Daming wolf ride

Chapter 221 Eunuch Gao's Kindness

After dawn, the officers went to bed to wake up the sleeping soldiers.When the soldiers lifted the curtains while rubbing their eyes that were still a bit confused, there was already a world of ice and snow outside.

The hills in the distance, the nearby fields, and woods are all covered with snow, and the vast expanse of whiteness makes people feel indescribably comfortable.

The wind and snow did not stop completely, and the snowflakes were still falling, but they were much smaller than in the night.The wind also gradually stopped.

The snow is as thick as the calf, and when people step on it, a snow cave is formed with one foot.

It is true that it is warm after frost and cold after snow. [

The temperature outside was much colder than last night, a bone-piercing cold.

Unfazed by the cold, the soldiers rushed out of their tents excitedly, taking advantage of the short time before breakfast to roll snowballs like they did when they were children.

The calm military camp suddenly boiled, full of vitality, having fun, feeding the horses, and tidying up the tents. It looked chaotic, but everything was proceeding in an orderly manner.

Peng Dachui and other thieves were arranged in two tents, and no one was guarding them. After hearing the sound outside, they got up quickly.But I didn't know what to do, so I had to stand there and watch the Liao army fighting there.

Shi Dayong did not restrain the fighting soldiers, just like his subordinates, he also hides a childlike innocence deep in his heart.If it weren't for being the main general, I'm afraid he would have joined the snowballing team.

In the distance, a team of sentry cavalry is on routine guard.

Suddenly, an unpleasant stench followed the wind direction into the noses of the soldiers who were playing in the snow.The smell was indescribably disgusting, with a fishy smell, and it seemed to be the smell of rotting corpses.

Smelling such a stench early in the morning, the soldiers were immediately disappointed. They frowned and looked in the direction where the stench came from.

Not far from the upper air outlet, there are four large pots that are steaming outside, and they are gurgling, and they don't know what they are cooking.Obviously, the stench that the soldiers smelled came from these four pots.

"What is cooking in the kitchen, it smells so bad?"

"You won't tell us to eat this stinky thing, will you?"

"Out of food?"


The soldiers who didn't know what was going on asked each other, and some even wondered if the army had run out of food.

"Don't guess, the pot is cooking horse meat."

The wolf cavalry knew about the horse meat, and seeing those Changping soldiers guessing wildly, they told the story of bringing horse meat to the camp last night.But they, like those Changping soldiers, never thought that horse meat had such a bad smell.

"Why does horse meat taste like this? Is this edible?"

Someone from the Changping soldiers asked, but the wolf cavalry had never eaten horse meat, they just heard from the elders that horse meat had a strange smell, but no one knew what the reason was.After all, they were cavalry, and in this world, cavalry would not kill their horses unless they were in a desperate situation.Naturally, they also began to explore how the strange smell of horse meat was. [

The more no one answered, the more curious the soldiers became. Gradually, the curiosity about horse meat replaced the stench in their noses. All the soldiers, including the wolf cavalry, rushed to the four cauldrons, thinking I know what kind of horse meat is boiled in this pot.

However, the smell of horse meat was really unpleasant, and many Changping soldiers couldn't stand the smell after smelling it for a while, and hid far away.

The team leader, Chen Laoshi, was born in a military household in Ningyuan. Because of his age, he couldn't go to the battlefield, but as a military household, he had to obey orders in the army.Originally, he was just fooling around, and fought several battles with the Liao army, but he never returned in a big defeat.

When Shi Dayong first came to Songshan as a garrison, he counted the soldiers in the army, selected young and strong ones to reorganize into battalions, and eliminated a group of too old ones. Chen Laoshi and other seven or eight old military households around 50 years old, Shi Dayong sent him to the kitchen.

Afterwards, the kitchen was incorporated into Li Dashan's supply camp. In the battle outside Dalinghe, the supply camp was almost wiped out. Afterwards, the battle of Xiaolinghe and the defense of Jinzhou occurred successively. The supply camp never had a chance to be reorganized.

Then, Shi Dayong led his troops to Beijing to offer prisoners, and he didn't even care about reorganizing the supply camp, so he brought Chen Laoshi and other old military households in the palace to cook water and cook for the soldiers who went south.I originally thought that after returning to Jinzhou, I would set up a heavy supply camp and send these old military households home. I didn't expect the emperor to order the Jinzhou army to go south to Shandong to calm the chaos.As a result, Shi Dayong's plan was completely disrupted, and even Chen Laoshi and other veteran military households could only follow him all the way south.

Although they couldn't go home, Chen Laoshi and other military households didn't complain. Anyway, they were sent home by General Shi. They were still military households in the guard, and they would still work as coolies for other officers. They might as well be here in Songshan In the army, at least, if you have enough to eat and get enough, even though you don't have much money, you can always add some oil and salt to your family.

Since going south, Chen Laoshi always wanted to cook some meat for the general and his brothers whenever he set up camp, but the food and grass provided by the local area rarely saw meat, let alone any live animals.

It's not that the localities don't want to provide food. It's just that the local conditions have been bad in the past few years. The crops planted in the fields have not yielded much, and people can't get enough to eat. How can there be any surplus food to raise some livestock.Farm cattle and the like are the property of rich families, and the government strictly prohibits slaughtering them. Therefore, wanting to eat beef is basically a dream.

Therefore, being able to cook meat for the brothers is the biggest wish of several old military households in Chen Laoshi.

This time, my wish finally came true. Although it was horse meat and the taste was unpleasant, it was still meat.

Therefore, seeing that the soldiers hated the smell of horse meat, Chen Laoshi directed the old military households to turn over the meat in the pot with a big shovel, and said to the soldiers with a smile: "Brothers, don't dislike the smell of horse meat." It smells bad, but it tastes delicious, I guarantee you will want another meal after eating it!"

"Chen Laoshi, you are so blind. This horse meat smells bad, who would like to eat it?" Song Qing, the general manager, was speaking, covering his nose with his hands.

Seeing that it was President Song, Chen Laoshi hurriedly laughed and said: "Master Song, you don't know about this. You know that stinky tofu tastes the same as horse meat. It smells stinky and tastes delicious! Come on, come on, this The meat is all cooked, if Mr. Song doesn't believe it, come and taste a piece, and you'll know after eating." After speaking, he picked up a piece of horse meat with a shovel and brought it to Song Qing.

The horse meat was square and square, it looked cooked, and smelled it, it didn't seem so bad.

Song Qing dubiously picked up the piece of horse meat, because it was a little hot just after it was taken out of the pot, so he changed hands.

"Chen Laoshi, is this horse meat as delicious as you said? If it's not delicious, I'll settle the score with you." Song Qing still had some doubts about the taste of horse meat.

Chen Laoshi slapped his chest like a guarantee, and said with a smile: "Master Song, just put your mind at ease, eat, eat."

Seeing that Chen Laoshi was so sure, Song Qing couldn't help being moved, and all the soldiers around him urged him to have a taste, so he lifted the piece of horse meat to his mouth, and said with a smile: "Well, I will replace it for brother Let's try it."

After speaking, he opened his mouth and wanted to put the piece of horse meat into his mouth, but just as the meat reached his mouth, someone slammed his arm, and the meat fell to the ground.

"Who is it!"

Annoyed, Song Qing turned around to see who was so bold, but when he turned around, he found that they were a few men whom he had never met, dressed in ordinary clothes, not from the army. [

"Who are you? Where did you come from? What are you doing to kill my flesh? I'm looking for a beating!"

Song Qing was furious. He didn't know about the general recruiting thieves and robbers in Qiushui Town, so he was naturally angry when he saw a few commoners who dared to do something to him.

The man in the lead was pale, and it was naturally Peng Dachui. He didn't answer Song Qing's question, but shook his head and said, "Master Jun, you can't eat this meat."

"Eh? Can't this meat be eaten?" Song Qing and the Jinzhou soldiers were startled.

Chen Laoshi was in a hurry, pointed at Peng Dahammer with a shovel, and cursed: "Where are you from, dare to say that I can't eat horse meat! Have you ever eaten horse meat? If you haven't, you will be in a mess." Talking, what a joke, I haven't heard that horse meat can't be eaten. Hey!"

"I'm not saying that this horse meat can't be eaten, but" Peng Dachui didn't know how to explain it to Liao Jun, so he simply bent down and squatted down to pick up the piece of horse meat that fell on the ground, then took it in his hand and tore it hard, and then turned towards the Song Qing and the soldiers said: "Look, this meat is not fully cooked, and there are blood stains in it. If you eat it now, you will be poisoned!"

Everyone looked at the torn horse meat, and sure enough, there were still streaks of blood in the middle that were not cooked through.

Chen Laoshi cooked this horse meat for the first time, as if it was cooked with beef and mutton. Seeing that the outside was almost cooked, he thought the inside was also cooked, so he dared to fish a piece for Song Qing to taste.Seeing that the meat was not yet fully cooked, I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.But he can't blame him, because horse meat is old and hard to cook.

But being uncooked doesn't mean you can't eat it, but if there are some bloodshots left, there is something you can't eat. If you say this meat is poisonous, Song Laoshi won't believe it even if he is beaten to death.This horse is not the same as cattle and sheep, they both eat grass, how can it be poisonous!Even the mule, a hybrid of a horse and a donkey, is not poisonous!

Seeing Song Qing and a group of soldiers looking at him with doubts in their eyes, Song Laoshi was in a hurry and pointed at Peng Dahammer and shouted: "If you say it's poisonous, it's poisonous!"

Peng Dachui opened his mouth and was about to say something when he heard Shi Dayong's voice in his ear. "Old Song, he is right. This horse meat is poisonous. However, if it is boiled thoroughly, it will not be poisonous. If it is not cooked thoroughly, the poison will not come out and cannot be eaten."

Shi Dayong walked through the soldiers with a smile, came to the pot, then glanced at Peng Dahui, nodded and said: "If you hadn't reminded me, I would have almost made a big mistake and harmed my brothers. I will write down this situation." gone."

Peng Dachui didn't speak, but turned his head and led a few of his men out of the crowd.

"General, what do these people do?" Song Qing still hasn't figured out the identities of these men.

Shi Dayong told them their identities, and asked Song Qing and the others not to make things difficult for these horse thieves, and then told Chen Laoshi not to rush the horse meat out of the pot, and then cook it on high fire for half an hour.

Chen Laoshi naturally didn't dare not to do what the general said, and hurriedly yelled at several old military households to add more firewood.

Half an hour later, the meat in the pot was completely rotten. When I poked it lightly with a shovel, the meat melted into the thick soup.

The stench of the horse meat was no longer there, replaced by a strong fragrance.

Marching and fighting, the food is not so particular, and there are almost no condiments, except for salt and garlic.

In order to let his subordinates eat horse meat with peace of mind, Shi Dayong took the lead in fishing for a bowl of horse meat, and ate it with garlic.

Seeing the general taking the lead, the soldiers naturally no longer doubted it. At that moment, hundreds of people ate meat and drank soup, enjoying themselves.

Shi Dayong did not forget to ask Chen Laoshi to fill a bucket of horse meat for Peng Dachui and the others, and Peng Dachui and the others were not polite.

Its implementer Dayong didn't know that the horse meat was uncooked and could not be eaten, but Cao Bianjiao suddenly thought of it and hurriedly told him.

Because I stayed up for half an hour longer, the departure time was Chenshi late.

At this time, the wind has completely stopped, and the snow has basically stopped, with only a few sporadic small snowflakes falling down.

Just as he was about to order the whole army to set off on the road, the sentry cavalry rushed over with two soldiers from the Beijing camp.

Seeing Shi Dayong in the uniform of the general, the two Beijing soldiers saluted immediately, and then took out a letter and handed it to Shi Dayong respectfully, saying: "We are from the Shenji Battalion. Send a letter."

Letter from Gao Qiqian?

Shi Dayong frowned slightly, opened the heat seal on the letter, and took out the letter to read.After seeing it, his face changed a bit.

Jiang Wanli saw him, and asked nervously, "General, what did Gao Qiqian say in the letter? Are you going to investigate the matter of us beating his horse guard?"

"No." Shi Dayong shook his head, grinning: "Eunuch Gao's letter is out of kindness."

"Good intentions?" Jiang Wanli was taken aback: What good intentions do you have for high potential?

Shao Wu, Cao Bianjiao, and Li Dashan also rushed over after hearing the news, and they were also surprised to hear that Shi Dayong said that Gao Qiqian had good intentions.

Shi Dayong handed the letter to Jiang Wanli, Shen Se said: "Gao Qi said in the letter that our road to Dengzhou in the east has been blocked by the rebel Chen Shishi, and Chen Shishi has five thousand rebels under his command. Qian asked me not to attack rashly, otherwise there would be a risk of defeat."

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