Shi Dayong's reluctance to go to the city is not because he thinks Xianghe County is dilapidated, but because he doesn't want to go to the city to disturb the people.Looking at the appearance of Xianghe County, it seems that there is no way to accommodate [-] soldiers at once. Thinking about going south tomorrow morning, they simply don't go into the city, and just find a place outside the city to settle overnight.

When fighting outside, don't disturb the place if you can.But now that he has arrived in Xianghe County, he still has to deal with the local officials as usual, and the local government needs to provide food and grass for three days, otherwise Jinzhou will have to travel on an empty stomach.

This man can go hungry for a day or two, but the war horse can't.There are only two hundred war horses in the army, and they are all offered as treasures, how can they be hungry.The key to fighting south is to rely on the two hundred iron stupas. If the horses are overwhelmed by hunger, the iron studs will not be effective.In this way, it would be difficult for Shi Dayong's heavy cavalry to break through the formation and infantry cover-up tactics to be effective.

According to Wang Cheng'en, although Kong Youde's rebel soldiers were also from Dongjiang Liaozhen, there were only 800 elite soldiers, and the rest were mostly coerced generations, who could only wave their flags and shout, and had little combat effectiveness.Therefore, when he was stationed at the Shenji Camp, Shi Dayong thought of the method of using the heavy cavalry to break the hole.

Hundreds of elites coerce tens of thousands of people, no different from mobs.In addition, Kongbu did not have cavalry, so it was difficult to counterattack and restrain the Iron Buddha. In this way, if the Iron Buddha's heavy armor crushed it for a round, the battle could be declared over. [

Therefore, these two hundred war horses occupy an extremely important position in Shi Dayong's entire tactical arrangement, and there must be no mistakes.

When departing from the capital, the Ministry of War only allocated food and grass for two days. For the rest of the trip, Shi Dayong could only use the official document issued by the Ministry of War to recruit places. Otherwise, his 700 people would be in danger of food.

In addition, in addition to asking for food, Wang Chengen also said that the [-] Beijing battalion soldiers assigned by the emperor to Shibu were also stationed in Xianghe, so no matter whether the Jinzhou army entered the city or not, Shi Dayong would always meet with local officials and ask them to provide three The diet is grassy.In addition, I will meet the commander of the Qianjing battalion again, and discuss with him about going south.

It's just a matter of discussion, the command of the Beijing battalion is a hereditary commander of the fourth rank, and in terms of rank, it is one rank lower than Shi Dayong, the third rank general of Jinzhou.But the other party is the commander of the Beijing Camp of the Emperor's Imperial Guard, and he is the general of the frontier army.

One is in Beijing, and the other is in the local area. According to the usual practice, Shi Dayong, a third-rank frontier general, cannot be commanded by a fourth-rank Beijing battalion.But since the Son of Heaven allocated the Thousand Capital Battalion to himself to command, Shi Dayong would do his part to overwhelm the commander. The other party discusses the friendship of the Southern Expedition.

After stopping at the gate of the city, Dayong asked Guo Yi to enter the city to inform the place, and then dismounted, and Jiang Wanli, Cao Bianjiao and the others found a big rock and sat down to wait.

It was just after Shenshi (after three o'clock in the afternoon in later generations), and although there were not many people entering and leaving the county, there were still some.Judging from the clothing and belongings, most of them are villagers near the county town who came back from selling goods in the city, or villagers who went to the city to purchase salt and iron.It is rare to see business travelers passing by, and even if there are, they are in a hurry. When they see the Jinzhou army at the city gate, they are also vigilant and dare not approach.

Because what they saw along the way was the tragic scene after the family was destroyed, especially the graves, which deeply affected Jinzhou, so the seven hundred soldiers were all heavy-hearted, sitting silently on the side of the road for a while, and talking loudly .

When they saw the people, they didn't ask questions, and they didn't step forward to question those merchants. This made the merchants who came and went very strange.

After staying for a while, they saw people in the city running towards the gate of the city in a panic. Seeing that there were also officers and soldiers outside the city, they panicked. The regiment neither entered nor retreated at the gate of the city.One by one looked into the city and out of the city from time to time, feeling very strange.

Seeing this, Shi Dayong and the other generals were all surprised, and looked at their own soldiers for a while, thinking that it was their own soldiers who frightened the people.But when he saw that his own soldiers were not different, but the people who came out of the city were even more frightened, and doubts suddenly arose in their hearts.

Could it be that something happened in the city?

Shi Dayong and Jiang Wanli looked at each other, the latter nodded slightly, turned around and recruited two soldiers, whispered something to them, and the two hurriedly ran towards the city.

At the gate of the city, more than a hundred people who were about to leave the city had already been gathered. Seeing the officers and soldiers on the opposite side suddenly running towards the gate, they were frightened and scattered away.Vaguely, it seemed to hear the call of "soldiers and soldiers".

This situation can't help but make Shi Dayong more suspicious, he frowned slightly, and ordered in a low voice, the whole army is on alert.

After waiting for a while, I saw a group of people rushing from the city. After the group rushed out of the city gate, I realized that the people who came were officials and servants from Xianghe County. All green Qipin county statues.

As soon as the magistrate of Xianghe County came, Shi Dayong led his generals forward to meet them, and the two sides met at a distance of more than ten zhang from the gate of the city.

"Dare to ask, are the soldiers of the Liao Army who severely injured the Eastern Captives in Jinzhou a month ago?" Zhao Wenqi was not sure that the soldiers in front of him would be the Liao Army from Jinzhou, so he asked a special question just in case. [

Shi Dayong looked at the other party, nodded and said: "Exactly! This official is Shi Dayong, the general of Jinzhou, who is ordered to go south to Shandong to quell the chaos. Dare I ask the noble surname of the county?"

As soon as he heard the other party call him the county lord, Zhao Wenqi cupped his hands in a panic, and bowed at the opportunity: "Don't dare, don't dare, my officer Zhao Wenqi has seen the general!" )

"Master Zhao, please get up quickly!" Shi Dayong strode forward, trying to help Zhao Wen get up.It's been a while since he came to this era, and he is quite self-aware, knowing that no matter how low-level the opponent is, as a military commander himself, unless it is absolutely necessary, it is better to be polite and respectful.

Zhao Wenqi gave way a little bit, and then he also got up.After getting up, he looked at the other party excitedly, and only then noticed that the other party was wearing a mask on his face, and he couldn't help being a little stunned.But he quickly returned to normal, and asked respectfully: "The general came from a long way, and I think the journey has been hard. The officer has prepared thin wine at the Yamen, and I would like to ask the general to drink a few cups as a favor."

"Oh, there's no need, the general is on his life, and the military situation is urgent, so it's really inconvenient to drink."

Shi Dayong rejected Zhao Wenqi's kindness, and said: "I didn't want to disturb your county, but when I left Beijing, there was not much food and grass, so I wanted to ask the county lord for some food and grass." The Ministry of War documents handed over were handed over to Zhao Wenqi, "This is the survey document of the Ministry of War, please verify it with the county lord."

Zhao Wenqi took a glance at it, nodded and said: "Yes, it is indeed an official document from the Ministry of War." Then he politely returned the official document to Shi Dayong, and asked cautiously: "I wonder how much food and grass the general wants? This county can raise it, It must be collected for the general."

Shi Dayong said: "Not many, just [-] soldiers and [-] horses for three days."

700 people and [-] horses for three days?

Hearing this number, Zhao Wenqi was stunned, and the master Deng Tai and others behind him also thought they heard it wrong, and they all showed expressions of disbelief.

The other party's appearance made Shi Dayong a little embarrassed, thinking that he needed too much, and Ren County didn't have so much food in stock, so he hurriedly said: "If your county is in trouble, you can also need it for two days."

Now, Zhao Wenqi was sure that he had heard correctly. What the other party wanted was food and grass for three days, so he said without thinking: "Not much, not much, there is not much food and grass for three days. Although the county is not rich, there are still some generals who have enough food and grass." Please wait a moment, I will ask my subordinates to make arrangements, and I will be able to prepare everything for the general in the evening." After speaking, he turned around and ordered Deng Tai to take people to the county government warehouse to allocate food and grass for the Jinzhou army.Deng Tai and the others were already happy and unhappy at this time. They never expected that the Liao army in front of them was so sympathetic to the local area. It took three days to requisition food. Wan refused to leave.

Fearing that the Liao army would repent, Deng Tai led the small officials to the warehouse with his legs blowing.

After Deng Tai took his men there, Zhao Wenqi saw that the troops in Jinzhou were strictly disciplined and could not hear any noise, and when he thought of the soldiers from the Beijing camp in the city, he couldn't help but respect the Jinzhou army even more.Secretly said: Only such officers and soldiers with strict military discipline can defeat the Jiannu of the Eastern Captives, and only such officers and soldiers can fight against Jiannu. If it were those soldiers from the Beijing camp, they would be defeated in just a few blows.

Under the respect, the invitation became even more intense, and he couldn't help but ask again: "The food and grass still need to be prepared, why don't you ask the general to move to the yamen and have some food, and after the county's food and grass are ready, then ask the general to check."

"Lord Zhao is kind, I appreciate it. But there is no need for it. I will wait outside the city with my subordinates. I will not enter the city at night. I just set up camp outside the city so as not to disturb the people of your county."

As soon as this remark came out, Zhao Wenqi was even more shocked. He looked at the masked general of the Liao Army in front of him with admiration. Presumably the so-called famous general refers to the general in front of him!I'm afraid it was the only way for the Yue family army in the past!

Shi Dayong saw this expression on the other side's face, and then that expression, a little funny, thought that the other party had other thoughts, so he pointed to the dilapidated Xianghe city wall and said: "Master Zhao, seeing your Xianghe county like this, I'm afraid you are worthy of respect in this county." It's not easy. Let's forget about the banquet. If you have the heart, you should give more convenience to the people. The so-called peace of the people is happiness for the officials. This general is also a soldier of the imperial court. He has all the food and clothing for the people's kindness, so he will do his best. Reduce the burden on the local area, and those who can not disturb the local area will not be disturbed. Let me ask, if you live in your county with seven hundred soldiers at once, how can you not be disturbed? If something happens, I will feel uneasy."

Hearing this, Zhao Wenqi was stunned again, secretly sighing, this Jinzhou general Shi Shen is really a good general for the country and the people, if I have a few more generals in Ming Dynasty, why worry about the world not being peaceful sooner!

"The general is virtuous and sympathetic to the feelings of the people. I am deeply grateful and respectful. I would like to bow to the general on behalf of the people of the whole city!" As he spoke, Zhao Wenqi bowed and bowed deeply, and Shi Dayong stopped him less than.

"Master Zhao doesn't have to be like this, it's just a trivial matter, and it doesn't deserve so much courtesy from an adult."

Shi Dayong was talking, but he caught a glimpse of many people behind the city gate nervously waiting and looking forward, thinking about the panicked people he saw just now, he couldn't help asking Zhao Wenqi: "Master Zhao, forgive me for talking too much, I don't know what you mean What happened in the county town, why are the people so panicked, and why are they terrified when they see this general's men?" [

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