Daming wolf ride

Chapter 217 Desperate uncle and nephew

Although the thieves are fierce, they are from horse households after all, and they are still helping farmers in essence. Although the skill of controlling horses is comparable to that of elite cavalry, it is too high to say that they are cavalry.

Thieves are just a group of horse thieves!

How could a group of thieves who could ride horses be the opponents of Liaozhen's elite cavalry who were killed from the pile of corpses in the blood sea!

Under the sudden attack of the wolf cavalry army, the more than 70 thieves blocked in Dongtou had almost no power to fight back, and they were rushed to pieces.

There were even thieves who had their eyes lit up before they could get on their horses, and their lives were taken away by the blunderbusses. [

Cao Bianjiao took the lead, as if entering the realm of people, when the spear arrived, people turned their backs on their backs.

But most of the wolf cavalry were armed with the standard equipment of the Liao army-three-eyed firecrackers. Taking advantage of the cheapness of the surprise attack, a round of blunderbuss knocked down those thieves who hadn't reacted yet.

When he was getting close, he didn't have time to fire the blunderbuss, so he swept the fine iron barrel straight away, and with the momentum of his horse, he smashed the opponent's chest like a heavy hammer, and vomited blood to death.

The powerful one even smashed the thieves to death by suffocating them.If it hits the head, the gourd will be opened immediately, and the brains will splatter.

The ear-shattering sound of gunfire resounded over the entire Qiushui Town with that sharp scream.

The Beijing soldiers who heard the movement regained their spirits. They knew that the reinforcements must have come, because apart from the soldiers and horses of the imperial court, which army in the world can use guns.

"Brothers, reinforcements are here, follow me!"

Excited, Pei Shaokuan pulled out his saber and pointed out the town, intending to attack those thieves with the reinforcements.But he called several times, but only a dozen soldiers and two generals surrounded him, and the rest of the soldiers just stood there without moving.

Damn it, I've lost all my face!

Pei Shaokuan stomped his feet angrily, annoyed that his soldiers were too cowardly, but he didn't dare to forcibly urge him to order, let alone raise his knife, chop off one or two of those who flinched, and then say a few heroic words to cheer people up.

What is the virtue of his soldiers, as a superior officer, can he not know?I'm afraid that if he really did that, the gang of soldiers could reverse the muzzle and blast him into a hornet's nest on the spot.It's a big deal to report to the court afterwards-Pei commanded the hero to kill the enemy and died for the country.

Li Guoheng of Qianhu is a sensible person. Seeing this scene, he hurriedly stepped forward and persuaded in a low voice: "My lord, you are not clear today, and we are not sure whether it is a friend or an enemy. According to the officials, it is better to wait for a while." , wait until the situation is clear."

Hearing this "sophisticated" suggestion, Pei Shaokuan suddenly knew that Li Guoheng was looking for a step down for himself, so he went downhill when he was busy. He nodded in agreement and said affirmatively: "What Li Qianhu said is very true, if you didn't remind me , I almost made a big mistake. It would be fine if our people came, otherwise, I would have killed my brothers."

After a short pause, he ordered Li Guoheng with a stern expression: "Take someone to have a look right away. If it is one of our people, you should immediately report to the official, and then I will lead my troops to rush out and kill all those daring thieves." Suppressed! If not, pass on the order and stick to it until dawn!"

Hearing the order, Li Guoheng bowed fiercely, and praised from the bottom of his heart: "Your Excellency is wise!"

The Beijing soldiers listened to the Commander's order, and immediately nodded one by one in agreement, and then looked out of the town nervously, no one paid attention to the embarrassment on the Commander's face at the moment.

After the sound of the blunderbuss, Peng Dachui knew that it was definitely the officers and soldiers who came. Relying on his "professional" instinct, he turned over and got on the horse without any hesitation. [

Peng Dachui, who had been raising horses for 20 years before becoming a bandit, could naturally hear from the sound of the horses' hoofs that there were not many officers and soldiers coming, perhaps not as many as his own.They just took advantage of the unexpected. If they really fight, they may not be able to beat the subordinates who have followed them for many years.

Peng Dachui, who has been wandering in Hebei for nearly two years, knows that none of the officers and soldiers in Hebei can fight, let alone any cavalry, but after the Dongjiang Liao soldiers rebelled in Wuqiao, many brightly dressed officers and soldiers came from the direction of the capital. Personal appearance, there are a lot of cavalry.

But this gang of officers and soldiers are all empty goods. I heard that thousands of people were beaten by hundreds of Liao soldiers, and they gave out all their living treasures.According to my friends from Shanglvlin in Shangxian County, the thousands of officers and soldiers are now all shrunk in Shangxian County, and they dare not fight Dongjiang soldiers at all.

Thinking of those officers and soldiers who came to attack the capital, Peng Dachui suddenly became agitated. He remembered, don't all the officers and soldiers in the town speak with the accent of the capital?Could it be that this group of eggless people, like the officers and soldiers in Shang County, are all from the capital?

If they really came from the capital, then most of the cavalry in the east also came from the capital.This group of people can beat thousands of others and hundreds of others, so there is nothing to be afraid of!

Combined with the officers and soldiers in the town, Peng Dachui was even more certain that those coming from the east must also be soldiers from Beijing.

Thinking of this, he drew his sword decisively and yelled at the subordinates who were still in a daze: "Brother thief, brothers, it's the official dog in Beijing, a bunch of grandsons who can't beat the rebels, but they want to come here!" Bullied us, mother, fucked with them!"

"Did it with the official dog!"

A group of thieves and robbers have robbed houses for many years, which ones have not had human blood on their hands, and which ones have no banditry on their bodies. When they heard that the big boss wanted to do it with the official dog, and that official dog was still a Beijing soldier who could not even defeat the rebels, they were all busy. The horse galloped over.

"Second brother, you and Sihai will lead some people to search the woods in the south, and I will lead people to search the forest in the north. The official dog doesn't come much, so don't be afraid of him!"

After giving the order, Peng Dachui shook the rein of the horse and wanted to take the people to the north. Qi Laoer and Peng Sihai didn't hesitate at all, and after hearing the order, they wanted to take the people to the woods.

As soon as the two of them got on their horses and wanted to run forward, several horses emerged from the woods, and by the moonlight they could clearly see who it was if it wasn't Du San who stayed in Dongtou!

Eager to escape, Du Sanyi, whose face was bloodied by the branches, howled when he saw the boss and the others: "The boss, the officers and soldiers are here, the officers and soldiers are here!"

"Where are the brothers?!"

Seeing only Du San and the others, Peng Dachui's heart sank suddenly. He knew it was wrong. It seemed that the brothers in the east had all been murdered by officials.

Du San beat the horse here desperately, crying: "It's gone, it's gone, the officers and soldiers came too fast, the guns were too hard, the brothers couldn't hold on, so tell them to cover them all! Little one!" This is still running fast, otherwise I would not see the master!"

After hearing Du San's confirmation, Peng Dachui was so angry that he whipped his whip on the mount, and cursed: "Damn it, thief official dog, you killed so many of my brothers, I will fight with you!"

Those who stayed in the east were all his subordinates who had been with him for many years, and many of them were old neighbors in the village. They killed officials and rebelled with him in the past, but now they are all killed by officers and soldiers at once. How can Peng Dachui not be angry.

Another lash of the horsewhip was about to fight the officers and soldiers desperately.

The second child of Qi was a little hesitant. If the brothers in the east were still holding on, they would rush over now, just to catch the officers and soldiers by surprise. The NO.90 people here are afraid that they won't be able to get a bargain.

Besides, there are hundreds of officers and soldiers in the town. Although they are timid, knowing that reinforcements are coming, it is impossible to stay in the town and not come out.If this is joined with the officers and soldiers who came, there is no way to deal with it.At that time, I'm afraid it will be a question of whether he can get out of his body. [

Thinking of this, he instinctively wanted to stop the leader from taking risks, but before he could stop him, Peng Dachui had already galloped his horse towards the wheat fields in the north.

Qi's second child was startled, and blurted out: "The master, you can't go!"

Before the words were finished, Peng Dachui's horse suddenly jumped up with both hooves, and the horse and man stopped straight in the air.

Although he reined in his horse suddenly, Peng Dachui, who is a superb rider, still sat upright on the horse without shaking his body.

"Good horsemanship!"

Seeing the superb equestrian skills of the thieves from a distance, Shi Dayong couldn't help giving a secret compliment, and immediately led his troops to rush over.

The terrain of Qiushui Town is flat, the main road into the village passes east and west, but to the south is a forest, which is not dense, and the side near the town has only tree roots, no trunks, obviously felled by the villagers.

To the north is a wheat field. Due to the unfavorable weather in the past few years, the wheat is sparsely planted, and most of it is withered and yellow. It is not known whether there will be a harvest in the coming year.

Thanks to Xiao Cao's careful questioning, Shi Dayong knew the terrain of the town, and also thought that since the thieves were able to block the Beijing camp in the town, they obviously blocked the roads on both sides.The forest in the south is not dense, and it is difficult for people to escape, while the north is a wheat field. As long as the head is not stupid, no fool will choose to run there.

After a brief discussion, Shi Dayong made a plan for Cao Bianjiao to lead a raid on the thieves in Dongtou, while he himself led people from the wheat fields in the north to the west, and when the thieves in the west were confused about the situation, he eliminated them in one fell swoop.

Shi Dayong is not Cao Cao, at this moment he just wants to deal with the thieves as soon as possible, and robs their soldiers and horses to break the siege of Dengzhou.After the big deal, save some money and make up for the losses of those people.

Under the moonlight, nearly a hundred black figures came towards them, and Peng Dachui, who was about to go to the wheat field, was shocked and strangled his mounts.

The officers and soldiers came fiercely, and the wheat field was empty. Although there were fields, canals and ravines, they could not stop the officers and soldiers from galloping.

Seeing that the officers and soldiers were about to run, Peng Dachui subconsciously turned his horse's head and galloped back.Shouting while running: "Run, run!"

A group of thieves knew they had to run without being reminded by the leader. The officers and soldiers were obviously coming at them, and the opponent was running at high speed. If they went up to meet them, they would be scattered in one round.At that time, they can only be slaughtered by these officers and soldiers.

As soon as the horse's head turned around, officers and soldiers also appeared in the woods to the south. Dozens of war horses rushed out of the woods, just like Du Laosan and the others, all of them were bloodied by the sharp branches.But this group of officers and soldiers didn't realize it, they only knew how to beat their horses to kill them.

Officers and soldiers rushed from the north and south at the same time, and the thieves panicked.Although the road below runs through the two prefectures and several counties, except for a section close to the prefectural city, which is wide enough to run four carriages side by side, the rest of the road is mostly built according to the situation, some are wide, some are narrow, and the widest part is , It can be several feet long, but this narrowest place can only accommodate two carriages in parallel, and in some places, only one carriage can pass through.

This section of Qiushui Town is better than the narrowest part, but it's not much better. It can only accommodate two carriages in parallel. Ben.

The people in front hadn't got on their horses yet, and the people behind couldn't get over it if they wanted to.

The pursuers had already killed them in an instant, and the thieves were in a state of panic all day long. Even Peng Dachui, who was always brave, couldn't help breaking into a cold sweat.

There are only two roads left for the thieves, either wait for death on this road, or run away to both sides.

To the south, there are forests, and further south, there are low hills, and as the mountains increase, the forests become denser and denser, and it is impossible to ride a horse.In this dark night, without knowing the way ahead, and with pursuers behind, running into the woods can only lead to a dead end.

To the north is the wheat field, where you can run wildly, but at the end of the wheat field is the Qingshui River several feet deep.Don't talk about people, even horses can't get through it!

The north and the south are all dead ends, and there is only one road under your feet.

The thieves all chose to run to the west with one exception. This road was their only way of survival, at least, so it seemed to them.

The officers and soldiers shouted to kill in the background, but the people in front were still blocked, Peng Dachui was sweating in anxiety, and Qi Lao Er was even going to kill the people in front with a knife, so as to seize their horses and run away.

Peng Sihai was eager to protect his uncle. When he saw the officers and soldiers catching up, he broke his heart and yelled, "Uncle, run quickly, my nephew will lead someone to block the official dog!" They shouted: "If you can't run anyway, it's better to fight with the official dog!"

Hearing this, more than a dozen ferocious thieves stopped immediately, all of them turned around with red eyes and wanted to fight the official dog with Peng Sihai.

The rabbit bites people in a hurry, and the thieves and officials want to kill them all, so I will fight with you to the death!Even if I die, I will hold you back!

Hearing his nephew's voice, Peng Dahammer reined in his mount abruptly, he stopped running, he couldn't let the Peng family lose their heir!If you want to die, you have to die yourself, and if you keep your nephew, you have to pass incense to the Peng family!

Peng Dachui had no son, and Peng Sihai was the only nephew. If Peng Sihai was murdered by officers and soldiers, his Peng family would be destroyed, and he, Peng Dachui, would have no face to see his dead parents and elder brother.

"Sihai, uncle stay here, you go!"

Peng Dachui, eager to protect his nephew, beat his horse and rushed forward, holding the knife high in his hand, staring fiercely at a masked officer and general opposite him.

"Uncle, nephew will die with you!"

Seeing that his uncle didn't run away, but the anti-North Korean army was killing him, Peng Sihai became anxious, clamped his legs, swung his sword and rode his horse to follow.

"Brothers, fight with the bandit official dog!"

The dozen fierce thieves also rode their horses and rushed towards the officers and soldiers.

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