who was tired from digging looked up and looked up, suddenly lost his color, and let out a cry, those iron men hurriedly stopped their hands, and looked up together, without even having time to blink, there was a big stone slab It has been smashed down.

Except for seven or eight who ran fast, the other iron heads were all hit, just like the previous group, they were smashed to pieces, and they couldn't die anymore.

The big stone slabs that fell from the top of the city frightened the iron bosses who dug the corners no longer dared to stay there, and all screamed and backed away.

But at this time, there was an even more passionate drum sound from the large formation in the distance, but it was Huang Taiji who saw in the binoculars that the siege was improving, and sent the order to beat the drums to strengthen the siege soldiers.

From time to time, there was a sound of blunderbuss from the crenel on the top of the city, but what was shot down was not only the blunderbuss, but also arrows.

Under the city, the arrows of the Jin army also shot towards the city like rain.Some golden soldiers who shoot well can even shoot arrows through the small holes under the crenel, causing certain damage to the Ming army musketeers hiding behind.

There was a veteran musketeer in the left battalion who felt that the arrow shield full of arrows would affect his movement, so he opened it slightly to the north, but before he could turn around, there were six or seven sharp arrows immediately. Arrows were shot at him, each on his left face, right chest and neck, and he fell back with a scream. [

The gunners next to them saw it, and who dared to move the arrow shield, one by one carefully huddled there, and after loading the medicine, they had to observe around again to confirm that there was no danger after the head came out, and then stood still He got up, didn't look at it, shot a shot at the city, and then quickly shrank back.The speed is so fast that it is difficult for even the sharp archers of the Jin Army to catch it.Even later, some archers who were good at archery only stretched their bows and drew the strings, but did not shoot.In this way, more than a dozen unlucky Ming army musketeers were "shot".However, they were so frightened that the gunmen of the Ming army didn't dare to raise their heads, and the sound of gunfire on the top of the city became more and more rare.

Under the city gate, the iron bosses of the Jin army were still bumping into the city gate. There were about 100 iron bosses in the gate, and the stone slabs of the Ming army could not hit them. That reckless slamming into the city gate caused the pillars and stones behind the city gate to loosen, and the Ming army behind the gate was so frightened that they hurriedly summoned young and strong men to block it again in a hurry. .

The iron bosses who have suffered from the slate have learned to be smart. They no longer dig the city wall, but shoot arrows at the city. Many of these iron bosses are hunters from deep mountains and old forests. Many Ming soldiers.

The Ming army only had firecrackers, bows, and crossbows. They had no choice but to watch them shoot arrows towards the city with these iron men in double-layer armor.

In an emergency, Shi Hai, the sub-commander of Cao Ying, rushed over with four big guns. The big guns were more than twice as long as ordinary guns, and the barrels were much thicker. When a gun was released, it was like firing a small cannon. Similarly, no matter how many layers of armor you wear, you will always be knocked to the ground.Even if it can't break your armor, the powerful impact will shatter your bones.

However, this big gun has a fatal shortcoming, that is, it is easier to explode the chamber than ordinary firecrackers, and often the chamber will explode after only a few shots, so the Ming army did not dare to use this big gun.The Liaodong Army didn't even have any equipment, only the Beijing Camp had some.When Zhang Chun left Beijing, he brought out all the big guns from the Beijing camp. In the battle of Dalinghe, they played a lot of roles and killed many golden soldiers.It's a pity that most of them were blown up, and most of the rest were captured by the Jin army, and some were scattered all over the battlefield. The Songshan army recovered only six or seven rods.After inspection, only four rods are available again.

There are only four shots, and it is not safe, and it is easy to injure the gunner, so it is useless for the Ming army to put it there.It wasn't until he saw how powerful the armored soldiers of the Golden Army were that Shi Hai thought of the big gun, and hurriedly brought someone to carry it.

As soon as he got on the plane, Shi Hai couldn't wait to roar: "Let go!"

The gunners were busy lighting the fire, and suddenly heard a loud sound of "bang, bang, bang", but there were only three beeps, and one of the guns went silent!

The gunner of the gun was strange, and looked at it with his eyes, but the gun suddenly rang again, and hit his face with a "bang", blowing up a face that was bloody and bloody, and the flesh and blood flew away. It looks like a skull, so scary.The soldier hugged his face and screamed, and died after a few screams.

This scene only terrified the Ming soldiers enough, and the gunners of the three big guns trembled all over, looking at the big guns in their hands with indescribable fear.

The Ming army was frightened, but the iron chiefs of the Jin army under the city were hit solidly. There was a scream, and a dozen iron chiefs were blown backwards, either their armor was torn or their chests were suffocated. It was as if the hammer hit it, and the bones were all shattered.


The three big guns fired again under the worry of the gunners, and the iron man's screams came from the city. It is roughly estimated that no less than twenty iron men were killed by the big guns.

Seeing that the firearms of the Ming army were so powerful, the Iron Chiefs did not dare to stay where they were, and retreated instinctively, as far away from the city as possible.

The corridors leading to the city wall were full of young men carrying corpses and wounded soldiers back and forth. The corridors were full of blood, and the doctor under the city could not treat them.

With more and more wounded and dead bodies, the people began to become uneasy and panicked. They looked towards the top of the city in horror from time to time, lest they see Jiannu climbing up. Fortunately, the defenders fought tenaciously. The slave didn't rush up either.

Cao Bianjiao's battalion had less than 500 men, and Zuo Liangyu had only five or six hundred men left. Shi Dayong urgently ordered Ge Qingna's battalion to go to the city immediately, otherwise, it would be impossible to suppress the Jin army's offensive.

After Ge Qing's battalion went to the top of the city, the Jin army's momentum to climb the city was once again suppressed, dozens of ladders were destroyed, and morale was a little low.

The attack on this city was really terrible. The corpses of the Jin army were piled up under the two or three mile wide city wall. Although there were many soldiers who were not soldiers with red flags, and there were also soldiers from the Han army, it was enough to make Azig feel sorry. I regret that I shouldn't have come to fight Jinzhou, otherwise, how could the casualties be so miserable.If I had known that the defenders were so tenacious, I should have returned to Shenyang in class.

With more and more casualties, the Ming army on the city could not see the signs of exhaustion. Azig had a bad feeling. He felt that Jinzhou seemed to be out of reach. If the fight continued, maybe The blood inlaid with the red flag is really about to be shed.

But he boasted about Haikou, and King Khan issued a strict order that if Jinzhou was not taken, he, Azig, would raise his head to see him, so no matter how miserable it was, Azig never dared to say the order to retreat.He could only force himself to calm down, and constantly sent people to urge each Jiala Niulu to strengthen the attack.I also saw that the five hundred soldiers sent by Huang Taiji did not attack the city, but only fired arrows on the city, and the casualties were very small. I don't know if they want to make Huang Taiji lose some, or if there are really no soldiers to send. Azige sent Huang Taiji's five hundred personal soldiers, Ba Yala, to attack the city. [

If "grandma" can't do it, I will take my wife and son to guard the uncle's house every day for the past two days, because I am afraid that we will not be around when the old man leaves. I'm 84 years old, I'm afraid I can't hold on anymore.There are few updates in these two days, so please forgive me.Bones doesn't want to lose two relatives within a year. When my father-in-law passed away in May, it made me very painful. He was too young, only in his forties, alas.Please remember: (), strive to provide the most refreshing reading experience!

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