Daming wolf ride

Chapter 198 Human Blood Replaces Spirits

"Eating the emperor's food, repaying the emperor's favor, the emperor has an edict, and we should go forward bravely despite all difficulties! The emperor does not want the minister to die, and the minister also has the ambition to die; the emperor does not want the minister to go, the minister should go! There is no reason, just because we are soldiers of the emperor !"

"Maybe you and I will die on the battlefield, but what does that matter? The shroud of horse leather is our destiny. But our blood will surely forge the prosperity of Ming Dynasty! Our names will also be engraved on the inscription Come on, enjoy the offerings of incense and fire from generations to come. Life is like this, what more can I ask for!"

"Baishan black soil, we fought bloody battles with Donglu, and our blood was shed on the Linghe River and the city of Jinzhou. At that time, were we afraid? We were not afraid! Why! Because we know why we fought, why we went Death, so there is no force in this world that can stop us from moving forward! No one can resist our attacking sword! Victory will always belong to us!"

"I am not afraid of being a slave, so why are you afraid of thieves in the mere area! I believe that this trip to the south to suppress the thieves will be like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, and the Kong thief will be wiped out! When the victory comes back, the emperor will give him a gift at the Meridian Gate." With me waiting for the royal wine, I will never get drunk with you brothers at that time!"

"Don't get drunk! Don't get drunk! Don't get drunk!" The excited soldiers cheered. Shi Dayong, who took the lead as a soldier, was already the god in their hearts. They were willing to follow this general who never abandoned the bones of his subordinates to fight against any enemy. [

"Come on, bring the dog tartars up! I'm going to use them to sacrifice the flag!"

Following Shi Dayong's order, 180 three Jiannu prisoners were driven by swords and guns, and came in panic.

From the excitement of the Ming army shouting, the captives had a premonition of something, and they retreated instinctively, but were reprimanded and whipped by the Ming army.

Jinzhou soldiers cruelly grabbed the iron chains around their mouths and noses, and dragged them forward like cattle and sheep.

Heart-piercing screams emerged from the captive's throat and eyes, which was more miserable.

In desperation, the officials of the Ministry of War became the only hope for the prisoners to survive. They asked those officials for advice in their unfamiliar Chinese: "My lord, save us, we surrendered, we surrendered"

However, no one could save them. The officials of the Ministry of War had already received instructions from the palace.The purpose of their coming here is to see off the Jinzhou Army on behalf of the imperial court, and to clean up the mess after the Jinzhou Army left.

Moreover, what does the life and death of Jiannu have to do with us?Even if the Jinzhou army doesn't kill you, the imperial court still wants to kill you. Could it be possible to keep you and support them?

The cold and silent military officials cut off the hope of the prisoners alive.

As for the executioners temporarily transferred from the Ministry of Punishment and Shuntian Mansion, it is even more impossible to ask for help for these Tartars. They can't wait any longer, and they can't wait to rush up and chop off the heads of these slaves and kick them as balls.

In the panic, a braided soldier who knew a little about the habits of the Han people suddenly shouted: "It's not good to kill and surrender, it is not good to kill and surrender!"

When he yelled, all the captives immediately started yelling, some in Chinese and some in Manchu, with their mouths opened wide, and blood splashed out together.

"Is it unlucky to kill and surrender?"

Hearing the nondescript shout, Shi Dayong grinned, is it really unlucky to kill him?Then what is it that you have repeatedly massacred the city outside the pass?If it is really unlucky, then why your butcher's knives are always waving on the heads of us Han people!

Blame, only blame you for doing too well!One day, I, Shi Dayong, will slaughter all of you, so that there will be no descendants of the Eight Banners!It has been reported that 3000 million ancestors of the Han people died under your butcher knife!

If the Manchus are not liquidated, it is irresponsible to our future generations, putting them in danger of death,

Only a cruel liquidation can make these miscellaneous people know that things can't be too extreme!Retribution is not far away!

In the previous life, I, Shi Dayong, can pioneer what I, the Han people, failed to do today.

180 The three Manchurian braided soldiers are not the only ones, nor are they the last. [

Facing to the northeast, without looking at the captives, Shi Dayong raised his big hand coldly, and shouted to his subordinates who had fought with him in blood: "Today's southern expedition, the military law prohibits alcohol, it is not beautiful, so I will So I will use the blood of the Tartars instead of strong wine, and drink here with my brothers to strengthen the hearts of my soldiers!"

Replace fine wine with human blood? !

After a brief silence, the seven hundred soldiers responded loudly: "I would like to have a drink with the general!"

"Okay!" Shi Dayong smiled boldly and dropped his big hand.


With an order, the executioners of the Ministry of Punishment and Shuntian Mansion swung their knives forward, pressed the Jiannu prisoners to the ground one by one, and ordered them to lower their heads and expose their necks.

The braided soldiers knew that they were doomed, and most of them accepted their fate, closed their eyes in despair, and waited for death.There were also those who were not reconciled, and tried to struggle, but were hit hard by the back of the knife, and they remained motionless, with blood flowing all over the ground.


With the knife in hand, 180 three heads fell to the ground in an instant, and blood gushed out like a fountain.

The moment the head fell to the ground, the officials of the Ministry of War turned their heads almost at the same time, not daring to look at the hideous scene.

The servants of Shuntian Mansion had been ordered to wait there with a jar for the blood of the Tartars.

After the blood was filled, the guards put the jar on the long table in fear, and then stepped back cautiously. Although they were panicked, they were full of expectations for the Jinzhou soldiers to drink the blood of the Tartars.

The blood of Jiannu was divided into large bowls and distributed to Jinzhou soldiers one by one.Looking at the big bowl of Jiannu blood in their hands, everyone in Jinzhou was very excited, and one person was disgusted.

Shi Dayong held his own bowl, glanced at his subordinates from left to right, then raised his right hand and shouted: "Drink!"

In the lingering sound, he brought the bowl to his mouth and drank it in a big gulp without frowning.


The Jinzhou army shouted loudly, and drank seven hundred bowls of human blood at the same time.

The blood is still hot, but after drinking it, it warms people up. Under the cold wind, it is like a panacea, sweeping away the coldness.

The sound of "ba ba" breaking the bowl sounded, Shi Dayong strode onto the horse and waved his hand: "Go south to fight the thieves!"

In the camp, only officials and servants were left looking at each other.After a long time, I don't know who murmured to himself: "The army is really strong, the army is really strong!"


On November [-]th, the fourth year of Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty, the Jinzhou army, which had only stayed in the capital for two days, moved southward, passed through Tongzhou, and arrived at Xianghe, where it joined a thousand soldiers from the Beijing battalion stationed here.

The commander of the thousand soldiers in the capital is Pei Shaokuan, the hereditary commander. His family ancestor made military exploits during the Jiajing period, so he was conferred this post. It has been passed down to at least Kuan's generation, which has been four generations.

The Pei Department was originally stationed at Dagukou, Wei, Tianjin, in order to prevent the Hebei bandits from going north. On the [-]th, the news of the defeat of Shandong governor Zhu Dadian came, and the Chongzhen urgently ordered the Pei Department to stop in Xianghe, waiting for the instructions of the Ministry of War.

On the [-]th, Jingzhong Kuaima sent the documents of the Ministry of War, informing Pei Shaokuan that from now on, the troops would be assigned to the Jinzhou General Shi Dayong, who would go to Shandong under his unified command to quell the chaos.

What?Put yourself under the command of a general in Jinzhou?

After receiving the order, Pei Shaokuan couldn't figure out, when will the Liao army be able to ride on top of the Jingying?

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