However, unlike Shi Dayong, Jiang Wanli, Li Dashan, Cao Bianjiao and other generals still recognized the performance of the Sichuan army, thinking that compared with those captured soldiers, these Sichuan troops could still barely fight.

They were happy, but Shi Dayong was not happy. Sure enough, the coach and the general looked at the problem from a very different angle.As the commander, he was more interested in the loyalty of the troops, and as a general, he was more concerned about whether the soldiers could be drawn out to fight.Regardless of who these Sichuan soldiers take orders from, just because of their combat effectiveness, this group of Sichuan soldiers can't really be called an elite army. It's far from the strong army in Shi Dayong's mind.

Optimistically, the two thousand Sichuan troops were able to fight against the bandits, and they were stronger than Kong Youde's gang of mobs, but they were certainly inferior to the Dongjiang Liao soldiers, the main force of the rebel army, let alone the tigers standing outside the pass. Eight Banners of Manchuria.

The reason why Jiang Wanli and the others were happy was not because they picked the tallest of the bunch of dwarfs. After all, the two thousand Sichuan soldiers were much stronger than those captive soldiers. Much better.They still know what the banner is to advance, what the banner is to retreat, what is the front army to the rear army, and what the rear army to the front army.As for other aspects, the proficiency in the use of firecrackers should also be an advantage.

Up to now, some of the captive soldiers are not sure enough about the weight of the gunpowder. During the gunshot training the day before yesterday, there was a guy who exploded his gun because he was loaded too much. He almost lost his eyes. . [

This accident made Shi Dayong suddenly think of the necessity of custom-loading gunpowder, that is, to change the current method of loading gunpowder, and use quantitative gunpowder weighing bags, standard equipment, so that soldiers will not be too afraid to rush around on the battlefield. Or more gunpowder, resulting in bombing or weakening the power.However, Shi Dayong didn't know how to pack the gunpowder, but one person might think that this person was Ma Zhong who stayed behind in Jinzhou with Huang An.

Before joining the army, Ma Zhong was a firearms craftsman in Jinyiwei Nanzhen Fusi. He is much more familiar with firearms than Shi Dayong. He first came to this era that day, and he wanted to apply the advanced technologies of later generations to this era in advance, such as steelmaking, With the help of Ma Zhong, the experiments of changing guns to guns all declared "failure".

But this failure was caused by Shi Dayong's impracticality. He ignored the hardware conditions provided by the law of this era, and if he pursued what he thought was an advanced technology based on an unrealistic basis, he would naturally fail.No matter when you are divorced from reality, no matter how advanced your technology is, no matter how superior your theory is, it is doomed to fail.

However, relying on Ma Zhong's familiarity with firearms, he must be able to help Shi Dayong solve the problem of custom-packing gunpowder. After all, this problem is quite practical and feasible, and the operation is much simpler.

If the fixed gunpowder can be realized, it will not only reduce unnecessary explosion accidents, but also greatly shorten the firing time of the gunpowder.

On the battlefield, at the moment when the two armies are fighting, being able to fire the firecrackers in their hands a second faster is obviously of great significance to an army.

Soon, the custom-packed gunpowder took root in Shi Dayong's heart like a seed, and he started to implement it when Ma Zhong arrived.In fact, if he knew that there were Western firearms experts and Portuguese instructors he wanted in Dengzhou City, which is currently occupied by the rebels, and there are even two machine tools imported from Macau that specialize in the production of high-quality gun barrels, he might not be able to sleep at this time. up.

The matter of custom-made gunpowder has been temporarily shelved because Ma Zhongren has not yet arrived, and Shi Dayong's current focus is to solve the matter under his nose.

Since he had borrowed these two thousand soldiers, Shi Dayong had no intention of returning them, he was training them wholeheartedly as his own soldiers and horses, which can be seen from the fact that he has been very diligent about the training these days.

Thinking about the performance of the Wuyong Second Battalion that he personally trained in Songshan that day in the battle of Daling River, and looking at these Sichuan troops who were barely able to fight, Shi Dayong was naturally dissatisfied.

Two things must be resolved at the moment. One is how to improve the combat effectiveness of the two thousand Sichuan troops as soon as possible.The second thing is to let them know who to fight for and whose orders they should obey.

If these two matters are not resolved, all the money and food invested by Shi Dayong will be in vain.If the two thousand Sichuan soldiers were really usable, Deng Ke and Wang Hong probably wouldn't be so quick to lend them to themselves.In the final analysis, these two thousand Sichuan soldiers are actually abandoning the army, which is similar to the current situation of his Jinzhou army. I'm afraid that if you beat them to death, you won't agree, no matter how much money you paid for them, and how you call yourself a brother.In this world, can something that touches people's hearts and saves their lives succeed?

To put it bluntly, the two thousand Sichuan soldiers lent to Shi Dayong were actually useless useless soldiers. The only advantage of these useless soldiers was that they had received some military training and were no strangers to firearms.This benefit also made Jiang Wanli, Li Dashan and others very happy when they accepted the firecracker shooting drill required by the Jinzhou Army, and they had an optimistic idea that the army could use it.

However, if he really took them to the battlefield like this, then Shi Da is brave enough to be sure that even Kong Youde, not to mention the Jiannu bandits in the future, can kill himself, and even the Beijing camp led by Gao Qiqian can easily defeat him , not to mention the ancestors who had the hatred of killing brothers and fathers with him.

Their trip to the battlefield will be like those captive soldiers in the First Battle of Xiaoguantun, they will collapse upon hearing the sound.

Now that the soldiers are borrowed, they must be trained to be elite and become an army that can be drawn out to fight at any time and is not afraid to fight any enemy.Otherwise, what's the use of it, do you think there is too much money and no land to spend?

But what can be done to make these Sichuan soldiers truly integrate into the Jinzhou Army, truly see themselves as part of the Liao Army and his subordinates Shi Dayong, instead of still thinking of themselves as the Sichuan Army and as "guests" What about the army? [

This problem tormented Shi Dayong for two days, and finally he came up with a solution, which was to break the original organizational system of the second battalion in Chongqing and Chengdu, and select relatively strong ones to form a single battalion, and distribute the rest to the worst batch. It was classified as an auxiliary army and used as a heavy battalion.

As long as the original establishment of the Sichuan Army is broken and they actively or passively accept everything from the Jinzhou Army, this centripetal force and cohesion can be slowly generated, and then their combat effectiveness and loyalty can be improved.However, there is an obstacle to this plan, and that is the attitude of Deng Ke and Wang Hong.

Deng Ke may be easier to talk about, after all, he is a brother who has been worshiped, and besides, he has already said it through, and he has never thought of taking this soldier back.However, Wang Hong never said from the beginning to the end that he should not return the troops, and from the beginning of the borrowing of soldiers, Wang Hong said that he could borrow these soldiers, but he had to let them form a battalion of their own, which is also the two battalions of Chengdu and Chongqing. The origin of the camp number.At that time, Shi Dayong didn't think so much, he just wanted to borrow soldiers immediately, so he promised that he would not break up and mix with his own soldiers and horses.Now he wants to break his promise to break the establishment of the two battalions, which is hard to say.

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