Daming wolf ride

Chapter 203 The Flying Xianghe County

Since the eastern captives invaded and bloodbathed Xianghe County two years ago, Xianghe County has never been dead or alive.In the past two years, the number of residents in the city is only one-tenth of what it used to be. The old and weak, women and children combined, there are only more than 2 people in the county town of Nuoda.

Most of these 2 people live in the west city, because the city wall of the west city is much more complete than the other three walls.

Although they clearly knew that the west city wall was vulnerable to foreign enemies, the people still subconsciously regarded the west city as a safe zone.

When there are many people, there will naturally be commercial existence.The only two restaurants in the city are located in Xicheng, and they do some business with neighbors and foreign merchants on weekdays, and they barely maintain it.

This day, when the guys had just wiped the tables and benches clean and opened the door to start doing business, they suddenly saw many officers and soldiers on the street.When those officers and soldiers saw the restaurant, they rushed in like hungry wild dogs seeing a piece of fat, and knocked the two guys who opened the door to the ground. [

Following the calls of the officers and soldiers who saw the restaurant first, more and more officers and soldiers rushed over here. Looking down from the upstairs door, it was dark and dense, blocking the small street. Like rushing to a temple fair, there are no less than a few hundred people.

After the officers and soldiers speaking the capital accent entered the store, they sat down in groups of three or four, patted the table and shouted for the guys to bring good wine and good food.

The guys were terrified by this group of uninvited guests, looking at the big long knives and firecrackers on the table, all of them seemed soulless, and they were too scared to move.

The shopkeeper has finally seen the world, and when he heard the accents of these officers and soldiers, he knew it was broken. Aren't these soldiers from the Beijing camp!

Xianghe is only a few dozen miles away from the capital, and the shopkeeper often goes to Beijing to do business, so he naturally knows the virtues of the soldiers in the capital.Knowing that these veteran soldiers could not be offended, the shopkeeper hurriedly asked the waiter to come to the back kitchen to serve the food and wine.

The accountant on the counter was from another province, and he didn't know how powerful the Beijing soldiers were, so he foolishly asked the shopkeeper if he wanted to settle the account. The shopkeeper was so frightened that he quickly pulled him aside, waved his hands repeatedly, and signaled him not to do anything. , Just stay at the counter honestly.

The soldiers in the Beijing camp are all businessmen and soldiers. They are not serious on weekdays, and they take all the money they get into their stomachs.They didn't dare to be presumptuous in the capital, but when they left the capital, they all treated themselves as uncles. They didn't look like officers and soldiers. In addition, the officers deliberately let them out to relax, so as not to discourage the army, so each of them showed their true nature.

Seeing these master soldiers of the Beijing camp eating and drinking, the shopkeeper was really heartbroken, but he hadn't complained yet, and he had to keep a smile on his face all the time, so as not to be beaten up by some drunk soldier master. Really lost the food and wine and lost himself.

The situation of the two restaurants is the same, when outsiders rushed in, they thought they were in the same restaurant, because what they saw were officers and soldiers who were eating meat and drinking from big bowls, stunned guys, and shopkeepers who were twitching.

The two restaurants here have suffered from the soldiers of the Beijing camp, and the pedestrians and other shops on the street over there have not escaped the scourge of the Beijing camp.

"Get out of the way, out of the way!"

"Officers and soldiers catch thieves, idlers wait to avoid them!"

The soldiers of the Beijing camp who wanted to blackmail the people and make some money were shouting along the street with great fanfare, and they didn't pay attention to the county government officials who came after hearing the news.Those yamen servants were also very smart, and whoever was willing to come over hid in the distance and watched, sending people back from time to time to report what they saw to the county magistrate.

Xianghe County, which had been quiet for two years, suddenly rushed in with so many officers and soldiers, terrified the people.At first they thought that these officers and soldiers were just passing by Xianghe, but with the shouts of "officers and soldiers catching thieves", the common people began to understand that these officers and soldiers had bad intentions.

Those whose minds were spinning quickly slipped away immediately, or hid in the shops on both sides of the street. Those whose minds were spinning a little slower were not so lucky. , and then pulled their faces one by one, revealing sinister faces, drew long knives from their waists, and a group of two or three started to act.

The unarmed and frightened civilians were surrounded by prepared soldiers from the Beijing camp. Before they could figure out what was going on, the soldiers from the Beijing camp started shouting and asking questions.

"What are you doing, ghost Chongchong!"

"Master, I don't have any" [

"No?! Damn it, I can see it clearly. You kid still dare to talk stubbornly. I think you are impatient!"

"Master, spare your life, Lord, spare your life"

"Do you have any silver with you?"

"no no…"

"This guy is the spy of the thief, take it down!"

"Don't...don't...jun lord, the little one has money on him, money on him!"

"You're a smart kid, get lost!"

The originally peaceful Xianghe county no longer had the peace it had before, and there were vicious officers and soldiers of the Beijing camp everywhere, causing a lot of trouble and everyone's heart was chilled.From time to time, there were screams of women and children, as well as the "plop, plop" sound of kicking the door, and the sound of pots and pans falling up and down.

All individuals on the street, whether they are residents of the city, businessmen, or visiting relatives, with one exception, as long as they are seen by the soldiers of the Beijing camp, they will be immediately surrounded and intimidated, and they will not be allowed to leave without giving money. .

A businessman who was going to the capital from Tianjin Wei happened to pass by Xianghe with his servants. He wanted to go to the city for dinner, but he was unlucky.

At the beginning, the businessman didn't think anything would happen. After all, the people who entered the city were government soldiers, not thieves from the northwest, let alone bandits, so there was nothing to be afraid of.But when those soldiers from the Beijing camp showed their true colors, the businessman was immediately overwhelmed with fear, because he had several bank notes in his pocket to purchase goods in the capital, and if these officers and soldiers searched for them, it would be a bloody loss.

The servant saw officers and soldiers arresting people everywhere, and his legs trembled a little in fright. The master and servant hurriedly left here after thinking about it, and were about to flee to the south, but they saw a Beijing battalion school officer leading several soldiers and ran towards them. come over.


The master and the servant were startled, seeing the other party's eyes sweeping over their body, the businessman knew it was wrong, so he hurriedly stepped forward to compose a smile and said: "Mr.

The officer asked, "What are you doing?"

"Master Huijun, Xiaomin is here to visit relatives." The businessman dared not tell the truth, he knew that as long as he said he was a businessman, he would be in bad luck today.

"Visiting relatives?"

The school official didn't believe it, he grinned and scolded: "Since you are here to visit relatives, why do you hide when you see us?"

You are knocking money all over the street, can I do it without running away?

The businessman cursed secretly, but said in his mouth: "Master Jun misunderstood, Xiaomin didn't hide from Master Jun, Xiaomin just happened to leave."

Hearing what he said, the school official couldn't help but sneered "hehe", and said in a strange way: "Really?"

"Yes Yes…"[

Seeing the school official's unkind expression, the businessman's heart skipped a beat, and he wished he could leave immediately.He said anxiously: "This military master and the servants of Xiaomin have always been law-abiding. The military masters are busy arresting thieves, and the small people will not delay the military master's work."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly yelled at the servant: "What are you still doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up and make way for the military master!"

The servant hurriedly moved away when he heard the words, but the school officer and several subordinates laughed. A Beijing soldier stepped in front of the master and servant, and said with a strange smile: "Want to leave? No way!"

The school official turned his face black and shouted: "Tied!"

The merchant turned pale with fright, and so did the servants.Those Beijing soldiers had already prepared ropes, and they could not help but tie up the master and servant.

The businessman was frightened and moved desperately, and the two captains who tied him cursed angrily: "Don't move! If you dare to move again, I want you to look good!"

The businessman begged bitterly: "Master, spare your life, Lord, please spare your life"

The school officer hummed and said: "It's okay to spare your life, but it depends on whether you know people or not." As he said that, his hand was about to touch the merchant's arms.

He carried all his belongings in his arms, if he asked them to copy them, how would his family survive!

In a panic, the businessman didn't know where he got the strength to break free from the two soldiers holding him down, and was about to run away, but suddenly his neck felt cold, and a long knife was already on his neck.

When the servant saw him, he screamed "Ah", rolled his eyes, and passed out. The two Beijing soldiers who tied him up were so frightened that they thought they were dead.

The school officer bent down and probed the servant's nose, and found that he was still breathing. He couldn't help spitting, straightened up, glanced at the merchant angrily, and cursed: "I want to run! Damn it, the toast is not good!" Eat, drink, drink, I see you are getting impatient! Song Lao Liu, let this bastard bled!"


The person called Song Laoliu was an old soldier, and he was good at making false threats and pretending to be loud. With a movement of his wrist, the tip of the knife moved slightly against the merchant's neck.

The businessman only felt a pain in his neck, and thought that his head was about to be cut off, which frightened Liu Shenzhu.If you keep the green hills, you are not afraid of running out of firewood. If you don’t bring money with you when you are born, you don’t take it with you when you die. If you lose your life, what do you need money for?

Thinking of this, the businessman stomped his foot and begged for mercy in a crying voice: "Don't kill the little people, don't kill the people, don't kill the people, the people have money, and the people have money!"

As soon as this remark came out, the school official and several Beijing soldiers suddenly showed ecstatic expressions.

"Damn it, if you get acquainted earlier, you won't have to suffer such flesh and blood!" The school officer groped the merchant's waist while saying sarcastic remarks, "Where is the money?"

"In Xiaomin's arms"

After the businessman finished speaking, he seemed to let out his breath, and his body was limp and about to collapse.The school official hurriedly asked his subordinates to support him, and stretched out his hand to touch his arms.At this time, the sound of "Tata"'s hooves came to my ears.

The sound moved from far to near, as if it was on the next street, and it seemed to be going south.

Where are the cavalry? !

The school officer and his subordinates were stunned. Apart from them, there were no other soldiers and horses stationed in Xianghe County. How could there be so many hooves of horses suddenly? Listening to the sound, what is it if it's not a war horse?

At this time, not only the few Beijing soldiers were puzzled, but all the Beijing soldiers on the street were very curious. They looked around one by one, wanting to know where the sound of horseshoes came from.

The sudden sound of horseshoes also alarmed Pei Shaokuan, who was drinking and having fun with a prostitute. After confirming that he had heard correctly, he jumped up and shouted at the top of his voice, "Where are the cavalry!"

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