Daming wolf ride

Chapter 213 Sun Yuanhua's Achievement and Bitter Fruit

This chapter is adapted from historical materials, and readers are free to order it, but I would like to explain it here, so as not to be suspected of deceiving. (As long as the chapters can be ordered or not, the bones must be explained before the chapter)

The gunpowder barrel lit by the gambler shook the capital, the capital, and Daming!

There was a mutiny so close to Gyeonggi, and the mutiny was still Dongjiang Liao soldiers who were able to fight against the Eastern captives. The ruling and opposition parties were shocked to hear about it.After receiving the report, Emperor Chongzhen urgently ordered Shandong and Denglai to resolve the matter quickly.

Most of the Dongjiang Liao army were desperadoes, and most of them had families. Since they raised the flag to rebel, they naturally risked their lives to fight for wealth and honor.Under the command of Kong Youde and Li Jiucheng, the rebels swept across Southwest Shandong, captured Ling County, Linyi, Shanghe and other prefectures and counties all the way, and defeated the Jingying soldiers and horses coming from the direction of the capital. Lai! [

Sun Yuanhua, who had just solved the Pidao mutiny with food and pay, did not panic after receiving the news of Kong Youde's rebellion in Wuqiao. In his opinion, the Liao army made trouble because they had no food and pay. As long as Xiao Yi is strong, pay enough food and salaries, and don't hold the leader accountable, this mutiny will be resolved soon.

However, Yu Dacheng, the governor of Shandong at the time, did not agree with Sun Yuanhua's opinion. He believed that most of the Liao army were desperadoes.For this reason, he planned to lead [-] elite Lu troops and [-] elite Zhejiang troops transferred from Henan to suppress the rebellion, intending to nip the rebellion in the bud.

Yu Dacheng's proposition was supported by Zhang Keda, the commander-in-chief of Denglai.Zhang Keda knew the Liao army very well. He knew that they could be soldiers or bandits, and their fighting power was far superior to that of the troops stationed in Hebei. harm.Therefore, immediately rectify the troops and prepare to attack Kong Youde's rebels with Yu Dacheng's troops, and wipe them out in the Qingzhou area, preventing them from fleeing to the Denglai area, lest Dongjiu Liao Town respond to them and get out of hand.

However, Sun Yuanhua, who is full of bookishness, insists that Kong Youde's troops are all powerful troops from Liaozhen, and they cannot be separated from the Eastern Captives. If they are wiped out, the power of the country will be lost.Moreover, since Kong Youde and others returned to Denglai, they were under his command, and they were the only soldiers under his command who could take action. If they were to be suppressed here, then their subordinates could mobilize their troops again.Out of this idea, Sun Yuanhua disregarded the objections of Yu Dacheng and Zhang Keda, and strongly advocated recruiting Kong Youde's troops.

For this reason, while dissuading Yu Dacheng and asking his Lu army not to attack eastward, he also ordered Zhang Keda not to pursue Kong Youde's rebel army. You don't have to go to Denglai to suppress the bandits.

Sun Yuanhua's stupid behavior gave Kong Youde a chance to take a breather, allowing him to easily occupy the prefectures and counties of Hebei.

All indications indicated that Kong Youde, who had grown into wings, could no longer be appeased by the imperial court. However, Sun Yuanhua still did not give up his illusion of appeasement. He sent an order to the Hebei garrison behind Yu Dacheng's back, ordering the garrison in Wuqiao to Dengzhou all the way to stop sending troops. Stop Kong Youde and let him return east.

Kong Youde seemed to have also received Kong Yuanhua's kindness. Although he continued to loot all the way, he still returned towards Dengzhou.The prefectures and counties along the way had received orders and the garrison was weak, so they did not dare to intercept them, so they had to honestly give up the passage to let Kong Youde's troops pass.

Among them, Kong Youde's troops once entered the ambush circle of the local garrison. Since there was no attack order, the garrison did not dare to move lightly, causing Kong's troops to escape safely. As a result, the best opportunity to wipe out the rebels after the rebellion began was missed.

When Kong Youde led his troops all the way back east to Laizhou Prefecture, Zhu Wancheng, the magistrate of Laizhou who had a close relationship with Kong Youde in the past, closed the city gate and refused to let Kong Youde enter the city.

Based on his understanding of Kong Youde and the Liao army, Zhu Wancheng firmly believed that Kong Youde would not be sincerely appeased, and that Denglai must have come here to feign surrender. If he opened the city gate rashly, Laizhou would fall immediately.

His worry was exactly what Kong Youde thought.However, Laizhou City is a new city rebuilt in the 26th year of Wanli. The city wall is nine miles in circumference, three feet five feet high, and two feet four feet thick.Moreover, it also referred to Western fortification methods, and built forts, which are easy to defend but difficult to attack.And as the logistics base of Liaodong, Laizhou City has sufficient food, grass and weapons. Although there are few artillery pieces and not many soldiers who know how to operate them, under Zhu Wannian's strict deployment, the defense of Laizhou City is still in order. It is heavily guarded.

The soldiers and civilians in the city relied on the fortified city to defend it. For Kong Youde, who lacked siege equipment, if he forcibly attacked the city, it would only be a nightmare.

Kong Youde is self-aware, although his troops claim to have [-] people, most of them are coerced civilians, so they are useless at all.The core of the main force is only the [-] Liao soldiers. Once they make a strong attack, they will inevitably suffer heavy casualties.Therefore, after discussing with Li Jiucheng, Li Yingyuan and his son, Kong Youde issued an order to send troops into Dengzhou.

Dengzhou City is not easy to fight. Compared with Laizhou City, Dengzhou Shou seems to be more difficult to fight.This is because Dengzhou city has been built since the Tianshun period. It was built on three sides against the cliffs by the sea. It was originally a naval port. warship.

Just last month, the king of North Korea gave Daming 40 warships as a gift. Sun Yuanhua received these warships as governor of Denglai and parked them in the military port outside the city.This means that once Kong Youde attacks Dengzhou, he will be counterattacked by both land and water.

Moreover, the defenders in Dengcheng City at this time are much stronger than Kong Youde's mob.There are three defenders in the city, one is the 1800 Zhejiang soldiers led by Zhang Keda, the general soldier of Dengzhou; the other is the Portuguese officer corps that Sun Yuanhua paid a lot of money from Macau to teach the Ming army how to operate Western firearms; the third is the same as Kong Youde's rebels. Born in Dongjiang Liao soldiers.Therefore, in terms of city defense facilities and the quality of soldiers, Dengzhou can be said to be impenetrable. [

But even though Kong Youde's rebels went all the way to Dengzhou, and everyone thought that Kong Youde came for Dengzhou City, not to be appeased, Sun Yuanhua, the governor, still didn't wake up, and he still didn't give up appeasing Kong Youde's thoughts.

This stupid behavior of Sun Yuanhua undoubtedly bound his own hands and feet, making him dare not let go and fight resolutely with Kong Youde's rebels.After Zhang Keda's Zhejiang soldiers went out to fight in the city and tasted a little victory, Sun Yuanhua ordered a truce and prepared to appease Kong Youde again.

But Kong Youde didn't appreciate it. He seized the opportunity to counterattack and defeated Zhang Keda's Zhejiang soldiers. At the same time, he also captured many Liao soldiers in Dengzhou City, and used these Liao soldiers to send a letter to the Liao soldiers in the city, asking them to respond to the uprising , As a result, the Liao army in the city suddenly began to show signs of instability.

Unexpectedly, Sun Yuanhua's way to deal with the instability of the Liao army was to release Geng Zhongming, a general who was imprisoned because his younger brother participated in the Pidao Pitau Pitau. "The powerful generals of the Liao army suppressed the Liao army in the city, and together with the Zhejiang soldiers and the Portuguese officer corps, they fought against their former colleague Kong Youde outside the city.

After releasing Geng Cuoming to lead the Liao army in disregard of the opposition of Zhang Keda and the Portuguese officers, Sun Yuanhua climbed to the top of the city again and sighed while looking at Kong Youde, who had already set up camp for several miles outside the city.

However, when he saw dozens of artillery loaded on two-wheeled vehicles suddenly appearing in the rebel camp, he immediately complained, because those gunners were the new-style firearms army he had personally trained to turn the tide when the Liao incident was in crisis!

Sun Yuanhua was the initiator of the strategy of "defending Liao soil with Liao people". He valued the natives of Liaodong so much that Mao Wenlong's subordinates, who were beheaded by Yuan Chonghuan, took refuge in him one after another when they were desperate.After recruiting tens of thousands of elite and brave Liao soldiers, Sun Yuanhua hired Portuguese officers and artillery experts from Macau to train them in using Western-style weapons.

The Liao army was actually recruiting soldiers, and the freezing climate created a brave and rough folk style.In the Ming Dynasty, there were continuous wars in Liaodong, which made all the Liao people brave and good at fighting. After Manchuria invaded and occupied most of Liaodong, they implemented a barbaric ethnic oppression policy. Almost all Han people became slaves and serfs. Therefore, the Han people in Liaodong have a deep-seated hatred for Manchuria. !

Bravery and hatred can make the best fighters, and the fertile land in Liaodong is suitable for farming, and it can solve part of the army's supplies by itself. people" strategy.

The Liao people were recruited to fight as soldiers, and they raised troops in the land of Liao, and supported the war with war, which turned the war that originally required a general mobilization of the whole country into a war of partial mobilization. Even if there was a stalemate, the impact on the whole country would be greatly reduced.

The idea of ​​Sun Yuanhua and his teacher Xu Guangqi is to train a new army like Qi Jiguang did back then. Although the number may not be large, it is well-equipped and well-trained, and can turn the tide for the empire at critical moments.

When the teachers and students were distressed by the fact that there was no source of soldiers for this wonderful idea, Yuan Chonghuan sent them a large number of Dongjiang Liao soldiers.Under the command of Mao Wenlong, Dongjiang Liao soldiers fought hundreds of battles against Manchurians. They were a powerful force with a hundred battles. In addition, they had a bloody feud with Manchuria. It was undoubtedly the best source of soldiers to realize the ambitions of teachers and students.

Overjoyed, Sun Yuanhua and Xu Guangqi immediately took in these Liao soldiers who escaped from Dongjiang and incorporated them into the Denglai Army.The organizational system of the army was also changed from the Weisuo system to the battalion system. Each battalion has 4000 people, including 2000 combat troops and 2000 logistics personnel (also combat troops when the battle is fierce), equipped with 120 two-wheeled vehicles and 120 artillery vehicles. There are 60 grain trucks, a total of 300 vehicles.

Each battalion is also equipped with 16 Western cannons, 80 medium cannons, 100 eagle guns, and 1200 bird guns. The gunners are also equipped with hand guns, so that almost everyone has one firearm. It can be said that Sun Yuanhua has already walked in the forefront of this era. The Liao army he equipped is already the most powerful firearms army in this era in terms of equipment alone!

Xu Guangqi even proudly believed that such troops do not need to be many. If there are four or five battalions, then there is no need to worry about the safety inside the pass; .

However, after all, Sun Yuanhua and Xu Guangqi are both literati, and they know too little about being soldiers, and even less about the Dongjiang Liao army who took refuge in them.

They didn't know that many of the Liao army under Mao Wenlong were pirates and prisoners. bandit army.

Every self-confident is a scholar!

Today, Sun Yuanhua will finally pay for his stupidity!

Under the command of the rebel general Kong Youde, the firearms battalion built by him and spent a lot of money slowly marched towards the Dengzhou city wall step by step.

Dengzhou is in a hurry! [

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