Daming wolf ride

Chapter 157 Is it a good news or a sad news?

"What did the Jinzhou Soldiers Report say? Zu Dashou is out of danger? When did the Eastern Captives retreat? What's the situation over there? Did they win or lose? Tell me quickly..."

As soon as he entered the East Nuan Pavilion, before he saw Cao Huachun's figure, Chongzhen rushed in impatiently, and couldn't wait to catch his breath, so he couldn't wait to ask.His expression was anxious and somewhat hopeful.Zhao Quan and Lu An followed behind and entered the hall at the same time, they stood at the door knowingly and did not follow inside.

Cao Huachun was not alone waiting in the Nuan Pavilion, there was also Gao Qiqian, the eunuch on duty who came over after hearing the news, and who was also in charge of the equestrian supervisor.

This Gao Qiqian is a newly promoted celebrity in the inner palace in the past two years. In the first year of Chongzhen, he was just an ordinary servant, but he often talked about military affairs in front of the fathers-in-law of the inner court. Under the deliberate support of Wang Dehua, Wang Chengen and others, they gradually came into Chongzhen's eyes. He was summoned to play the right words several times, and they all spoke clearly and logically. It is the palm seal of the imperial horse supervisor, and at the same time, it is the official eunuch.

Yumajian holds a large number of military powers in the inner court, second only to Silijian among the 24 yamen, and also supervises the first part of the Beijing camp and regiment battalion soldiers and horses, so although this high potential is not ranked high in Silijian, it is The power in his hands is no less than that of Cao Huachun who is in charge of Dongchang. [

If Wang Chengen is the inner minister, then Gao Qiqian is the Minister of the Ministry of War, and Cao Huachun is the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment and is also in charge of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Dali Temple. The affairs of the inner court are mostly focused on these three people.

Cao Huachun also knows about soldiers. As early as in the reign of Tianqi, he was the head trainer of the internal exercise regiment. However, because he is an old man of Tianqi, he also had unclear ties with Wei Zhongxian back then, so he has a higher degree of trust in Chongzhen's mind. Qidi, a newcomer, is a little worse.

Cao Huachun was the first to know that there was a report of soldiers coming from Jinzhou, and immediately entered the palace after knowing it. But I can't say anything about him, after all, the matter of the military report is not my job, and I went to the palace to announce the good news, which is regarded as exceeding my authority.

Feeling guilty, he said a few words to Gao Qiqian in the warm pavilion with a smile on his face. Gao Qiqian was also friendly, but he didn't know what was going on in his stomach.

After Chongzhen came in, the two knew that the current Long Live Lord was impatient, and he was also concerned about the military situation in Liaodong.

"Long Live God..."


As soon as the words came out, the two of them stopped at the same time. They glanced at each other, Cao Huachun was a little embarrassed, smiled and said: "For the matter of the military report, please let Eunuch Gao and the emperor talk about it in detail."

Gao Qiqian nodded with a smile, and hurriedly said to Chongzhen: "Go back to the Lord Long Live, the military report is still at the Secretary of General Administration, and the servants came here ahead of time when they got the news."

As soon as he heard that the military report was still at the Secretary of General Affairs, Chongzhen couldn't help but frowned, and said impatiently, "Why are you still in custody at the Secretary of General Administration?"

Gao Qiqian looked up and looked out, and smiled wryly: "Long Live Lord, it's late at night, even if the Secretary of General Administration rushes, the soldier report will not be delivered to the palace until early tomorrow morning."

"Can't they go to Huiji Gate?"

Chongzhen snorted, he has personally experienced the efficiency of Waichao in recent years, if he can procrastinate, no matter how anxious he waits in the palace, Waichao will definitely take it very seriously, there is no reason for it at all. Father Jun's consciousness of sharing worries makes people very angry.

"Forget it, forget it, Gao Qiqian, tell me, what did the military report say? Donglu attacked Jinzhou?" Chongzhen hurriedly walked to the imperial case with his hands behind his back, but he was asking Gao Dive off.

Gao Qiqian heard it, and laughed quickly: "Long Live Lord, don't worry, this servant will tell you right now. The soldier reported that he entered Beijing in the afternoon, and because it was a small value, the Secretary of the General Administration was going to report it in the morning tomorrow." , the servant found out the news, and immediately reported it to the servant. The servant knew that the Lord Long Live was worried about the affairs of Liaodong these days, so he came to the palace as soon as he got the news. Who would have thought that Eunuch Cao also got the news. I rushed into the palace before the slaves." After speaking, he casually glanced at Cao Huachun.

Cao Huachun snorted secretly, knowing that Gao Qiqian was putting sand in Chongzhen's eyes, he hurriedly explained to Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, there are servants in Dongchang who sit in the office of the General Administration Department. .Because it's a good news, so the servant girl wanted to let the emperor know as soon as possible, and if there is any transgression, I will ask the emperor to punish me."

After hearing his words, Chongzhen frowned, and said impatiently: "I didn't ask about these things, I was asking you, what exactly was said in this military report!"

As soon as the words fell, Gao Qiqian reported first: "Back to the emperor, the military report was sent by Qiu Hejia, the governor of Liaodong. It said that Jiannu attacked Jinzhou the day before yesterday, and the soldiers guarding the city were brave. Master." [

"The city that was attacked the day before yesterday?" Chongzhen asked anxiously, "What about the ancestor's birthday? Can Dalinghe City be relieved?"

"This..." Gao Qiqian was startled for a moment, there was no mention of Zu Dashou's incident in the military newspaper.

Tell the truth: "The military report only said that Jinzhou repelled the attack of the Donglu, but did not mention the situation of Zu Dashou."

Hearing this, Chongzhen was a little annoyed, he slapped the table and said angrily: "What about Qiu Hejia? How could he not tell me about Zu Dashou's recent situation!"

Gao Qiqian was a little scared and said: "Perhaps the Eastern Prisoner has just retreated, Mr. Qiu can't go out of the city to investigate for a while?"

Chongzhen sighed, and then asked Gao Qiqian: "Is there any report on the results of the battle?"

Gao Qiqian shook his head: "No. The military report only said that the Jiannu attack was repelled, and no other information was reported."

"I didn't report anything, so I said I kept it. Tell me, is this report a happy report or a sad report!" Chongzhen was so angry that his face turned green.

Gao Qiqian saw that Chongzhen was so angry that he didn't dare to speak, but Cao Huachun stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, Mr. Qiu has always been prudent. Maybe it's just after the war and he is counting the results, or maybe the army of the Eastern Barbarians Although he retreated, but the side teacher is still there, he can't go out of the city to get in touch with Zu Dashou for a while, so the law is listed in the military report." After a short pause, he said with relief: "My servant thinks that Master Qiu guarding Jinzhou should be regarded as good news, and the emperor also knows Once Zhang Chun's army is gone, Jinzhou will be a general, and now Mr. Qiu can successfully defend Jinzhou with the remnants of the defeated army, which is a great contribution."


Chongzhen sighed leisurely, and said vigorously: "Jinzhou is not lost, which is naturally good news. I have been worried for so many days, and what I am afraid of is that Jinzhou will not be guaranteed. Now that Jinzhou has been successfully defended, my heart is naturally relaxed, but I still worry about it. Zu Dashou, although Zu Dashou is domineering, he is still loyal to me, with him, will the Liao affairs collapse in a short while, if he loses again, who else can preside over the Liao affairs for me?"

Cao Huachun moved and said: "The heavens appreciate the emperor's diligent government, and the heavens and humans will definitely feel it, so that the ancestors will not lose their longevity."

Chongzhen smiled wryly: "I hope." Looking outside the hall for a moment, he said softly: "Qiu Hejia didn't say anything in the newspaper. I guess he didn't get much results in the battle. He played it arrogantly. But Jinzhou can hold it. It is finally a happy event, if Jinzhou is lost again, Daming may not be able to keep the country outside the pass."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, what's going on, there will always be a general report tomorrow, and we will know by then." Cao Huachun persuaded.

Chongzhen nodded and did not speak again.

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