Daming wolf ride

Chapter 206 Is there no one in Beijing camp!

The background that Pei Shaokuan moved out also shocked Shi Dayong. The queen's father was the emperor's father-in-law and the head of the Ming Dynasty, so the weight of such a background was not insufficient.

But he didn't know that Pei Shaokuan's words were half-truths and half-false. Zhou Guozhang was indeed his uncle, but he was not his real uncle, but his cousin's uncle.

Uncle Tang, there are two layers of relationship between the uncle and the relatives. After all, this uncle's gold content is not so sufficient for Pei Shaokuan himself.However, outsiders don't know the truth, and when they suddenly hear that the head of the country is his uncle, they are naturally frightened.

The head of state is his uncle, the queen is naturally his sister, and the emperor is naturally his brother-in-law.

Anyone who punishes the emperor's uncle must think about it, because if the whip is beaten, the consequences that will follow must be considered.In case Longyan is furious, who can bear it! [

nasty nepotism

Shi Dayong frowned tightly, but he still couldn't wave his hand.

All eyes were on, hundreds of pairs of eyes were fixed on Shi Dayong's hand.

Jiang Wanli and Cao Bianjiao, who came after hearing the news, also looked at each other blankly, and they both looked worried.

Shocking the opponent with one word, Pei Shaokuan swung his arms, stood up from the ground, and stood proudly. The two Liao soldiers who were supposed to hold him lost their minds, and wondered if they stepped forward to hold him down again.

Beside the city gate, Zhao Wenqi and a group of yamen servants were also dumbfounded.

One second, two seconds, three seconds and dozens of seconds passed, and Shi Dayong's hand still hadn't waved down.

With the passage of time, the people in the Beijing camp began to be bold, and their commanders had the head of the country as the backstage, so today's things can't be good!Just now, the brothers were bullied by the Liao army. If you don't take a bad breath, I'm really sorry for myself!

The crowd began to commotion on a small scale, and the Jinzhou soldiers who were in charge of the custody were probably also frightened by the head of the court, and did not dare to suppress them without a clear order from the superior.

"General" Guo Yi saw that the situation was not good, so he hurriedly called Shi Dayong in a low voice.

Shi Dayong looked up, and suddenly his anger reappeared, and he shouted at those subordinates who were at a loss: "Dare to make noise, drag it out for me to beat!"

"Yes, General!"

The Jinzhou army who received the order immediately stepped forward to suppress the rioting Beijing soldiers as if they had a backbone.

Under the scolding of swords, the soldiers of the Beijing camp quieted down, but their faces no longer showed signs of panic, and they all stared at the commander in front of them with wide eyes.

However, Pei Shaokuan was not afraid of Shi Dayong, and he didn't take his orders to heart. He thought that this guy was stern and soft-hearted, and he only dared to scare his subordinates, but he didn't dare to touch himself.

He was extremely proud: Shi, you were so arrogant before, you didn't put me in your eyes, why are you shrinking now?Come on, touch me if you dare!

You dog thief, you don't even dare to show your true colors to others, and you dare to bully me, Jingying, you really don't know the heights of heaven and earth.For today's matter, it's fine if you know the person, if you don't know the person, then you can't blame the young master.

He already believed that the masked general of Jinzhou in front of him would definitely not dare to torture him again, he was afraid that he was thinking about how to make amends and how to step down. [

Just as he was complacent, he didn't want to hear the heavy voice of the other party, "I only know that there is an emperor, but I don't know that there is a head of state; I only know that there is military discipline, but I don't know that there is selfishness. Since the army, I have never been afraid of anyone. Even if the tens of thousands of Eastern captives are pressing down on the border, I dare to kill the general alone, so why would I be afraid of any powerful people! Let me tell you, I still don’t know how to write the characters! If your uncle is the king of the dynasty Zhang, this general will spare you, and then this general is not worthy of wearing this official uniform anymore! Today, this general will make a decision on you!"

Shi Dayong, who was unable to get off the tiger, had already made up his mind to use Pei Shaokuan to establish his prestige, even if he offended Zhou Guozhang because of this, there was nothing he could do, otherwise, with so many people watching, how could he step down.

As a general, if he is very prestigious, this soldier cannot lead him.In the eyes of the soldiers, the general is their backbone. If they ignore military discipline because they are afraid of the powerful, the soldiers will despise the general, and they will no longer be able to convince them.In future battles on the battlefield, how can this general ask them to go forward bravely, and how can he ask them to put their lives aside and fight the enemy desperately!

Today, the whip must be beaten no matter what, even if the Son of Heaven comes, he must finish the whip!

After making up his mind, Shi Dayong was not in a hurry to beat Pei Shaokuan, but took a few steps forward on his horse, leaned over and asked Pei Shaokuan, "Do you know why this general must beat you?"

Seeing the other party's unkind eyes, Pei Shaokuan's consciousness is not good. It seems that the other party is not afraid because his uncle is Zhou Guozhang.Hearing what he said just now, it is obvious that he must whip himself.

How could Pei Shaokuan be reconciled to being caught and whipped for no reason? The other party asked him like this, and naturally angrily said: "I don't know why you beat me! Hmph, you are domineering in the Liao army, and you want to punish him, what's the problem? Resign!"

"What a crime you want to impose, why bother!"

Shi Dayong laughed loudly, turned his face back, and reprimanded: "Your Beijing camp is the emperor's Beijing army, which is supposed to protect the environment and the people, but you allow your subordinates to do wrong in Xianghe County, extort money, molested the women of the people, and do no evil. I will command your department according to the order, if you are not severely punished, how will you face the emperor, and how will you face the people of Xianghe! You are good, you don’t know how to reflect, but you feel wronged, it’s really ridiculous!"

"Nonsense, you're just spitting blood! My Beijing camp was ordered to move to Xianghe, and the soldiers guarded themselves. How did you do such a thing! Hmph, now my Beijing camp is controlled by your Liao army, it's not you who said Say whatever you want!"

Pei Shaokuan kept his mouth stiff, but he knew it clearly in his heart.How could he not know what good things his soldiers and ruffian subordinates could do in Xianghe City?But being told in person like this is like being stripped naked in public, which makes him extremely embarrassed, and naturally refuses to admit it to death.

Seeing that Pei Shaokuan refused to admit it, Shi Dayong snorted coldly, and shouted straight up, "Where is Xianghe County!"

"The subordinate is here."

Hearing the general of the Liao army calling him, Zhao Wenqi couldn't help crying, knowing that he was in trouble.

Sure enough, Shi Dayong asked him: "Xianghe County, I'm going to ask you, what did the Jingying do in your Xianghe County today?"


Zhao Wenqi didn't dare to speak out, he knew that Shi Dayong's questioning of him was to use his mouth to confirm the crime of Pei Shaokuan and Jingying.But even though he hated Jingying's misconduct in the city, he didn't dare to speak easily.Because once the crimes of the officers and soldiers of the Beijing camp are revealed from his mouth, it will undoubtedly offend the Jingying camp and Commander Pei, who has the head of the dynasty as the backer. How to bear it.

Zhao Wenqi didn't dare to speak out for a long time, Shi Dayong got a little impatient to wait, the sun was going to set soon, if it was delayed any longer, he would have to pitch in the dark.

Shi Dayong knew what Zhao Wenqi was afraid of, and he also knew that the county magistrate was extremely cowardly. If he had to say something nice, the county magistrate would not open his mouth even tomorrow.The only way out now is to intimidate him. Thinking of this, he suddenly changed color, and shouted: "Xianghe County, if you don't say anything, don't blame me for saluting you!"


Although he couldn't see the face of the other party, Shi Dayong still couldn't hide the violent spirit that crawled out of the pile of dead people. Coupled with his verbal intimidation, Zhao Wenqi was immediately frightened to take a few steps back, and wiped his forehead violently. Sweaty, he murmured: "Go back to the general and tell me that Mr. Pei's subordinates are in the city today." He squeaked, his heart was terribly anxious, alas, what should I do!One Beijing battalion, one Liao army, I can't afford to offend either!

"Xianghe County, if you don't say anything else, I will have to ask those sufferers to speak up. If you don't report Xianghe County's knowledge, I have the power to punish you, but I will definitely write to the imperial court to prevent you from colluding with the evil soldiers of the Beijing camp." , the crime of sitting on the ground and dividing the dirt!" [

Shi Dayong didn't want to waste any more time, and was going to send people to find those who suffered from the scourge of the Beijing camp to testify against Pei Shaokuan and his subordinates face to face.In this way, at least on the bright side, it is legal to punish the Beijing camp by itself.Even if Pei Shaokuan moved out of Zhou Guozhang in the future, he could always argue with reason.Today's son is a sage, and he must uphold justice and not chill the hearts of soldiers.

Hearing that Shi Dayong wanted to confront the common people, Zhao Wenqi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but then the other party’s words made him unable to stand up. He was obviously the one who suffered, but the other party said that he and the Beijing camp were in collusion to harm the common people. Where did this come from? Speaking of.

"General Shi, don't embarrass me, it's not that I don't want to say it, it's just..." Zhao Wenqi looked bitter and begged for mercy.

"If you say it, how can I embarrass you? If you say it, the matter will have nothing to do with you. If you don't say it, I will report it to the court. At that time, I am afraid that Mr. Zhao will not be able to say it clearly if he has something to say." Alright."

"This..." Zhao Wenqi was extremely hesitant, hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "This is what the officials say, and what they say is what they say."

Seeing that Zhao Wenqi wanted to testify against himself, Pei Shaokuan cursed angrily: "My surname is Zhao, I think you don't want to be the county magistrate anymore!"

"It's not up to you to arrange Mr. Zhao's appointment as magistrate of Xianghe County, but with today's [-] lashes, I would have dared to assert that you, Commander Pei, cannot hide from you, so I don't know if Commander Pei's ass can stand it! "

Shi Dayong was annoyed that Pei Shaokuan was stubborn, and waved his hand: "First give me ten lashes hard!"

Hearing the general's order, the soldiers hurriedly raised their whips and were about to beat them down, but before the whips fell, they heard dozens of fast horses coming straight from the city gate, and someone shouted loudly: "The Liao army is deceiving people too much, really Do you think there is no one in my capital camp!"

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