Ask for red tickets and collection support!

He arrived at Zhengyang Gate at the moment of Chenshi, the inspection and inspection was completed, and it was already Sishi. He thought that he would be proclaimed into the Forbidden City to kowtow at Tianyan in half an hour at most, but until noon, no one from the palace came to proclaim.

It's useless to be anxious, this is not Songshan, let alone Jinzhou, Shi Dayong can do whatever he wants.

It was time to eat at this point, but the people of the capital who came to watch did not decrease, they glanced over from the top of the city, there were quite a lot of people, probably no less than [-] gathered just outside the city gate.The Wucheng Bingma Si and Shuntian Mansion, who were so frightened to maintain order, were frightened, fearing that something might happen. [

This is the capital, at the foot of the emperor, with so many people gathered at once, who can guarantee that nothing will happen.If something really happened, how many heads would be enough to chop off?

Fortunately, the common people are aware of the matter, and they still cooperate with the government's arrangement, and nothing happened.

The official road in the distance is also bustling with people, very lively, like a temple fair on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, all young and old went to battle, just to see the heroes of the Liao army who slaughtered and built slaves.

Whenever they saw those piles of heads, people would always exclaim, followed by applause, and the Jinzhou soldiers who praised them were not too thin-skinned, and they were a little embarrassed.

Poor those "shepherds", while appreciating the grandeur and prosperity of the Ming capital, they also really enjoyed a feast of vegetables and eggs with pebbles.

The angry and agitated people sometimes missed their hands. Many Jinzhou soldiers who were close to the captives suffered from the disaster, and their faces were bruised and swollen.Seeing that going on like this was not an option, Shao Wu and Jiang Wanli hurriedly found the officials of the Wucheng Bingma Division and asked them to immediately send a team of soldiers to separate the people from the back, so that they could avoid this catastrophe.

But those Jinzhou soldiers who were smashed by Gu were not vegetarians. They didn't care about the common people. They could only vent their anger on the prisoners of Jiannu, regardless of their image. In a hurry, he raised the scabbard and threw it on the shepherd's head.It doesn't matter whether your eyes or your nose, if you catch it, you smash it until your head is bloody, so that you can calm down your anger.

A soldier used too much force and knocked down the iron chain that was connected to the shepherd. It was a good move, and with a slam, the mouths of the two captives at both ends of the chain were torn off, and they hugged their faces and screamed in pain. , so scary.

When the people in the distance saw it, they applauded in unison, shouting, beating and killing, and they were really excited.

The shepherds neither dared to be angry, nor dared to speak, but crouched there shrunken, not as ferocious as the Manchurian warriors of old.

People are sensible, the shepherds were scared of being beaten long ago, and they also knew that they were sent here by the capital of the Ming Dynasty. Two years ago, this place was terribly harmed by them.Which of these common people in front of them does not have any enmity with them, the so-called enemies meet each other, and they are extremely jealous.It's not bad if you can save your life now, but if you really want to resist, you still have to court your own death.

Like an animal, it was strung together with an iron chain from its nose to its mouth. When it moved, blood came out of its mouth. It looked really pitiful.

There was also a kind-hearted old woman among the crowd of onlookers. Although they hated Donglu to the bone, the cruel and bloody scenes made them feel soft-hearted. They couldn't bear to watch any more. gone.The vacant seats left were quickly filled by new arrivals.

Usually, if the city gates were congested, the merchants would always give some broken silver to the guards of Bingmasi, in order to be able to accommodate them and enter the city to unload the goods as soon as possible.Today, no one is in a hurry, it's really like Chinese New Year, everyone has a smile on their face, excited and excited.

Even the servants of those high-ranking officials and noble families will restrain their usual arrogance, dare not pretend to be a tiger, and honestly let the soldiers and horses arrange to enter and leave the city.No one dared to show off his identity and yelled at the gate of the city.

Acquainted businessmen simply gathered together, while chatting about the grand event in front of them, while exploring each other's business.They are tacit to each other, and they are also very happy.

But what the businessmen talked about the most was not the pile of heads in front of them, let alone each other's business experience, but the masked and somewhat mysterious general of Jinzhou.

Who is this general Shi Shen, why can't the face behind this mask be shown to others?What kind of genius is he, who can lead his troops to rebuild slaves in Jinzhou?This great victory, this person's future is immeasurable, how will the imperial court reward him?I heard that Zu Dashou of Liao Town betrayed his country for glory and surrendered the Tartars, so will this Shi replace Zu Dashou and become the new leader of Liao Town? [

One question after another, but no one can give an answer.Perhaps, this question is common to all the people present, whether it is officials or ordinary people, when they see Shi Dayong who wears a mask and refuses to show his true colors, they will all be curious.

People's curiosity prompted some people to approach the Jinzhou soldiers, trying to find out Shi Dayong's details from the opponent's mouth, but these Liao soldiers were really weird, none of them dared to accept the money, and instead yelled at these people who tried to bribe them , These people were so frightened that they ran away in desperation.

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Shi Dayong smiled lightly.

There are more and more people here, and they are lively. The Jinzhou army is happy, but they set off from Tongzhou early in the morning and spent a lot of energy on the journey. Shi Dayong himself is also hungry, so he naturally thought that his subordinates would not feel well. .

I don't know when the palace will come to announce it, and what ceremonies will follow, if it is really hungry until night, it is really unbearable.So Shi Dayong approached Ding Zongdao, the chief official of the Ministry of War who was staying here, and asked Mr. Ding to arrange a meal for him.

Ding Zongdao was also overjoyed, and forgot about the settlement of the Jinzhou soldiers. Hearing this, he hurriedly responded, and quickly called the officials, and asked them to notify Shuntian Mansion to send someone to send food immediately for the soldiers. edible.

As soon as the little official left, a large group of people came at the gate of the city, and each of them was holding two lunch boxes, which were full of food and wine.It turned out that several restaurants in the city came to reward the army, and Shi Dayong and his subordinates were extremely grateful for the delicious food.

After some gratitude, the food and wine were distributed.The restaurant was also thoughtful, not only prepared good wine and food, but also brought sweet drinks. After a full meal, drinking a bowl of sweet drinks is really a fairy day.

After all, it is the capital city, the dishes made by this chef are not what can be made in a small place in Jinzhou. They are delicious, really delicious.

The officers and soldiers chomped and praised loudly, and the shopkeeper of the restaurant was elated and very happy when he heard this.

Eat and drink enough to feel comfortable up and down.Looking up at the sky, it was already three quarters in the afternoon, but there was no one from the palace, nor any other arrangements.Quite a few officials from various ministries came, but they were all small officials in green robes, and I didn't see a red robe official, and they all came to watch the fun.

What's going on, does Chongzhen want to meet him?

When he came, Qiu Hejia had told Shi Dayong that the emperor would definitely receive him when he went to Beijing to present a victory, and would also arrange a prisoner offering ceremony, and the reward was even more indispensable.Shi Dayong didn't know how the imperial court arranged it, and he didn't need to know, as long as he cooperated.But after waiting for such a long time at the gate of the city, but still seeing no movement in the capital, it is inevitable to become suspicious.

Ding Zongdao also found it strange that both Shangshu and Shilang had entered the palace for an hour. Even if there was any delay, the eunuch who came to announce the decree would have arrived long ago. There is no reason for the meritorious soldiers to wait outside the city for such a long time.

Could it be that something has changed?

Ding Zongdao frowned, taking advantage of Shi Dayong's inattention, he secretly called his subordinates and asked him to go to the palace gate to inquire immediately.I don't want to, just after I finished my confession, there was a roar from the city gate: "Come, come, come!"

Who is here?

Everyone in Jinzhou looked towards the city gate together, and saw an eunuch, surrounded by four Jinyi guards, rushing towards this side in a hurry.

The eunuch's sharp eyes caught sight of Shi Dayong who was wearing a mask at a glance, his steps became bigger in an instant, and he rushed over quickly.Before his body stopped, he asked in a shrill voice, "But Jinzhou General Shi?"

This eunuch represents the emperor, Shi Dayong hurriedly replied respectfully: "Back to the public, the final general is Jinzhou General Shi Dayong."


Seeing that it was the Lord, the eunuch nodded slightly, not curious nor dissatisfied with Shi Dayong who was wearing a mask, but cleared his throat and preached:

"Shangyu! Xuan Jinzhou General Shi Dayong summoned on the platform!"

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