Updated: 2012-09-27

"My lord, I can't hold on anymore, the Yongzi camp has collapsed!"

Guo Yi said this to Shi Dayong in tears, but at this time Shi Dayong had fallen into deep self-blame and loss.

If it wasn't for the Yongzi Battalion to abandon their guns, how could the Tartar cavalry shoot arrows so recklessly!

No matter how useless the bird gun is, it can also interfere with the cavalry of the tartars. How can they let them draw their bows and arrows like humans. [

The wounded soldier who fell to the ground with the arrow and the young man who howled ghostly, almost crushed Shi Dayong's courage and will.

Where did the arrogance just now go?

Where is the Shi Dayong who treats everything as if he doesn't see it, and who treats the enemy like a mole cricket?

How could the battle be fought like this!

I have prepared everything, long wood, cotton armor, playing cards, and even crazy blood, but why did this battle still end like this!

Damn, how could this be!

"My lord, let's withdraw too! Wu Ziying is about to be overwhelmed!"

Guo Yi, who was eager to protect his lord, saw more and more Manchu soldiers rushing into the Wuzi camp head-on. Their offensive, regardless of casualties, had begun to reverse the advantage Changmu brought to the Songshan Army.With the collapse of the Yongziying and the baggage folks, everyone knows that this battle has been lost, and the rest is just a matter of time.

Where there is life, there is hope.

As the captain of the personal army, Guo Yi consciously took up the mission. He wanted to protect Shi Dayong from here, and never let the tragedy of his elder brother Shi Dazhi happen to his younger brother Shi Dayong again.

"Come on, come on, protect your lord, protect your lord!"

Guo Yi brandished his knife and yelled, and as he yelled, the remaining eight soldiers hurriedly rushed to this side among the panicked crowd.While waving his knife to block the arrows falling from the sky, he watched vigilantly the Tartars with red flags who were fighting with Wu Ziying.

More than a dozen remnants of the Yongzi Battalion, seeing that there are many people here and they will be safe, also came from the surrounding area.

The left-wing Tartar cavalry may feel that the overall situation has been settled, and it is not worth wasting energy for these remnants of them, so they turned to the rear of the formation.This time, the pressure on the left wing lightened.Guo Er, the general manager of Team B of Wuziying, saw that Ma Zhong of Team A was about to be overwhelmed, so he hurriedly ordered Team B to move closer to Team A.

The Mongolian soldiers inlaid with red flags forcibly used their lives to continuously attack Team A's defense line, forcing Team A to shrink several feet, and Team B's timely joining gave Team A a chance to breathe.

There were no less than a hundred corpses in front of the formation, which to a certain extent delayed the frontal attack of the slave cavalry. Although the addition of team B gave team A a chance to breathe, the hearts of battalion commander Huang An and Bazong Mazhong became more and more heavy. .

At this moment, they have already noticed the chaos behind them, and in a panic, they don't know where the guard is.

They also don't have the energy to take care of the future. At this time, they can only ask for blessings, and no one can control anyone else. [

Now, their greatest hope is that Zu Dashou in Dalinghe City can send troops to rescue them, but with the passage of time, this hope has become very slim.


"You protect the adults, you follow me to find the horse, hurry, hurry!"

Although Guo Yi was young, he was calm, and he was not overwhelmed by the panic. As far as he could see, a carriage was overturned on the ground, and he was going to bring the horse to Bao Shi Dayong to leave.

"I don't want your protection!"

Shi Dayong suddenly woke up, it doesn't matter what the battle is like, what matters is whether he wants to be a deserter or die vigorously.

Brother Shi Dazhi was able to die in a bloody battle, why couldn't he be himself!

The so-called killing one is enough money, killing one pair earns one.

The biggest characteristic of a gambler is that he dares to put all his eggs in one basket, dare to give it a go, and dare to die!

Shi Dayong rose up, stopped Guo Yi, and ordered him loudly: "Take your people and follow me to kill the Tartars!"

Guo Yi didn't hesitate, and blurted out: "Yes, my lord!" He turned around and ran towards the Wuzi camp. Seeing this, the soldiers did not back down, and rushed towards the building that was still desperately resisting Jian with Shi Dayong in their arms. The Wuzi Yingjia team attacked by slaves with red flags.

The garrison is the backbone, and the dozen or so remnants of the Yongzi Battalion followed closely without hesitation.

More than 20 people rushed all the way, and immediately attracted the remnants of the Yongzi Battalion who had fled in all directions, young and strong, and avoided arrows.When Shi Dayong braved the danger of Tartar arrows and rushed to Team A, there were sixty or seventy soldiers following him.

"My lord, my lord is over there!"

Shao Wuhe, the general manager of the Yongzi Battalion, also gathered dozens of people, Wang Zhengqi, Zhao Kegang, and Lu Jiang. They were originally planning to break out of the siege, but when they saw that Shi Dayong was not dead and was rushing towards the Wuzi Camp, they were too busy. Gather over.

With the addition of nearly a hundred new troops, the front line of defense suddenly became much stronger.

Seeing that the tribe was about to break through the defense line of the Ming army, Gulbush was repelled by the Ming army who suddenly increased.

Half of the long tree of Team A has been broken, and less than 300 people have been reduced from 200 people. The Yongzi Battalion was shot badly by the Tartar bows and arrows. There are only more than 100 soldiers who can fight. However, there are still hundreds of Tartar cavalry.

The supply battalion and the civilian husbands all ran away, and Shi Dayong's only hope was Jiang Wanli's cavalry battalion.

Don't wait any longer, now is the best time for the cavalry battalion to dispatch.Shi Dayong really needed the cavalry battalion's attack to relieve the pressure on the Wuzi battalion.

But in the chaos just now, the soldiers responsible for waving the flag had already been killed, and there were corpses and wounded soldiers everywhere. It was impossible to find the command flag and order the cavalry battalion to attack.

The cavalry battalion was placed at the back, more than a mile away, there were shouts of killing everywhere, without the order flag, the cavalry battalion could not see the attack order at all. [

In desperation, Shi Dayong dragged Guo Yi past him and ordered him to send an order to the cavalry battalion through the Tartar arrows.At this time, they suddenly heard shouts of "offensive attack" and "killing slaves killing slaves" erupting from behind the formation, and immediately heard the sound of hooves.Looking up, in the distance, the "Songshan" banner is waving in the wind, and under the banner are three hundred roaring cavalry.It was Jiang Wanli who rushed to the front!

"Brothers, the cavalry brothers are here to save us, the cavalry brothers are here to save us, hold on, hold on, victory will definitely belong to us!"

Shi Dayong hurriedly cheered up his subordinates. After the ear-splitting blunderbuss sounded, the soldiers of the Wuyong Second Battalion all had happy expressions on their faces, and their strength became stronger. Another war horse.

Shi Dayong wished he could keep staring at the cavalry battalion, but the Jiannu with the red flag on the opposite side rushed up again. At the critical moment, he couldn't distract himself, and led his soldiers to shuttle in front of the formation first. Chop, cut off the horse's legs when you see the horse rushing in.

He vaguely heard Jiannu blowing the trumpet. After the sound of the trumpet, the Tartars with the Yellow Banner on the right wing suddenly stopped shooting arrows.

Without thinking too much, Shi Dayong knew that it was time for a decisive battle. He cut off a horse's leg with one knife, and let Jiannu immediately fall in front of him. Army, fight to the end for Daming, for the emperor, and for our wives and children!"

"Fight to the end for Daming, for the emperor, and for our wives and children!"

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