Daming wolf ride

Chapter 28 Transporting Corpse

Updated: 2012-10-03

Man tears, not light flow.

Sadness is inevitable.

The soul returns, the soul returns, and the blissful land also returns.

All heroic arrogance is gone, only a cavity of tender blood remains in the chest. [

Whether it is killing slaves to serve the country, or saving compatriots in dire straits, it is not as clear and intense as this corpse in front of me.

There was a hint of blood in the cold corpse; the dilated pupils could still be seen mourning and struggling.

The line between life and death is close at hand, but Yin and Yang are separated.

It's hard to see your loved ones again. What tragedy in the world can be worse and more heartbreaking than this.

Zeguo Jiangshan enters the battle map, how can the living people plan to enjoy Qiaosu?

According to Jun Mo's words to seal the marquis' affairs, one general will succeed in ten thousand bones!

After several years, who will still remember them, and who will pay tribute to this wandering ghost between the white mountains and the black waters.

There is no joy of a large number of rewards after the war, no joy of surviving a catastrophe, but only deep sorrow for the dead.

Although compassion does not command soldiers, it is human nature.

Shi Dayong is not a hero of love and righteousness, he is also moved, and he screams to the sky, just for those loyal soldiers who serve the country with death.

He bowed again and again, kowtowed again and again, only to get blood stains on his forehead before he was persuaded by the subordinates who heard the news.

Witnessing the lamentation of the garrison, everyone in Songshan was moved, and countless people shed tears.

Dare I ask the armies of the Ming Dynasty, which one can do such a big gift for these small soldiers who died in battle!

Fairness and peace of mind.

The garrison has tried his best, he didn't get on his horse and run for his life like those dog officials, but he really lived and died with Songshan.

With this general, even death is worth it!

Going into battle to kill the enemy, there is no one who is not dead.

On the day of enlisting in the army, even if he had eaten this bowl of rice, he lived day by day, so he didn't think about the future today. [

If he is really dead, he has also done his loyalty to the emperor, so it is considered that he has eaten the emperor's rations in vain and tarnished the reputation of the official army.

After death, to receive three kneelings and nine kowtows from the garrison, this life is not in vain, this tartar is not in vain killing, and this battle is not in vain.

"My lord, you don't need to be like this. Brothers are grateful for your kindness, and the road to Huangquan is not in vain!" Jiang Wanli looked at Shi Dayong with sighs, he didn't expect this dignified guard to kneel and kowtow.You must know that this is a great gift, and you only worship the heaven, earth, monarchs, and why have you ever worshiped for your subordinates.If it gets out, I'm afraid it will be ridiculed by those scholars as a gift for ignorance of saints.

"Besides paying homage, what else can I do for them? I owe them what I owe them."

Silently got up from the ground, slowly glanced at Huang An and other officers, Shi Dayong suddenly said word by word: "I have made up my mind, I will restrain the dead brothers one by one, and I must return all the dead bodies, so that the souls of the dead can return to their hometowns."

"Come back with a whole body?"

After hearing this order, the subordinates were stunned and looked at Shi Dayong in disbelief.

Ignoring the astonishment of his subordinates, Shi Dayong said emphatically: "Even if it's just one finger, I have to find it for my brothers!"


Huang An and Shao Wu looked at each other in blank dismay. The corpses in this hot weather would not be able to be kept. It would take less than a day for them to germinate. By then, they would be rotting corpses. Where can I find the coffin where the dead body is placed?

These are seven or eight hundred people, not seven or eight. Where did Songshan get the money to buy coffins for them? Even if they had the money, where would they go to buy them?

Master Shi has a good heart, and he wants to bring the brothers back to their roots, but it is really unrealistic to travel thousands of miles.

If anyone dared to accept this, all the generals looked bitter, but seeing the seriousness on the guard's face, no one dared to speak.

In the end, Jiang Wanli, who followed halfway, opened his mouth. He said to Shi Dayong:

"My lord, it's the scorching heat, and it's not easy to preserve the corpse. This place is very close to our Songshan Mountain, but only sixty or seventy miles away. Everyone hurriedly can always transport the corpse back before it rots, but the brothers come from all over the place, just me. As far as the brothers from the Cavalry Battalion are scattered outside the pass, not to mention that the Second Wuyong Battalion was brought from within the pass by the adults, if you want to transport the whole body back, it will be a thousand miles to transport the corpse, and the cost will not be small."

Speaking of this, seeing that Shi Dayong was unmoved, Jiang Wanli had no choice but to persuade him again: "Many brothers are separated from each other, half of their bodies are more, and there are not a few with their intestines on the ground. The corpses are mixed together, it is really difficult to make up the whole, even if we can't argue, in the final analysis, it is better to bury the brothers nearby, and it is better to be buried in the ground."

Hearing what Jiang Wanli said, Huang An quickly echoed: "Yes, yes, what Jiang Qianzong said is very true, and the last general agrees to bury him nearby."

Shao Wu also said: "My lord's wishes, my brothers have accepted them, but we really don't have the ability to return the whole body. It is also a common practice to bury the body nearby. Brothers, I will not blame you if you are in the world."

Shi Hai, Guo Er and others also agreed with the generals one after another, saying that it is not advisable to transport corpses for thousands of miles.Even Guo Yi, who always listened to Shi Dayong's words the most, shook his head, and Li Dashan, with the support of the fifth and sixth sons, hesitated and said that it would be better to bury him nearby.

At first, Shi Dayong just listened quietly, but when he heard that none of his subordinates agreed with him, he couldn't help but get angry, suppressed his anger, and asked: "Okay! You all said that it is not advisable to transport corpses for thousands of miles. The official asks you, if you are the one who died, do you wish to return to your homeland or would you like to be buried in this foreign land forever, and your relatives will not even see you for the last time!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was startled. Immediately, you looked at me and I looked at you. After a while, they all lowered their heads subconsciously.

Ye Luo returns to her roots, and after her death, she is buried next to her parents' graves, and her children and grandchildren receive a piece of paper money and incense in Qingming. I ask, who wouldn't want to. [

It's just that it's someone else who died, no matter how painful it is in my heart, it's hard to think of myself. In order to save trouble, I am naturally willing to bury the dead brother nearby.But ask yourself, do they really have the heart to see these brothers buried in this foreign land?

The silence of his subordinates made Shi Dayong feel more and more that he was right. He should transport the bodies of these soldiers who died in battle back to their hometowns and hand them over to their relatives.

Although he died in battle, he also died in a foreign land. The Chinese, speaking of a leaf falling back to its roots, will still have the righteous deed of transporting corpses thousands of miles away in later generations, not to mention that this ancient custom still exists today.

"I don't care what you think. In short, these brothers came here with me, Shi Dayong, so I have to send them home. I can't send back the living, but I must send them back with their corpses and souls. Only when I personally hand it over to their relatives, will my heart be at ease!"

"Don't give me any reason, no matter how difficult it is to get it together, no matter how difficult it is to get it together, no matter how difficult it is to get lucky! If you don't want to do it, I will do it myself!"

The words are categorical, and no one can object anymore.After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards the dead Lao Zhou, bent down gently, carried Lao Zhou's body on his shoulders, and walked step by step towards the carriages transporting grain.

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