Daming wolf ride

Chapter 231 Crossing the River!cross the river!cross the river!

The tragedy in the middle of the river shocked the captives who remained on the west bank, and they looked at what happened before them in horror and disbelief.

This massacre on the ice was bloodier and more terrifying than any massacre they had ever experienced

As the last cries for help dissipated in the dark night sky, the captives still haven't woken up from this nightmare

They stared blankly at the river, the muscles on their faces seemed to be frozen, without any change

Quiet, suffocating stillness, without a single sound [

This is a kind of fear from the bottom of my heart, a kind of terror that freezes blood instantly like ice

"Ah uh uh"

Qi Sanbao opened his mouth wide enough to stuff a flagon, the hand holding the knife trembled uncontrollably, looking at Jiang Wanli standing in front of him in horror

He took a step back with his right foot. He was terrified by the tragedy. As long as the officers and soldiers in front turned around, he believed that he would draw his knife and slash at the opponent in an instant.

The ice will not collapse for any reason, absolutely not. In the morning, the general led thousands of people through it. How come at night, he couldn't help but leave?The latest novel "Pig Island Novel"

It must have been done by officers and soldiers, it must have been done by them, they want to kill us all, kill us all!

Qi Sanbao didn't want to die, he didn't want to be like those people and become the victim of the officers and soldiers. He even began to regret that he shouldn't have listened to Zhao Xueqi's words.

The rebels who accompanied him "anyway" also raised their hearts to their throats and stared at Qi Sanbao intently. They were ready to fight the officers and soldiers desperately

There is nothing more frightening and unsettling than being about to be killed

However, the officers and soldiers in front did not do anything to frighten them. They kept staring at the river, and did not show their ferocious faces or wave butcher knives at all.

No one even turned around to say a word to them, they just stared at the river so fixedly

Seeing a thousand lives being swallowed by the river of love, no matter how accustomed these Jinzhou soldiers are to seeing life and death, they can't help but be deeply shocked

They are not butchers, let alone executioners, they are just soldiers, soldiers fighting for their country

They didn't know why the general killed these captives who had put down their weapons. When they heard the order to kill the prisoners, the soldiers were also surprised and confused. It's like traveling thousands of miles to Liaodong to serve the pride of this hometown

There must be a reason for the general to do this. The soldiers comforted themselves in this way. They instinctively think of the good side of things instead of the bad side.

But no matter how they think about it, what happened in front of them still makes them feel a little heartbroken. After all, those who died were not those barbaric Jian slaves, but the people of Daming like themselves

Perhaps, not long ago, these people were still planting crops in the fields like myself, holding their wives and children at home and talking ridiculous things. Now, they have become frozen corpses

"Cross the river"

Shi Dayong sighed, and waved to Guo Yi, and the latter hurriedly rode his horse to send orders to the battalions [

"Get up, get up, cross the river, cross the river!"

The familiar voice sounded again, but this time, no one got up. The captives seemed to have reached an agreement that they would not get up even if they died.

The Liusha River not far away has become a deadly monster in their eyes, and the officers and soldiers in front of them are the incarnations of monsters

After calling dozens of times, the prisoners still did not move.

Seeing this, Shi Dayong knew that the captives no longer trusted him, and they feared the same fate

With a wry smile, if I were myself, I’m afraid I wouldn’t get up either, and I might even put all my eggs in one basket and fight with the officers and soldiers. Anyway, it’s a death on both sides, and being hacked to death by someone is more enjoyable than drowning in the water

What kind of situation would it be if at this time, suddenly there was a traveler like himself possessed among these captives?

Standing up, the bastard is lifted up, shouting, and the crowd responds, defeating himself, and then writing a new page?

Thinking too much, thinking too much, Shi Dayong smiled self-deprecatingly, if it was possible, he would really avoid such a scene, because he felt that he seemed to be getting more and more violent, and seemed to have fallen into paranoia, who would I know what my final self will be like

Let’s talk about the future. For now, let’s send these poor people to the other side of the river. Everyone is born to their parents. No one can take the life of others casually.

Shi Dayong rode his horse to the small slope where the flag-waving soldiers were, raised his voice and shouted to the captives: "You should be glad that you are alive! Those who died died for you, because their death was in exchange for Got your life!"

"You will be the same as them if you don't use it. It can be guaranteed that everything is over, you can cross the river safely, and no one will harm you!"

The captives were not moved by Shi Dayong's words, they stared blankly at the masked officer commander, and cursed viciously from their hearts

Shi Dayongnai, knowing that the wariness of the captives cannot be dispelled by a few words, it seems that they have to prove that they can live

"Drive them across the river, and kill those who don't want to cross the river on the spot!"

After coldly dropping a word, Shi Dayong turned his horse and ran towards the river

"Go, go! If you want to live, go! If you don't want to live, don't move!"

The Changping soldiers began to threaten, and the movements in their hands also began to increase

Under the threat, some dubious captives began to stand up, but there were not many of them, only a few hundred, and most of them still sat there and refused to get up

The prisoners who stood up found that most of their companions were not moving, and they didn't know whether to cross the river according to the orders of the officers and soldiers, or to sit here without moving like their companions

The guards Li Dashan and Shao Wu are getting impatient. If the captives drag on like this, when will it be so cold? Who the hell will be out in the cold?

Shi Dayong's order to kill people became the gold medal for Li and Shao. After a brief exchange of opinions, they ordered two hundred Changping soldiers to point at the captives with firecrackers, and asked wolf cavalry to assist [

Don't eat soft ones, only hard ones

Li Dashan shouted viciously at the prisoners: "If you don't leave, you will fire!"

But the intimidation didn't work. The prisoners seemed to be determined, and no one would move.

"Damn it! Court death!"

Li Dashan came up in a bandit manner, spat, and waved his hand at the gunners

Suddenly, there was a "bang bang" sound of firecrackers, and after the black smoke cleared, more than 100 prisoners fell in a pool of blood struggling and rolling

Wails and terrified cries rose and fell with each other, and the captives who hadn't been hit by the gun kept moving back like frightened rabbits.

"Those who don't pass the river will be killed!"

The wolf cavalry pressed up ferociously, and the uniform hoofbeats made the prisoners unable to breathe.

The slower the horse speed of the wolf cavalry is controlled, the more terrified the captives will be

Cao Bianjiao raised his long saber and looked straight ahead

"Cross the river, cross the river, you fucking cross the river!"

General Manager Li Gu couldn't bear the so-called casualties of these young men who were coerced by the rebels. Seeing that the wolf cavalry was about to strike, he rushed to the captives, grabbed a young man of eighteen or nineteen, and then pulled him Walking on the ice without looking back

"If you want to live, follow me, hurry up!"

Li Gu's actions made the wolf cavalry stop, and also attracted the attention of the prisoners.

Under the gaze of everyone, Li Gu dragged the young man forward quickly on the ice. The young man was already pale with shock, but he didn't dare to struggle and resist, letting the other party drag him forward involuntarily. moving

No conspiracy, the carnage is over

All the captives saw that the officers and soldiers dragged the general manager across the river by himself

Are the officers and soldiers really not going to kill us?

The captive group began to riot, and some people began to believe that the officers and soldiers would not slaughter them again

Seeing that the captives started to move, Shao Wu hurriedly shouted: "If you want to live, cross the river!"

The Changping soldiers rushed up again, threatening again and again, finally, dozens of captives walked out slowly from the crowd, glanced at each other, and walked towards the river

They walked a few steps, stopped a few steps, looked back at the people on the shore from time to time

The time of walking on the ice is like a day and a year. The time passes by every minute and every second, and the ice layer does not change.

The captives believed that the officers and soldiers would not kill them again until they reached the opposite bank safely

"Crossing the river, crossing the river!"

This time, it was the captives themselves who were shouting, and in their eyes, the dozens of companions who crossed the river safely became a guarantee of life

Soon, more than 2000 captives rushed onto the ice like a tide. They were nervous and scared, but soon they became excited because they found that there were no traps on the ice.

After half a stick of incense, all the captives finally crossed the river. Under the surveillance of Jiang Wanli and Qi Sanbao's troops on the opposite bank, they entered the barracks where they used to live in the town in batches.

Shi Dayong was the last to cross the river, walking slowly on the ice with Guo Yi and more than a dozen soldiers

The ice is too slippery, you can't run a horse, you can only walk forward slowly, otherwise, you will definitely stumble and fall

The ice surface here is more than a mile away from those collapsing ice surfaces, and there is always the danger of collapsing

Guo Yi was about to ask the general what to eat in the town, but the general suddenly reined in his mount, and then stared at the ice under his feet without moving.

Guo Yi was surprised, holding a torch and walked over to see what the general was looking at, but he almost cried out

Under the reflection of the fire, under the ice layer, one after another corpses are tightly attached to the ice surface, so densely packed that you can't see their heads

Shi Dayong looked at the lives killed by him in words, he dismounted silently, squatted down and looked down steadily

In sight, a corpse floating on its back close to the ice under its feet suddenly moved, and then turned over

When the corpse was turned over, Shi Dayong let out a voiceless "Ah", and the whole person stepped back, sitting on the ice with his buttocks, and his breathing became more rapid in an instant

He saw that the eyes of the corpse suddenly opened, looking at him more viciously

"General, what's the matter?" Guo Yi and a group of soldiers rushed over together, Guo Yi helped Shi Dayong up, looked under the ice in bewilderment, but couldn't see anything

Shi Dayong let go of Guo Yi, collected himself, and looked under the ice again, but this time he couldn't see anything. Under the ice, there was only a blurry shadow, and nothing else could be seen. arrive

Seeing that the general's expression was not right, Guo Yi asked anxiously, "General, what happened?"

Shi Dayong didn't speak, after a while, Fang shook his head, and said to the soldiers: "It's all right, let's get on the horse and cross the river."

All the soldiers were surprised. They didn't know what happened to make the general lose his temper. Guo Yi was also suspicious, but he didn't dare to ask any more questions. He took Shi Dayong's horse, helped him mount, and then led his subordinates to follow. across the river

Under the feet, one corpse after another is slowly drifting downstream in an unknown direction with the current

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